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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Azel can just buy the thunder sword when he promotes. i'll probably just do generic pairings for Briggid, Fury and Ayra, and all the suggested ones above. (Azel/Lachesis, Levin/Tiltyu, Claude/Lana, Lex/Sylvia)
  2. hence why i said "or whoever", she needs help getting the kills anyway, and she gets HP on levelup and stuff like that. It still shouldn't be hard.
  3. i might play through the game getting all those things quickly over a few days next week since I have it off work since our office is remodeling, and just see what the TC comes to be. I probably play slightly faster turnwise than the average player, so maybe add a turn for every 10 I take or something to get a general idea? Any requests for pairings that people want a second opinion on? Draft average sitting around 270 is probably inflated by the earlier drafts that took like 400 turns. I think if I went and replayed all my drafts they'd float from 200-210 now.
  4. I imagine it's pretty easy to heal every turn in most chapters, especially 8x and 11. In 8x it's not hard for Lilina (or whoever) to tank an axe and much is the same in 11, where you have like 5 turns of doing absolutely nothing. It's too bad you don't get another barrier on Echidna's route.
  5. I think Fin!Sylvia isn't as bad as Holyn!Aideen simply because Leen and Corple pretty much function the same as any other pairing. Sure, prayer (and pursuit) and no inheritance outside rings suck, but Holyn!Lester is just useless.
  6. Faval really isn't that strong despite having a holy weapon IMO. Ichieval's hit is very poor against important bosses that he'd otherwise be good against, and he doesn't have anything else that really make him anything other than a good generic enemy killer. Thieving is nice, but like others have stated, passing money around in gen 2 isn't as big of a deal because of inheritance.
  7. Do we even have to tier them? They're worthless units that aren't going to be in play ever and just clutter up the tiers.
  8. i didn't mention leaf because he doesn't benefit from it it's literally a waste of an item slot on him. If you really want 1-2 range might as well give him a magic sword so at least when he counters at 1 range he does damage.
  9. Johan is actually pretty strong in chapter 7, but past then he doesn't do a whole lot. I've lost track of what pairings are being discussed but there's very little inscentive for Sety to get rid of lightning (if he did, who would use it anyway?). Tornado can only be used by Levin's kids anyway, Tinny's the only one that really benefits from it.
  10. Unfourtunately, unless you beat your rank, you can't check it. You can get a pretty good idea in Eliwood/Hector mode since you can check your ranking before endgame, and nothing other than funds or tactics is likely to change there.
  11. My bad, I blame having a LONG DAY. I guess is just missed the 18I. I still don't think Snipers (or Paladins) are particularly good on that map (that's the super stupid one with like the map entirely covered in forests right?, too lazy to check). What really constitutes efficient play in FE6 though? I just finished playing Chapter 6 (Sue's chapter) and there are like, a billion chests and you only have one chad and no chest keys, do you assume you get all the chests? Or do you choose the best few and romp onwards? But to stay somewhat relevant to the topic, Snipers can be good units in the right environment, and i've stated (not sure if it's in this thread but) most snipers are honestly pretty solid at the very worst, Innes and Louise aren't in games where Snipers are particularly good, but they're both not bad units, and the FE6 snipers are pretty good. I think the only real bad sniper in the series is like, FE9 Shinon, and he has a few chapters where he's useful too. Archers are a problem though.
  12. My point is, yes they're good against wyverns. Is killing one wyvern lord per turn really better than putting a bunch of other wyvern riders in KO range for the rest of your team? as for the actual chapters you outlined, there are no mercs and no relevant forests in 18S, (there are myrmidons though) and a bunch of unpromoted nomads, which I guess they're good against (although they won't double) The extent of their use is sniping a wyvern lord in 18S. I guess they break walls faster, but warping useful units over the wall is just so much easier, even if you're not playing fast. god I thought sacae actually had promoted enemies, even in 20x they're reletively sparse, I guess they're better than I remember here. They need the brave bow to kill wyvern lords (which is fine, unless Shin has it) in the last few chapters, but yes, they're tanky, but a hit + crit with any unit with good strength (Miledy, Percival, Alan, Gonzales, etc) kills them and even someone pretty bad like Hugh hits them very hard with Aircalibur, even if he doesn't double. Bows aren't the only way to kill them. WRT to Alan vs Percival, it's very reasonable to assume he's around 20/4 by the time Percival is recruited, unless we're LTC'ing or something there's no inscentive to promote him in the isles, he doesn't need the promotion bonuses anyway since he still doubles the all the non Merc enemies. Percival's not a particularly good bosskiller anyway, but Alan really isn't any worse. a point or so in each offensive stat isn't going to make or break it. I'd argue the only reason Percival's actually better is the opportunity cost at training Alan, and his sword rank. I mean, you could get Alan to Durandal if you really wanted to, it just takes a lot more effort. But overall after looking at the Sacae maps, I did underestimate the worth of snipers, but past then they pretty much only exist to snipe a wyvern lord a chapter or something. Klein can kill Manaketes I guess. Real men use Bartre to snipe wyverns anyway But Cynthia raises a good point, I think the only way Igrene or Klein would be better with the same stats is if they were a mounted unit or maybe a Sage.
  13. I wouldn't call the 18th best unit in the game "among the best units in the game". And all the chapters you listed for Igrene, she's nothing more than a filler unit, she never really meaningfully contributes. She'll kill a flier here and there, but lategame she's overshadowed by more useful units like Yodel (and even like, Karel) since she won't have a holy weapons (it's very hard for her to get the rank, even if you're not using Shin). I'm actually of the opinion that Klein is better than Igrene anyway, but it's a very small, oftentimes meaningless gap that really only applies if Klein gets fielded in endgame (since he definately has the ability to ORKO manaketes like Shin). As for Shin, the things he has going for him are better offence (especially in Ilia) and better against the like 20 manaketes in the game (most of which are in the final chapter) vs being able to counter and being around for the entire game. I agree Alance are generally overrated units, but in a playthrough with growths, the only thing separating Percival from Alan is his sword rank (and I guess Axe rank but that's pretty pointless). Maybe I need to replay FE6HM, I've had a lot of differeing opinions lately on the game and perhaps I am wrong about some stuff.
  14. That must be FE11 Tiki i'm thinking of. Regardless, I guess if you give her a few levels and bench her until endgame she can oneshot dragons there or something, which is better than a lot of the cast do I suppose. Why can't all manaketes be as good as Myrrh :(
  15. Fa can enter battle a grand total of 30 times in the whole game, and like 20 of those times is making her not shit. She's almost ORKO'd by the chapter 16x cavaliers too, which is pretty sad. She's a bad unit. I forget if getting attacked by archers makes her use up a dragonstone use, I think it does (I could be wrong)
  16. Usually in subs runs i'm able to promote linda by chapter 9 while getting her conversation that pretty much takes her out of chapter 8, so I imigine promoting Lex!Tinny by Chapter 9 is pretty easy.
  17. I actually felt Kris was way worse than Robin. Marth be like "I don't need my main man Jeigan when Kris does everything perfect :((((" As for stuff I want/don't want, I'd like character specific skills like mentioned earlier in the thread, (like FE5, and not removeable like FE10), and as much as they make me rage, status staves (or just a great variety of staves) would be cool. I want reclassing to be back too, whether it be FE13's system (which it probably will be) and hopefully 3x effective might stays. I'd like to see forging gone, and more varied map objectives. I thought FE13 did a lot of things right, and hopefully by tweaking things a little bit this game can fix some of it's issues.
  18. don't get me wrong, bows are pretty good in FE6, but calling Igrene or Klein some of the better units in the game is kind of ridiculous. They're good for a while yes, but their stats really aren't that impressive for very long. 1-2 range isn't particularly good in FE6 because magic users suck in general, but countering at 1 range is still a HUGE boon that people are seemingly forgetting about. Shin is a very good unit, he has great mobility and is probably one of your best units in Sacae, but he's very very mediocre in the western isles compared to literally anyone that can wield a sword (except like, Roy and Chad) and he's only mediocre in Ilia. Bow seem good in theory later game when there are a bunch of Wyverns, but they're good for blicking one per enemy phase, and aside from the wyvern lords (which they are very good against) they aren't needed at all. I'd consider Shin about equal with Alance just because they're simply around for the hardest part of the game, and they're still better than Shin for a while (and probably forever if you go to Ilia). Shin's probably better on Sacae though.
  19. look at it this way, would you rather have a bad unit like say, Marisa or something that can actually score kills with little help, or Sophia, where every attack is a gamble early on. I enjoy using bad units like Ardan and most armourknights really, but training someone like Sophia is more like playing roulette than anything. Obviously she's an extreme example, and training someone like Lilina in comparison really isn't too hard. Like to put things into perspective, Sophia has 75 hit on an enemy with 0 avoid.
  20. The thing is, Aideen has existed for nearly the entire gen, at a time where healing is actually kind of important. She also has warp useage which is pretty useful. Claude also has no buisness taking any staves from Aideen because inheritance. At least Deirdre gives Sigurd money and silences Sandima. Claude just... exists.
  21. does claude actually do anything? I think he's worse than Deirdre.
  22. god i had a response typed up then SF shit a brick and deleted it so i'm just gonna say this; I agree with your point in the last sentence in your first point, perhaps overhyped was the wrong, word, but calling fe6 underappreciated it frankly ridiculous. It's long past the stage where people harp on it for the obvious reasons of lowhitrates and only one chapter objective. also Echidna and Lugh aren't good combat units lmao, Lugh is barely passable until he promotes and Echidna is pretty shit after like chapter 16 and has no durability. She's essentially a 10/1 Tate, with slightly more strength and Axes that cause he to lose AS which... isn't good. Geese is also a totally awful axe user, which leaves Gonzales and Garret, and Garret can really only fight lance users without sucking, Gonzales has the virtue of just having such high offence that it doesn't matter if he misses sometimes. Garret's not doubling, so him missing is a much bigger deal. But he's useable at combat in the same way someone like Barth or Douglas are useable in combat - badly. He does have peakwalk and crit bonus, but the point still remains. FE6 armours are far and away the worst armours in the series, even someone awful like Ardan has a means to contribute if you really want him to. Bors, and Wendy just don't, and Barth is incredibly bad unless you waste a knight crest on him early. And there's no excuse for the amount of irredeemably shitty units like Wendy, Sophia, Fa, Cath and Juno, and dudes like Ward, Geese, Barth and Douglas aren't very far behind. All this being said, i'm incredibly biased against FE6, so this should be probably taken with a grain of salt. I just don't enjoy the game.
  23. i think leen is better than Laylea simply because of inheritance. Sure charisma is nice, but Laylea doesn't have any chance of clearing the arenas, so requires a very significant money dump from Patty to get the knight ring, whereas Leen can start with it. Having a knight ring is a pretty big deal, and charisma well, isn't. This is unless we're also considering Sharlow vs Corple, which really isn't a big deal, the berserk staff is being used once ever and is very replaceable. It would be nice if you edited changes into the first post too.
  24. Sure, i'll bite Durandal: Percival Armads: Barth Forblaze: Cecilia Aureola: I don't think i've actually ever used it Malte: Miledy Murgleis: Klein Apocalypse: Niime
  25. I wouldn't say emotionless, but you can't really argue that he doesn't have much of a personality. He's still one of my favourite units in the series regardless.
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