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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. 4 hours ago, FauxVeritas said:

    Well it's super easy to confirm, I've used female Shez as the guinea pig and removed all the extra stuff from her sheet. It definitely looks a lot cleaner but let me know. I have all the characters up to chapter 8 of Blue Lions done (yes I've only done the ones that currently matter to me, so sue me) I'm just waiting on hopefully getting the last few values I'm missing since it's so easy to change them while it's still a spreadsheet. Those are;

    All the Rally skills (including deluxe rally that may be different), Transmute, Prepared to Die, Impossible Feat, Counterbreak and Goddess's Vessel.

    Also thanks for the update on the growth rate situation 🙂

    When I have more time today (after shopping, work and stuff), I'll hack in those skills and grab the values ^^

    If there's anything else that needs checking, let me know.


    Oh, Transmute is 3 points. Forgot about that.

    Forgot more. Impossible Feat is 25%. Counterbreak is 10.

    I don't have the Rallies or Goddess's Vessel yet. Nor any innate abilities. But I can hack those onto Prologue Shez : P


    Oh, shopping was called off.

    Rally Strength 10
    Rally Deluxe 10
    Goddess's Vessel 50%
    Prepared to Die 25%
    Rally Speed 10
    Rally Resistance 10
    Rally Luck 10
    Rally Charm 10

  2. Hmm, I'm largely undecided right now. Although I am leaning towards slightly too busy. I think it works for the full ability/arts list, where it helps to identify whereabouts you are in the list. But on the character pages, it seems kinda like fluff ^^;

    Also, been banging my head agains the wall, but finally found the character growth rates.

    Progress on the wiki looks pretty good too! I am pretty busy, as expected though, ahaha.

  3. 3 hours ago, FauxVeritas said:


     I'll mention though in making this i discovered there is a combat art and an ability called "Wild Abandon". The Axe combat art is obtained from fortress knight while the ability comes from Brigand. No idea why they would do that but I've confirmed them both in-game so be aware if you happen to be working in those areas.

    Oops. I thought something seemed off, but couldn't place my finger.

    I'll need to double check all my lists...

  4. @FauxVeritas


    Here are some values I gathered from the game:

    Defensive Tactics:30%
    Offensive Tactics: 20%
    Rejuvenation: 800
    Piercing Gaze: 800
    Piercing Cry: 800
    Medical Expertise: 50%
    Item Expertise: 50%
    Lancebreaker: 50%
    Knucklebreaker: 10
    Defiant: 25% for 20
    Vantage: 50%
    Desperation: 50%
    Quick Riposte: 50%
    Wrath: 50%
    Lethality: 0.25
    Pavise: 0.25
    Aegis: 0.25
    Muster: 10
    HP +1000
    HP +1500
    Str +5
    Str +10
    Pomp & Circumstance: 5
    Carpe Diem: 5
    Specials Master: 30

    I don't have Dancer or Enlightened One yet to check theirs.

  5. Ignoring whether this is real or not, with global releases, I'm pretty sure they do the localisation in tandem with development.

    You could see this a bit with Three Houses.

    In one of the Direct trailers, the English footage was clearly from a later build than the Japanese footage. Which makes sense if they took slightly longer to translate the text.

    This also causes some headaches though. Like there's massive amounts of cut English text/voices... Presumably these were going to be implemented, but were removed later in development.

  6. Ta-da! Link here

    Like Three Houses, I didn't check every character. So if you notice any oddities, please let me know!

    This time, I automated a lot of the output, so theoretically errors should be minimal. But I still had to copy and paste a lot of stuff, so there could be c+p errors still (like somebody else's row accidentally showing up).

    Oh, there's also a random(?) chance of an encounter event at the start. I haven't checked too much, but it seems like you get (equal?) support points regardless of the choice. It just seems to alter what dialogue you get. If I'm wrong, give me a shout and I'll try digging around for more data.

  7. 2 hours ago, Anomalocaris said:

    Yeah, I noticed some of the tables' Stat +X abilities were misnamed. Wasn't sure if that was a table generation error or something else.

    We might want to sort the classes into a standardized order, though, or separate them by tier or weapon type.

    It was placeholder data from the demo.

    The learnset order should be tier-based and loosely based on Three Houses. But I wouldn't mind if it was changed.

    I did briefly check the in-game class tree and the order is a bit different there.

  8. 28 minutes ago, Anomalocaris said:

    I've started doing some edits myself. Added a couple more characters to the front page, and added Azure Gleam recruitment conditions to the Blue Lions, Rodrigue, Hapi, Seteth, Flayn, Petra, and Dorothea's character pages. If folks playing Scarlet Blaze and Golden Wildfire would like to copy the templates I used on those pages and add them to characters they recruit on those routes, it'd be appreciated.

    Cheers. Looks good.

    Ah, I forgot to mention I can generate the learnset tables in seconds. But still, good job doing Hapi's ^^

    The other tables need the stat+X abilities renaming though. I may run a script to do it later, but if I'm taking too long, anyone is welcome to change those.

  9. 10 hours ago, bookwormbabe29 said:

    Thanks @VincentASM 

    I've only started to look over them, the first ten pages, and I haven't even found the dialogue yet. I did see something that looks like achievements though, on page 8. Are those in the game? I'll keeping looking, see what else I find.

    Yeah, the achievements are in the game ^^

    No rush, there are LOTS of the text files, haha.

    I think story dialogue starts from 100 or so.

    1 hour ago, yaycupcake said:

    I'd like to help out if I can, though my time is a bit limited.

    Do we know if the gifting mechanics are the same as the previous game? So far it seems that way, so maybe just bringing that info over to start would help?

    Or maybe starting with a page dedicated to the class tree, since that's straightforward enough...

    I'm sure the datamine has stuff to go off of but I haven't looked at it yet.

    No worries. Same here, really.

    Hmm, I imagine it's the same. I don't have the gift info data-mined yet (I have found something similar, but dunno what it is atm). But could probably find it with a few samples.

    50 minutes ago, tipperthescales said:

    I'll probably make the front page's Classes section look something like the game's class tree at some point, but time is as always the kicker.

    Yup, that would be ideal, but perhaps too time-consuming like you said.

    So long as there's at least *something* there, it should be fine ^^

  10. 1 hour ago, Ranadiel said:

    Minor comment on the full game datamine Google spreadsheet, Constance and Balthus appear to be swapped in position in the files used to generate Char. Stats II. Which is not to say that Balthus could not make the Gremory feather boa work, but I don't think he gets one in this game. 😛

    Thanks. It's a minor quirk that I keep forgetting to check.

    8 minutes ago, bookwormbabe29 said:

    Hey there. I know I'm a tad late to the party (depression, yea!) but if there's anything I can do to help, I'd be game. I was actually coming on to see if there was a text/script dump for the game already or should I start writing down main script dialogue/choices down. I used to do that for older GBA games and such, though I have not done so in while. Still, having something to do would be nice for a change. I don't 'think' I have wiki details, but it's been so long I might. I'll look into it, but assume no for now lol. 

    There is a script dump, but it needs formatting and the speakers added.

    If you're curious, I've zipped all the files here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15UvEGUWa-up4r1APVkaYBd0CdqJEWA1J/view?usp=sharing

  11. I am not on Azure Gleam, but I'm guessing she's an automatic recruitment.

    She doesn't appear in the "persuade list".


    Persuade Constance
    Persuade Hapi
    Persuade Ashe
    Persuade Balthus
    Persuade Ignatz
    Persuade Lorenz
    Persuade Raphael
    Persuade Lysithea
    Persuade Marianne
    Persuade Mercedes
    Persuade Shamir
    Persuade Yuri
    Persuade Leonie
    Persuade Petra
    Persuade Dorothea
    Persuade Bernadetta
    Persuade Linhardt
    Persuade the Death Knight

  12. 15 hours ago, Moondrag said:

    Thanks for all the hard work with the datamining. (Deathchaos has mentioned that Koei games are a pain to datamine thanks to their files generally being all in one big file...I know this cause they still do it even for PC versions) Also this is something I noticed, but when you talk to Hubert after beating Chapter 1's battle, if you talk to Edelgard first and check his profile, you get a extra dialogue option that only appears IF you do so (It's also the option that gets you Support points) so there is likely a flag for that. I wonder if there are any other flags like that in the data.

    Ooh, interesting.

    Yeah, there should be stuff like that. If this was a IntSys developed game, it'd be waaay easier to find them (probably in a script file somewhere). Here, I don't think I'll bother trying. Even finding "easy" stuff can take a while (or not happen).

    Oh, it's not that everything is in one big file, but there are hundreds of thousands of largely unnamed files. Even narrowing down the data files, there's around a thousand of those. These files typically have nothing to identify their contents either, unlike the various labels (like PID) that IntSys use.

  13. 57 minutes ago, tipperthescales said:

    I'd be interested to assist, though IRL commitments would probably limit me to an advisory or suggestions role here.

    Don't have a login, and no prior experience with Serenes wiki stuff specifically, but a wiki is a wiki in terms of navigating it. :Lilina:

    I think it'd be good to set up the intro page at least and start chipping in things gradually. Major things to consider off the top of my head:
    - with a few exceptions, I think movesets should be in class groups (especially those in a progression tree). As a result I'd be thinking characters should probably be bundled by affiliation (e.g. Eagles, Lions, Deer) with maybe the lords/Shez on their own page perhaps?
    - do we want GIFs or screenshots of a moveset in action? Ditto action abilities?
    - a lot of the deeper nuances with 3H specific mechanic carryovers may need to have their organisation structured similarly to the site's 3H section.
    - it's important that we do cater this with a more FE directed approach as opposed to a Musou approach given that we're probably going to expect the majority of people coming across from 3H.

    (Also, welcome back!)

    Sure, I'd appreciate any help I can get. So if anyone else is reading and worried they might only contribute one page or, heck, even one line, that's fine by me ^^

    I'll hook you up with a log-in tomorrow.

    Suggestions all sound good to me. For gifs/screenshots, I think something that shows the motions would be ideal (so gif or video). I'll need to double check if the wiki supports gifs though. I have a capture device so I could probably record some movesets, although I kinda suck at Musou gameplay. Maybe I could pester Jedi to help.

    Just now, Armchair General said:

    I might help with the moveset, but I'm not in a position to be sharing screenshots from my Switch. Plus, I'm not entirely sure exactly if I will get this when it launches.

    Just descriptions/explanations will be plenty to get started. Some of us can always add media/screenshots later.

    Feel free to @ me whenever you get the game and you're ready ^^

  14. @Tediz64

    OK, if you don't have a log-in and want one (even just in case), I can send you details tomorrow or something.

    Oh nice, that sounds like a pretty useful compilation of notes.

    Wow, 300 hours of Arceus is a lot, but it makes sense since it's quite an in-depth game when you dig deep into it. Funnily enough, I worked on some guides for Arceus, but nothing too time-consuming IIRC.

    Gotcha. Good pacing is definitely key. I'll be focusing on Three Hopes in my spare time, but I've got Xenoblade 3 to look forward to next month. So it'll be a tight squeeze, especially with work and stuff.

    Cool, I appreciate the help! Yeah, it'd be great if we could build one of the best resources.

    I have a pretty good feeling, thanks to how the demo data-mining went. Although, with regards to the data-mine, there's still lots of data I can't locate due to the limited scope of the demo (and KT's awful file system).

  15. 10 hours ago, Anomalocaris said:

    I do, yes.

    My copy is pre-ordered and I'll pick it up next Friday, though I might not be able to play it (or document things) right away.

    Gotcha. No rush at all ^^

    10 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

    Who are you again?

    I can help, I still have my wiki account from last time. I'll probably play Golden Wildfire first if that helps with anything.

    Awesome. As it happens, (as much as I'd like to) I'll probably be playing a route that isn't Golden Wildfire.

    2 hours ago, Tediz64 said:

    I made a few contributions to the previous FE Warriors (similar to how Anomalocaris jot down notes) with supports as a mechanic and since I am picking up this game, I'd also don't mind chipping in info where I can. But I don't remember my log in info to the wiki at all. 


    My upcoming days off are when I'm going to try out the demo and from there, I'll figure out what players who like FE games would like to know and how we can really fill up the page for it here on SF. I'm sad to this day we still haven't filled out 3 Houses quests tab, paralogues, and more. I don't like fandom's user interface much but they got good data so I gotta go there when looking for stuff. Hopefully we can make a more comprehensive page than them. This UI looks so much more pleasant. I'll try to submit what I can, when I can. 


    Also I remember you. Glad to see ya back.

    Sounds great. Oh, do you still know your wiki log-in details?

    Ahaha, I'd love to fill them out too. Actually, if it's not too late, I might open up those pages to the wiki and let other people take a stab at them.

    Part of the reason I was absent for so long is because I got burned out by Three Houses. I was dumb and took on too much work by myself, similar to FE Fates.

  16. 1 hour ago, Anomalocaris said:

    Well, I helped out with the previous Fire Emblem Warriors title, I wouldn't mind doing it again here.

    I should note that I haven't been involved with the datamine, though, so any contributions I make are liable to just be me jotting things down as I play through the game myself.

    Cool, it'll be great to have your help again. Thanks for your work before as well ^^

    Do you happen to know your log-in details for the wiki?

    Probably mentioned it last time, but IIRC the wiki is bugged and won't send password reset e-mails, so there's no way to recover accounts (but I can make new ones for people who've lost theirs).

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