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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. I totally agree. This is why i haven't got the easy maintenance bullshit.
  2. This is NOT about boyd(t) vs. Gatrie's offense. It's about the overall Boyd(t) vs. Gatrie. And we know gatrie is better with a crown, but he doesn't get the 3-3 crown. Gatrie is better on 3-1, i see boyd(t) winning every stage after that. I thought he was more saying, it's stupid to argue Only the offensive aspects. Boyd has better movement, so with there offense being this close, especially since boyd is the better character come late P3 and P4. Boyd(T)>Gatrie(N) It's a bit lower growth but his cap is 4 higher, so i think speed advantage still goes to boyd. Hard to argue that. Gatrie is not Dominating early P3, on 3-1 Titan and Ike are both better. wtf? how does gatrie gain 3 speed levels in 2 actual levels? 20-23speed in 10-12 is what you just said. I still don't see gatrie(t) getting 6 levels as a 3rd tier, I just ran a draft with Titan. I crowned her before 3-2, she was like level 5(maybe 6) at 4-1. & that was when she could just suck up all the kills she wanted. So what you're saying here is, Boyd(t) >Gatrie(N/T) since really all that transfer does is make him a monster for 3-1.
  3. This is a little confusing. You mean you don't like sex with mean. but you like the outward appearance?
  4. holy shit! thats fucking crazy. i thought this was just posted lol, i see joined in 2008 and then him talking about how he just joined.
  5. its just one'a those days where you dont wanna wake up, everything is fucked. EVERYBODY SUCKS!!
  6. :had never thought of using a torch: *ENLIGHTENED*
  7. I guess just less competition for me right?
  8. It's a possibility, not likely. But it can happen. I've never found the spear to helpful, isnt a forged axe better or just as good?(brave lance has already been covered) Boyd doesn't get left behind as much as Gatrie, notice how he has 7 movement and can get through thicket better. He also can't be rescued as easy, see below. nobody comes to mind haha EDIT: titan and oscar really can pick him up?
  9. Dondon is on my side. FUCK YEA! see guys i told you im rite
  10. I like Gatrie(T) more than Naesala, Haar and Jill are better on the desert stage with 2 range anyways.
  11. I assume you meant 3-1 I can see him going up, but Jill(N) needs to go up first
  12. from the things i'd seen of fireman's he seemed like a badass. *crosses fingers* fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. she's taking over and not fireman D:
  13. most likely. everyones full of shit. I doubt theres even a baby
  14. This isn't an HM draft...is it? I've had a Nolan who fucked me up in HM. He got 2HKO by tigers =[
  15. I don't see how it winds up in Gatrie's hands. But potentially it could be useful. I see no reason why not, but nobody should be basing there arguments around them, not enough uses.
  16. Welcome back erk!
  17. ...dumbasses I would kill my parents if they named me anything over how many facebook likes they get. But megatron? i would brutally torture then kill them.(then go change my name) You made me think of something even worse, his/her D: D: D: it could possibly be a girl!!!!! that makes it 5x as bad.
  18. the bitch that killed sirius black is no smokin hot fox. nooooooo waaaay
  19. Isn't it possible to give haar a horseslayer to KO lombroso? even though he'll be unable to kill him on enemy turn. Alternatively, haar gets a wing/crown and needs just 1 level of speed during 3-4 no amazingly farfetched.(if he doesn't get this wing boyd does, and boyd with a wing on 3-2 is demolishing everything for the rest of the game.) the horseslayer and all those other imaginary special lances of yours. Is there a unicorn lance? It's way more than a damn possibility.(also it would be "with a speedwing[no S] or with speedwings) but if gatrie goes to silver or hawk army he gets only 1 stage he can contribute, so boyd still is beating him by a mile in P4
  20. How do you see that? he wears short shorts. and his voice...
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