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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. 2 hours ago, Jacien said:

    Also, a minor note.  The game checks if you pass the criteria upon clicking the Recruit button.

    So if you're close to hitting the requirements, you can hold off on hitting the button (or reload the save after checking) to push yourself during the Exploration. If you have stat increase items, or do Faculty Training, or increase support, to reach the requirements, then Recruit them.

    I think that's covered under additional notes, near the beginning. I hid a bunch of stuff to try and save space.

    Thanks for checking Marianne as well!

    34 minutes ago, EdgeOfDreams said:

    What happens if you have enough support points for the next rank, but the conversation is time-locked? Right now I have Ferdinand with C Support viewed and B Support pending, but can't actually view the B Support conversation yet. The Dex requirement is a non-issue, but I'm not sure if I can get Byleth's Heavy Armor skill up high enough in time.

    It will count as C+. You can check via the "Share a meal" menu.

    Likewise, you can get B+ for everyone else before the time skip. Just now, I painstakingly showered Ingrid with gifts and tea parties to reach B+.


    Ingrid needs D Flying up to C+ support, then E+ Flying at B or B+. I didn't check A, but I assume it's got to be "any will do".

  2. 18 minutes ago, timon said:

    Minor thing as it's only one character, but how is Ingrid influenced by supports? Since she starts from D.

    Also is the level requirement lowered by supporting teachers?

    Very good question. I overlooked her but I just started a new Golden Deer file so I can check soon.

    Yes, Level counts as a stat. I'll make a note later. I checked with Catherine and Cyril.

  3. 50 minutes ago, Silly said:

    Just a brief note, you can technically recruit Caspar and Ferdinand via a B support if you're on a NG+ file, since you can just buy their B support. I did that on my current run, so I can confirm that it works.

    Otherwise, this is really excellent work, and takes a lot of the vague uncertainty away from trying to recruit somebody.

    Oh yeah, I kinda forgot you can do that ^^

    33 minutes ago, Jacien said:

    When I get home I'll boot up a new game and verify if the Recruit option is available during Chapter 2 (5th Month).  And Catherine being available as early as Chapter 4, cause it seems off to me.

    Because the first mission, rout the thieves at Zanado, you can't ask for any mission assistance. And Catherine being available a month before Cyril is odd, too.

    Sure, I appreciate any research.

    That's what I remember from my playthrough. One thing to bear in mind, I think you can only explore once during the month where you go to Zanado.


    Oh, this is very important. Class stat boosts (via class changing) don't count. For example Str +1 for Fighter.

  4. Sorry it took so long, but here's the updated recruitment guide.

    NOTE: There is some missing information, mainly about Gilbert and Part 2 that I'll add later.

    Obviously, there are lots of recruitment guides out there, but there is a lot of uncertainty and some of the guides seem to have incorrect information about recruiting the students.

    After a lot of research, I think I've nailed down the recruitment conditions, for the most part anyway.

    The default values listed are from the game code and I verified a bunch of them, although not all of them. I also tried various combinations of support levels to figure out the reduced conditions and extrapolated the rest.

    So I'm pretty confident they're all correct. However, I couldn't try every combination, so that's where I might need some help.

    If you're still recruiting any characters in your save file(s), please let me know if your results match or don't match with the requirements listed. This is for manual recruitment only--automatic recruitment ignores all requirements.

    TBH, I've done so much testing I'm kind of sick of it XD

    Also, if you have any questions, just ask!

  5. I think the theory is almost there, but it needs a little refining.

    1. I believe every character has C, C+, B, B+, A and A+ supports even if they aren't visible. For characters who don't have those supports in their support list, you're kinda screwed and have to blindly guess. But for the protagonist, you can check via the "Share a Meal" option.

    So if a pair appears to have an A, but is somehow behind a different pair also at A, the other pair could be at A+. I don't actually know how pairs with "real" A+ supports are affected. It might be true that they have an advantage. As in, they can gain points towards a S, while pairs without one might be stuck at A+.

    2. Likewise, the protagonist *may* have hidden S supports with every character, regardless of gender (or only the same gender?). I have noticed that in a New Game+, if you swap the protagonist's gender, you can buy some S supports for characters who were the same gender in your previous playthrough.

    For example I was a male protagonist initially, but I can now buy a S support for Lorenz and Seteth as a female. I think this behaviour only works for gender-swapping though. This may mean the protag can gain up to S for same gendered characters, but only up to A+ for different genders. I'm not 100% sure though.

    Although, this probably isn't too important since the protag overrides everyone if you manually S support.

    3. There is definitely a priority list. You can just tell by looking at the close allies list sometimes. It's most likely the support list order, which is the same as the internal order. So it goes male protag, female protag, Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude, Hubert, etc. I think when there's a tie, the game uses this order.

    It was really obvious in my playthrough, because my pairings were me x Lysithea, Claude x Lorenz, Raphael x Ignatz, Marianne x Hilda and Leonie by herself. With Lysithea taken, that's just the support list order: Claude, (gap for Black Eagle and Blue Lions who I didn't recruit), Lorenz, Raphael, Ignatz, Marianne, Hilda and Leonie.

  6. @Jacien

    That looks useful, thanks! I have been busy but I was planning to have all the portraits, including NPCs and enemies somewhere.

    Also, not sure if people are still looking into it, but I think I found the basic recruitment conditions. They're listed in the recruitment page.

    From what I can tell, the conditions are lowered according to support level. But it counts plus versions as well. So C+ support. You can view plus supports in the share a meal menu.

    For skills that demand B, I think it's lowered by one tier per tier of support. C support lowers it to C+, C+ lowers to C and B lowers to D+. Didn't check B+ support but you should be well ahead by that point.

    Skills that demand C seem a bit strange. C support doesn't appear to lower the skill requirement. But C+ does lower it to D+ and B lowers it to D. I dunno about the Sword B+ requirement as I'm currently playing Blue Lions.

    Also, I haven't really checked how the stat requirement is lowered. B support seems to have a drastic effect though. But that's probably not a surprise.

  7. On 8/3/2019 at 1:37 AM, kbnamespac said:

    I can say that for Dedue "Was there something you want to discuss?" the "Chat" option is incorrect, and "Sip Tea" is a correct option. <- Pre-time skip btw

    Also, could you explain more how you got the data? I have been working on the reddit community guide up until now, and we would like to incorporate your data if we could, and can prove accuracy.

    Thanks, that was my mistake. I somehow read a byte from the wrong (adjacent) column.

    Anyway, I did like 100 tea parties with Lorenz and Lysithea to figure out most of the correct answers. Then I found two tables in the game files where the data matched up.

    The table for the correct topic choices is sorted by topic choices. It starts from "The existence of crests" and goes down to "Lady Rhea...". In each block, there is a string of 00s or 01s. 00 means the character isn't interested and 01 means they are. The order of the strings is the support conversation order. So it goes Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude, down to Rhea (or Cyril if Rhea's aren't used).

    The table for the final comments is a bit more messy. You have all of the final comments for one character, then the same for the next character (again, in support conversation order). The final comments are in the same order as the text dump. They're typically grouped by support level. In each block, there's the character ID, then another string of 00s and 01s. This time, the order of the strings is the response: nod, laugh, commend, disagree, admonish, sigh, chat, sip tea, blush, praise in that order.

    With Dedue, chat and sip tea are right next to one another, so my eyes looked in the wrong place.

    On 8/4/2019 at 3:19 AM, Brimney said:

    Hubert also enjoys the Hresvelg Blend tea

    Thanks. I forgot there are two teas that everyone likes (the 5-star ones).

  8. 1 hour ago, Silly said:

    Are you sure this is 100% correct? Because in my file Ferdinand learned Smite from what I believe was an armor rank. I've been checking over the data on the website and it doesn't list anywhere where you can get smite.

    Thanks for checking. It's learned at B Heavy Armor.

    I forgot to paste it into the table ^^;;;

    Also, I need to update the Combat Arts page with where they're obtained, when I have time.

    12 hours ago, Jayvee94 said:

    Don't we have a data for class skill level growths yet? IE Pegasus Knight: Swords +1, Lances +2, Flying +2

    I know where the data is, but I just need to format it.

    Same with battalion growth and probably a few other things.

    Oh and I need to play the game as well XD

    On 7/30/2019 at 5:56 AM, Druplesnubb said:

    Speaking of which, would it be possible to datamine all the paralogues and their requirements?

    Possibly, but it's probably easier to play the game to find out ^^

  9. 34 minutes ago, shed said:

    Actually i'm just an idiot lol, I thought lys's magic was capped since she hadnt gotten any in a few levels and the bar was filled, but it turns out it was just bag rng since I dinged 51 magic without the renown boost. I just wasn't used to seeing her not get magic...

    Let me know how high it can get!

    I've only seen the HP cap verified, so I assumed the others are correct.

  10. 2 hours ago, LegendOfLoog said:

    Just started on the Blue Lions route, so I can help with a few of the Rally skills. Annette learns Rally Resistance at Authority Level D and Rally Speed at Authority Level C. 

    Thanks, you get two bonus points! Which equals a cookie!

    Anyway, with those two abilities, I think I narrowed down the location in the data to one specific table. With luck, I'll have another new page for the site soon.

    If anyone has more examples, feel free to share. Especially for skill unrelated to Authority.



    Thanks, that's good enough for me ^^

  11. 6 minutes ago, ck425 said:

    Do stats change with class? They look like they do but were never explicitly shown changing. 

    I think they change slightly if you reclass (versus taking a new certification). I'm not very good at explaining though, especially since I haven't class-changed any characters yet XD

  12. @Brimney

    That's very helpful, thanks ^^

    I think progress might be a bit slow to start with, while people are waiting to get their games, then they'll probably want to play it for a bit XD

    But after that, if we're lucky, things could get very busy...


    Also, if anyone can post any of the in-game support lists, that could be helpful as well. I think the house leader x house leader supports probably aren't in the game, but it'd be nice to check if the others are in (or if any are missing from my list).

  13. 45 minutes ago, Modirufa6317 said:

    Is the nbr of use showned what you get upon learning the spell, or does it automatically scale with your level? (leveling up apparently increase the nbr of use)

    Also, are you sure Agnea’s Arrow doesn't have an extra effect? Seems odd that it's overall inferior to Ragnarok despite being higher rank.

    Hmm, that is pretty weird. I don't see anything in the data and the description is pretty generic.

    Just now, NeoAmon said:

    Do we know yet if each character has a unique learnset for each Skill, or whether it's just magic spells which are unique per character?

    Like, I had assumed the Prowess abilities all grew the same for everyone, but I can't recall ever seeing it spelled out whether all the Ability and Combat Art gains are exactly the same or different per character. 

    It's a bit hard to tell at the moment. It is one of the things I want to look into, but I haven't gotten any ideas how to approach it just yet.

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