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Everything posted by TheGoodHoms

  1. *Parries rapier with my own rapier and proceeds to have a 3 hour fencing match to the tune of Duel of the Fates* *Drops a steam roller on the next user*
  2. I remade the 3x3 for favorite games I've been meaning to do so here's a spoiler tag for that. As for the favorite animation protagonists... It's not really in any particular order, but I know some of these are a little obscure so for a quick recap. Jet Black (Cowboy Bebop), Mob (Mob Psycho 100), Batman (Batman: The Animated Series), Joseph Joestar (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure), The Iron Giant (The Iron Giant), Andy Hinomiya (The Unlimited Hyoubu Kyouske), Nylocke (TOME), Yang Xiao Long (RWBY), Mulan (Mulan).
  3. 1. Reyn- One of favorite fictional characters period. He's also really fun to play as and insanely useful to just have on your active party in general. 2. Sharla- I personally think Sharla is underrated by most people, but I can see why. Being the dedicated medic she is a must if you like defensive team comps. 3. Melia- Some one give this girl a hug please! Her computer AI is garbage so I always play as her myself on a team, but that's fine because I enjoy mage characters. 4. Shulk- A little bland as a character, but still a serviceable protagonist. Versatile in combat and invaluable against the Mechon. 5. Riki- One of the best examples of comedic relief done right. Don't use him much in combat though. 6. Dunban- He's a total badass, but to me he feels a little static. Great as both a damage dealer and a dodge tank, but I prefer straight tanks like Reyn. Honestly though, I like all the characters so listing them is kind of redundant to me.
  4. I have a feeling that of all the DLC packs this one is going to have the least salt surrounding it, but don't worry there's still going to be plenty thrown around. Looks good as far as I'm concerned, too bad I don't have a switch.
  5. I don't think this development is going to redeem the game for not making decisions like that a long time ago, but it's definitely going to help the situation. I can't say how other people will react, but I know I'm putting this game back on my radar. However I'll still most likely put it on the backlog of game I want to get in favor of other stuff like Soulcaliber 6.
  6. *Gets wet. And cold. And sad.* *Throws a slice of cake that's inside a box inside of a box inside another box that's inside a safe which is inside another safe which is inside a vault.*
  7. I knew someone was going to do that eventually! LOL!
  8. 2017 was a big year for the Fire Emblem franchise with not one, not two, but three new games. So I thought to myself, since the Academy Awards are coming up soon, what would a Oscars for Fire Emblem be like? So tell me what categories the awards would have and maybe nominate a few things while your at it. And if this gets popular maybe we could start a poll to decide winners. So just a few categories to get started with could be Best Game(obviously), Best Voice Actor, Best Voice Actress, Best Soundtrack, and Best Visuals. Feel free to add more if you wish.
  9. Granted, but you can't use her in combat. I wish the pain in my left shoulder would go away.
  10. That's where I'm at in the series as well. Coincidences! Ha ha!
  11. *Falls asleep listening to the lecture* *TUBATUBATUBATUBATUBATUBA... TUUBBAAAAA!*
  12. I'm not going to say what my roster would be because I'm only familiar with the games released in North America, but I will say that if I had to choose a developer it would have to be either Ark System Works, Bandai Namco, or Capcom. Yes I know their pretty obvious choices because we all know what each one would bring to the table on the project. Guilty Fire Emblem Xrd, Fire Emblem Calibur, or Vs. Fire Emblem. Take your pick.
  13. 1. Xenoblade Chronicles X 2. Guilty Gear Xrd 3. Super Mario Galaxy The rest is in no particular order.
  14. Not many surprises here, but it was still really cool! The new character Groh looks awesome, I'm happy Nightmare is back(not that I was worried), Xianghua it going to make a close friend of mine very happy, and Evil Kilik caught me off guard , but in a good way. Also it sounds like the English voice actors definitely sound like they're reprisals from SCIV. I swear on my soul and sword that's Wendy Lee(Xianghua) and Grant George(Kilik).
  15. If that info graphic is accurate I'd say this game isn't looking to disappoint us any time soon, at least until 3/4th's of the roster is put behind a lootbox system. But now that I know that official announcements are coming on Friday this week is gonna take forever, this is the price I pay for a being a massive nerd who gets a little too exited for his own good.
  16. We had a nasty storm here in Minnesota as well, spent a hour clearing the drive way. I'm most likely gonna be cooped up inside the rest of the day, but it has gotten surprisingly warm out side ever since the sun came up.
  17. These results are honestly pretty surprising, at least to me they are. I had no idea that Makoto of all characters would have made 2nd place, let alone the top ten. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against her character, but I didn't realize she was so popular until now. The rest of the top ten seems pretty standard(and quite shoto heavy). Shame I didn't hear about this poll earlier because I would have loved to participate.
  18. Most of the instances I could think of have already been discussed. What I will say is that I think while these sorts of protagonist vs protagonist fights are really cool, I think there could be a great narrative opportunity in the concept that I don't think I've ever seen fully realized yet. I'll make an example so you can see what I'm getting at. Imagine a game where the protagonist's journey is doesn't quite work out the way they want it to, maybe the villain gets away with things constantly, the hero lose party members prematurely, perhaps the hero ultimately fails in the end or wins at a price too high. Then in a sequel a new protagonist finds the old protagonist and gets them to join the party because the old hero thinks they can do it better this time or something like that. But at some point in the story the old hero realizes that the mistakes they made in the past are happening again in the new hero's journey. Perhaps this drives the old hero to try and convince the new hero that their quest is in vain and that they should give up and when the new hero refuses the old hero attacks them in hopes of forcing the new hero to stop. Or you could have the old hero turn on the new hero by joining the enemy once they lose all hope of redeeming themselves of their past failures. I'm no award winning story writer, but I think it could make a very compelling character arc. The only issue with this is that you'd be making one video game while simultaneously planing for a sequel when you don't even know if the first game is even going to sell well or not which is usually the factor that green lights the sequel being made in the first place. Unless you swap the order and make the old protagonist's game a prequel.
  19. That's my theory too, they most likely just wanted to release the game as fast as possible and decided to cut corners. I'm thinking I might wait and see what the DLC has to offer before I buy the game for myself so I can cherry pick the characters I want out of the ones I don't, but hey if the backlash is hard enough maybe they'll make some of the DLC characters free as an apology(most likely it'll be Blake and Yang). I'm pretty disappointed in ArcSys on this one, they're a really great fighting game developer/publisher that's about to get a bad mark on their record. In fact I'm calling it right now, if they don't do something to make it up to the fans with this game it's going to go down in history as the black sheep of Blazblue. Metacritic better quote me on that in their reviews. On the bright side things could have been worse... Like... Loot boxes worse.
  20. IS THAT A..! Well you know the rest, no need to repeat it.
  21. I'm know I'm a little late for the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure party, but I just finished watching the first season and I thought it was great and I really wanted to talk about it(I apologize in advance if this is considered necroposting). I got into the series because a friend of mine made a couple references in his Pathfinder campaign(he gave the party amulets that gave us the ability to channel Hamon among other things) and it convinced me to get into the series and I'm happy I did. So far I think Battle Tendency was better than Phantom Blood, aside from Dio being a better villain than The Pillar Men(though they weren't bad) part 2 took everything good about part 1 and built on it. From what I've read online it sounds like parts 3 and 4 are the fan favorites(in terms of what has been adapted so far) so I'm very interested in what's coming next, consider me a fan.
  22. Personally I think avatar's weapons shouldn't matter that much unless having a certain kind of weapon creates story implications like Light/Dark Magic, but since this is a vote I decided to go with Axe/magic mostly because I think it's a creative idea, that or maybe something like Lance/Bow. But let's be honest with ourselves, he/she's gonna have a sword.
  23. "I got me a Chrysler, it seats about 20 So hurry up and bring your jukebox money!"
  24. Can sing the Fire Emblem theme in Japanese... backwards.
  25. *Strikes a similarly menacing pose back* *Give's the next poster their favorite food... In a steel box with no lid*
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