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Everything posted by VincentASM

  1. Talk about a nice surprise! You can download the games via the official Vestaria Saga webpage. Check the Download page, then scroll to the bottom. You’ll need to click the top option to accept the terms and conditions. Then the download links will appear. The first download link is for the original Vestaria Saga I, while the next is for Silverbirch’s Sacred Sword and the third is for Heroes of Lucca. Although knowledge of Vestaria Saga I isn’t necessary, it is highly recommended that you play it first. Silverbirch’s Sacred Sword takes place after the events of Vestaria Saga I. It's kind of a midquel between Vestaria Saga I and the upcoming Vestaria Saga II. In total, there are 25 chapters. In the first chapter, you have to fight through a mountain pass occupied by bandits and thieves with 4 and later 6 characters. Be careful when investigating the grave near the hole in the ground... Heroes of Lucca is a prequel that tells the untold story of how the villagers of Lucca rescued Alicia. It’s a much more condensed side story compared to Silverbirch, lasting 4 chapters. The first chapter is a strange one. You need to visit two houses near the entrance to get weapons. There's also a bow user that drops a bow. After liberating the hideout to the west, RUN back to the entrance or a super strong Swordmaster will kill you. He'll run away at first, but he comes back with a Brave weapon...
  2. @kreisst Good catch! I didn't actually check if it was absent from the Japanese trailer. I think a possible reason is that the Japanese trailer lingers for a few extra frames after selecting Linhardt's focus. Assuming the trailers are both the same length (I'm lazy to check), they had to remove some frames from elsewhere in the video ^^
  3. They're from Intelligent System's Japanese Fire Emblem hub site before it got completely overhauled the first time. That's why you can't find the original source anymore. Here's the original page from the Wayback Machine. I think they're concept art that the in-game graphics are based on.
  4. I second the suggestion for a history mode. Heroes is nice for people who've played the games, but otherwise, you simply don't learn enough about the characters in Heroes itself. Forging Bonds sort of fixes this, but it's only for every other new banner--and isn't applied retrospectively. Alternatively, something akin to Granblue's Fate Episodes or Dragalia's Adventurer's Stories. Which are basically proper support conversations for every character. TBH, it's kinda embarrassing since most of the modern FEs already had support conversations. So I dunno why they didn't bother in the first place. Otherwise, I'd love if Heroes copied Dragalia and introduced 3-star and 4-star focus Heroes on new banners. This helps to bring in the less desirable characters that still have fans, while improving the currently crappy 3 and 4-star pools. Annoyingly, as I type this, the latest Dragalia banner has no 3 and 4-stars and it sucks.
  5. This line is pretty telling, I think. In the Japanese version, she says she's scorched by the "mark of power". Mark is synonymous with crest/emblem and they replaced it with flames in the English version, so it's probably referencing the Fire Emblem. Thinking about it, I wonder if it just means she has a Brand.
  6. Thanks all! I'll double check everyone's attempts and then start on the article ^^
  7. Nice! My ears kinda suck, but if anyone is able to decipher the lyrics, I can post them on the front page with credits. I can hear some similarities with the Japanese version at least.
  8. So I heard some great things about this game and finally had the chance to try it with the Switch release. For the most part, I've really enjoyed the game. I'm guessing this is a common sentiment, but Yuri is a cool dude. That said, I reached what I'm assuming is the final dungeon and suddenly I feel at a loss. Normally, on my first run, I try to play without a walkthrough. But just in case, I thought I'd read one to see what I missed. Then I learned there are lots of permanent missables, many of which are completely non-intuitive. Heck, I missed the Collector's Book, which would have been quite useful, although I did get it from a researcher in Halure thankfully. But it seems I totally missed the chance to get the Super Aer Conductor for the female swimsuits. Which I'm not terribly fussed about, but it seems like awful design, like they're teasing you. Sure, you can easily have the male swimsuits, but RIP if you didn't collect half of every possible item and talk to some random dude in a town you've got no reason to revisit. Also, the final dungeon is kicking my butt. But that's probably my own problem. I guess it's time to grind a bit and maybe try a 2nd playthrough when I'm bored.
  9. Hiya! Thanks for the suggestion. A while back, I was working on adapting the calculator from Awakening, but I ran into a couple of snags. Since I'm not really much of a programmer, I couldn't fix those problems myself. Even though it's been a while, if anyone is familiar with javascript and wants to take a look at the code, please hit me up.
  10. That's one way to try the game, I guess XD By the way, just in case, the game recently released in a lot more countries. Like the UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada and Singapore. It's never too late to join in~ Although you have missed a lot of freebies and events, but hopefully they're re-run them eventually.
  11. I think it's an uncommon glitch. A bit of searching showed me this topic. From what I can tell, nobody really knows what causes it. Perhaps the translation patch did something that might have caused it.
  12. I'm not sure, but I'm hoping it's closer to A than B. When there are more details, I will update ASAP. I'm guessing there's concept art for everyone, since they need a reference to design the 3D models. There's already a good amount of concept art in the Making of Fire Emblem book released in 2015, so I'm pretty confident we don't have to worry about that aspect at least.
  13. Haha, I never thought of it that way. I was thinking more of the future, since the Heron siblings revived the forest. Then at the end of Radiant Dawn, one of them has kids if paired with the obvious choice. That reminds me, we did get our fair share of forest burning down jokes when the host server used to get hammered...
  14. That's not a bad idea, but we're too deeply rooted right now ; )
  15. A long time ago, I started to realise I'd be writing a LOT of content for the site, so I went for a green-coloured theme to make it easier on my eyes. Before that, it was bright blue like the sky XD Also, nearly every single FE site or forum was called "Fire Emblem Something", eg. Fire Emblem Empire, Fire Emblem Fusion. So I didn't want to just copy them. That's why I went for the next available option: naming it after a location from one of the games. Back then, Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn were the most recent games, so you can probably guess the rest.
  16. Front page article here Yes, this thing is real and it's finally coming on 25th April 2019, nearly 4 years after the game first released. At the moment, it's only releasing in Japan. The book has 320 pages, featuring character artwork from in-game (private quarters etc) and concept designs, story outlines, etc. The cover is illustrated by Yusuke Kozaki and will be revealed during the Cipher livestream on 16th March. Hopefully we'll get more details there. However, a word of caution: the artbook will NOT have every character's official artwork. Please read the article for the full quotes. It seems Mr Kozaki was unable to finish all the artwork in time, but he's hoping to do so later on in the future.
  17. These things are nearly always fake. I'm lazy to check, but I think those crowns are stock images you can probably find online. Also, it's highly unlikely they'd write the subtitle in hiragana. Rather, I think it's a rookie mistake from somebody pretending they know Japanese (aka most fakers). Typically, subtitles are written in Kanji (with furigana above it, if necessary for a younger audience) or katakana. The main reason the Let's Go logos were real was because somebody had seen them and tried to draw them from memory. Nobody is going to have an actual screenshot (not even a photo) from an actual presentation.
  18. Thanks a bunch! I've only had time to read the first two parts, but the translations are looking really good so far. About Magnus, personally I'd pull a Alondite/Ettard and translate his name to Magnum : P
  19. Nah, I just counted wrong. I'll fix it soon. Thanks! Anyway, I didn't want to return empty-handed, so here are a few more minor things I noticed. In the Japanese trailer, when Bernadetta selects the Curved Shot Combat Art, her attack range doesn't change. Assuming the Japanese trailer is from an earlier build, it seems they buffed Curved Shot afterwards. This makes sense since Curved Shot in Echoes didn't alter the attack range. Similarly, in the Japanese trailer, after teaching Dorothea, her icon on the left side has two arrows increased, instead of one. I'm assuming that means she gained more support/bond points. Although I'm unsure why. For reference, her "interest/motivation" gauge starts at 3 (or 75%) rather than 1 (25%). So that could be a factor. Maybe the first time you teach a student, they gain more bonding points?
  20. @Lord_Grima Nice one! I had a look myself and it seems to match with what you said, but I refined it a little bit. I think it says “The Goddess always lives in heaven and Fodlan. __ __ ___ning over us. As the mother of all living beings. As support of all m______ things.”
  21. Thanks a bunch! That must have taken a while ^^ I was meaning to share it on the front page, but we're currently busy with Three Houses stuff. Once things calm down, I'll find a space to plug it. The bit about mothers and fathers both influencing the kids was interesting. Awakening and Fates does this with hair colours, but it sounds like they wanted completely different appearances.
  22. You may be on to something. I think this may be the crest for Gautier, from what might be the Crest Stone of Gautier: It's also looking like Sylvain is from Faerghus, so that matches up with the order.
  23. I wanted to do this when the first trailer came out, but I wasn't sure how important the map locations are. Plus a lot of them were hard to see. But now there are a lot more angles and zoom ins, so here goes... Please note that I tried my best, but some names might be slightly or, in some cases, very off. You can usually tell a name is correct when you Google it and you get a mythological or geographical reference. Some locations don't have any obvious references though. This could either be because they're wrong or adapted. For example, Varley (no results) was originally Váli in the first version of the map (from E3). Likewise, Morfis was previously Morpheus. Bergliez was Vergilius, etc. The main ones I'm unsure of are Boramas (used to be something completely different) and Kupala. One of the reasons I looked into the world map again is because of a certain location near the far north: Gautier. You may know that there's a character called Sylvain Jose Gautier and a monster wielding a Crest Stone of Gautier. It's very possible we'll encounter other characters and monsters related to other locations on the map. Also, two small locations stand out to me--one near the far east and another near the far west. They are Fodlan's Throat and Fodlan's Fangs. With that info in mind, stand back and look at the world map again... Unless my eyes deceive me, I think we're looking at the face of a dragon. What if the game is pulling a Dragon Marked For Death? In other words, the continent is a deceased dragon.
  24. In Japanese, they're pronounced Ra-Fee-El and Ra-Fey-El. I pronounce them like that in English, but it probably varies depending on the person.
  25. I know at least person was wondering if any characters had different names in the Japanese version versus the English version. Since every Fire Emblem game has featured name changes--even Heroes and Warriors and all the Japanese-only titles thanks to Heroes. But strangely, so far, out of all 20 named characters--none have any name changes. Or any noticeable ones. I find this odd because names are frequently changed to make them more appealing for Western audiences. What this could mean is that names were chosen for Western audiences first and then translated to Japanese. Perhaps the simultaneous global release date allowed them to do this. Anyway, here's a list of all the Japanese and English names. Bear in mind that Japanese is a phonetic language so you're not supposed to read the words literally. Rather, you should let the words kind of "flow". Via the main site You and the Enigmatic Girl Japanese name Romaji English Name ベレト Bereto Byleth (male) ベレス Beresu Byleth (female) ソティス Sotisu Sothis Black Eagles Japanese name Romaji English Name エーデルガルト Ēderugaruto Edelgard ヒューベルト Hyūberuto Hubert ドロテア Dorotea Dorothea フェルディナント Ferudinanto Ferdinand ベルナデッタ Berunadetta Bernadetta カスパル Kasuparu Caspar ペトラ Petora Petra リンハルト Rinharuto Linhardt Blue Lions Japanese name Romaji English Name ディミトリ Dimitori Dimitri ドゥドゥー Dudū Dedue フェリクス Ferikusu Felix メルセデス Merusedesu Mercedes アッシュ Asshu Ashe アネット Anetto Annette シルヴァン Shiruvan Sylvain イングリット Inguritto Ingrid Golden Deer Japanese name Romaji English Name クロード Kurōdo Claude ローレンツ Rōrentsu Lorenz ヒルダ Hiruda Hilda ラファエル Rafaeru Raphael リシテア Rishitea Lysithea イグナーツ Igunātsu Ignatz マリアンヌ Mariannu Marianne レオニー Reonī Leonie Church of Seiros/Officer’s Academy Japanese name Romaji English Name レア Rea Rhea マヌエラ Manuera Manuela ハンネマン Hanneman Hanneman セテス Setesu Seteth フレン Furen Flayn イエリッツァ Ieritssa Jeritza (TBC) トマシュ Tomasyu Tomas Knights of Seiros Japanese name Romaji English Name ジェラルト Jeraruto Jeralt カトリーヌ Katorīnu Catherine アロイス Aroisu Alois Other Japanese name Romaji English Name 炎帝 Entei Flame Emperor 死神騎士 Shinigami-kishi Death Knight クロニエ Kuronie Kronya ソロン Soron Solon タレス Taresu Thales Although none of the characters have name changes, funnily enough, the continent's name is different. In the Japanese version, it's Fodra, whereas it's Fodlan over here. Funnier still, the world map in the Japanese trailer straight up uses all the English names, including Fodlan. Also, there's something neat that's sadly lost via translation. Each of the three houses is written with katakana and kanji forms, to make them look fancier. The kanji form is exactly the same as the English name, so Black Eagle etc. But the katakana form is the house's name in German. Black Eagle is Adler Klasse (Eagle Class), Blue Lions is Löwen Klasse (Lion Class) and Golden Deer is Hirsch Klasse (Deer Class). A similar thing happened with all the class names in Radiant Dawn. Eg. Sanaki's class was Kaiser/Empress. Lance Paladin was Glory Knight/Lance Riding General. So, in some cases, we only got "half" of the class names.
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