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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. i made like 3 teams two of which were joke teams, and my only team that I put any effort into lost gg
  2. the best part about PU would be that I would hardly have to change my team, so good.
  3. plz make it a joke tier so I can use chumps and only lose kind of badly instead of losing horribly
  4. oswin doesn't die and leaves enemies low enough to feed Eliwood or whoever kills bartre and guy are just a waste of exp, and guy even might kill some enemies
  5. Did Chapter 3 a while ago, going to post it now before I forget. CHAPTER 3 - 14/70 TURNS TO MADINO - 4/14 TURNS Lachesis Relived Ardan for her remaining 20 exp to allow her to promote on the next turn and buy warp and head out towards Eltshan with Beowulf. Ethlin and Midir went North to clear a way for Sigurd to the boss. Ethlin returned Sigurd home. TO SILVAIL - 5/9 TURNS Lachesis killed all the cross knights then made Eltshan leave. Then she triggered the thwomps near Shagaal and Sigurd killed him. Ethlin bought the Hero Sword and positioned herself to kill pirates. Midir got the restore staff I guess. TO ORGAHIL - 5/14 TURNS Ethlin sold the leg ring she got on the enemy phase (along with the Hero sword) and Lachesis warped Sigurd to Madino, and he bought the leg ring and charged to Orgahill. Aideen spammed Return all chapter. Not enough time for stats right now.
  6. Nah, i'll sit this one out unless you don't get a fifth by tomorrow evening. I don't think Vaida is bannable though.
  7. Enemies on at least some castles move when you kill the bosses with regular AI, I definately remember the Dark Mages in Chapter 7 nuking Daisy after Shanan killed the boss. I dunno if it's castle dependant though. I never turn on the option because I honestly don't notice any difference, the enemies still seem to have a hard on for Midir/Ethlin/Holyn regardless of their stats, but perhaps they focus on killing units more I dunno.
  8. Yeah, I think that's the most up to date one.
  9. I dunno if i'm actually going to join yet, but looking at the units, is Vaida really worth a ban? She only joins one chapter earlier than Farina with debateably better stats. I mean, she has 4 base speed.
  10. i wouldn't be surprised if they added more mii costumes or something but I can't see them not adding any more characters without video presentations.
  11. CHAPTER 1 - 22/32 TURNS TO THE FIRST PLACE - 5/5 TURNS Couldn't get Midir down to chip the boss for a 4 turn clear due to lack of manpower. Sigurd just went and killed the boss, I guess. TO THE SECOND PLACE - 5/10 TURNS Ethlin and Midir started beating up the axe goons while Sigurd recruited Ayra for the Hero Sword. Sigurd cleared a path for them to run through, and Sigurd eventually killed Kinbois with a Steel Lance Sibling crit with Ethlin's help. TO VERDANE - 12/22 TURNS WORTH IT Ethlin and Sigurd held up a little bit for Jamka to charge through and attempt to kill Ethlin, and Sigurd charged on through while Ethlin danced around with Jamka till Aideen arrived. Sigurd killed Sandima with the Steel Lance since he was 1 strength short of ORKO'ing with the Steel sword, but it has 44 kills on it already, which is nice. Ethlin returned Jamka and Aideen Warped Midir home and they cleared the arena with the killer bow. I think i'll pair Jamka and Aideen so Midir can actually do stuff. stats after chapter 2 arena CHAPTER 2 - 25/56 TURNS TO THE FIRST PLACE - 8/8 TURNS Midir killed the boss with the Killer bow, and Sigurd killed all the chumps along the way to ensure Midir and Ethlin got there on time. Ethlin killed the Return Ring jerk though. Lachesis managed to smack a few dudes with the Thief sword, and even killed Elliot. TO THE DICKFACE WITH THE SHIELD RING - 5/13 TURNS Couldn't 4 turn because I just didn't have enough manpower. Sigurd weakened Voltz for Ethlin, and he recruited Beowulf, who drew a lot of fire from the other free knights for some reason. SIgurd killed the boss with his critsword, and Ethlin returned him home. Lachesis beelined for the Bargain RIng. TO THE SLEEP STAFF - 7/20 TURNS Lachesis got a couple more villages and was returned home by Ethlin, who returned herself home, and then got warped back to collect the Iron cutter after selling the return staff and Elite ring for Lachesis to spam after she cleared the arena (thanks prayer). Got hung up for a little while since Jamka, Deirdre and Sigurd couldn't collectively bust through fast enough. TO AGUSTY - 5/25 TURNS Midir preempitively had moved to the cliffs near Agusty and killed a few armours and bowknights for Sigurd, letting him run through at least a big easier. Noone was there to kill a ballista in front of the castle so Sigurd took an extra turn doing that before killing Shagaal. STATS AFTER CH 3 ARENA
  12. I really dont think this team is any better than my last one (well it's very slightly better since I can skip Hawk) but I'm definately not recruiting Altenna.
  13. I started. If I can manage to actually recruit Jamka (or the killer bow) I might be able to save a few more turns in chapter 2 with Midir too, but even with draftable Aideen I don't think it's too likely without Cuan. PROLOGUE - 10/10 TURNS TO JUNGBY - 5/5 TURNS Rescued the damsel in distress Midir. Sigurd didn't get strength twice so I had to Iron Lance the dude near the castle, but he hadn't been hit yet all chapter so it didn't matter, and he hilariously dodged there anyway, but got knocked kinda low by the boss regardless. Ethlin stole a kill from Ardan and healed him once, and Ardan set off on his quest to defeat the bandit attack the nearest village. TO EVANS - 5/10 TURNS Ethlin met up with Sigurd and healed him, and Ardan had to go on a sidequest to lure hand axe bandits away from Alvis so he'd deliver the silver sword on time. Midir beat up dudes around Jungby and got the speed ring, while Ethlin kept Sigurd healthy.
  14. i dunno, i'm guessing probably just under 200. It's not as good as the team I had Leaf, Levin!Arthur and Aless on!
  15. The rules state undrafted dudes can't do anything but this 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above which doesn't include visiting any villages, but I guess you could theoretically visit Canas's and Priscilla's villages.
  16. hey, the best use of Silence is to sell it so she can use warp.
  17. he really doesn't need very much speed since he has a player phase and an enemy phase to kill the boss, and you can just rig a crit or w/e.
  18. I think this is the most important thing here, why bother fine tuning a ruleset for a mode that's unlikely to get 4/5 willing participants? Like I said above, normal FE6 drafts has a ton of useless units, and HM magnifies this fact, you might as well draft ~3-4 units each and be done with it. At least in FE11 you can get someone to C Lances and ridersbane people even with poor stats, and FE12 has boosters, but there's no redeeming dudes like Dorothy or Geese.
  19. oh, gg me, that's what I get for not actually reading the rules. Marcus/any one of the several mounts on your team can rescue Roy out of harms way. Like I said, I don't really care what the rules state for FE6HM drafts, its a pretty silly premise anyway considering the amount of already useless units in FE6NM drafts, but the more free units you have (be it for one chapter or several) the more it devalues actually picking units. Treck is pretty chump anyway, but my point still stands. Perhaps people pick Treck since he enables getting a lot of the villages in chapter 7 and can even contribute (badly) to clearing a way for Roy/Rescuing him, if you're going to make him free for that chapter, give him the FE4 Midir treatment and only make him free to be attacked, meaning the only commands he can use are trade or wait (or theoretically rescue on an undrafted unit if you deploy Thany to shop or something).
  20. I still don't see the problem. If anyone should be free in that chapter, it's Zealot, since you're actually forced to recruit him. I don't really care what happens either way, I'm never going to join an FE6HM draft anyway.
  21. why does treck need to be free? it makes recruiting zealot easier, sure, but if you didn't draft him you can just let treck suicide.
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