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Everything posted by TheGoodHoms

  1. "Let's NOT get in bed together tonight."
  2. - It's been said before, but I'll say it again, Geno should not be in Smash. There are plenty of other characters that deserve to be in the game way more. - The Smash Bros. community is essentially a very large group of spoiled little brats. The inclusions of Ridley and King K. Rool are proof of this. - The competitive players really need to just move on from Melee already, it's been way too long. - Items are fun to play with, especially with 4 players. - Elma has a better chance of becoming playable than Rex in Smash Ultimate, that is if any new Xenoblade characters are added at all. - If Namco puts in a second rep, it's going to be Heihachi, not Lloyd. Sorry Tales fans. - Stop complaining about Waluigi, there are other assist trophies that deserve to be fighters as well.
  3. Angry Farmer That reminds me of a D&D joke character idea I had where I would make a Scythe wielding Barbarian who is really just an old farmer who lost his favorite chickens and is on a berserk rampage to find them.
  4. "Is flattened like a pancake. You receive 100 points." "Throws a snowball at the next poster."
  5. "I'm not sure what you just said to me, but I get the feeling I don't want to know."
  6. At this point it has to be Cervantes or Raphael because they're the only long time fan favorites still missing from the game(officially). If it's someone else though, probably wouldn't complain.
  7. "I am going to confront my romantic rival so that we can talk it out and settle our differences without any more of this exhausting drama."
  8. "You say no one can cross the border between North and South Korea? Hold my beer."
  9. You speak the truth my friend, I'm sure most of us remember the ESRB leak of Smash Bros. 3DS. Man those were some dark days, killed a lot excitement in the community and replaced it with some pretty bitter feelings. Of course I'm sure Nintendo knows this and has most likely taken steps to make sure it doesn't happen gain. I suspect they've threatened the ESRB with legal action if anything slips out. That or they've taken their families hostage, whatever motivates them I guess.
  10. It's been forever since I've seen a game of Stratego, but I remember having tons of fun with it. I think Fire Emblem was pretty much made to be a Stratego spin off and it blows my mind that I've never seen anyone come up with it before. Perhaps the additional rules could even be further expanded upon to include mechanics like map terrain advantages where forests, mountains, forts, and so on, could be placed on the board and grant bonuses or hindrances to certain units. Granted something like that would need to be play tested to death to avoid becoming overpowered when a player abuses them, but hey, it's still a cool idea.
  11. "Direct hit to the face." "Sends the medical bill for my broken nose to the next poster."
  12. I my opinion, Fire Emblem is as a series isn't really interested in telling compelling narratives for the most part. It only really wants to make its characters just likable enough to make perma-death feel more threatening. After all, it always sucks when a character you like bites the dust in any game, not just Fire Emblem.
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