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Everything posted by TheGoodHoms

  1. I had the chance to sit down and play this game at a friend's house for a little while and I have to say, if I was to get a PS4 Spider-Man would be the first game I would play. The Web Swinging make the simple act of moving from point A to point B so much fun, more than it probably needs too. The combat is fast paced and really keeps you on your toes, and all the different gadgets give you new was to approach every fight keeping thing from getting stale. Additionally, I thought the characters were amazingly done thanks to some great writing and stellar voice over acting, I especially loved the performances Yuri Lowenthal, Tara Platt, and Darin De Paul among many others. Those are my impressions from what I've played, not sure if I'll every get the chance to play through the game proper, but it's definitely worth experiencing if you've got a PS4.
  2. Recently I found a fan recreation of the long dead MMO Pirates of the Caribbean Online called The Legend of Pirates Online. It was a game I played a lot as a kid and wanted to see if it held up all these years later. Aside from some of the bugs and glitches that come with the territory of being a fan server I found that the game is WAY easier than I remembered, painfully so. That being said I've kept on playing it anyway because despite it's lack of difficulty, the Pirate aesthetic scratches a certain itch for me, plus I find grinding in MMOs and RPGs to be somewhat relaxing when I have some time to kill. Also if anyone knows of any great video games with seafaring and pirates let me know because I'm a huge sucker for that kind of stuff.
  3. Like I said on the Streets of Rage 4 forum I'm really interested in trying more classic arcade beat'em ups, this collection is was absolutely made for me. While I would like to pick it up and start playing, I'm currently preparing to move out of state so I think I'll be waiting for a little while before I pick up any new video games to stay focused on what really matters right now. Since it is launch day, if anyone's played the game yet let me know if it's worth the investment.
  4. I get what you're saying. Sorry if I came off as preachy about all that thematic stuff. At the end of the day, all that really matters is that the art looks really good regardless of symbolism.
  5. I think she's included to complete the Axel-Roxas-Xion friendship trio. The trio of best friends has always been a series constant starting with Sora-Riku-Kairi and eventually introducing Aqua-Terra-Ventus and of course Axel-Roxas-Xion. It's a simple thematic parallel, but it's effective for a game like Kingdom Hearts and it's themes of friendship.
  6. I was hoping to possibly recreate my Avatar character from Xenoblade X. See spoiler tag for picture. You have my permission to use what ever sprites you think work best. Just be sure to use something with some facial hair and make the eyes blue and the hair dark brown. Other than that get creative with it. If you need my request to be less open ended let me know and I'll be happy to come up with something more specific for you.
  7. Why are you looking at me like that? Did I do something wrong?
  8. @Waleed I second the question made by @DisobeyedCargo If you would make a portrait for a profile picture.
  9. They see us as a source for food and belly rubbings, nothing more, nothing less. If you only had seven days to live, how do you spend your Wednesday?
  10. I wouldn't say your vote doesn't matter. As some who has been through an Honors Statistics course I'll tell you that every vote counts in a sample because that's still valuable data being added to the overall results. But it is just a poll about video game characters so it's not really an obligation for you to contribute. Just always remember vote when it really matters, like if it's an election for government office or an allocation of funds to a charity.
  11. "Your pathetic attempts to penetrate my armor do not amuse me."
  12. I believe it would be pronounced "m-oo-k." What do you do if you seek answers?
  13. Chickens are equally fascinating and hilarious to observe.
  14. Chrom spills his hot chocolate and burns himself. Hicaiah has to heal him. Hector and Lyn head downtown and stop at a bar.
  15. If we're going to represent a new franchise I would say Neku would be the best fit since The World Ends With You is pretty much a Nintendo exclusive game aside from the mobile port which, let's be honest, doesn't really count. If we're simply adding to the Final Fantasy representation I would personally love to see Cecil Harvey or Kain Highwind from FFIV, they're already fairly popular characters from one of the most highly regarded games in the series so I think they would make a lot of sense to represent the franchise. Also Zack as an echo fighter of Cloud makes way to much sense so let's throw him in as well while we're at it.
  16. I'm not sure why, but when ever I play Awakening Sully always gets above average level ups. The RNG must really want me to all cavilers more than I already do(which is quite a lot).
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