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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. actually count me in regardless of difficulty. the only reason i hate fe6rr is the dancers dancing each other and with that gone i'm game, haven't drafted in a long time
  2. i've found an .ips file in my hacking folder that probably fixes everything here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f7hwibqubuadnnp/fe6rrpromofix.ips?dl=0 the first chapter has RR units and I assume by the title I fixed the demotion problem.
  3. OKAY now that i've actually playtested gen2 and discovered Celice is unrecruitable (woops) i've gone and changed some stuff. Unfourtunately it means that Celice needs to be able to "fly" (ideally at a later time i'll just do a minor change to the chapter 9 map to let him run north on the mountains, but lazy fix for now) and Leaf's inheritance was messed up, so here's a patch that fixes both things: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ta709r51lbns8d1/reverserecruitmentwithgaebolgleafandfloatingceliceandsigurd.ips?dl=0
  4. It's been nagging at me for a few months now, but it'd be nice if we could get an operational Calculations page for Fates up and running, all the information is even on other sites like here and here, I just think it'd be convenient to have it all in one place (and most conveniently, in English). The time might not be right with Echoes coming out this week in Japan and Heroes still being pretty new, but Fates is almost two years old now and is still missing pages that all the other games have (Item Locations would also be nice, if needed I could even get all the data you'd need for it).
  5. I really like the story; it's why Leaf is my favourite Lord in the series. He's not on a huge quest to save the world from a big evil dragon (not yet anyway....), the story is more on a personal level that is relateable to the lord, he's not just doing things because he's the main character, or the son of an important person, he's always doing something with a goal in mind and the contrast between the tacticians (August and Dorias) is some of my favourite writing in the series. The whole narrative of Thracia is just amazing. Gameplaywise, it's pretty hit and miss. Capture is kinda cute but in most cases if you don't use a brave weapon or are capturing a weak enemy it's usually superfluous or frustrating. Basic healing staves and other 1 range staves like warp/hammerne being able to miss is flat out bad game design. PCC is a pretty neat concept to help differentiate units, and the Jugdral skill system is definately the best in the series. Other wonky stuff like movement stars (especially on enemies, gotta love when Reinhart procs one of his FIVE MOVES STARS thanks Kaga more reason to abuse warp) and nukes one of your dudes on the EP when he's like halfway across the map, and they're just not good in practice on player units, although it's less offensive there. Movement and Con growths are fun.
  6. This is enough to get me to concede the point just thinking about it, they're always reliable units but units that do something unique are highly rated (all the top tier units except Percival do this in top tier, and a good chunk of high tier do as well). Zealot's use is basically done at the start of the route split (maybe lasts a little while into Ilia if you have deployment slots) but Alance are basically just above average combat units at that point who don't bring much else to the table other than mobility, which your team should have tons of by that point. I'm still not completely sold on Tate > Alance though, I've only made it to chapter 11 Bartre in a current run and it's been a long time since i've played FE6 so maybe she'll change my mind. Zealot should always be assumed for Chapter 7, he's a forced unit, why wouldn't you use him? Even if he doesn't fight a whole lot he's an 8 move dude that can get the villages or head for the chests (if they even have anything useful in them, I just remember one is a rapier, I always skip them)
  7. long time leafs fan here If the Leafs hadn't got banged up in their last couple games I think they could have surprised people against the caps. Not a series win or anything but taken them to 6 or 7. With their goalie (fuck Sestito) and half of their already suspect defence core banged up I don't think it'll be pretty. Holtby was a tire fire against the Leafs in the regular season, though, got pulled twice against us, so you never know. Leafs have nothing to lose and the Caps have all the pressure on them. As for favourites, my picks are Montreal on the East and either Edmonton or Chicago in the west. Pittsbourgh is gonna miss Letang a lot, Washington never pulls through in the playoffs and none of the other teams are very good other than Columbus who's playing Pittsbourgh round 1. Chicago's a safe pick in the west, but Mcdavid is unreal and Talbot's been fantastic in net this year.
  8. Exams finally done so I've got some free time to make a post. Tate / Zealot / Alan / Lance - I personally think it should be Alan > Lance > Tate > Zealot. There is a small opportunity cost for the first knight crest, but Alan or Lance are far and away the best candidate for it (the only reason to use it on Noah is if you're not using either of them). Irysa mentioned the possibility of Shanna and Miledy not being in play, not having Marcus/Zealot in play after Alance promote in the isles is a similar (less extreme) scenerio and Marcus isn't basically forced by this point anyway since your team can stand on two feet by this point. Zealot is very good in chapter 7/8 and pretty good in the isles, but loses out on Alance's earlygame availability and is flat out worse than them in the Isles in every way but weapon ranks but Alance ORKO most enemies with steel swords/iron blades anyway so it's a pretty moot point. Most people seem to agree on the Alance > Tate point as well. Noah / Zeiss / Sue - Sue >>> Zeiss > Noah. Sue really isn't much worse than Shin (who is also too high but it's not up for discussion right now), so this shouldn't really be a contest. Noah absolutely needs the first knight crest to be a valuable unit, and has poor longterm potential, he's basically Zealot that costs the first knight's crest, without being good in chapter 7/8. Zeiss has flight and can actually fight after he promotes kind of well. I could be okay with Noah>Zeiss but Sue crushes them both imo. i'm okay with the other changes. I'd really like to hear justification for Shin being right under Shanna though, he's a player phase offence only unit that takes a little while to get going.
  9. i hate pants so much I try to wear shorts as much as possible. As long as it's not snowing i'll probably wear shorts
  10. That's a good point about the bridge, I didn't think about that. Can we have some criteria for this tierlist? There's nothing in the OP so I don't really know how to argue my points. Like you say, Tate is significantly better in a team without Miledy and Thany (why that would exist is beyond me though....), but she's also fairly underwhelming in a team with both of them, and let's face it, a team is gonna contain Miledy like 95% of the time. EDIT: holy shit i just saw the spoiler in the OP, i hate the new spoiler tags so much. I'll post something tomorrow or later tonight.
  11. I think you're heavily overplaying flying utility in Tate's case. it's very useful for the desert (in transporting units that can actually do things, mind you), but you also have two other fliers (that are also better units) in said chapter. If you're gonna handwave Alance's contributions in the early maps (which are far more than what you're giving them, 7 movement is very flexible that early on in the game, especially when most of your team is struggling offensively) it's pretty easy to just say "oh, Thany/Miledy can fly dudes over the mountain in Percival's join map, it doesn't really matter for Tate". Tate is above average in Ilia, and downright terrible in Sacae, and then really isn't much more useful than Yuno come lategame unless she promoted pretty late (and her promotion might not even happen, Zeiss is debateably a better longterm investment), and even then, lategame enemies will be too tanky for her, but she should still have existant offence if she didn't early promote. Another big point is in literally half of the potential maps where both units exist, flight has literally no advantage over paladin movement because of indoor maps or no terrain to fly over. Other minor nitpicks include Tate having a bulk lead on Shanna (if you're using her she's promoted with a sizeable level lead, so it won't exist until lategame, if ever), Tate being particularly useful for flight in chapter 13 (you skip like one corner of the map and she gets murdered by wyverns). The most ridiculous thing you said though was her bad combat being an advantage because she could ferry people instead. Seriously, wtf? if she had good combat she could just fly out and do the job on her own, like a real unit. Can someone explain what Tate does that outweighs being a high movement unit with perfect availability (which includes the hardest part of the game) with combat ranging from average to great for most of the game? I just don't see it. I could live with her being above Zealot (I don't think she should be above Zealot either, but I could live with it) but there's just no way she's above Alance. To me it's basically Amazing mobility and poor to average combat vs, 12-13(!!!!!!!!) chapters of availability, average to great combat, great mobility I don't really care enough about the other points, but I think Shin should drop (Sue really isn't that much worse than him) and as a result Sue > Zeiss > Noah, too lazy to have a real arguement for this, but being a Ghetto Zealot that costs resources seems worse than than the other two alternatives.
  12. i think it's pretty dependant on what unit it is. Mages definately prefer more speed, as the difference in doubling with magic and not doubling is huge. Defence is also semi fixable with shields, and there's only one speed ring in the game. I'd give speed the slight edge here, but the gap is smaller than most fe games.
  13. it's heavily dependant on the unit/game. Someone like Gerik who already has great stats benefits a lot from promotion for either a horse or better weapon type. Ideally I try to promote as late as possible though. If the difference in performance in a level 15 unit and a 15/1 unit isn't noticable, there's very little incentive to early promote, and in almost all cases, 10/1 promotions are flat out bad (unless you're playing Thracia or something) except in very select cases. Conversely, you don't gain a lot by waiting till level 20 to promote, especially in a game like FE8 where most of your units won't even hit level 10 promoted by endgame.
  14. Best 3 - Genealogy 2 - Sacred Stones 1 - Shadow Dragon Worst 3 - Revelation 2 - Radiant Dawn 1 - New Mystery
  15. That's probably the problem. I'll try it out later this week. Thanks.
  16. nah i'm using an unpatched JP rom. He claimed it uses empty space near the middle of the ROM, but I haven't found it yet (he didn't list where it's actually pointed...) and i'm too tired to find it today, i'll look more into it tomorrow. A common occurance i've had is the Cuan/Ethlin/Fin intro/recruitment causes blackscreen (or a particularly funky redscreen i've never seen before)
  17. It's a module posted by Camus on page 2. I'm fairly certain it's just overwriting data where it's not supposed to (he probably didn't test it beyond a certain point). AFAIK the regular holy character works fine, i'm just trying to change regular enemy stats (without just changing class bases/growths) and skills.
  18. legault sux EDIT: shit this isn't fftf. Will probably check out Castlevania because im too terrible I haven't beat the first game yet.
  19. Having issues with the custom holy character editor, the first few work fine, but the 7th on (and presumeably onwards) cause crashes. Anyone else have this issue/have insight for what's going on?
  20. wrt to Marcus being rated highly: Sure, he's bad lategame, but he's leaps and bounds better for the first 1/3rd of the game or so than the rest of your team. Compare someone like Percival, who's like say a 9/10 unit for his entire existance to Marcus. Marcus is basically a 15/10 early on (especialyl during maps like chapter 4 where 3/4ths of your team does no damage) which boosts his usefulness immensely. The gap in performance in a strong earlygame unit is huge, if you compare Marcus to Alan earlygame and Percival to Alan lategame, the gap in performace is enormous in Marcus's favour, and only slightly better in Percival's case. Yodel - Holy Maiden somehow manages to be a useful S rank staff (something that IS has struggled to make) and he's still a very decent warper. His combat is bad outside of chipping a dude for 30/40% of their health but it isn't really needed. Not around for very long though. 4.5/10 Karel - can kill dragons with wyrmslayer/durandal but being unmounted and bootsless hurts him. 1/10 Merlinus - Can't really rate him, but can make funny plays with his immortality and some convoy manipulation that doesn't really do a whole lot outside of LTC. unrated/10
  21. Most Jeigans are among the best units in their respective games. Rev!Gunter and maybe FE3!Arran are the only ones that are mediocre to bad units, which units like Seth and FE9!Titania are among the strongest units in the series.
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