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Everything posted by TheGoodHoms

  1. Your army of cosplaying teenagers is no match for my giant robot mech.
  2. Ok, but know I am not responsible for any broken shoulders or missing wallets you may experience during the massage. How many Nopon does it take to screw in a light bulb?
  3. Blueberry, Raspberry, Ginseng, Sleepytime, Green Tea, Green Tea with Lemon, Green Tea with Lemon and Honey, Liver Disaster, Ginger with Honey, Ginger Without Honey, Vanilla Almond, White Truffle Coconut, Chamomile, Blueberry Chamomile, Decaf Vanilla Walnut, Constant Comment and Earl Grey. What is the average speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
  4. Because the Smash Bros community has no chill. How do Smash Bros characters get revived when they die?
  5. Because the sun tans in Jersey aren't as good as the ones in LA, plus you won't be attacked by sewer alligators with laser cannons. What is the difference between a nut and a bolt in the winter?
  6. *Jams out to your music so hard I explode* *Comes back as a ghost and haunts the next posters' house*
  7. Kyle McCarely and Matt Mercer?! This is an exciting development indeed!
  8. I made a top 10 list of characters I want to see in the upcoming game. My rules were 1. Only video game characters, 2. One character per franchise, 3. Must have some sort of relevance with Nintendo. You'll find it behind the spoiler tag below, just try not to lose your heads if you don't agree with any of my reasoning for certain characters, it was just a thing I did for fun.
  9. *Lets you hit me so that I can show you how utterly powerless your blows are against me.* *Shoots a magic missile at the next poster.*
  10. In most pre-firearm conflicts it was common for the Cavalry to be the deciding factor in the outcome of a battle so it always felt thematically accurate to me for Cavaliers to be strong units. A good example I can think of is The Battle of Zama from the Second Punic War so I recommend looking it up sometime. Oh God I'm such a history nerd! 21. Every decision matters, consider all actions very carefully before you commit to them. 22. Challenges always become more difficult as you make progress. 23. Always check your mutton for poison before eating it.
  11. I'll take a look at it as soon as I can. I don't have a ton of free time today so just hang tight until I'm able.
  12. Oops. Sorry about that. Sarcasm is way harder to pick up on when it's all text no tone.
  13. It was conceived as a Fire Emblem crossover with Shin Megami Tensei, but ultimately ended up becoming a spin off of both parent series so it kinda exists inside it's own bubble. I think the game's story and premise are absolutely ridiculous and far to silly for me to take them seriously, but the actual video game behind it all is really good and defiantly an overlooked gem. If you can get past the initial hurdle of the game's bonkers outward appearance it's a polished JRPG worth playing every so often on a lazy afternoon.
  14. Welp, the leaks are real. Gotta say though, his game-play looks really cool despite how briefly it showed up in the trailer. As I've said before I don't know much about The Witcher series, but Geralt looks like a character I'd be willing to try play, if nothingness than to see flashy spell casting mixed with speedy swordplay. It will be pretty much the closest thing I'll have to playing as my Tiefling Magus from Pathfinder in a video game.
  15. I don't know that much about the Tellius games so I can's say personally if your actor choices fit the character, but what I do know is that you've got a really strong line up talented Actors and Actresses so I trust your judgement.
  16. I never watched too much TV as a kid, but here are the ones I remember enjoying.
  17. I think the characters most likely to return are Marth, Ike, and Robin. The rest of them still have decent chances to return, but I could see Nintendo leaving them out so they could have room on the roster for new characters. As for new comers, I think that whoever is the protagonist of FE Switch is going to make it in as cross promotion for the game's sales and will most likely be announced along side a trailer for the upcoming FE game. I also think it's about high time Lyn gets a promotion from assist trophy status, but that's mostly my inner Blazing Sword Bias.
  18. I think 5 damage would work fine. Or another Idea could be to give it a small bonus at first then increase it by increments as you level. As an example you could start at 2 damage at level 1, then at level 4 you could increase it by an additional 2 damage and then another 2 damage at levels 8, 12, 16, and 20 after that. So the progression would look something like this... Level 1= 2 damage Level 4= 4 damage Level 8= 6 damage Level 12= 8 damage Level 16= 10 damage Level 20= 12 damage I think this way it's not too strong at first, but it can still have an impact at later levels. Of course this is just one example, do whatever you think works best for your vision of the class.
  19. 1. What is your name? 2. What is your quest? 3. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? 4. What is your favorite Fire Emblem game and why? 5. What are your interests beyond video games?
  20. I think Geralt makes sense as a guest character in Soul Calibur, haven't played The Witcher games though so he doesn't necessarily make me any more or less excited for SC6. However, I have a feeling that we'll have even more guest characters as DLC later down the line not too dissimilar to how Tekken 7 added Geese Howard and Noctis. There's always the possibility that their teasing a different crossover and it has nothing to do with Soul Caliber, but again it would make a lot of sense if it does.
  21. 22. Dorcas is not allowed to eat mutton any more. 23. Never ask Wallace for directions. 24. Lowen needs a haircut.
  22. There's a lot of ideas for settings and themes I'd enjoy seeing in a Fire Emblem game, but recently I've been thinking if they when for a high fantasy setting, think of something like The Lord of the Rings, Dungeons & Dragons, World of Warcraft. Sure it's been done to death, but I think in Fire Emblem's case it would be an interesting change of pace to have Dwarves, Elves, Orcs, and whatever else they can think of in a Fire Emblem setting. I wouldn't want it to become the new standard for Fire Emblem, but I'd still like to see it as, if anything, at least an experiment for the franchise to play around with. Also I'd want to see a game where maps have more than one objective and depending on which one you do to complete the map it affects another map later down the line or maybe even parts of the story. An example could be for one map it's a choice between defeating the enemy commander or defending an area, then another map later on becomes a route the enemy or an escape the battle map depending on the objective you choose to complete previously.
  23. 230. Scam customers by putting the store's entire inventory into loot boxes. 231. Open up every Movie, TV Show Box Set, and Music Album in the electronics section and burn them onto your laptop while dressed as a pirate. 232. Approach random people and yell "Round One! Fight!!" 233. Continually ask customer service to help you look for a book that doesn't exist. 234. Perform a one man reenactment Hamlet in the middle of the store.
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