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Everything posted by TheGoodHoms

  1. Seeing as I just got may hands on a Switch there's a lot of games on my "to-get" list right now, but in terms of titles not currently on the market off the top of my head... Soulcalibur 6 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fire Emblem Three Houses Super Mario Party Bloodstained Ritual of the Night Mega Man 11 Monster Hunter World (PC Port) Edit: Also if anyone has any recommendations for Switch games I can get at a discounted price let me know.
  2. I'm not sure if it counts, but I actually misspelled my middle name on my driver's permit and it stayed like that for at least two years before I actually noticed the mistake.
  3. Is known for sending very respectable packages.
  4. Talim and Zasalamel were my two big characters I wanted back in SC6 and now that the former has been revealed it's like a dream come true. In hindsight I probably shouldn't have been worried about them not making the cut considering that they are two of Soulcaliber's most popular characters, but I had this bad feeling that because they were so popular they would become DLC since they're not really essential inclusions like Sophitia or Nightmare. Regardless, I'm just glad that's not the case anymore.
  5. Other than the difference in how the fighters are arranged on the menu, I think it's theming is very similar to Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. I'm wondering if this will change at all once the game nears completion. Only time will tell I guess. As I was typing the above statement I had a thought. What if you could unlock menu themes based on past titles in the series? Sure it's a little much to ask for from a game that's clearly very challenging to put together, but it could be a nice touch that would fit the game's branding as a celebration of Super Smash Bros. history.
  6. If the corn isn't knee high in two days from now it won't really matter. What would you do for a klondike bar?
  7. I have never seen such beauty expressed in such a captivating form. Why I would say it could drive a man to tears! Melodramatic exaggerations aside, these are some really fun sprites you've made. Old 8-bit games that get ambitious with the in-game art are always amusing and these portraits really capture that feeling.
  8. David Hayter has confirmed he is returning for the game so it's not unreasonable to say they're recording new Codec Calls for Shadow Moses Island. If the devs just wanted to reuse his old lines from Brawl and not add anything new I think Mr. Hayter would have told us something different.
  9. No. I'm doing summer theater. Does anyone have any tips on parallel parking in a mini van?
  10. I honestly think the criteria for being a true Weeaboo is much stricter than simply enjoying entertainment from Japan. In my opinion true Weeaboos think that TV Shows(Particularly Animation) and Video Games from Japan are better than anything made in the west by default and that Japan is the greatest country in the world despite the fact most of them have never actually been there. I'm talking about the people who will watch every single anime being released in a season regardless of their quality while cuddling with 4 body pillows. Also they don't watch dubs because the english language was created by the devil himself or something like that.
  11. Heal Saber, Hurt Fernand Atlas 28Berkut 26Boey 27Catria 21Celica 40Clair 34Fernand 4Forsyth 29Genny 27Gray 25Lukas 27Luthier 13Mae 27Mathilda 23Palla 29Python 26Saber 20Silque 23Zeke 37
  12. The only game I've played in the series I can remember with ballistas is Blazing Blade and in that game they seemed so inaccurate that it wasn't worth getting them. Sure it keeps the archers out of harms way, but I'll gladly take a chance if it means they can actually contribute damage in fight.
  13. I never take the Oscars too seriously. 80% of nominees across basically every category don't actually deserve the honors of being awarded for excellence in filmmaking. The Boss Baby being only one of many examples of how Hollywood screws up it's own awards show. Oh no! I just added meaning full conversation to a thread that was supposed to have devolved into shitposting! I must fix this! Ahem... And now a word from our sponsors...
  14. Probably because they're trying to be funny. Why has it been raining for the past 4 days in a row?
  15. Because we don't have time for research when Mel Gibson needs a pay check. What if Carthage won the Second Punic War?
  16. The story definitely does not look as cinematic as Tekken 7, but I don't think that's a bad thing at all. I like the static paintings on parchment style they're going with, it feels era appropriate to the game's setting. The drawings don't look half bad either so I think we shouldn't be too worried about the story mode. However, this is still a fighting game so I'm not going to put my expectations for it too high seeing as the genre has a long history of nonsensical storytelling. Unless your game's name is Injustice 2 which is leagues ahead of it's competition.
  17. Good sir. We of the Serenes Forest Soul Calibur 6 hype forum cult would like you, if you would be so kind, to please step forward onto our sacrificial alter to Soul Edge so that you may receive punishment for you transgressions against... Nah! Just kidding! You're fine dude.
  18. I admittedly had to look that reference up, but it was a good edit nonetheless. I haven't gotten the chance to play XC2 so most references to that game go over my head. I might be getting it soon since PeaceRibbon and I just recently scraped up the money to co-purchase a Switch, but other games may take priority over it. While I still consider the Xenoblade games important to me because XCX is my favorite game ever, my tastes have been shifting way from big long RPGs towards shorter, pick up and play games.
  19. TheGoodHoms A human known for acts of kindness such as lending neighbors money, saving cats stuck in trees, and throwing surprise birthday parties. Weapons- Assault Rifles, Knives Lvl 1. Xeno-Knowledge: Has history with the alien worlds of the Xenoblade Chronicles series and can traverse any terrain type. Lvl 10. Altruist's Drive: Has the unrelenting desire to protect other people and boost's the defense and resistance of near by allies by +2. Lvl 15. Board Skell: Enters a giant mech and gain's both armor and flight, ends when mech is destroyed. Lvl 20. Smite Evil(Eye of Shining Justice)*: Is blessed with the powers of true justice, any evil adversaries that are attacked by TheGoodHoms are instantly defeated. *Edit recommended by Armagon.
  20. The last few Fire Emblem games have had some amazing soundtracks so I think it's safe to assume they will maintain a high standard for the music of Three Houses. Of course the series has had a long history of great music so I don't think any of us were worried in the first place.
  21. I would like to see a story that changes depending on actions you make during segments of gameplay and not just through simple dialogue menu options. However, for this to work the player needs to have some sort of in game cues that let them know when their actions are going to have lasting consequences. Because nothing is more frustrating that a game that sets you up for the bad ending because you didn't take your cleric to the invisible doorway hidden on the far end of the valley 3 spaces north of the the enemy commander in chapter 6 map B.
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