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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. A wedding dress doesn't make something awesome. A cookie does. Case closed.
  2. Meh, I'd say they're about equal. possibly the one with the cookie in it wins, simply because it has a cookie.
  3. haha, my mom always gets sick from this one mexican place.
  4. How do you know he would do that? You must have been a personal friend of his! NAZI! DONT YOU DENY IT!!!!!!
  5. fuck them, this is where its at http://www.youtube.com/user/SwedishMealTime
  6. I be shitting eerywhere on eerything! only when sick, as hex said. God, you get a tissue? Christ just learn how to poop better. lol, I've had similar problems, but not a true auto poop.
  7. Nah she's gonna be all Brittany on us!
  8. Erk is now to be labeled a genius in all provinces of Serenes Forest! It all makes sense, he's just toying with our asses. that bad mother fucker...
  9. Then stop being around women if you're under the weather. Don't wanna be sick or laid!!
  10. This happened to me today at school! fuckin blows!
  11. who the fucks doing that? mindfuck
  12. nah fuck that, I got me some mac n chese!
  13. Anytime you see rick astly you get rick roll'd, even if you do it on purpose.
  14. So you would rather me call you a stupid asswipe, versus a fucking faggot. Not much of a difference to me. Being in an argument and calling the other person a fucktard, as hika said earlier, might not "change" them. But I have experienced the situation, and i do feel like an idiot when everybody calls me out and piles on the shit. To me, it's more effective than being all polite and proper. That's why I do it to kids all day at school.
  15. I still love you like a bro Possibly, it either means your unattractive or a wuss. Hika brought up a good point. But what exactly is a kid party?
  16. Dear Tangy. I feel as if we are treating this forum like a group of sheltered children, when somebody is acting like a dumbass, they should be told so accordingly. Your wonderful subordinate Fenrir. EDIT: I'm so clever and proper
  17. fanfic to the bottom! 4chan needs in, I don't care if you haven't been there! Facebook for the bottom tier, above fanfic. Twitter needs a place as well. Google for Top!
  18. I agree. Why can't we call them all dumbfucks?
  19. I didn't watch any of that. But I understood it regardless.
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