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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. 29 minutes ago, Azz said:

    I'm still wondering where major and minor crests come in to play. Like do they inherit the major crests of their house once they ascend as the leader, therefore implying their parents maybe have to die? Cause if that's the case, Felix is probably an orphan. I dunno, I still don't understand the point of having major and minor crests tbh when just a crest would suffice that just shows the next in line of succession.

    I think it's a reference to holy blood in Genealogy of the Holy War. Nobody knows if they'll receive a major crest or minor crest. Once you're born, your crest status is decided: major, minor or none.

    Having a major crest grants the user more power than normal. In Genealogy, major holy blood lets them use their legendary weapons. As such, people will naturally prefer having a major crest. But sometimes they can't choose if all they have is a minor crest.

  2. Dang, there's a lot of neat details in there.

    The legendary heroes are called the 10 Elites. So 10 Greats was close.

    Heh, the mystery crest turned out to be anticlimactic, unless that's still not the true form.


    Also, not sure if already pointed out, but we know Byleth's sword too. Matches with the leaks.

  3. 3 minutes ago, DuckPhoenix said:

    I don't know if anyone pointed it out and if it is important, but I just read the analysis by @VincentASM (thank you for that) and instead of a "fell stone" both the German and French version use translations for a "fell star". I think it changes the connections to that phrase a little.

    If someone already pointed it out, then I am sorry. 😅

    Thanks, that's very helpful.

    It's hard for me to hear sometimes, especially when there is a lot of sound effects and stuff ^^

  4. 20 minutes ago, Lord_Grima said:

    So just did a quick analysis, picking up some main details (I'll let others do the full in-depth one), but I want to show a few things.

    It appears all the main characters get a new weapon after the time skip. Dimitri's looks like bone or something, but the main attraction is the stone in the middle. It looks like the stone we saw in the Feb Direct, but it appears to have Dimitri's Crest, or the Crest of Blaiddyd.

    Next we have Claude.

    Claude's Bow also appears to be made of bone and contains a Crest Stone, most likely the Crest of Riegan.

    Edelgard gets a different weapon. Its an ornate sword, reminds me of the Beloved Zofia. This sword bears the Crest of Seiros, which makes sense for Edelgard, but why is the sword not made of Bone like the others? Maybe she also has an axe?

    And could her sword be the same that Seiros is using in her fight with Nemesis(?)?

    And is this the same sword that Catherine wields?

    OK, which poor dragon did they carve all these special weapons from?

  5. Famitsu 30th May Issue

    Key details:

    • Mysterious "Flame Emperor" and "Reaper Knight" harbour a grudge against the monastery.
    • When fighting with nearby allies, they can boost your combat stats via a Co-ordinated Attack.
    • If using a Gambit under the above conditions, it becomes a Co-ordinated Gambit instead.
    • The three house leaders have an exclusive Lord intermediate class.
    • Weekend activities include fishing, training with teachers, tending to a greenhouse, dining, etc.

    My analysis



    • When a character fights an enemy, up to 3 nearby allies can join in for a Co-ordinated Attack.
    • Allies must be able to target the enemy from their current position.
    • A Co-ordinated Attack boosts the attacking character's combat stats (eg. Hit rate).


    • Likewise, if a character triggers a Gambit with up to 3 nearby allies, a Co-ordinated Gambit will occur.
    • This boosts the Gambit's power relative to the participating allies' support levels.
    • Since Gambits have very limited uses, it's a good idea to use Co-ordinated Gambits whenever possible.


    • You can assign Assistants to characters, depending on the protagonist's Instructor Level.
    • At the start, you can only assign one Assistant for the whole group.
    • Assistants automatically participate in Co-ordinated Attacks.
    • They also have a chance of performing a follow up attack, guard or beginning-of-phase recovery.
    • It seems Assistants cannot fight directly. So this is basically the Pair Up system.


    • After Beginner classes, characters can class-change to Intermediate classes from Level 10.
    • These include Lord, which is exclusive to the three House Leaders.
    • By the way, characters can equip most weapons in any class, but some classes are better with certain weapons.
    • Magic is restricted by class (typically magic classes and Commoner/Noble), while Gauntlets are only for foot-based classes.
    • Other Intermediate classes include Thief, Knight, Pegasus Knight and Archer.


    • During the weekend, you can freely explore the monastery and spend time with various side-activities.
    • There's fishing, which lets you earn ingredients.
    • In the mess hall, you can use ingredients to cook meals to temporarily boost stats and support points.
    • You can take lessons from teachers to boost the protagonist's Professor Levels.
    • There are quests available from bulletin boards around the campus.
    • Also, there's a greenhouse where you can grow crops, to use as ingredients, or flowers to give as gifts.


    • Alternatively, there are weekend classes where you can learn alongside your students.
    • You can choose any of the instructors, including Alois and Catherine, who are presumably from the Knights of Seiros.
    • You can choose yourself as an instructor too.
    • This lets you boost two Professor Levels at once.


    • Finally, you can venture, sortie, sally forth etc. This is where the optional skirmishes are.
    • If playing Normal difficulty, there is always a skirmish that costs nothing. Otherwise, you need to expend your gauge.
    • Paralogues are available from here. These involve your students--and occasionally students from other houses.
    • There may be deadlines for paralogues.
  6. Famitsu 15th May Issue

    Key details:

    • Characters can equip personal, class and professor skills.
    • Battalions can be hired from the Knight's Guild. They give stat boosts and let you use Gambits.
    • Gambits are limited use commands with special effects and can also negate counter-attacks.
    • There is a calendar system in place. Each chapter/act is one month. At the end of a month is a mandatory battle.

    My analysis



    • Skills are divided into three types.
    • Personal skills are unique for each character. Only one may be equipped (and cannot be unequipped).
    • Class skills are tied to class. Up to 3 can be present at once.
    • Professor skills are learned by developing professor levels (aptitudes). You can freely assign up to 5.


    • Battalions are the troops that accompany each character in battle.
    • They can be equipped and hired from the Knight's Guild.
    • Each battalion provides certain stat boosts and a special Gambit.
    • You need to raise your Authority level to equip better Battalions.


    • Gambits can be used if a character has a Battalion equipped. They have a very limited number of uses.
    • Depending on the Gambit, they can have offensive or supportive effects.
    • Gambits ignore enemy counter-attacks and some can target multiple enemies at once.


    • In the academy section, you progress through a calendar.
    • The game is divided into months. Each month is a chapter/act with a mandatory mission at the end.
    • During weekdays, you teach your students, by creating lesson plans.
    • When it's the weekend, you can freely explore the monastery, engage in side-activities and whatnot.
  7. Famitsu 25th April Issue

    Key Details:

    • You can rewind time during battles, just like Mila's Turnwheel in Echoes.
    • Normal and Hard difficulty confirmed, Classic and Casual are both in.

    My analysis



    • During battles, you can rewind time when things go wrong or you want to try something different. I've tentatively called it "Skyrending Pulse".
    • In the screenshots, it seems you can use it up to 3 times per battle (but we don't know if you can increase its limit like in Echoes).


    • By increasing a character's Professor Levels (aptitudes), they can learn skills like Axe Level 2.
    • Bow users can learn Close Counter, which functions like in Heroes (can counter-attack at melee range).


    • Characters begin life in the Commoner or Noble class. Essentially a trainee class.
    • They can then class-change to Beginner classes from Level 5. These include Myrmidon, Soldier, Fighter and Monk.
  8. 5 hours ago, Thane said:

    I wonder if E3 will just recap information we already know through Famitsu or the Japanese Twitter, or if we'll get something more meaty to discuss.

    I have a feeling it'll be half-half. Hopefully they're smart to add in some new info for Japanese fans who read Famitsu, considering E3 is advertised in Japan as well.

    But for the rest of us, they'll probably discuss the class-change system, time-rewinding, battalions and the assist system. As in the gameplay stuff people wanted to know about earlier XD

    I'd love it if they dropped a completely unexpected bomb or two. Like teasing a 2nd generation or the return of a major character, like Marth or Ike. I doubt that would happen though.

  9. 43 minutes ago, Moonlit Knight said:

    Honestly, I'm expecting them to just go with Ignacio in the English version since that's a much more common name.

    So far, they haven't changed any names; my gut feeling is they want to keep parity with the Japanese version. This even extends to the Flame Emperor, who I thought would have a less Engrishy name.

    I do think Ignace might have a very slightly different spelling, but in line with the Japanese kana. Ignaz is a legitimate translation. Another one I found is Ignác, but they rarely have accents in character names (weapon names are a different story though).

    Actually, I forgot where Ignace came from...

  10. Oh yeah, that was probably a poor choice of words. I think skills might be a better word? You can have some natural skill but you can still develop it.

    I like the idea of not fussing over the details. To be honest I am somewhat of a perfectionist so it irks me when my works aren't good enough for me or when I look back at older works and I see all the glaring mistakes.

    But if you keep focusing on trying to be perfect, it stunts your growth and morale. That's why I often sketch random stuff for fun. Often, these random sketches I like better than my serious pieces or I may use them as a base for digital art.

    Also, for lighting, I probably wouldn't recommend this as I struggle myself. But I like to work backwards by fully shading the art, then using the eraser to rub out the shading as if it's a light source. This is probably only feasible using software though.

  11. I'm no expert, but tools are pretty important in any field. As in they can help a ton. But more importantly, you need the talent and practice.

    The main thing I would suggest is to look for references and guides and also study other peoples' artwork. Don't be shy to ask for feedback as well! If you're worried about your work being torn apart, just say so ^^

    I'm not sure how long you've been drawing, but usually these things take (a lot of) practice. Thinking back, I think I started nearly two decades ago and I've only just gained the confidence to start posting my artwork again XD

    That's probably a very extreme case though.

    As for your erasers running out, it depends on what you're using them for. If it's just for rough sketches, I would try to conserve your erasers and leave in pencil lines unless they are really in the way.

    Maybe you could consider transitioning to digital art if you keep making mistakes or are unsure about things. I'm pretty indecisive and end up undoing or redoing large portions of artwork (like redoing the line art and colours) and doing it on my PC is so much easier.

    Hope that helps somewhat.

  12. Thanks to the most recent Famitsu issue, we got a full map of the monastery. So I tried to pin down some locations we've seen. There's nothing really mind-blowing, but it's interesting to see where some places are.


    There are a few places like from the very first trailer that I didn't put anywhere because I wasn't sure.

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