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Everything posted by TheGoodHoms

  1. 30. Keep Percy away from any Manaketes at all times, he likes dragons too much. 31. I am happy to announce that we will be phasing out the Lottery Shop for a brand new state of the art Loot Box Shop. 32. Should any incest occur with the army, please burn down the Records Hall immediately, history does not need to remember this.
  2. I would like to nominate Arcanite or Gebby. Thanks for the interview guys, I had fun answering your questions.
  3. I actually didn't consider allies in the equation, now I see where you're coming from at least partially. I would still recommend toning it back by some margin, perhaps a fixed damage bonus rather than making additional rolls.
  4. Cowboy Bebop, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Mob Psycho 100, Full Metal Alchemist, Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans, Your Lie in April, Erased, The Unlimited Hyoubu Kyousuke, Young Black Jack.
  5. 1. It's not to easy without being to hard and it has some of my favorite characters and classes in the series on top of having memorable music and fantastic sprite work. 2. Blazing Sword, Sacred Stones, Shadow Dragon, Awakening, Fates. I haven't finished all of them, but I've played them all enough to have my own opinions about them. 3. I took one year of Spanish and I've pretty much forgotten all of it. 4. Yes, it's fun when you're not going up a hill. 5. I prefer to just let life take me where ever I need to go and make the most of it. 6. I would try to be as active as possible where ever I have fair decent foresight on the effects and consequences of any given policies. 7. Legal naturalisum 8. Effeciency 9. Forgiveness
  6. XXII. There's a lot of side quests I really enjoyed so I'm not sure if I could pick one. XXIII. The Celestial Ascent is one of the most beautiful waterfalls ever rendered in 720p HD. XXIV. Round One! Fight! XXV. Courage. XXVI. I enjoy the history of Abrahamic religions(Judaism, Catholicism, Islam). XXVII. Samurai. XXVIII. Emotions. 1. The one less traveled. 2. Sol Badguy from Guilty Gear(Ironic I know). 3. We lost him when we jumped over to windows 10. 4. Part 2: Battle Tendency, but Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable comes in a close 2nd though. 5. A toasted bagel with crunchy peanut butter and a tall glass of orange juice. 6. You have 48 hours while I hand out fliers. 7. Uhh..... No. 8. I play the same types of games between all platforms(consoles, handles, and PC). I like to play Platformers, RPGs, and Fighting Games the most, but I've dabbled in a lot of things. 9. Fruits. 10. Does putting frozen food in the oven count? We must start a revelation where we take over the forest and force everybody to participate in these interviews so that it never feels barren again. I'll be handing out fliers on Monday.
  7. 19. Volume 3, 1 and 2 are a bit hard to revisit because they've dated pretty quickly IMO. 4 and 5 are slow pace wise so hopefully volume 6 picks it up a little bit. 20. Sometimes, it all depends on how ludicrous the requirements are. 21. It definitely has a big learning curve, but I think the best way to get over is to just play the game. Definitely start with a simpler classes like fighter or monk and choose races like Humans who have fairly simple race bonuses. Also remember that while there's a lot of paper work and dice rolling, the game mostly takes place in your imagination. You could always look up some online guides if your that interested. 22. Blazing Sword 23. Shadow Dragon 24. As long as their short answer questions I won't mind a few repeats. 1. Sound the drums! WE MARCH TO WAR!!! 2. It's been fun so far, keep those questions coming ya'll! 3. General Gaming and Far From The Forest are my big ones. 4. It's probably my favorite genre of music, that or rock and roll. 5. I have expected them as modern culture, some are better than others. 6. Like you said, don't see you around much, but from your questions and DisobeyedCargo's response you sound like a witty sort of poster.
  8. When it comes to home brew content I'm probably not the best guy to ask about balance since I've never done it my self and I only started playing 2 years ago, but from what I can tell the races seem to check out when compared to the Advanced Race Guide's Race builder at least from what I can tell. The mages I mostly just skimmed, but I will look into more when I have more time, but I will say there is a clear balance issue in the different arcana. Fire arcana seems way too strong when compared to something like like Light arcana which while thematically correct seems a little too situational unless you've got plans for having lots of undead encounters in the game. Like I said, not the best critic, but I'll try to help where I can.
  9. XV. Rural XVI. Suburban XVII. Steel type XVIII. Lucario XIX. A few times, I caught mostly junk fish. XX. Western XXI. Scimitar
  10. 12. I'm caught up with the series. 13. It may not have the strongest story or characters, but the gameplay mechanics are just so polished and fun to use, combat, exploration, customization, the whole 9 yards. 14. The World End With You(DS Version if you can), Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, Strider (2014), Bastion(Do not mistake with Overwatch), Runbow, Guilty Gear Xrd, and Skullgirls. 15. In my freshman year of high school someone tapped pictures of naked mole rats all over the walls in the choir room. 16. I lost my cool and punched a wall in the middle of class. 17. I've played both the NES and Wii Punch-Out games. 18. Just as some prompts, aside from video games I'm really big into movies and the preforming arts(stuff like music and theater) and I've watched my fair share of anime as well, plus I've recently gotten into playing table top RPGs like D&D and Pathfinder. VI. I like all the continents for their diversity, but I'd say Oblivia since it's the easiest to navigate on foot. I would say Noctilum, but I get lost in it constantly. VII. It bounces between Lin, Lao, and L. Let's just say it's L for now because who doesn't love a big blue Teifling with bad grammar? VIII. That's pretty hard, but I'd say the Definians because they're great for fun spy hunt quests which I enjoyed. IX. I've never really settled into one class in that game because I have something I like about each one. X. After I beat the game and took a break I restarted to try and see If I could create the most efficient run of the game where I do all side quests as fast as possible and use all the characters to get better affinities sooner than later so between the two runs I've sunk 200-300 into it and I haven't completed it 100% either, but that is my goal. XI. As long as it's not very humid, either is fine with me. XII. Autumn, for all the colors in the trees. XIV. I just took an online version of the sake of the question and my result was The Campaigner. I can see why I got it, but maybe just a little less social that it makes me out to be, but only a little less.
  11. 1. No. 2. I am still a student, but at what level and where I'm going to keep confidential. 3. Voice Over Acting or Theater Acting 4. It gets really cold, but I live in a nice area where I get all four seasons so it's been a good experience. Florida is warm enough to visit for a week, but it's too humid to live there in my book, MN's been better. 5. In Florida I once went in the swimming pool during a tropical storm. 7. The Wii. Started playing a lot of long RPGs later in it's life (Like Xenoblade) and also years of Smash Bros and Mario Kart. 8. Advance Wars, I went into it hopping I'd be like Fire Emblem, but the tutorial was agonizingly slow and I was burned out before I even started the real game. 9. Yes. 10. Yang because punching is cool, plus she's got a fun personality. 11. I don't have a Switch and can't really afford one any time soon so I can't say that I have. Just as a reminder I said I'd take 10 questions per post if anybody desires to do so from now on.
  12. 1. 2. Axes, but I'm becoming increasingly found of magic recently. 3. O+ 4. Vorkken's Theme 5. I don't actually like the anime it's from, but Gospel of the Throttle from Drifters.
  13. Sorry I'm late. Haven't checked into the forest awhile. 1. I'm actually from Florida originally. 2. Probably Metalica. 3. Action has spilled into nearly every genre of movie these days so I'm having a little trouble deciding what should or shouldn't count (superheroes, spy thrillers, adventure films, sci-fi, ect.). 4. Star Wars. 5. Can't really say for sure. Most I've been exposed to Jersey is in the Ms. Marvel comics(2014). I. It varies for me, but probably fire. II. I see them all as a greater whole and no one part should be taken less seriously than the other, sin or virtue. III. Through Smash Bros. like most westerners, but I didn't get into it until much later. IV. My good friend @PeaceRibbon we're pretty tight. V. Hmm... I'll say 10 per post, but I'll answer any follow up post you might give. So if you had say 20 questions please split them between 2 posts. 1. I try treat others with kindness and respect, but if I'm with people I know I'm rather animated and expressive. A serious side and a goofy side if you will. 2. Probably honesty. 3. People moving my stuff around, everything I put down must be exactly where I left it or else it's gonna take me 20 minutes to find it. 4. I try to be around lots of different people, but my closest friends tend to be just a little more assertive and feisty than me. 5. I was raised on a strict follow the age ratings rule so it was mostly cartoons(and honestly kinda still is). I never watched to much TV unless it was something like Pokemon or Star Wars. Video games was mostly the Super Mario Bros and Sonic The Hedgehog series. 1. I'm a magic, mecha, and marshal arts guy personally, but I'd say my favorite from more traditional definitions of weapon would be Vi's Hextech Gauntlets from League of Legends. 2. Xenoblade Chronicles X. 3. This may be an odd choice, but it's Black Tar. 4. Xenoblade Chronicles X. 5. Reyn, Sharla, Melia, Shulk, Riki, Dunban. 6. You're one of the many regulars on the far from the forest forums I find quite entertaining.
  14. Sounds good. Also I forgot to mention that I think this forum would probably be better suited to the Creative or Fan Projects forums, but I think it's okay here for now.
  15. I'm a big fan of Pathfinder and while I've never been GM before I am working on my own campaign right now so I can learn how. I would be interested in looking at what you and your friend cooked up simply to see how you translated the Fire Emblem setting into a dice, paper, and pencil experience. I'm not an expert at the game, but I guess I could give a little feedback if it's something I feel qualified to critique, which is honestly probably not going to be much.
  16. My knowledge of SMT is... rather limited. To any and all dire hard fans I apologize in advance.
  17. Of all the Arksys franchises I think Guilty Gear is probably the one where story matters the least so I'm not convinced that's what Arksys said about not putting Guilty Gear characters is really true. I think Sol and Ky will be in the game at some point latter on, Arksys just doesn't want to "spoil" the "surprise."
  18. MY BOY IS BACK YO! WOOOOOOOOOOO! Zasalamel was the one character I was most looking forward to so naturally I'm getting pretty hyped right now. The only thing left for me is a Talim reveal and I'm buying this game day one! So long as I can scrape up the money for it.
  19. Just though I'd leave this here. Get hyped BB Dub fans!
  20. What I think is the saddest part of these mass shootings is that Congress can't do anything to take defensive measures against these tragedies because our stupid 2-party system has devolved to the point where nobody is willing to compromise on these big issues because it would go against the parties political agendas. Democrats will try to ban all firearms while Republicans will try to defend all firearms and it turns into a never ending back and forth where nothing gets done. I'm no politician, but I think even I could come of with a decent compromise that could decrease casualties. My plan would be to ban civilians from carrying automatic weapons while other less lethal weapons would be unaffected, you could still own hunting rifles or a handgun, but we get rid of assault weapons that are all too often used in these mass shootings. It's not a perfect solution that will prevent all future shootings, but in the event that one does happen a lot less people will be hurt or killed if they don't have access to weapons that you would see in a war zone. I try not to be political online, but I'm tired of the news channels telling me that I'm in danger when I go to a school or the movies or anywhere else that I might go. I just had to vent a little this time because it seems like these shootings just keep getting deadlier and deadlier like there's a f**king trophy for topping the deadliest mass shootings list.
  21. If Heroes became the main focus of the Fire Emblem series it wouldn't be that way for long. If main releases slowed for the benefit of Heroes I think the fans would boycott the game until Nintendo puts more focus back on the games they really want. At least that's how I see it. Heroes is more like a casual's gateway into the rest of the series anyway.
  22. Mario Kart is one of the best multiplayer games period. It's easy to pick up and play for players of all skill levels and simply put a just blast to play. Until you get hit with the blue shell at the final stretch and lose your 3 star gold trophy. I personally think Mario Kart 8 is the best in the series(aside from battle mode), but I don't have the deluxe edition since I don't own a switch. I hear it's very good though.
  23. Why does that even matter? Your cooking sucks anyway!
  24. Rundown: Grand Admiral Thrawn (Star Wars Rebels), Roman Torchwick (RWBY), Megatron (Transformers), McGillius Fareed (Gundam: Iron-blooded Orphans), Dio Brando (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure), Gaston (Beauty and the Beast), Stain (My Hero Academia), Kent Mansley (The Iron Giant), Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb).
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