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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. Sorry, I think Grappler is male only. Kinda speeding through XD

    Helm Splitter - 2nd Axe Combat Art

    Costs 5 durability, but boosts Might by 7 and Critical rate by 5 and is strong against armoured foes.

    Back Blow - 1st Gauntlet Combat Art

    Costs 3 durability, boosts Might by 3, Hit rate by 10 and Avoid by 30. User moves one square backwards afterwards (like Hit and Run).


    In addition to choir practice and the advice box, you can provide offerings to statues of 4 saints. Offerings are in the form of Renown, obtained via quests and battles. Basically, you have four different Renown reward boxes.

    I believe the skill level bonuses are additional experience points when instructing.

    Divine Cichol Statue

    Axe +1 - 200 pts
    Authority +1 - 300 pts
    Experience +5% - 500 pts
    Flying +2 - 1500 pts
    Divine Pulse +1 - 2500 pts
    Axe +2 - 3500 pts
    Authority +2 - 4500 pts
    Experience +10% - 7000 pts
    Strength and Speed cap +5 - 9500 pts

    Divine Cethlenn Statue

    Lance +1 - 200 pts
    Faith +1 - 300 pts
    Experience +5% - 500 pts
    Class Mastery +1 - 1500 pts
    Divine Pulse +1 - 2500 pts
    Lance +2 - 3500 pts
    Faith +2 - 4500 pts
    Experience +10% - 7000 pts
    Luck and Charm cap +5 - 9500 pts

    Divine Macuil Statue

    Sword +1 - 200 pts
    Reason +1 - 300 pts
    Experience +5% - 500 pts
    Riding +2 - 1500pts
    Divine Pulse +1 - 2500 pts
    Sword +2 - 3500 pts
    Reason +2 - 4500 pts
    Experience +10% - 7000 pts
    Magic and Skill cap +5 - 9500 pts

    Divine Indech Statue

    Bow +1 - 200 pts
    Fighting +1 - 300 pts
    Experience +5% - 500 pts
    Heavy Armor +2 - 1500pts
    Divine Pulse +1 - 2500 pts
    Bow +2 - 3500 pts
    Fighting +2 - 4500 pts
    Experience +10% - 7000 pts
    Defence and Resistance cap +5 - 9500 pts

    EDIT2: Fixed the numbers.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Dinar87 said:

    So what do you guys think about where we'll be staying during the war phase...back at the monastery again? I wouldn't mind maybe if it's like a time travel thing, making it the next mycastle effectively. Bringing you and your students back in time?

    Yeah, it's the monastery. You can see the cathedral interior.

    Also, class abilities. Remember that these are locked to class.

    Hero (male-only)

    Swordfaire - Might +5 when a sword is equipped.
    Vantage - Always attack first when under 50% HP.


    Axefaire - Might +5 when an axe is equipped.
    Weight -5 - The combined weapon of equipment is reduced by 5.


    Move Again - Unit can use leftover movement after performing an action.
    Lancefaire - Might +5 when a lance is equipped.
    Terrain Resistance - Unit does not receive terrain damage.


    Gauntletfaire - Might +5 when a gauntlet is equipped.
    Barehanded Battle - User fights with a gauntlet even if no weapon is equipped.


    Blackmagicfaire - Might +5 when black magic is equipped.
    Black Magic Use x2 - Doubles the number of uses of black magic spells.


    White Magic Use x2 - Doubles the number of uses of white magic spells.
    White Magic Recovery +10 - White Magic recovery amount +10
    Terrain Resistance - Unit does not receive terrain damage.

  3. Bottom of Page 6 discusses the smithy. You can repair and forge weapons.

    I think you need to pay gold and materials to repair weapons.

    Forging is kinda hard to see. But I think you need to pay smithing stones (forgot what they're called in English) and your Professor Level needs to be high enough. Then you can craft + versions of weapons.

    The protagonist's Sword of the Creator will restore 5 uses by itself if you rest during a weekend. Dunno if you can repair it normally.

  4. Personal abilities. There might be better names for some of these.

    Caspar: Quarreler - Adjacent foes receive Avoid -10 during combat.

    Linhardt: Doze Off - If unit waits without performing an action, restores 10% HP.

    Petra: Hunter's Law - When foe has less than 50% HP, Critical rate +20

    Annette: Hard Worker - When Rally command is used on ally, grants Strength +4.

    Sylvain: Ladies' Man- When adjacent to a female ally, damage dealt to foe +2, damage received from foe -2.

    Ingrid: Lady Knight - When using a Gambit, Might +3 and Hit Rate +5.

    Ignatz: Keen Observation - Hit rate +20.

    Marianne: Animal Lover - When adjacent to a horseback or flying ally, restores 20% HP at the start of the turn.

    Leonie: Hates to Lose - When adjacent to a male ally, damage dealt to foe +2, damage received from foe -2.

  5. There's a paragraph about scouting for other students. Seems to be the same deal as in Gamespot's video. You need certain stats and skill levels. You can't recruit the house leaders and certain students.

    Linhardt has Minor Crest of Cethlenn (belongs to a saint not an Elite).

    Annette has Minor Crest of Dominique.

    Sylvain has Minor Crest of Gautier. Yeah, that one...

    Ingrid has Minor Crest of Daphnel.

    Marianne has Minor Crest of ??? (same as the crest on Edelgard's axe).

    EDIT: It's literally crest of ??? like Byleth's first crest.

  6. You can find the images via Nintendo Everything:


    There should be 8 pages near the end. You might need to click page 2 to see the 8th page.

    Info from the preview:

    Villains appear to be called the Nightcrawlers. Their names are Thales (bearded guy with white eyes), Solon (guy with black eyes) and Cronje (orange haired girl who gets choked or something).

    Check out the main website for the full scoop:


  7. 3 minutes ago, User name said:

    Fishing, is not going anywhere so relax everyone.

    And we still have those fetch quests to do too!

    Phew, I was worried for a sec...

    Also, took me a while to notice but I think the screenshot of "older Felix" is from the monastery's cathedral. You can see the same table thing at the far end and similar stained glass windows. Plus the floor looks similar.

    This screenshot is also from the exploration part, since you can see the month and day in the corner. Plus the calendar still has all the old options, so you probably still explore the monastery.

  8. Huh, I'm more curious where the image came from. From the image quality, it's clearly not a "scan" but a digital image.

    Is it a preview image from another website?

    Anyway, from what I can easily see, the calendar in the top-right corner seems to be from the 1st month. It's hard to tell from the "older Felix" screenshot, but it kinda looks like the 11th of the 1st month there as well.

    Which seems a bit early to me? Wasn't Part 1 supposed to be 12 months? Assuming the game started on the 4th month. Or does it actually started on the 1st month? But what about the paralogues from Part 1 that expire around the 2nd month?

  9. Besides being the game that seemingly has no character name changes, Three Houses also seems to be going back and fixing a few odd or inconsistent terms.

    Here's a few of 'em:

    Reason was originally Anima in the GBA games. However it literally means "reason" in Japanese.

    Armored Knight used to be just "Knight", but its full name was "Armor Knight" in Japanese. I'm guessing they changed this since we have lots of knights already, like Pegasus Knights.

    Dexterity seems to be the new name for the Skill stat. Now, Skill was usually spelled "Skill" even in Japanese (like the level up screens). But in Japanese, it's synonymous with dexterity. I think they changed this to avoid confusion with special skills.

    Ability is what I think special skills are now called. Again, this was also spelled "Skill" in Japanese, but in some games, the term is written so it can be synonymous with ability. Likewise, I think they changed the name because we now have "skill levels", which can't really be translated a better way (although I guess "aptitudes" would work as well).

    Move Again is what Canto is now called. This was a pretty amusing oversight in the Tellius games. In the Japanese version, the singing ability and ability to use leftover movement are both called "Move Again". They cleverly gave it a singing flair in the English version of Path of Radiance. But when it became a generic skill, they stuck with the name regardless.

    Which brings me to another odd name choice: Nosferatu.

    We know this spell exists in Three Houses, but I don't think we've seen it in English. It first debuted in the West as a Dark magic spell in the GBA games. But it was originally Light magic in the SNES games and returned to being Light magic ever since the Tellius games.

    Its original name is something like Resire. What they did was borrow the name from the already existing Nosferatu spell, which they renamed Fenrir (although there's actually a different Fenrir spell in Radiant Dawn).

    The question is, do you think they'll finally rename Nosferatu? Or will they stick to their guns?

    Strangely, they opted for Wyvern Rider despite already using Dracoknight--a more accurate name--in a few English games. That said, Wyvern Rider is not inherently "wrong", like Nosferatu is.

  10. 34 minutes ago, redlight said:

    Armor knights are actually starting to look decent. Gauntlets can let them double (I recall Dedue being proficient in them, but I could be wrong) and other footage showed them being incredibly durable among a mob of enemies. Then again it might have just been normal mode on all occasions.

    So weapon arts are kinda like in Echoes that you have to have the same weapon you learned the art from, but you can have multiple weapons this time in your inventory

    Only thing is that Armored Knights take heavy damage from magic users. In the second map in the Treehouse footage, Dedue was doubled by a mage and lost a lot of HP.

    Their movement isn't that bad either, since you can use the Stride Gambit to massively boost their movement (although I guess everyone benefits).

    For Combat Arts, you just need the right weapon type equipped it seems. The sword arts can't be used with a lance for example.

  11. 1 minute ago, Azz said:

    Yeah I found that funny as well. Watch her be good at axes kinda like how Bernadetta is good in heavy armour lol.

    Probably. I think they gave everyone their preferred weapons for the demo. Like how Hubert also has Bows. I forgot he was good with them.

    Also, unless my calculations are wrong, Annette is one of the few characters with a strength in Authority. So far we only know of the house leaders and Hubert.


    Actually, Byleth has a lance but she doesn't seem to have a Strength in them.

  12. 1 minute ago, Azz said:

    Oh I thought about that, I was just shocked at how low it was tbh because it is rather low imo.

    Can't be as bad as 10 use Tornado in Thracia 776!

    Oh wait, Cutting Gale has 6 uses.

    I love the random axe as a melee option as well XD

  13. 20 minutes ago, Dorothea Joestar Arnold said:

    Makes sense we got some for Death Knight and Flame Emperor they also gotta fill the remaining weeks somehow.

    If we're lucky, they may just drop all 3 during the weekend, like Flame Emperor and Death Knight. However, we would have a pretty empty week afterwards, so...

    14 minutes ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    I could totally see them doing updated bios for each student post timeskip for the weeks till release but I hope not since I don't wanna be spoiled on every students timeskip transition tbh.

    Hmm, while I'd like to see them, I'd imagine they'd hold back that info. Gives players more of a reason to buy the game. Right now, we know about the time skip and we've seen the new appearances for the 3 House Leaders, which is like the carrot on the stick. It would be kinda pointless to just give us the carrot now XD

  14. 2 minutes ago, Jakalak said:

    I think that girl is the orange hair/eyed one who had the close up on her eye during the second trailer.

    She also might be the silhouette from the recent trailer that was getting choked.

    Oh, that makes sense. The fringe does look kinda similar.

    That said, I wonder what's going on between the two? From their arrangement in the poster, it looks like they're on the same side. Is there in-fighting going on or is she actually being saved or something?

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