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Everything posted by TheGoodHoms

  1. Howdy! 1. Would you rather fight 1 horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses? 2. Damage, Tank, or Support? 3. What character from Marvel Comics would you like to see in an MCU film that hasn't been introduced yet? 4. If you could speak one additional language fluently which one would you choose? 5. What superpower would you want to have the most?
  2. When the leaks get to a point where stuff like this starts to happen it's usually time to call a plumber. Someone punch me for that please. I wasn't very surprised to see Taki again much like Siegfried, but that's not to say it was a bad reveal. The roster is shaping up to be pretty solid as far as I can tell. Looking forward to what they might have planed for E3, hopefully it's going to include new game modes alongside brand new characters and some more returning fan favorites.
  3. Because trying to be creative without falling into too many cliches is hard. Pencils or Mechanical Pencils?
  4. I have a feeling UPS is overcompensating for something.
  5. Want to know my answer just look at my Member Badge. But I will say Lyn comes in at a rather close second.
  6. Red has always been my favorite color in Magic the Gathering and I can definitely see myself with most of the associated personality traits. Although Green and White are also up my alley in some respects.
  7. Stops it with a cutlass. Team Pirates Forever! Throws a Lexicon at the next poster.
  8. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe... What color is the sky on Venus?
  9. Obviously it should be Butch Hartman! I say bring back the character designers from Shadows of Valentia, Hidari and Akio. It's visually appealing while still being tasteful all the same.
  10. Ninjad AGAIN! Yes Why does nobody expect the Spanish Inquisition?
  11. Did we really need the Robot loli? Ugh... At least we finally got some Yang gameplay.
  12. Blocks with Reyn's Gunlance. Throws a record player that's playing "Another One Bites The Dust" at the next user.
  13. Will you look at that! I've been impaled! Throws a peanut butter jar at the next poster.
  14. My serious protagonist change would be to Tokyo Mirage Sessions where I would replace Itsuki and Tsubasa with literally anyone else in the party. Itsuki is a sack of flower and Tsubasa is a Mary Sue and I hate both of them as main characters. Touma, Kiria, Eleonora, Mamori, and Yashiro would all be way more interesting protagonists in my opinion.
  15. Make Sain the main character of Blazing Sword so we can turn the game into a campy romp about a hopeless womanizer fighting bandits to win the affections of fair maidens everywhere. Make Elice the main character of Shadow Dragon so I can finally play dungeon princess simulator. Make Flavia the main character of awakening so we can subvert the Fire Emblem trope of Noble Europeans with Badass Mongols.
  16. Fire Emblem's RPG elements made the games more accessible for me over other strategy games like Advance Wars going in. I keep coming back because of the playable characters' likable personalities. Many of them are tropes, but in a roster as large as Fire Emblem's there are always a hand full of subversive spins in those characters to keep them endearing.
  17. Game developers... always dangling carrots in front of our noses. I'm sure it's gonna be another character because that's what we look forward to the most, but if it's something like a new game mode yet to be seen I'd be down with that as well.
  18. My character is technically a customized player avatar from a video game. So he wouldn't exist with out me, but if he never existed then I never would have been born! This concept is sending me spiraling into an existential crisis right now! I guess he could also be an adoptive father, but that's still a pretty weird relationship.
  19. I don't think people who are familiar with the Soul Calibur series are going to be terribly surprised by Siegfried's appearance, but it's still always nice to see legacy characters come back regardless.
  20. To balance out the Hoshidan filth. How many triangles are in the Tri-force?
  21. "I need a bigger gun! Help if you can! Please wake me up! Not to sound cliche... But this world sucks!" It depends on how much they like money. How do you survive on an alien planet in 3 easy steps?
  22. You Ninjaed me on that one. Also posts are made when mommy computer and daddy internet love each other very much and then posts are born. Same question as earlier.
  23. Bcuz U Need 2 Git Gud n00b. What is the longitude and latitude of Fateslandia?
  24. To quote Persona 5 "You'll never see it coming!" Why must I explain to everybody I talk to about movies, TV, anime, ect. that I don't have Netflix and to stop telling me to watch movies on the service?
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