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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. To be fair, I don't think having access to Horsemen would help Palla and Catria out a whole lot, they'd need to eat arms scrolls to dig out of the horrible base weapon ranks and Palla's speed already isn't really cut out for the class. Gordin and Warren are effectively the same unit now though, Warren has a lower base level and slightly better growths (not enough to really matter though) so he'd be ever so slightly better longterm, but honestly there are so many (worthless) characters in this game that a good chunk of them are bound to be extremely similar or identical. Like how the heck would you ever differentiate Dolph and Macellan?
  2. I'd be down, just to show how much of a CHUMP you are. I think it'd be pretty fun, but like the tournaments, people would take forever to play matches, or flat out just quit immediately after joining. If there was enough interest with people able to play it'd be fun I think.
  3. what the hell, i'll join this one too and hopefully get a less chumpy team
  4. Don't get me wrong, I dislike Sheik nearly as much as you do, but her kill combos aren't super easy like DK's or ZSS's, and she doesn't have a kill throw like Ness or Charizard. I wasn't referring to any kill combos with Samus, just stuff like utilt to charge shot that's an easy ~40% or so (providing you have a charge shot on deck), or dash attack to uair strings (which is probably more like 30%, but it's still reasonable). I'm pretty sure Samus can even get utilt to screw attack for a kill combo too, her utilt rules. What kill combos do Sheik's fish for against you? The only common one is the 50/50 mixup of a throw afaik.
  5. if you're looking for combo heavy instakill i think ZSS is a worse offender there not saying Sheik isn't the better character, but she definately doesn't have any (realistic) 0 to death comboes or w/e. Sure, she can do a lot of damage of combos, but even someone like samus who isn't anywhere near as good has some pretty nice ~40% combos at low %'s, its not just exclusive to Sheik.
  6. Probably have to either sit around and wait for it to happen or just skip Leen. Such is the misfourtunate of giving me Levin and not having Alec CHAPTER 10 - 16/77 TURNS TO HILDA - 2/2 TURNS Laylea bought the prayer sword and shield ring for later. thief sword is the real mvp. Lana rescued Celice ahead on turn 1 after being danced, then rescued Laylea down on turn 2, and she danced Celice and Lana after being restored by Hawk. Celice got rescued by Lana again and seized after killing Hilda TO RANDOM DARKMAGE CASTLE - 3/5 TURNS Lana rescued Celice ahead, and Hawk warped Laylea to Hilda's castle, allowing her to dance Lana again, and she rescued Celice ahead a little more. Celice beat some dudes up on the enemy phase, and Lana rescued Layela ahead, and she survived the incoming enemy phase thanks to the prayer sword. Lana rescued Lester (who was warped ahead the previous turn to kill the dark mage dude guarding the castle, and Celice killed the boss to seize. TO MILETOS - 5/10 TURNS Not having Leg RIng Celice hurt here a bit. Did some rescue shenanagins and Oifaye tanked a sleep staff, Lana and Laylea both returned home since rescue broke and Laylea couldn't get to close since she got oneshotted, and Hawk warping her would get her farther ahead. Celice got hung on for a turn since noone was able to clear out a random dark mage around the boss. TO CHALPHY - 6/16 TURNS Femina lured the Bishop over (she previously tanked damage so he'd move to heal her) to get Tyrfing easier. Once Celice got Tyrfing he killed Alvis over the course of 2 turns and seized. If I was able to warp Hawk up I probably could have saved a turn since he could have theoretically layed a bit of a preemtive smackdown on Alvis since he could have had a magic ring and capped magic and pretty good hit with the lightning tome, but sadly I don't have another staff user. EPILOGUE - 16/93 TURNS TO EDDA - 2/2 TURNS Rescued Laylea ahead a few times to get Celice in range to seize. Lana returned home on turn 2, and Femina used the return staff on Laylea to send her home. TO DOZEL - 2/4 TURNS the real hero AMID bought the pursuit ring off Femina at the chapter start, and nuked the entire Dozel squad with a 50 kill Elwind tome (thanks Levin), allowing Celice and Lana to dance through unscathed. Hawk could have done this too easier but I wanted buttface to have his time to shine. TO FREEGE - 3/7 TURNS Rescue chained Laylea and Celice ahead and killed Hilda. TO VELTHOMER - 5/12 TURNS Rescue chained Laylea around Ishtar's squad for the most part, and Amid was warped up to fuck them up rather poorly, eventually Lester and Oifaye were able to help. Hawk killed all the pegasus sisters because his offence is ridiculous, and lured some of the deadlords over the cliff above Dozel. TO BARHARA - 4/16 TURNS Julia got Narga and eventally nuked Julius. UNIT ANALYSIS Celice - He did his job, even if he's slow the speed ring makes everything better. Badney - She was as bad as her name implies, but she was good at one thing, burning RN's. Lana - I'm really glad I had Levin (he's honestly pretty awesome even in gen 1) to pair with Aideen, since it let Lana use Elwind on promotion, and gave her good combat stats and skills, since she occasionally needed to kill a few things (like against the enemies before Alvis). She's still only the third best rescue bot though, although having her in tandem with Laylea is nice since you can just warp Celice after recruiting Laylea saving a few turns. Lester - he helped killing a few enemies here and there (notably in chapter 7 and 10) and Levin isn't really a bad dad for anybody, so his combat was passable despite mediocre strength. Oifaye - did Oifaye things, helped in Chapter 7, did very little else. Femina - she's honestly not that terrible, and usually saves a turn in Chapter 8 (but I had Hawk so that was rendered moot). She could never reach Celice after he seized a castle to return him after seizing letting me warp Laylea there preemptively, but it wasn't a huge deal, still saved turns in chapter 10 and endgame. Buttface - has a butt for a face. could be worse I guess, really sucks that he doesn't get staves or a horse. I like how he has tordo blood but is a wind mage so he can't use thunder tomes until he promotes. Laylea - Lana needed the leg and knight ring anyway so she didn't really need that much money, just enough for the return ring, shield ring, and prayer sword, and she could usually beat level 1 of the arena at least and then looted some enemies and villages with the thief sword to get that money when she didn't need to dance (ie chapter 8). Hawk - Was the warp bot after Lana became rescue bot. Did his job, I guess. Julia - did nothing of value other than killing Julius. this means a gen 1 clear of 108 turns + gen 2 clear of 93 turns = 201 turns NO NOT UNDER 200 RAGE
  7. Excalibur is ridiculously OP, and you probably have time to Train Merric, and having another warp/again/whatever staff user is always going to be handy, and it's better than using someone awful like Mallesia. Merric's also significantly more durable than Linda (and Yumina), for what it's worth (double her HP and def growths) so he might be better in some situations where you might need 1-2 range to blast a bunch of stuff. Resire is also pretty heavy to be effective for tanking much other than thwomps or something. I'd say it's worth it, you have to recruit everyone anyway. Kashim's bases are ok, but I don't see him being particularly useful, or any better than Jeorge really. He's outclassed by several outdoor units and Jeorge is better inside thanks to +1 move, I'd say Jeorge is your best bet if you want an indoor Parthia dude, and he's much worse than someone like Merric inside. also train Feena as much as possible, the more durability on her the better (and Mercurius Feena is the best)
  8. Man, it's good that the earth orb doesn't kill your units in FE3, since noone has much HP. Makes Medeus a grade A Chump though. 7400 turns though
  9. CHAPTER 9 - 11/61 TURNS TO - 2/2 TURNS Got danced on turn 1, yeah. TO LUTHECIA - 2/4 TURNS Warped Laylea to and she danced Celice (who moved a few spaces ahead so she could actually get warped there) and he ran and killed the bossjerk. Laylea returned home with the return ring. TO GRUNIA? - 3/7 TURNS Warped Laylea to dance Celice, Oifaye defended Luthecia for Hawk's event/ TO THRACIA - 4/11 TURNS Warped Laylea to Thracia but I don't think it did much other than make Areone easier to deal with. Killed him with Light sword Celice over two turns for the prayer ring. Julia promoted somewhere near the end of the chapter. stats
  10. i was just gonna say "just use jealousy" but it appears that that isn't really possible with Sylvia. I guess you'll just have to stick Holyn (or ARDAN) next to her for their whole existance.
  11. CHAPTER 7 - 22/38 TURNS Kinda forget the castle names don't sue me if i'm wrong TO YIED - 9/9 TURNS Celice ran to Yied TO MELGEN? 6/15 TURNS Celice ran to Melgen and got healed by Lana along the way. TO DARNA - 4/19 TURNS Oifaye and Buttfaceonamountain cleared a way for Celice to run and kill the boss and seize by turn 4, Buttface's shitty defence lured the enemies that didn't suicide on OIfaye away from Aless. TO ALSTER? 3/22 TURNS Celice moved a little south, and Aless got Laylea, who danced Celice, who was warped by Lana down to Melgen, and he ran and killed Blume, while Lester and BADNEY killed one of the thwomps to get it out of the way, while the Lenster team + Femina (who spent the entire chapter there getting exp) lured away the mage squads. Buttface and Oifaye got the defence ring. too lazy for stats CHAPTER 8 - 11/49 TURNS TO THE TOP - 5/5 TURNS Warped Celice to Lenster and he ran across and seized. LAYLEA beat on things with the thief sword, but I think Lana actually needs the money more. TO THE BOTTOM - 6/11 TURNS Hawk costed a turn, but he'll probably save at least one in the long run so oh well. People ate the children, and Celice ran down and seized. Lester finally gets some good bows! STATS
  12. Seriously I don't actually know much about Sheik since i've never been interested in playing her but i'm always salty playing against her with my heavies because the matchup makes me incredibly sad. When her Fair has more range than some sword users there's something wrong.
  13. CHAPTER 4 - 23/95 TURNS TO THE TOP PLACE - 11/23 TURNS Leg ring to Dew, just ran up and killed the boss really. Took advantage of Lex's ambush and all the thwomps having Javelins to lure in the mages at 1 range to die to the hero axe so Sigurd could kill the boss unapposed. TO ZAXON - 12/23 TURNS Just ran to Zaxon and killed the boss. Levin blew up all the remaining pegasi, I think Elwind almost has crit on it for Lana. after 5 arena: CHAPTER 5 - 17/108 TURNS TO LONGFART - 5/5 TURNS Sigurd ran to Longfart and killed him. Kept the Shield ring for now since it helps a lot against the brave bow dudes. TO PHINORA - 4/9 TURNS Sigurd ran south and seized? All there is to it. Fixed Tyfing a bit. TO AIDA - 8/17 TURNS Warped Levin (who had already given all his money to Aideen) to Phinora and he ran south and eventually killed Reptor with Elwind pretty easily. Sigurd was free to just run and seize. Forgot to screen everyone but i'll just do unit analysis with their names instead of stats: Sigurd - owned and did Sigurd things. Lex - actually was really amazing for the first three chapters then didn't do anything else. Aideen - staves galore Ardan - ONE STEP CLOSER TO GENERAL Levin - Married Aideen, killed Reptor, and killed the cross knights. He's actually pretty good for a foot unit. Beowulf - saved a turn in chapter 2 did very little else ... was that really my whole gen 1 team? It's tiny! ONWARDS TO GEN 2: wow, they look pretty decent! Thanks Levin genes. CHAPTER 6 - 16/16 TURNS didn't keep track of castle specific seizes. Warped Oifaye to the first castle to beat up one of Johan's Chumps so Celice could move a space farther, and Warped Radney to the same caslte to save the village. Lester, Femina and eventually Radney did a very bad job of killing Johalva's crew, they're so bad. I'm glad I left the hero lance on Fin. stats after chapter 7
  14. Nah, I need Beo for a couple of things later than that since Lex can't kill things anymore. I'm pretty sure Levin can just sit next to Aideen for the rest of the turns anyway.
  15. Have Azel bring the earth sword along next time, so he can be at full health for the thwomp squad
  16. Yeah, what a chump, he didn't come to the losers bracket because he was clearly scared I'll be back next tournament equally clueless
  17. NEVER TRUST A ROBOT EDIT: I beat shin earlier today with choice band dewgong i'll take that victory over his higher placement in the tournament
  18. Tsunami beat me 2-0, gg's. hopefully you remembered the replays
  19. CHAPTER 2 - 24/57 TURNS Man, I have a new appreciation for an overlevelled Lex. TO HEIRHEIN - 9/9 TURNS Lex ORKO'd all the armours with the Hero Axe, and Sigurd ORKO'd them all with the Silver Sword, so this castle was very very easy. Lex got the return ring for now. The Silver Sword hit 49 kills on the boss. TO DICKFACE - 4/13 TURNS Lex ran up ahead of Sigurd and triggered Voltz and Beowulf to move, then weakened some of the armours (the sword armours refused to attack him). Lex then countered Voltz on the enemy phase bringing him in range for Beowulf to kill him after being recruited by Lex. Sigurd killed the boss on the same turn Beowulf was recruited. TO SLEEP STAFF - 7/20 TURNS Lex used the return ring, and Deirdre warped Sigurd to Heirhein turn after (Sigurd still had his move so it was essentially the same thing, except Heirhein is slightly closer), and they beat up a lot of stuff. Sigurd hilariously has proc'd 2 magic and it turns out that was enough to ORKO the archers with the light sword and magic ring. Lex blasted the Armour then a mage blocking Sigurd allowing him to seize on turn 20. TO AGUSTY - 4/24 TURNS Sigurd can barely reach if he fullmoves every turn, and thanks to Lex and Beowulf (who was warped to Agusty after picking up the armour cutter) they killed two armours in Sigurd's way and Sigurd killed the final one, and Lex killed the ballista blocking Shagaal allowing Sigurd to seize on turn 24. Uh, Levin got the bargain ring and recruited Fury, Aideen collected some other villages and spammed return on my undrafted mounts that chased her around, and Ardan got the pursuit ring. unit stats after chapter 3 arena: CHAPTER 3 - 15/72 TURNS TO MADINO - 4/4 TURNS Sigurd, Beowulf, and Lex ran up, the not-Sigurd's cleared a way for the Sigurd on turn 4. Everyone else ran towards Silvail. TO SILVAIL - 6/10 TURNS Levin blasted the cross knights, and Lachesis made Eltshan go away, and Aideen warped her home to safely. Ardan attacked one cross knight (that was his contribution this chapter). Sigurd used the Return ring to go home then ran and killed Shagaal, Lex and Levin cleared his path. If Lex could have ORKO'd the Dragonknight bossguy I could have even got the Life Ring. Oh well. TO ORGAHIL - 5/15 TURNS Beowulf had stayed up north, he beat up a bunch of pirates (except the Leg Ring guy, Sigurd needed to beat him), and Sigurd was warped up to Madino by Aideen and just ran to Orgahil from there after nabbing the leg ring. stats after chapter 4 arena:
  20. PROLOGUE - 11/11 TURNS TO THE FIRST PLACE - 5/5 TURNS Had to kill the guy near the boss with the iron lance because Sigurd only got one point of strength. Oh well. Lex got a village up north and Ardan charged for the speed ring. TO THE SECOND PLACE - 6/11 TURNS Sigurd and Lex both stopped up at a church to heal (Lex was good bait since he 2HKO'd enemies and could sit on the church with low HP and kill them with Ambush) and Sigurd got his sword. Ardan finished his quest for the speed ring, and Sigurd killed the boss over two turns and seized. stats after chapter 1 arena. Sigurd cleared up to the axe armour in case he needs healing, Lex and Ardan beat all but the last guy. Thanks Ambush. Turns out when you don't have any other Prologue Units Lex gets a button of exp. CHAPTER 1 - 22/33 TURNS TO GENOA - 5/5 TURNS Sigurd ran south with Lex and set up a formation so Sigurd would counter the handaxe dude on the enemy phase, so Lex could get it on the next turn. Ardan was a real mvp and helped Lex out since he got surrounded. Sigurd killed the boss over the course of two turns, Lex couldn't help because he'd die and I wanted him to run ahead for the Hero Axe. TO MARPHA - 6/11 TURNS Sigurd talked to Ayra, need the hero sword, and Lex started beating up the Axedudes after he got Healed by Aideen. He ran ahead of Sigurd and beat up some more dudes near the castle (badly) and Sigurd killed the boss over the course of two turns and seized with Lex running ahead. SPIRIT FOREST BULLSHIT - 11/22 TURNS For some reason, Jamka attacked Sigurd instead of Deirdre (not complaining) and Deirdre eventually killed him. Lex went for the Hero axe, and Sigurd just went and killed the boss. Ardan helped Aideen get villaged and built love points, they're the true OTP. stats after chapter 2 arena:
  21. he was too scared to fight me obviously I can play whenever Tsunami, just PM me.
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