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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Ninian's in the drafted units list. Canas and Eliwood.
  2. First off, you don't need a 50 kill slim sword for units to do well in the arenas, unless you're trying to clear the early arenas with Dew or something. It's a pretty big waste of time in my opinion. Cuan usually peaks off at level 25, even with the elite ring. And really, you don't need to get him any higher than 20 or so for him to have served his purpose. As for your pairings, you might want to consider Lex (or Ardan) Sylvia instead of Dew. Lex is preferred since it gives Corple elite, but the real plus here is ambush, so you can ambush sleep sword the arena, and Leen has a lot tougher of a time in the arena than Patty (unless you get foutunate with Prayer ranges), and once Patty promotes, she can usually clear the arena (or at least get pretty far). Faval doesn't need elite at all either, and there's no inheritance for patty other than ring or the Thunder Sword (if you get Lex to kill Jacoban). Also as silly as this may be, Patty is actually dreadfully slow, (even despite her thief speed base) and Lex doesn't help this matter at all. Faval would appreciate more skill/spd as well too, so it might be better off to pair Briggid with Beowulf, Dew or even Midir instead. Everything else looks OK though.
  3. What mode are we assuming here? Why are we assuming Donnel is an equal level? If we assume infinate exp from grinding, what's stopping us from just capping out whoever we're comparing Donnel to, in which case they'll likely win unless they're someone like Virion who has no proc skills. It's stupid yes, but it's very easy (albeit very time consuming). If we're on an easier difficulty, what use is Sol if Donnel (or whoever is using it takes no damage? What use is armsthrift is we're using DLC or grinding in general? Also I might be kind of slow here since i'm far too lazy to read this entire topic to find it, but is the spreadsheet you're referring to the one on the last page with Donnel/Vaike/Chrom stats? EDIT: shit, that was a lot of questions
  4. even if you're playing super slowly, having more move/flight can help in getting some items that thieves steal (while they are pretty irrelevant when grinding or w/e) or doing stuff like saving the stupid villagers that suicide themselves on pegasus knights in one of the early paralogues. ane even if you're playing super slowly, like someone else mentioned earlier, 8 movement is always better than 6. If you get unlucky and miss an 85 or something, the odds of an 8 move unit being in range to help remedy the mishap is much higher than a 6 move unit.
  5. i'm also getting 34.45 hp by calculating it manually. I'm not actually sure how you're getting 31.3. 1.05*9 is 9.45, and this added to his HP from classes and his base (16 base, +4 from fighter, +5 from skill) is 34.45. edit - ninja'd and still think donnel's a worthless turd
  6. I haven't watched the entire chapter yet, but can't you just feed it to Alan with a Rutger hit + crit, a Lugh hit, and Alan finish?
  7. a level 30 Sigurd is... (i've just switched hit/avoid/crit calcs to FE6 since crits work differently, assuming Sigurd has more than 7 con needed for Tyrfing) 64HP, 19 Def, 24 Res, 75 Avo, 17 CAvo Tyrfing - 55 Atk, 152 hit, 16 crit Sigurd ORKO's Roy (34x2) at 74 hit, taking 20 damage in return. Although technically RD!Ike or Chrom would be the best, depending on how many levels you'd be willing to give Chrom since they're theoretically infinite Roy also does 7x2 damage to Hector per round, although to be fair he'd probabaly still win since Hector has 50 hit. Ephraim also 2HKO's Roy at very good hit, and Eirika doubles him and destroys him too. He's only really beats Eliwood and mayyyybe Hector when it comes to GBA Lords.
  8. The problem with Celice's 1-2 range is, usually if he's a high enough level to take advantage of it, he'll likely be ignored in lieu of other weaker units (unless he's the only one in range, but if he's actually being attacked, odds are he's weak enough to actually be at risk of dying or he's just not killing anything with it. It's kinda weird.
  9. That's still not really true, which is a testement to how bad Dorcas really is. A level 10 Dorcas even with the Lyn Mode energy ring (lol) still only has 13 strength - the same as Oswin, and 7 speed, which doesn't double anything Oswin can't. He also has 5 defence, so even if he has 40 something HP with the angelic Robe, his defences still aren't very good. He might hit things hard enough for chumps like Eliwood to kill though, which might be nice. So pretty much if you dump a ton of exp and resources into him you just get a shitty Oswin. This being said, I agree with Yojimbo, it's ok for there to be bad units.
  10. CHAPTER 9 - 3/31 TURNS Sumia ran to the boss and then switched to Fred, who hammered him. Killed Tharja for exp. recruited Libra for his axe. And staff I guess, but I don't have any staff users that can make use of it. PARALOGUE 3 - FREE god anna died on turn 1 once it was awful CHAPTER 10 - 2/33 TURNS magic tonic!Sumia rescued Avatar (who got reclassed to wyvern, forgot if i mentioned that) ahead with Fred, and they killed the boss on turn 2. Got the Master Seal and one other item from the theives. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CHROM LORD 11.85 28 15 03 15 16 11 12 04 B SWORD FREDERICK GREAT KNIGHT ??/09.43 36 18 04 19 16 08 20 05 A LANCE A AXE C SWORD SUMIA FALCOKNIGHT 20/04.29 36 18 14 30 32 21 11 16 A LANCE E STAFF ROBIN WYVERN RIDER 20/09.22 42 26 14 22 19 17 18 04 D AXE VIRION ARCHER 04.32 21 07 01 12 05 08 06 01 C BOW MIRIEL MAGE 14.00 27 04 15 12 13 12 04 09 B TOME GAIUS THIEF 07.03 22 07 01 14 15 07 05 02 C SWORD POTHEAD CHUMP 05.55 20 06 02 05 05 15 05 03 D LANCE NOWI MANAKETE 10.91 26 15 07 08 08 12 16 13 DRAGON miriel and Nowi seem pretty terrible, all the rage. CHAPTER 11 - 2/35 TURNS Sumia flew ahead, rescued Robin, then was danced by Olivia, and moved ahead in range of Gangrel. Robin moved over by the Hero, to take out the enemies there. Sumia ORKO'd Gangrel with a Javelin (yeah....) and her and robin KO'd everything on the enemy phase. Sumia killed the thief on turn 2, and everyone else mopped up. CHAPTER 12 - 2/37 TURNS Robin promoted to Griffon RIder. Her and Sumia killed pretty much everything, others got exp near the start. Cherche got two godawful levels :( CHAPTER 13 - 1/38 TURNS Sumia rescued Olivia ahead and she danced Robin to kill the boss Accidently passed down Deliverer to Lucina but honestly it might be better than Veteren in this scenerio, so I left it alone. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CHROM CAVALIER 14/01.15 31 17 03 18 16 14 13 04 B SWORD E LANCE FREDERICK GREAT KNIGHT ??/10.32 37 18 04 20 17 09 21 05 A LANCE A AXE B SWORD SUMIA FALCOKNIGHT 20/10.29 40 21 14 36 37 25 12 19 A LANCE E STAFF ROBIN GRIFFON RIDER 20/13/05.36 51 36 15 32 28 21 22 08 C AXE VIRION ARCHER 04.46 21 07 01 12 05 08 06 01 C BOW MIRIEL MAGE 15.00 27 05 15 12 13 13 04 09 B TOME GAIUS THIEF 07.15 22 07 01 14 15 07 05 02 C SWORD POTHEAD CHUMP 05.73 20 06 02 05 05 15 05 03 D LANCE NOWI MANAKETE 12.11 34 16 07 10 10 13 20 14 DRAGON OLIVIA DANCER 02.02 19 04 02 09 10 09 03 03 D SWORD CHERCHE WYVERN RIDER 14.50 33 17 01 15 12 10 16 02 C AXE LUCINA LORD 10.00 34 18 07 20 19 16 13 05 C SWORD
  11. I agree with the general sentiment in the thread of not agreeing with the bosskill going to Marcus, even with perfect levels Alan will surpass him very quickly (with the exception of weapon ranks and movement) very quickly. It might help to have 13 speed for chapter 7 though, I dunno.
  12. it doesn't get you very much exp, but i'm pretty sure you can just only deploy Hector and have him sit on the throne for 7 turns and beat the chapter pretty easily.
  13. Wrath is blocked too. Otherwise Holsety!Arthur could oneshot Alvis with a Magic ring!
  14. Yeah, otherwise Alvis would be infinately less of a pain. It's just the worst skill ever :(
  15. Technically a room can't be called a bedroom without having a window, it's necessary for a fire escape, so I imagine most people have windows in their bedrooms. That being said, i've lived in a place with a bedroom without a window, and it was just depressing. I can't imagine not having a window in my bedroom.
  16. The only things awareness blocks are the swordskills, and crits in general (this includes bows against flying units, or any effective bonus) Charge, Continue, Big Shield :((((, Ambush, and Prayer aren't blocked. I'm actually kind of unsure on Ambush and Prayer, but I assume they aren't blocked.
  17. ^ to be fair FE6 archers were downright terrible, and the snipers were merely passable. Klein/Igrene are only slightly better than someone like Innes, and Snipers in general aren't that bad other than like, FE9 Shinon. FE2 bows in general are actually pretty terrible despite how good they look on paper too, they have awful hit (except the Holy Bow) and gaiden is filled with ridiculous terrain and very few fliers. Honestly all the classes that need buffs like Archers and Knights lose their uniqueness if they're changed at all, and by the looks of it at least archers are getting an advantage when attacking from range. It might be nice to give them like +damage when attacking from range as well? I dunno. I think Knights/Generals are just irredeemable unless they're a solid earlygame presence like Oswin, who falls off as maps get bigger. It'd be cool if shapeshifting classes like Taguel that are locked to 1 range get a movement buff or something, 6 move seemed to be not enough for a supposedly agile class.
  18. it's only in the Wii U version, there are no tags in the 3DS version
  19. I'm pretty sure Julia has static base stats. Also the best Deirdre is likely to give Celice is an extra point of HP/MAG/RES. Her other growths are so awful and she doesn't promote, so they're likely not to change a whole lot, even by level 30.
  20. Does anybody actually come close to filling the convoys anyway? The only time I do is during a ranked run of FE7 or something when you have to hoard a bunch of stuff for the funds rank. As for the topic at hand, 5 inventory spaces is more than enough, but it really depends on the game. FE4 needed 7 slots, whereas FE9 really didn't. (FE9 had 7 as well right? It's been a while)
  21. items show up in the shop in certain chapters in gen 2 (just like in gen 1) if you don't pass them down. If Levin doesn't pass down his Elwind tome, it shows up in the shop in chapter 9 for instance.
  22. Did paralogue 2 before Chapter 6, I needed a javelin since I only had 2 uses left on my current one and didn't get the hand axe from chapter 5. CHAPTER 6 - 3/23 TURNS Sumia went down one side with Frederick, and Chrom and Robin went down the other, Had to unequip Robin turn 1 so Gaius wouldn't get wrecked though. CHAPTER 7 - 2/25 TURNS Sumia flew to the boss on killed pretty much everything. CHAPTER 8 - 3/28 TURNS Got all villages. Sumia dropped Frederick on turn 2. he killed the boss while she got the second seal village. Nowi got the master seal village with Miriel's help, and Robin got the pointless rescue staff. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON LEVEL CHROM LORD 07.08 25 12 03 12 13 09 09 02 C SWORD ROBIN TACTICIAN 15.53 31 14 14 15 17 13 13 05 C TOME E SWORD FREDERICK GREAT KNIGHT ??/06.82 33 16 04 17 14 08 17 04 A LANCE A AXE D SWORD VIRION ARCHER 04.10 21 07 01 12 05 07 06 02 D BOW MIRIEL MAGE 10.30 24 02 14 08 12 09 04 07 C TOME SUMIA PEGASUS KNIGHT 19.35 28 14 08 24 26 19 08 12 A LANCE DONNEL CHUMP 02.13 17 05 01 03 04 12 03 00 E LANCE GAIUS THIEF 05.73 22 07 00 13 15 06 05 02 D SWORD NOWI MANAKETE 04.61 20 13 05 06 06 08 12 10 DRAGON
  23. Happy Birthday Dude, have a good one.

    1. Darros


      Thanks buddy, I'll try! Econ midterm tonight ((RIP))). After that though!

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