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Dylan Corona

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Everything posted by Dylan Corona

  1. If i start a new game plus, will that take over my endgame save file? Or can I keep that file and start a new game plus on a different save slot? I like saving my endgame data haha. Thanks!
  2. What does that thing at the bottom mean? I made Catherine into a Falcon Knight, but I wanted to switch her back to swordmaster, and I just noticed it. Also is it best to leave her as a swordmaster or keep her as a falcon knight? Thanks!
  3. Hey, I'm trying to find out if I'm wasting my time. Can a MByleth marry Catherine? Like can they get married. I'm finding so many mixed things and lists online and I'm just trying to see if I should be trying to marry someone else lol. Thanks!
  4. Oh, I totally thought they did haha. And thanks, I saw that site but was so lost when I saw the yen. Thanks!
  5. So I have two questions, I don't really play, but I like collecting Lyn cards. Also sorry if making a new topic for this, I wasn't sure where to put it. So, 1) I know that there is a new Blazing Blade starter deck coming out this month with a new Lyn, where can I buy or pre-order it and the sleeves for American currency? 2) How many sleeves come with the starter deck? Thanks!
  6. I haven't watched the video, cause I want to stay at least somewhat surprised, but you're telling me my husband and 2nd favorite FE character ever, Niles, is in the game! Yay! Lyn and Niles! Maybe he will be in the DLC haha, wishful thinking :P.
  7. Personally, I'm excited. I get why people are a bit annoyed, but I don't think it's that big of a deal haha, after all this game is kinda focused on fan service. I hope everyone's favorite could get it, but that's very not likely. I didn't think Lyn was going to be in this game, as she was under used in till recently, and I was still going to get this game. Now I just have even more of a reason lol.
  8. Hmm, okay, well I won't make any moves yet. I'll wait till after the next GHB and see if I need it. Thanks!
  9. I'm curious, why would a neural IV be good for the GHBs? And thanks for the help.
  10. I need some help (also hello it's been a while, been busy haha) I have the neutral Brave Lyn and I pulled a +Spd/-Res Brave Lyn. I want to merge them, which one should I merge into the other? Also my neutral one has an assist skill I gave her, if I merge her into the other, the other one will get that skill right? Or am I wrong lol. Thanks!
  11. I need Rath and Sue. That way I can make a Lyn family team! Yay! But honestly, I really hope this does happen, as Magic and Bow units are some of my favorites in all FE games, and while we have a ton of good archers in FE:Heroes, Bow Knights are just awesome.
  12. I'm training up Anna to a five star, she's actually not that bad of an axe user. I wish her weapon and final vantage weren't 5 stars though...and they cost a lot too haha. I only need 17k more feathers to get her to five. I figured by the time the next gauntlet ends, I'll have enough. Any suggestions for her, before I upgrade? Haha
  13. The next one should be archers. No one seems to go that crazy for one archer as a whole. Like, other then Takumi, but they can just leave him out haha.
  14. Yeah, this one is a bit better then the last one, but Tharja is still too popular to mix with the unpopular XD.
  15. I think I got to go for my boy, Leo, even though I don't think he is that likely to win lol.
  16. Ah, ha. Sorry about that I noticed that thread, but I didn't know that video was the Livestream, I thought it was just a normal video they uploaded. XD Didn't put two and two together, my bad XD.
  17. Hey, I'm sure I'm just behind on my news. Been out of the Heroes loop for a few days, but what was talked about on that Video on the Japanese Nintendo channel? I know it talked about Xander and the new banner (and the new Gauntlet), but what was the stair thing and anything else interesting? Dang me not knowing Japanese XD. Thanks. Sorry if this was asked before.
  18. Thanks so much! I got one more for you, if thats okay :). Character: JaffarImage: https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/5/54/B07-042N.png/revision/latest?cb=20161208065703Text: JaffarStyle: SF Thanks again!
  19. Character: Shura Image: https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/8/84/ShuraCipherArt.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20161017111804 Text: Shura Style: SF Sorry if I ask for too many, I just love them haha. Please and thanks! You rock!
  20. As much as I like PoR, the only character I would want to pull is Ike, and I don't really want to that bad haha. So, I shall save my orbs. I hope we get more character from PoR and RD as I do love those games.
  21. There is an auto battle button, but I rarely trust the AI do to its job haha. But for the lower level towers, I do tend to turn it on.
  22. Got him! Didn't use a total freebie team, but it worked. I used all level 40; Ceclia, EggLucy, Azura and Sophia haha. I almost thought it wasn't going to work, but Azura lived with 5 hp against Zephiel, which allowed Lucy to take him out.
  23. Awesome, this one will go well for me, as I only need to level up Raigh to get it done. But if Sophia works, then maybe I don't need to lol. Thanks for sharing.
  24. I'm not playing less. But I could see why some would. I play for at least a few hours a day, level some people up, play arena. It keeps me busy for a bit haha.
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