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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. UpdateLink to wiki section

    Update 2: Text dump

    Hey all!

    Oh, before I begin. Uhhhh, so it's been like 2 years since I've been here. I honestly dunno if anyone remembers or knows me. Also, I'm extremely sorry if I missed anybody's messages. I don't want to go into details right now, but it's my problem, not anybody else's.

    Anyway, onto the main point... As many of you know, Three Hopes is launching next week. So far, there isn't a section for the game on our website, but I'm hoping to fix that.

    Due to various circumstances, I probably won't be able to contribute that much although, knowing me, I might end up doing so anyway. I'll try and pitch in with various data tables (I've gained a bunch of experience via data-mining the demo), but for the most part, I'll need a lot of help with things.

    Similar to the first FE Warriors, I'm thinking we'll use SF's wiki.

    Adding content to the wiki is pretty straightforward, even if you've never used a wiki before. If you can work your way around these forums, you likely have most of the required skills already. That said, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me or any of the other helpers.


    Here's some of the specific stuff I need help with:

    1. People to help format and add the various support conversations from the game (I imagine these will be popular).

    I can help by providing text dumps from the game. These will need editing to remove text codes and stuff (but should be fairly minimal IIRC). Also, the speakers aren't specified, so you'll need to manually assign the dialogue for each character.

    It's probably best if you edit the text dump while reviewing the conversation in the game, unless you're a master detective!

    I can also post text dumps of the supports from the demo if you want a head-start.

    2. This is a huuuuge ask, but if anybody wants to lead or co-lead this project. let me know.

    Truthfully, I don't think there's much benefit to you, but could be good experience/practice, maybe? Since it's still a volunteering role, I wouldn't ask for much. It'd be cool if you could help answer questions and support the other helpers when I'm not around. Otherwise, I'll take what I can get, ahaha.


    If you're interested in helping, please post here. Likewise if you have any general questions or suggestions.

    I'll post some more instructions later on. Otherwise, thanks for looking~

    Update: Quick beginner's guide.


    Creating a SF Wiki Account

    Currently, user sign ups are disabled on the wiki, as a strict measure to stop bots vandalising the wiki (which has happened in the past).

    To sign up, simply post here to register your interest and I'll send you a PM. Alternatively, you can PM me with your desired username on the wiki.

    Beginner's Guide to Editing Wikis

    Note 1: You can also check out the Help section on Mediawiki.

    Note 2: The | symbol is the one to the left of Z on a QWERTY keyboard (you need to press Shift as well).

    1. Editing pages

    You can edit existing pages by going to the page and clicking the "edit" tab along the very top of the page. Likewise, you can create or view discussions, check the page history, etc.

    When editing a page, you should find the editor similar to the one you use for posting on forums, but a bit more simpler. You can use the buttons to bold text, add links etc. or you can manually add formatting yourself.

    Before you become accustomed, you can refer to this cheat sheet for commonly used formatting codes.

    2. Creating and linking to pages

    If you want to create a new page, the best way is to edit an existing page that will link to the new page and create an "empty" or "tentative" link to the new page.

    Green links are pages that exist, while red links are pages that don't exist. Clicking a red link will allow you to create that page.

    You create links by placing [[ and ]] between the name of the page. For example [[Ferdinand]] if you want to create a link to a new page called "Ferdinand".

    Sometimes, the name of the page doesn't really suit as a link (or vice versa) or is ambiguous, in which case you can add | after the name of the page and put the text you want for the link after it. Eg. [[Ferdinand (Three Hopes)|Ferdinand von Aegir!]] will create a link to "Ferdinand (Three Hopes)" and the link will say "Ferdinand von Aegir!".

    3. Managing Tables

    Tables can be tricky beasts at first, but easy to tame once you get the hang of them.

    A typical table may be coded like this:

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    To start a table, use { |. To end it, use | }

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    If you want more columns, simply add more |. Likewise, if you want another row, add another |-.

    You can also add formatting to tables. By default, you should always start a table with


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    Often, you may want the table or columns to have specific widths. Simply add width="N px" or wdith="N%" either after class="sf" or before the column content. For the latter, you'll need to use | as a separator. Eg.

    !width="25%"|Column name

    Additionally, sometimes you may want to collapse multiple rows or columns into one. In these cases, you can add




    before the content in a row or column to make that row or column occupy N rows or columns. Similarly, you need to add a | as a separator. Note that if you occupy multiple rows or columns, you'll have to remove the "absorbed" rows or columns as well. Eg.

    !colspan="2"|Column 1 (occupies 2 columns)
    !Column 2
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    You can also create tables using HTML, but by omitting the tbody tags. Feel free to do this if you're struggling. HTML tables are a bit messier than the wiki ones, but so long as they work...

    4. Other things

    If in doubt, press "Show Preview" to check what your page looks like with your current edits.

    Finally, if you're really unsure about something, just ask in this topic!

  2. 23 hours ago, Kliss1988 said:



    Will we be getting a page on the main site for Three Hopes? Sorry if this was asked before. Just curious as I use this site for all my Fire Emblem needs

    Hi, thanks for asking and no worries.

    I'll try and get something up soon, but can't promise anything at this exact moment.

    Normally, there would be a section for the game, but since it's a spin-off, it's slightly lower priority. More importantly, the game's release clashes with my schedule, so I might not be able to do much.

  3. We officially have some new team members now! @Captain Karnage, @Blaze The Great and (later in June) @Silent Mercenary

    Captain Karnage has offered to mainly help with the Three Houses support conversations, plus the main story.

    Blaze the Great will also be working on the Three Houses supports. So you may want to co-ordinate between yourselves, so you don't get confused ^^

    (I also replied to the Heroes suggestion via PM, but for the time being, we'll be skipping it.)

  4. Hey there! I appreciate your and everyone else's concerns.

    Currently, most of the content that's not on the wiki is managed/written solely by myself and unfortunately I don't have as much time as I used to (although thanks to the pandemic, I have the time but not the motivation).

    Also, I don't currently have Three Houses (the game) on me, so there's only so much I can do.

    If anybody wants to help out, I'd more than appreciate it. Please reply to me here or via PM and I'll try and sort something out soon. You can help out in any capacity that you're comfortable with.

    Oh, if possible, let me know if you have experience with HTML and/or WordPress (not required, but would be useful).

    @Captain Karnage Sorry for the wait, I'll get back to you when I have a bit more time ^^

    Things I definitely need help with:

    Anything Three Houses gameplay-related (because I don't have the game). I can create a skeleton page for the paralogues, but my notes are a mess and I might not have all the details.

    (I am able to data-mine the game, but it's not as easy as previous games because of Koei Tecmo. I think everything I was able to data-mine is already on the website.)

    Updating the names for the Japanese-only games, as there are LOTs of pages to go through. I can probably do some of these myself, but it'll be waaay faster with help!

    Honestly, I probably need help looking up and fixing all the mistakes and errors that have been reported as well. A lot of the games, I'm just plain rusty with now.

    Things I can work on in the near term:

    The skill suggestions info, I was supposed to transfer to the Class-Change page. There would be a link to it from the Class Introduction page, once it was finished.

    Adding the Ashen Wolves (and missing NPCs) to the Character Introductions page.

    Adding a page for Personal Abilities.

    Probably add the world map.

    Recently fixed:

    Bowbreaker (and Tomebreaker) requirements in the Abilities page. I guess there's no way to learn Fistbreaker?

    Probably not gonna happen:

    As Raven mentioned, it would likely be too much effort to update the FE Heroes game page. Plus there are Heroes-focused resource sites that make it redundant. Not quite sure what to do with it right now. Perhaps transforming it into a more general page would be for the best.

  5. On 11/10/2019 at 4:23 AM, Silly said:


    When you get around to adding the data for the new patch on the website, I just want to point out that the playable Death Knight class has a +4 Strength modifier instead of the +3 modifier that is listed on the website currently. All the other modifiers should be the same as what is currently listed on the website.

    Thanks! I might have forgotten to check otherwise ^^;

  6. 13 minutes ago, Gordin said:

    Rip Flying mage Linhardt :/. Is there any possibility of future new master classes in the data? Like placeholders/Dummies or whatnot? Or are these the only ones? Thanks!

    There are more placeholders, but they don't look like they're playable. Seem like NPC/enemy/event classes. (For example, they don't have mastered abilities/arts.)

    0x58 is a dummy Demonic Beast.
    0x59 is a foot magic Advanced class.
    0x5A looks like a Noble/Commoner placeholder.
    0x5B is playable Death Knight.
    0x5C is a dummy Demonic Beast.
    0x5D to 0x63 are 7 Noble/Commoner placeholders.

    The number of placeholders doesn't really matter too much, I think. Before this update, the four unreleased DLC classes were spare Demonic Beasts. For the update, they added about 10 extra slots (from 90 to 100) at the end of the list, out of nowhere.

    Also, I forgot about the certification ranks.


    Class 0x54 (probably Trickster)

    Sword B, Faith B

    Class 0x55 (War Monk/Cleric-like class)

    Brawling B+, Faith C+

    Class 0x56 (Dark Flier?) - Seems to be female-only

    Reason B+, Flying C

    Class 0x57 (Mage Knight?) - Could also be female-only, but I'm not really sure (doesn't really make sense unless it's a Valkyrie or something, but it has Dark Magic Range +1)

    Reason B, Riding B

  7. Some more info about the unreleased classes. If there's anything you want to know that I haven't posted, let me know. Otherwise, I'll be compiling everything for an article on Sunday or Monday.

    Class 0x54 (probably Trickster)

    Abilities: Locktouch, Stealth, New1
    Mastered: Desperation

    Class 0x55 (War Monk/Cleric-like class)

    Abilities: Fistfaire, Unarmed Combat, Heal
    Mastered: Terrain Resistance

    Class 0x56 (Dark Flier?) - Seems to be female-only

    Abilities: Canto, Black Tomefaire, New2
    Mastered: Defiant Mag

    Class 0x57 (Mage Knight?)

    Abilities: Canto, Black Magic Range +1, Dark Magic Range +1
    Mastered: Fiendish Blow

  8. I'm still digging through the new files and I haven't really checked the discussions much. Have we covered the possible new DLC classes leaked via the new update?

    It seems we're getting four new Advanced classes that can wield magic. No names are available, but pretty much everything else is.

    I'll just post the growth rates and skill bonuses for now.

    0x54 Foot magic Advanced, Sword +3, Reason +1, Faith +2
         HP 20%, Dex 15%, Spd 20%, Lck 10%, Res 5%
    I think DeathChaos25 is correct that this is the Trickster class.

    0x55 Foot magic Advanced, Axe +1, Brawl +3, Faith +1
         HP 40%, Str 10%, Mag 5%, Dex 10%, Res 5%, Cha 5%
    Seems like a new axe/brawling/healing class.

    0x56 Flying magic Advanced, Sword +1, Lance +2, Reason +3, Flying +3
         HP 20%, Spd 10%, Res 10%, Cha 10%
    Dark Flier basically.

    0x57 Cavalry magic Advanced, Sword +3, Reason +3, Faith +1, Riding +3
         HP 5%, Mag 5%, Spd -5%, Lck 5%, Def 5%, Res 10%, Cha 10%
    Mage Knight?

    Not sure if any are gender-locked. Can check later.

  9. 14 minutes ago, Silly said:

    Is this formula fully accurate?

    Chance = Stat-booster co-efficient + (combined [ Grade – 1 ] of all seeds x 5) + (number of seeds x 6) + (cultivation Tier x 5)

    Planting five flower seeds and doing max cultivation would yield a combined grade bonus of 50 ((3-1) * 5 * 5), a number of seeds bonus of 30 (5 * 6) and a cultivation tier bonus of 30 (6 * 5), which gives a total chance of a stat booster that exceeds 100%. However, I have definitely failed to get a stat booster from 5 flower seeds + max cultivation before.

    Thanks for asking!

    Yeah, I made a mistake. The (Grade -1) x 5 part only applies for one seed, I believe. That should cap the rate at 100.

    So 20 (max co-efficient) + 20 (for a 5-star seed) + 30 (5 seeds) + 30 (pegasus blessings) = 100.

    I have no idea what happens during Blessing of the Land. I don't recall getting 2 stat-boosters ever, so I assume it also caps at 100%. But if I'm wrong, do let me know!

    If you're mixing seeds, things are a bit more complicated. I guess you'd need to calculate the rate for every type of seed, then somehow split the rate by the ratio of seeds.

  10. On 10/5/2019 at 12:14 AM, Cysx said:

    Uh. So follow up was actually meant to be pretty good then. Well, 40% outside of NG+ isn't that high I guess.
    In any case, as it is now you spend way more of the game in intermediate + ranks than in the basic ones, so unless they fix it...

    Oh yeah, I was checking some loose ends and unless I'm mistaken, only Byleth has hidden + support levels (and no A+ for same gender characters).

    So Byleth is the one who's most affected by this bug.

    Then again, the fact it can't trigger during enemy phase seems really weird too. Adjutant Guard works during both phases, so I'm curious if being player phase only is an oversight as well...

  11. Sorry I've been rather quiet. Been busy, while also trying to do as much research as possible ^^

    Finished the Adjutants page.

    Made some interesting discoveries.

    A few people noticed this, but Adjutant Guard prevents enemy follow-ups from killing units.

    Meanwhile, Adjutant Follow-Up actually has a decent activation rate, but it seems to be bugged. It doesn't trigger during the enemy phase and support levels C+, B+ and A+ (even if hidden) count as "no support".

  12. On 9/19/2019 at 1:03 PM, DefyingFates said:

    I guess Rhea can't be invited to a party after all, and that's just data left in the game from a time she was?

    Yes. The data for Rhea currently on the site is actually split between Jeralt and Rhea. The topics are for Jeralt and the answers at the end are for Rhea.

  13. On 9/12/2019 at 5:15 PM, Cysx said:


    Welp, I just wasted my time then, for the most part. It's really nice to have all those odds, though, I only got the combat ones on my own.
    Though there is one thing that doesn't match about the Crest of flames; in 500 attacks, the preventing counters and +5 damage effects activated 12 and 16 times respectively, and never separately from the healing, or together. The healing activated 103 times, which matches... but as a result, the other two effects should be much, much rarer than 1/4.

    Also an additional tidbit, the crest of Indech cannot activate off of brave effects at all, from what I've tested.

    Outside of that, I have a lot of raw exp data that I'm having trouble extracting a formula from, anything you've seen within the game's data that could help, by any chance?


    Hmm, I was wondering if the negating counter effect was separate; I only counted the additional damage, since that was easier to see.

    But the 1 in 4 refers to once the Crest has triggered. 16 in 103 isn't too far from 1 in 4, although it is quite a bit lower. Curiously, if you add 12 and 16 together, it's actually close to 1 in 4. Although that's a coincidence.

    Sadly, I don't think I'd be able to find any formulae. I can barely identify plain old tables as it is, since none of the files have names (until they get updated in a patch) or labels (well, around 1% of the files do) ^^;;


    Also, it's never a waste. It's good to have real data to look at, instead of just pulling numbers that could be anything from the code.

  14. @Silly

    Huh, that's interesting. I guess for high defence characters, it's better to recruit them earlier? With Gilbert you don't have a choice though!


    Oh yeah, I'll add the Part 2 recruitment conditions soon-ish.

    You are correct about the second part, although I'm unsure how to add them without it being too spoilery. I think there are a few more enemies with crests, but they aren't particularly memorable (or just plain spoilerific). I might have to write a disclaimer in there or something ^^;;;

  15. Sorry that I've been kinda quiet. Been busy with various things, while trying to squeeze in as much Three Houses play-time and testing as possible ^^;;

    Added the base activation rates to the Crests page:



    Thanks! I had a feeling it worked like that. Otherwise it seems weird that the ring is inferior to the Goddess Ring.


    Hmm, that's curious.

    Maybe try plugging in the values for the other Fortress Knight class?

    HP: 35 (+5)
    STR: 14
    MAG: 8
    DEX: 12
    SPD: 8 (-6)
    LCK: 10
    DEF: 13 (+2)
    RES: 7

    Those are the base stats, with the class-change boosts in brackets. I'm assuming Gilbert is in the normal Fortress Knight class when you get him, so ignore the CC boosts. But maybe his stats are calculated using those base stats?

    Hmm, but that's only a 4 point difference in Defence, I think?

    Anyway, besides that, there shouldn't be any other Fortress Knights. Also, there is another Gilbert, but he has the same bases and growths as normal.

  16. 3 hours ago, Ririn said:

    I was able to recruit Caspar with Str 22 Brawl D+ Support C+ in my BL playthrough. 

    Thanks, I was able to check that myself but I want to check his B support specifically ^^

    There's a possibility that his requirements at B and B+ might be slightly off because Byleth's Brawling skill starts at E+ rather than E.

    Under the normal scaling, that means the requirements would be lowered to E+ Brawling when you get to B+ support, which *might* be considered too low by the game (as it means an automatic pass, which should happen when you get to A support instead).

    So maybe it's something like D+ for B support and then D for B+. But that's just a guess.

  17. On 8/17/2019 at 3:00 AM, Mbgx16 said:

    Regarding Caspar's recruitment -

    I recruited him into my Blue Lions playthrough, but not through asking him, he approached me during the week and asked to join my house.

    I definitely had enough strength to recruit him, and had his b support available.

    On the weekend before I recruited him, I had D rank for guantlets, tried to recruit, failed, and then upped my gauntlet rank to D+.

    After I finished exploring, early in that week, Caspar asked to join my house.

    Not sure if this helps out or not with info but I figured I'd throw it out there. If you need further info, let me know

    Thanks! I want to test that, but I haven't finished my Black Eagles run yet, so I can't attempt to recruit Caspar with a B support...

    That said, I did get him with C in Brawling without supports. So I assumed he scaled like normal.

    Is there anyone who's beaten Black Eagles route who can test this? Basically, unlock Caspar's B support and then buy a D Brawling rank (assuming you trained it). Then see if you can recruit him while exploring. I don't think you need to raise your Strength at all.


    That's nice to know!

    I did think something was off about how plus supports worked--and I thought it might tie in with the Close Allies list.


    Thanks! That helps a lot ^^

    So it's just those three characters, huh?

  18. You're just in time.


    The only thing I can't answer is the chance of stat-boosters. But TBH, it's not really hard to get them. The main factors seem to be number of items (which is directly proportional to the number of seeds and the cultivation method used) and the yield level (this is a bit more complicated, but you want it to be 3 if possible).

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