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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. I'm hoping the budding talents may change things around. Hubert gets Frozen Lance, which is pretty nifty. But can't find any clues at the moment...

    But I did find the skill level data.

    So the skill level page has been updated.

    You can switch between the proficiency view and the initial value view. If there are any errors, please let me know. It's possible I typo'd or put something in the wrong place. Hopefully not though!

    There's skill level data for Jeralt and Rhea, but I honestly dunno if they are playable. I guess it could be used for faculty training?

  2. I believe this is the support list. But I'm not 100% sure.

    Technically, this is a list, rather than a typical support chart. So support conversations only appear in the table once. Eg. if there's a Felix support listed in Dimitri's row, that support won't appear in Felix's row.

    Character Supports
    Byleth Everyone Rhea Sothis            
    Edelgard Dimitri Claude Hubert Ferdinand Linhardt Caspar Bernadetta Dorothea Petra
      Hanneman Maneula Lysithea            
    Dimitri Claude Dedue Felix Ashe Sylvain Mercedes Annette Ingrid Raphael
      Marianne Flayn Gilbert Alois Catherine        
    Claude Annette Ingrid Petra Lorenz Raphael Ignatz Lysithea Marainne Hilda
      Leonie Flayn Shamir Cyril          
    Hubert Ferdinand Linhardt Caspar Bernadetta Dorothea Petra Hanneman Shamir  
    Ferdinand Mercedes Linhardt Caspar Bernadetta Dorothea Petra Lorenz Marianne Hilda
      Flayn Manuela              
    Linhardt Annette Caspar Bernadetta Dorothea Petra Hanneman Lysithea Marianne Flayn
    Caspar Ashe Annette Bernadetta Dorothea Petra Raphael Hilda Catherine Shamir
    Bernadetta Felix Sylvain Ingrid Dorothea Petra Raphael Leonie Seteth Alois
    Dorothea Felix Sylvain Ingrid Petra Lorenz Hanneman Manuela    
    Petra Ashe Ignatz Alois Shamir Cyril        
    Dedue Felix Ashe Sylvain Mercedes Annette Ingrid Flayn Gilbert Shamir
    Felix Ashe Sylvain Mercedes Annette Ingrid Lysithea Leonie Seteth Flayn
    Ashe Sylvain Mercedes Annette Ingrid Marianne Gilbert Catherine Cyril  
    Sylvain Mercedes Annette Ingrid Lorenz Lysithea Marianne Hilda Leonie Flayn
    Mercedes Annette Ingrid Lorenz Ignatz Hilda Alois Cyril    
    Annette Ingrid Lysithea Hilda Hanneman Gilbert        
    Ingrid Raphael Ignatz Seteth Catherine          
    Lorenz Raphael Ignatz Lysithea Marianne Hilda Leonie Manuela Catherine  
    Raphael Ignatz Lysithea Marianne Hilda Leonie Flayn Shamir    
    Ignatz Lysithea Marianne Hilda Leonie Flayn Shamir Cyril    
    Lysithea Marianne Hilda Leonie Hanneman Catherine Cyril      
    Marianne Hilda Leonie Hanneman            
    Hilda Leonie Seteth Cyril            
    Leonie Seteth Alois Catherine Shamir          
    Seteth Flayn Hanneman Manuela Catherine Cyril        
    Flayn Maneula                
    Hanneman Manuela Gilbert Alois            
    Manuela Gilbert Alois Cyril            
    Gilbert Alois Catherine              
    Alois Catherine Shamir              
    Catherine Shamir                
    Shamir Cyril                
  3. With the release of Three Houses imminent (and some people already with the game), comes that gargantuan task once again: compiling all the support conversations in the game. From what I've seen, the list of supports is pretty big and might be doubled because of the time-skip.

    Now, I'll try and add what conversations I can, but it's quite a lot of work for one person--and there are many other things I need to do, which others can't, like data-mining the game. Plus I'm sure there will be bunch of excited people who are gonna transcribe the supports anyway.

    The idea is for us to work together to get all of the support conversations on our dedicated wiki. It would help if you had a bit of editing experience and have a wiki account (or would like to request one). But that's not completely necessary.

    If you're interested in helping, please post here with the support conversation(s) that you're planning to transcribe. This should reduce the likelihood of someone else posting the same conversation(s) and wasting your time. The second post will have a list of supports. You can then either post the conversations here for someone to copy over to the wiki, or you can edit the wiki yourself.

    To speed things up, I'm also looking for one or two marshals who can edit the wiki, creating the pages for each character with (pending) links to their supports. Also copying any conversations that other people have posted here. I will explain how to create the pages. If you don't have a wiki account, I can create one for you.

    Also, I will try and find the support conversations from the text dump. So you don't have to write everything by hand. But you may need to format the text, get rid of weird text strings and (very likely) separate the text according to the character who's speaking.

    Any questions, let me know!

  4. 16 minutes ago, Kingkarp said:

    @VincentASM The Nintendo Treehouse E3 Demo footage features Linhardt gaining some stats after class changing to Cavalier.

    Yeah, that's about the only one I remember. Just looking for more examples ^^

    13 minutes ago, Azz said:

    I believe when changing class, you go to the classes base stats however we’ll have to wait for base stats for classes to come out to prove this 

    Well, I'm asking for a reason XD

    It's kinda the other way round; I have some possible candidates for base stats, but I need footage to prove them.

  5. Just now, Lynsanity said:


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    the age of Byleth, Flayn etc

    a story spoiler? Or do those numbers only appear in this datamine?

    I think it's just in the data-mine, but I guess somebody could check.

    Although, actual sort of spoiler...

    The ages for Flayn and Seteth probably don't mean much since they seem to be much older than they look. As in MUCH older.

  6. Here's some other miscellaneous character data. I dunno if any of this can be seen in-game.


    Catherine has Crest of Charon (not a spoiler, I think)
    Jeralt is 45, height 185, has Crest of Seiros
    Rhea is 28, height 17, also has Crest of Seiros
    Sothis is 9 (by appearance), height 135, has Crest of Flames
    Kronya is 18, height 157
    Solon is 73, height 176
    Thales is 48, height 186
    Cornelia is 30, height 168
    Jeritza has Minor Crest of Lamine
    Rodrigue has Minor Crest of Fraldarius
    Nemesis has Crest of Flames

  7. 13 minutes ago, Timlugia said:

    Or it was the red herring, intentionally made to mislead players.

    They wouldn't do that from a marketing standpoint! It's called false advertisement XD

    WIP abilities page

    I couldn't match all the icons. Feel free to poke me if you know which icons are used. Some icons are recycled and there are some leftover icons at the bottom of the page.

    I laughed when I saw MissingNo. in the game.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Timlugia said:

    I found it funny how

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    Church is the least threat to the land and people despite how promotional material keep painting them as the main evil organization.

    Between Edelgard, Nemesis, Those sithth in Darkness or Almyra invasion, church isn't that bad especially if Byleth took over.


    I'm guessing whoever wrote that ad only played or saw one route?

    Anyway, working on the abilities list right now.

    Just to emphasise, there won't be a list of who learns what for a while. Or stuff like growth rates.

    Not until we figure out how these files work. I have a bad feeling all of the important files have been stripped of all information, besides the hard data. So it's nigh impossible to tell what file is what--and what the data inside is. It's not too bad if it's text, but if it's numbers and stuff, ouch.

    In a sense, I guess we're back to the GBA and before days. Except the file size has grown exponentially. Nevermind looking for a needle in a haystack, it's like looking for an ant in a mansion. That said, I think we'll pull through somehow. If we all put our minds to it...

  9. 9 minutes ago, MetalAmethyst said:
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    Is this really everyone?

    Also: WHO ARE SOME OF THESE PEOPLE?! (Not counting the timeskip appearances, and some of the characters we already know about)


    Feel free to point to any characters you're unsure about.

    Rhea's row, between Thales and Death Knight: Cornelia

    Rhea's row, after Lonato: Miklan, Randolph
    Anna's row, after Jeritza: Rodrigue, Judith, Nader, Monica, Lord Arundel, (Tomas), Nemesis, Seiros, young Dimitri, young Edelgard
    New row: Emperor Ionius IX, Duke Aegir, Fleche, Lambert, Metodey, Ladislava, Gwendal, Acheron, Pallardó

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