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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Code Lyoko. it was a long time ago when i'd be watching my little kid shows and that would come on, i would abruptly turn my TV off because it sucked so much ass, and i had low standerds.
  2. those are both giant complements, ima go talk to the girl i like my self esteem is so high. im at least mildly interesting rite joerachi?
  3. Garfield sex music? aw now you're just showin off! With a honey in the middle!
  5. 4. I tend to reply to messages, and inside the messages i will send strange body parts of strange creatures, i'm a spelunker, but you've probly never heard of the caves i find these creatures.

    5.you should add me because im easily bribed, i stuck my hand in a pit of fire ants for 10 seconds for a couple of cokes, still have the marks :)

    look at me, im an overachiever at ...


    k, you should delete the other post so i dont look like a total dumbass. Hope you dont mind me trying again.

    1.You should add me because i listen to some hipster music, but you've probly never heard of it.

    2.You should add me because my favorite thing to do is be awesome.

    3.you need people without a soul like me in your life, us gingers provide great views on man...

  7. I'll check that shit out. break stuff is a great song...
  8. O my fucking god...Westbrook gets shoved to the ground, somebody touches dirk. The refs tonight were an absolute joke handing a ticket to miami to the mavs.
  9. Ask sucks, google rocks. that is all
  10. considering how much my life blowz, i wouldnt have given a shit if the world ended today.
  11. conservatives...now even dumb enough to believe this shit.
  12. My thunder are gettin it done, van gundy/jackson had no idea what they were talking about, great move to keep Maynor in the entire 4th quarter over westbrook. James Harden has the best beard and is a fucking boss at basketball.
  13. I got my fat turtle neck and my thin ass chain, sippin on a lite beer. The lonely island is soo so so so awezum
  14. well said. i was hoping this was better though...like banhammer material, just for my lulzz
  15. You've got some great guts...my guts told me nothing on this series, im hoping the thunder beat Dallas, no idea what happens there either.
  16. A traitor can only find justice with a cruel death, have him drawn and quatered, and stick his head on a nice place to be seen. of a course a women should be burnt at the stake.
  17. I'm really looking forward to that series and i think the key is Luol Deng for the bulls, hes gotta play great D on Lebron for them to win, i think Drose can outduel Wade, but Lebron is better than both when he plays like his true self.(remember the 07 east finals)
  18. My hope is that Lebron quits against the bulls, they teamed up to beat boston, so now what?
  19. anybody else see that awesome triple overtime game? I hope thunder win it all.
  20. Haha your parents are fags. my parents favorite show i like the office. :D
  21. They'll need better than Boozer at the 4 to ever make a run to the finals, i just can't see them beating boston/miami. Boozer cant produce points in the playoffs due to lack of size, they need a Pau Gasol type player.
  22. Is surprised Hex didnt make this thread. walks away due to lack of amusement.
  23. The mavs arent necessarily underrated, they just choke every year, we'll see how long it takes this year.
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