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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. 6 minutes ago, Jakalak said:


    So the latest issue of the Nintendo Dream magazine comes with some cipher cards and Three Houses posters... but if you zoom in on the character poster you can see three character portraits we have yet to be shown.

    Oh, nice one. I didn't think they'd have anything new, haha.

    Two of them look like the guy with white eyes and maybe the guy with black eyes? The girl with pointy ears or hair is definitely new though.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Onestep said:

    If Hero is gender-locked, and gets Swordfaire, that seems a bit unfair towards Female Byleth. Given that Byleth's prf is a Sword, Swordfaire seems like a bread and butter skill to aim for, and this effectively gives Male Byleth +5 Mt. But I think we've seen both genders in the Mercenary class, so I doubt it'll be an issue.

    Ohhhhhh, I think made a grave mistake.

    I think the "Hero" class is Byleth's exclusive Advanced class like how the house leaders got exclusive Noble classes for Intermediate.

    That's why Hero is missing in Edelgard's class list. It also explains how female Byleth gets Swordfaire. But I need to check other characters' class lists now.

    EDIT: Oh nevermind, Ferdinand has access to Hero. In which I have no idea XD

  3. 25 minutes ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    I wholeheartedly expect some specific weapons to have unique combat arts exclusive to a weapon(specifically the Hero Relics). Claude is totally gonna have a combat art with the Riegan Bow which allows him to shoot red lasers from it like in the trailer. We haven't seen any from Byleth and the Sword of the Creator yet but maybe after they unlock the Crest Stone they get a unique combat art - as in the gameplay we've seen they still have a hole in the middle of the blade.

    There's Ruptured Heaven, which could be unique. It has dragon effectiveness too, which is usually a big deal.

    Yeah, I'm curious about the hole. At the start, I thought you could customise its crest stone. But maybe it has a crest stone that you simply can't see?

  4. 2 hours ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    What are the Faire skills gonna do in this game considering we've already gotten weapon proficiency skills in the Professor Level slots; and I'm confused why Hero gets swordfaire even though presumably Swordmaster is also a 3rd tier class(going off the sprites).

    Oh yeah, Hero getting Swordfaire does seem unusual, but it does seem to match despite the super blurry image. Guess we'll find out tomorrow.

    Maybe that's not Hero and actually the Swordmaster? But it looks more like a Hero to me. That or Swordmaster also gets Swordfaire or something different like boosted Critical.

    In the past, Swordmaster has been the sword expert class but Hero used to fulfill a similar role in the first few games.

    Also, it seems the armoured class might actually be Fortress and not Phalanx. After staring a bit, I can see the first two symbols are Fo and not Fa. Then the rest kinda fits into place.

  5. Here's my analysis from the main site:

    Looking at the preview, I believe the featured Combat Arts are Wrath Strike (Sword), Back Blow (Gauntlet; seems to work like Hit and Run in Heroes), one I can’t see (used by Dedue and does 34 damage) and Curved Shot (Bow).

    Meanwhile the featured Advanced Classes appear to be Hero (sported by male Byleth), Phalanx (the armoured one), Paladin (on horseback), a Gauntlet(?) class I can’t put a name to, Warlock (with black robes) and what looks like Bishop (with white robes).

    These classes all have 2 Class Abilities, with the exception of Paladin and Bishop, which have 3. The text is too small for me to make out, but I’m guessing Hero has Swordfaire, Paladin has Lancefaire, the Gauntlet class has Gauntletfaire and Warlock has Blackmagicfaire or whatever it’ll be localised into.

    In the bottom-left corner, there’s an introduction to Hero Relics, which is probably the same one from the official Twitter account. Meanwhile, in the bottom-right corner, there’s a blurb about Byleth’s Sword of the Creator. In particular, I think it’s talking about its number of uses and a possible way to repair or even auto-repair it. It’s really hard to see.

  6. 18 minutes ago, The DanMan said:

    Can anybody look at this and try to decipher if Hero and Bishop or whatever are gender exclusive?

    It will be in the description by the side of the screenshot and that's really blurry.

    I can barely make out the class names.

    I can definitely see Paladin. I think the armoured one is Phalanx. The black robe one night be Warlock and white robe seems like Bishop.

    Left of Phalanx I can't tell but it's probably Hero? It has two kanji symbols that might be Yuusha. No idea what the Gauntlet (?) class is called.

  7. 1 hour ago, Corrobin said:

    Hopefully the new Mercurial Gauntlet will help give the game a minor kick in the pants.

    I think it'll be something to pass the time (and get nice rewards), but it's not gonna be a major game-changer.

    From what I understand, it seems to be a purely DPS battle (you just need to attack and don't need to focus on dodging or any kind of strategy). That said, the explanation of it was kinda confusing.

    I'm still hoping we get those randomly-generated dungeons, but they've been MIA for a long time now.

  8. Yeah, the wait seems kinda long this time. But at least they're teasing us with the Log-in Bonus.

    The thing to remember is that not everyone plays the game religiously and personally I think that down-time can be beneficial as well. Gives you a chance to have a break and play other games. Or do other stuff. Maybe they had E3 in mind when spacing events out?

    @Interdimensional Observer

    Void Battles are mainly tougher battles in-between Imperial Onslaught and Advanced Dragon Trials. Gives you something extra to do.

    The weapons for the most part are inferior to core weapons, but you need some Void weapons to defeat certain Void bosses. Also, there are 5-star Void weapons (from Void Poseidon etc.) that deal more damage to the high dragons. But if you have a 5-star core weapon, you generally don't need those.

  9. 9 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

    Mounted magic classes are a curious topic. I've heard differing theories about whether they will exist or not. Some people say only magic classes (mages, priests, dark mages etc) can use magic, and we haven't seen any advanced classes that would use magic by default so either they don't exist or magic isn't as exclusive as we currently believe. I sure want to believe there will be though. Especially with such a flexible class system, it would be downright bizarre if all non-infantry mages were removed from the game.

    There are two Advanced classes that could use magic at the very end of the list. Looks like a Sage and Bishop to me.

    The big question is what kind of Ultimate/Supreme classes exist? Will there be Mage Knight, Dark Flier and/or Baron (so we can wield magic while riding, flying or armoured)? Or a class that excels in dark magic (since there doesn't seem to be one in the Advanced tier)?

  10. Personally, I'm really glad broken weapons are returning. But I hope they become unequipped when they break or at least they don't have 99 Weight or something, making your character a liability when their weapon breaks during the enemy phase ^^;;;

    I always tried to preserve rarer weapons and often hung onto low use ones to repair them later with Hammerne etc. But I was always paranoid I'd accidentally let them completely break and vanish.

    Anyway, I think this system is a really good middle ground. You still have to think about conserving weapons somewhat, but you don't need to go too crazy. Fates was kinda overly complicated with "feel free to use any weapon, oh this weapon is stronger but has ABCD drawbacks". While Echoes was just equip whatever is strongest.

  11. 16 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:

    I think they already rectified it, I slowed it down as much as possible and saw nothing.

    It's still there. The video hasn't been re-uploaded and I doubt they'd do that for something this minor. It's literally a few frames and very easy to miss on YouTube.


    Basically, it's the game auto-equipping an item after using the trade function, like in earlier games. Since stealing is the same as trading.

    Also, that's a Leather Shield, in case anybody was wondering. For now, it seems like they're going for Echoes's shield system. Huh, that's yet another thing they're borrowing.

  12. By the way, does the first 10 seconds or so of the video stutter terribly for everyone, or just me?

    I imagine the spell list is somewhat unique for each character as well. Like in Echoes. Heck, it seems even Combat Arts might have variations.

    Hopefully I can data-mine that info on day 1.

  13. Everything points to Byleth having a fixed appearance. He/she appears in several pre-rendered cutscenes. Plus what various media outlets have said.

    You can change his/her name. Famitsu says that Byleth is their "default name". They wouldn't say that unless you could change it. Also, nobody calls him/her by name in dialogue. It's always "teacher". So there's no problem if he/she has a variable name.

  14. 17 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

    I suspect characters will be able to upgrade their crests. Almost all the characters have minor crests and without Genealogy style eugenics, I can't see a point in having those characters stuck with minor crests the entire game.

    Yeah, I know what you mean.

    Plus Byleth can upgrade his/her crest from ??? to Flames. That said, their crest was a major one to begin with--and it's a special one too. So it's hard to say.

    It'd be nice if we got to see the crest menu...

  15. 9 minutes ago, Dorothea Joestar Arnold said:

    I personally hope the Timeskip portion is longer than 12 chapters I feel there's enough to warrant at least more than the school portions 12 maybe 18 chapters for it. Also hope for a NG+ feature I feel that's long overdue at this point for the series.

    I want a NG+ just so we can carry over our gauge/action point levels.

    I have a feeling the second half will be just as long or even longer. It kinda feels like the academy is a really long prologue, like Lyn's story.

  16. 1 minute ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    But now it seems that minor crest bearers can wield the legendary weapons? I wonder what the gameplay advantage of a major crest is - I'd imagine it'd be those supposed activation skills that we've seen both Byleth and Felix perform.

    I think there was something mentioned in the leaks, but I'm a bit lazy and short on time to look XD

    There was a pretty well-known Genealogy hack that let you use legendary weapons with minor blood, but the stat boosts were cut in half. I think it'd be cool if it worked like that. It always seemed weird that minor blood carriers couldn't even touch their weapons.


  17. I thought it'd be useful to have a new topic to keep things separate, so it's easier to look for things and discuss.

    --> Link to video <--


    Day 2 of Treehouse Live starts in roughly 45 mins from this post, unless my calculations are messed up.

    We know FE will be the first featured game, from here.

    I'm guessing we'll be shown the battle and academy parts from near the start of the game. I wonder if they'll sneak in some post-timeskip stuff...?

    If you missed it, Gamespot has some English gameplay footage, which you can watch here (and find my analysis).

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