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Everything posted by TheGoodHoms

  1. I _ _ 4 I 3 9 7 I _ 8 _ I I 6 7 8 I 1 _ _ I 9 5 3 I I _ _ 9 I _ 8 _ I _ 7 _ I ----------------------------- I _ 6 _ I 5 _ _ I 8 _ 7 I I _ 4 _ I 8 7 _ I _ _ 2 I I _ 8 _ I 9 2 _I _ _ 5 I ------------------------------ I 1 3 7 I _ _ 8 I 6 2 _ I I 4 2 6 I 7 1 9 I 5 3 8 I I 8 9 _ I _ _ 3 I 7 _ _ I
  2. *The wild BLADE operative's defense fell* *Drags the next poster through a sandstorm.*
  3. Technically by table top RPG rules rolling a natural 20 means you hit the target regardless of what you need to roll otherwise, but I'll give you pass if you're not familiar with table top RPGs like D&D or Pathfinder. *Reenactment of the Wizard of Oz occurs.* *Does the space jump and lands on top of the next poster.*
  4. Nobuo Uematsu is the John Williams of Video Games. 9/10 Final Fantasy IV - Theme of Love Normally I'd share the Distant Worlds version of this song, but that might be cheating. The game's version is still great.
  5. You can always count on the Tales games to have solid music 8/10. I think I need more context to cri though. Guilty Gear X2 - "Still In The Dark"
  6. Laugh uncontrollably because it tickles. Rolls a natural 20 on my attack roll wielding a Greataxe while raging for 26 Slashing damage.
  7. Never heard of Zeugmas before, but I think I get how it works. I'll try one. The young man ran his father's shop twenty miles.
  8. This was for Resident Evil. The forum ninjas strike again.
  9. Anyone looking to buy this game on PC? I have some good news for you.
  10. "I knew I should have taken a left turn at The Great Plateau."
  11. It's always fun to see fan favorite oddballs like Yoshimitsu coming back. Also his new design is really cool.
  12. I defiantly wouldn't doubt it if this game is nowhere close to done at this point. I have a feeling we won't be getting any official announcements any time soon, winter 2018 if we're lucky.
  13. I 2 8 _ I 7 4 3 I 5 9 1 I I 5 1 9 I 6 8 2 I 7 3 4 I I 7 3 4 I 1 5 9 I 6 2 8 I ----------------------------- I 1 6 5 I 3 2 4 I 9 8 7 I I 8 4 7 I 9 6 1 I 2 5 3 I I 3 9 2 I 8 7 5 I 1 4 6 I ------------------------------ I 9 2 8 I 4 1 7 I 3 6 5 I I 4 5 1 I 2 3 6 I 8 7 9 I I _ 7 3 I 5 9 8 I 4 1 2 I
  14. By the looks of things I lean towards the idea that this is a non-Xeno-game that leans more into fantasy than Sci-fi. Which is a good thing since looking back the Xenoblade games came out pretty quickly all things considered and it would be pretty unfortunate if the series entered a state of burn out too soon.
  15. I've never been much of a soup person. Why do people put pineapple on pizza when it just overpowers the savory dish with it's sweetness?
  16. Because most responses are relatively short so you won't be stuck on some dude who decided to write an essay... oh, wait. What does it mean to be manly?
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