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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. got some chapters done earlier today so i'll post them now before I forget. CHAPTER 11 - 6/6 TURNS Matthew got exp, Hector killed the boss CHAPTER 12 - 3/9 TURNS Can't believe i've not thought of this before. Lowen rescued Marcus on turn 2 and dumped him on the mountain in the bosses range on turn 3, where he killed the boss on the enemy phase. Having Matthew helped out quite a bit up north. CHAPTER 13 - 4/13 TURNS Marcus charged south with Hector, and Matthew followed at a distance so he could recruit Guy. Lowen got the village and a shin level. CHAPTER 13X - 7/20 TURNS Defence. Finally got Lowen some levels since he'd been doing utility stuff in the first two chapters. CHAPTER 14 - 4/24 TURNS Marcus wiped out everything. Got Erk. CHAPTER 15 - 7/31 TURNS D FENCE CHAPTER 16 - 5/36 TURNS rip Marcus CHAPTER 17 - 9/45 TURNS I was worried that Hector and Lowen would get clogged up since Hector doesn't double anything, but his defence is so massive the archers targetted Lowen anyway (who ORKO'd them easily) Wil got the two south chests, while Matt got the two north ones. CHAPTER 17X - 3/48 TURNS Lowen busted through with help from everyone else and chatted with Fargus. Got the Sleep staff which will probably be used for exp for Serra or something. CHAPTER 18 - 3/51 TURNS Didn't have another mount to kill the Shaman that blocks a Paladin from reaching Zoldam on turn 2, so held back on promoting Lowen and managed to steal the speedwing. CHAPTER 19 - 4/55 TURNS Lowen killed Uhai with the Horseslayer. The snags were broken by LONGBOW WIL (hype) and Canas since both Erk and Canas did exactly 19 HP to the snags. CHAPTER 19X - 4/59 TURNS Gave Lowen the speedwing so he could double the boss. I could have theoretically saved it and rigged a KE crit, but that's lame (especially since the boss's evasion is already pretty good) Matt got the Goddess Icon Village. CHAPTER 20 - 4/63 TURNS LONGSWORD MATTHEW MVP Lowen charged ahead with Hector on turn 1, and weakened the boss enough for Longsword Matthew to finish (despite only having 7 strength he did a surprising amount of damage) and Canas and Guy cleared the other enemies out of the way for Lowen to drop Hector on turn 2. Lowen opened the door, and Hector killed Darin over the course of turn 3 player and enemy phases and seized the next turn. Erk killed the sniper in the south room and got the brave bow. CHAPTER 21 - 2/65 TURNS Lowen dumped Erk off in the bosses range and he killed him over the course of two turns. Could have theoretically rigged a thunder crit, but that's lame. CHAPTER 22 - 3/68 TURNS Lowen went to the boss and killed him with a steel axe. Heath was recruited. CHAPTER 23 - 3/71 TURNS Heath + Canas killed one boss, a freshly promoted Erk killed the other. Serra broke the sleep staff, and Genesis was acquired. CHAPTER 23x - 10 free turns got all the chests and started working on Erk's staff rank, and trained Wil for a very important job. Guy and Matthew hit C support, best OTP. CHAPTER 24 - 1/72 TURNS Wil for top tier.
  2. gradivus isn't particulary good in FE3 anyway since there are so few outdoor maps after obtaining it so you might as well burn through it while its around its pretty cool with est too since it doubles her exp gain and can make her a real unit pretty quickly. There's also the star orb to prevent weapon durability from decreasing and to boost her growths to insane territory (guarenteed str/skl/spd/weplevel) est probably turns into a very good unit after a chapter or 2 with gradivus and a promotion anyway. this being said i've never used her in fe3 or fe12 because i hate her but in theory it sounds like it works.
  3. Fred doesn't give her any hit or avoid, the support is one way, meaning only Fred gets said bonuses. +10 hit isn't enough when Olwen has a base 107 hit with a Leaf support and factoring in his leadership stars. Most enemy bosses around mid-lategame have 3-5 leadership stars themselves. if any enemy has around 10AS (which isn't hard to assume on midgame enemies that aren't knights or mages) Olwen's rocking a solid 70 hit on them. It's not a good spot to be in, and that's assuming she's close to Leaf (and with their movement difference, it might not always be the case). And like Refa said above, Olwen has 0 AS with Daimthunder until she hits 13 speed, and it's never going to be impressive regardless since she can't use swords due to her rank and awful strength. It's very possible Olwen gets doubled by stuff like Cavaliers, which is a pretty bad thing. Sure Mages can use tomes, but the option of Eyrios actually using swords exists so why bother? Using magic swords (or swords in general) is a far better idea since it doesn't kill your avoid. Olwen doesn't double anything other than some mages and knights without daimthunder anyway, and she lacks the rank to use magic swords.
  4. Eyrios kills pretty much everything Olwen does, and comes with some decent skills (although he'll likely never need prayer) and very good weapon ranks. Olwen's offence is overall better, but she's ridiculously squishy and not particularly fast, and Daimthunder is really heavy. Sure, you can use the Ambush + Daimthunder deal, but Olwen's accuracy is average at best and once the later maps have more enemy leadership stars and the like, the odds of her missing on the counter increases more and more and if she doesn't kill an enemy she's liable to being doubled and kill since she'll have close to 0AS. Eyrios is much better imo, Olwen is pretty shit without Ambush and her stats for a promoted unit are pretty terrible (seriously she's hardly more durable than base Leaf and she's a promoted unit) and Daimthunder isn't as good as people make it out to be. Eyrios requires no investment, comes with A Swords for the indoor chapters. and comes with some awesome equipment that you're not getting unless you have a thief with really high build or you sleep staff him.
  5. I don't think half of these units on said list are ests, Corple, Sharlow, Sophia, and Ewan (I don't know anything about Tellius) all have average to below average growths and turn out worse even at comparable levels when compared to their counterparts (Corple and Sharlow are no better than Lana, Sophia is just worse than Raigh, and Ewan loses out to Lute). Zeiss's bases are far too high to be considered and Est too. Although I guess Est has had debateably worse growths than Catria in the Archanea games anyway, but at least she's actually had good growths unlike the units I listed above. That being said I don't really like the idea of archetypes that aren't flat out obvious like Jeigan being akin to FE6 Marcus, and Rutger being akin to Navarre. As who I voted for, I voted Sara for best est since her staff rank is fantastic in a game where it matters and she has some awesome skills along with 5 move stars (and PCC I think? I don't remember since she has Wrath anyway). Sophia is undoubtably the worst since she has awful bases, and growths and doesn't even manage to make Dark magic good in a game where Nosferatu is ridiculously strong.
  6. Fe7 drafts are normally 5 players, which is why I got Heath and Lowen probably. I seriously have no idea how Canas lasted till round 6 though, he's one of the best warpers and his offence is ridiculous on normal mode. I also totally drafted Guy to tank hits so Serra could spam heal on someone
  7. Thanks for updating the OP clipsey, i'm back and able now that drafting is more or less done giving ZM wallace unless he picks today
  8. Thanks for the Birthday wishes!

  9. i honestly can't believe lucius and canas lasted till round 6
  10. That'd be awesome clipsey, spoiler tags on mobile aren't very friendly
  11. Heath and Lowen Won't be able to update the OP for some time, don't think I'll be in the computer till tonight
  12. Yo, you're up in the draft! Unless you were just enthousiatically saying YEAH without meaning to join.

    1. ZemZem
    2. ZemZem


      Sorry for the delay, busy and shit.

  13. I think if people put enough effort into Living Legend they could definately hit the exp requirement, but it's just another hassle to worry about. This draft I'm going to try to get it, and see if it impacts my turncount at all, and if it does, i'll see how much exp I get. I'm pretty sure i'll get Heath here though (since ZM will totally pick Fiora) so it'll probably be easier for me to do so. I mean, if it's possible in 2 turns in HHM, I'm sure it's possible in HNM with a lower levelled team in 3-4 turns.
  14. C swords is more important! All you have to do is use the wait command, so I assume it's allowed, since its not using a key or anything. I could have used Wolt and got him 10 less exp if it's a huge dealbreaker, and it doesn't really matter in the long run since he'll never do anything useful probably.
  15. Reverse joining order it is then! espemon picks first.
  16. CHAPTER 1 - 4/4 TURNS figured out a way to get Roy some more exp on turn 1 and 2 so that he'd actually hit level 2 in this chapter. With strength and speed, he ORKO's the fighters in the following chapter, which helped a lot. CHAPTER 2 - 5/9 TURNS Bors+Marcus dumped Roy on the fort on turn 1 after Wolt and Roy got rid of the soldier in the way, and Roy killed a few things on the enemy phase, then cleared a handaxe bandit while Bors killed a soldier Roy couldn't quite kill on turn 2 allowing Marcus to charge through and ferry him ahead to Ward on turn 3, who dropped him ahead, and he killed some more fighters on the enemy phase. Marcus recieved the Armourslayer from Thany on turn 5, allowing him to kill the boss. CHAPTER 3 - 7/16 TURNS Marcus and Roy went to the throne room, Ward got the Mend staff, and Bors recruited Lugh for his items I guess. CHAPTER 4 - 4/20 TURNS Marcus killed Eric, Roy actually doubled the cavaliers this time around so he got a lot more exp, and his actually really hax. CHAPTER 5 - 3/23 TURNS Bors and Marcus dumped Roy forward on turn 1, and undrafted Lance triggered the door on turn 2, allowing Marcus to run though, and Roy to get close enough to seize on turn 3 after Marcus killed the boss. CHAPTER 6 - 6/29 TURNS Got Sue, and even fed her the bosskill. Worth it! UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL ROY 10.39 27 10 07 15 10 06 03 B SWORD MARCUS ??/02.89 33 09 14 12 10 09 08 A LANCE D SWORD E AXE BORS 05.68 24 08 04 05 06 13 00 C LANCE WOLT 05.83 21 05 04 08 05 04 00 D BOWS WARD 07.59 31 12 05 06 04 05 00 C AXE SUE 02.58 18 06 08 09 05 05 00 D BOW CHAPTER 7 - 6/35 TURNS Marcus and Sue ferried Roy up to Zealot, then Zealot carried Roy to the throne. Sue, Wolt and Merlinus visited villages.
  17. I'll make it 10 turns for now. I too rarely get Genesis in drafts so I can't really comment on it either.
  18. Oh yeah, for some reason I thought there were only 4 players. This has been remedied by adding Geitz/Wallace back into the drafting pool and making the draft 4 players. And yeah I too was against having Genesis be free, but I don't like having a bunch of 20 turn free chapters, especially with the amount of free turns FE7 already throws at you.
  19. i'm sure that's a roman numeral somehow. It might even be MORE THAN 100 Also, take note that I've decided to make 28x not a free chapter for the purpose of this draft. Why was it free anyway? Every team can have a flier by this point (Farina, Florina, Fiora, Heath) and it increases the value of picking Farina a lot too, otherwise she was just kind of a waste of turns. I think it should be part of the default ruleset, thoughts? I've also thought of making 23x required, but it's harder for someone with a superflorina to reach the 700 exp requirement than it is for someone with Heath. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 players. 2. Hector, Marcus, Merlinus, Ninian/Nils, and Athos are free for all to use. 3. Bartre and Karla are drafted as a pair. 4. Marcus is banned after Chapter 16. 5. The game will be played on Hector Normal Mode, skipping Lyn Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors or Chests, talking to Fargus in Chapter 17x, or Seizing Castles in Chapter 25. 3. All Gaiden Chapters except 19xx, and 23x are required to be visited. 23x may be visited at the player's discretion, and doesn't count towards the total turncount up to 10 turns taken. 4. Other units may do as they please without penalty. 5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter. Exceptions: 1. Matthew is free for Chapter 11. 2. Meatshielding is allowed for Chapter 13x. 3. Lyn, Kent, Sain and Wil are free for Chapter 16. 4. Undrafted Thieves may be used to obtain necessary Promotion items. Teams: Espemon333 - Florina, Pent, Oswin, Raven, Isadora, Lyn, Legault, Louise, Renault Gradivus. - Kent, Rath, Eliwood, Bartre/Karla, Dart, Lucius, Farina, Jaffar. Geitz/Wallace ZM. - Fiora, Sain, Priscilla, Dorcas, Rebecca, Hawkeye, Vaida, Nino, Harken General Horace - Heath, Lowen, Erk, Matthew, Serra, Canas, Wil, Guy, Karel
  20. the draft? three days or so, I had progress up to chapter 14x done for a couple days but just didn't post it until I finished up to Chapter 20 and I just decided to finish it on my day off because it snowed here :(
  21. If Xane copies Feena in FE12, he can't use the dance command, similar to how Xane!Marth can't seize
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