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Dylan Corona

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Everything posted by Dylan Corona

  1. Wow this fate banner just hates me, used another 100 orbs and not one 5 star...I want to boost up my Lilith haha.
  2. I would be down for Elincia, I loved her in both games. Used her in both too. I think she would make a cool flying healer.
  3. I mean, I think Lilith mentions him three times too. I don't see the problem with this, Corrin was the main character of that game. It makes sense to me. Plus, Corrin repeatedly pissed off Iago in the game, so it makes sense there too. Personally he's not my favorite villain, but I love the way he looks.
  4. Aww I love that Fjorm was telling a story, it was cute. And that ending was really funny, made me chuckle haha. This was my favorite bonding story yet.
  5. Is there a max to how many buffs you can have? Cause my Lilith is stuck at 38 Res and Def, cause of other teammates buffs, and so her movement boost skill isn't taking effect when I do a move skill.
  6. I voted for Male Byleth and Cladue as well lol. I'm glad to see others did the same.
  7. Well that was the first crappy summoning session I've ever had. I actually got to 10% without a five star. I spent over 1000 orbs and I only got one Lilith and the free Lilith, so a +1 Lilith. I plan on spending the tickets to try to get one more at least...but those were all the orbs I was saving up for Catherine. Dang it, I like Lilith too much haha. Oh well, I'll try more and once this banner is done, I'll save again. Only took me a few months to get 1000, I can do that again.
  8. Hmm, I guess that's a good point. I don't do a lot of Aether raids, but +Spd is a good thing to keep in mind. Guess I'll have to plan some stuff out tonight before she comes out haha.
  9. Hmm +Def isn't a bad idea as well. But would you really want to replace her A skill for DC? I mean she gets +5 to like every stat.
  10. Would +SPD be better than +ATK for her? I feel like she has a ton of speed already, and the attack boost would help her. Honest wondering, cause I'm trying to figure out what to hope for haha.
  11. Man, I can't wait to pull a few Lilith's, I'm hoping for at least 3 or 4 haha. I mean look at this! So cute!
  12. I mean, she kinda does in the game, as a dragon at least. Flouting is still kinda flying, and we know she can go fast too.
  13. What do you guys think I could bane/boom would be for Lilith? I want to know what I'm shooting for haha. I love her skill set, it seems really interesting.
  14. When does the new banner come out? The 8th? Does that mean we should get the trailer soon?
  15. I'm so excited for Lilth! She's my favorite character from Fates! Well her and Dwyer! I'm so going to use orbs to pull her, hopefully more than once haha!
  16. Maybe it's young Bartre from FE7! We only have the older one currently.
  17. I'm going for Lysithea, but I'm not trying hard lol. I'm excited for a Three Houses banner! And happy that people's favs are getting in. But I'm still saving up for Catherine. I'm hopeful that she will be added at some point!
  18. Hey, so I made it to the timeskip, and I'm trying to marry Hapi, but I can't get passed B rank. It gives that "in time" thing that happens sometime. So, I'm guessing its locked till a point. Can anyone tell me when it unlocks so I don't miss it? Thanks!
  19. Yeah, I gave his pass to Flyan, who is rocking it as a Dark Flier. I kept Balthus as a Grappler, as it stands right now. I think I got some bad levels on him though, he needs some speed haha.
  20. Got three Raths, only took me 100 orbs haha, and a Foria. So I may be done with this banner. I may try to get Nils or Leila, but only with my extra orbs. I'm not going under 700.
  21. I don't know, I feel like Catherine should at least be the first to have it in Heroes, it's her weapon. If they released a different Lysithea after, then maybe she could...but I just feel like it would be messed up to let her have it first lol. But, hey, that's just my opinion. I wouldn't be upset if it happened, just shocked haha.
  22. My only problem with her getting Thunderbrand is that it belongs to Catherine, what will happen to her unit when she shows up? I know she can use it, but they should give her something that's hers. She has a ton of spells to pick from.
  23. Is anyone selling a copy of Conrad: White Guardian Knight B09-043SR? Thanks!
  24. Well, I love that we can get Rath at a 4 star right away, he will be easier to get. But those skills haha. Oh well, I'll make him better! I knew he would be green, but I was hoping not. And if course I'm going to try for Leila too, cause I love her. But I hope that it will be easy to get them both.
  25. Does anyone have a link to what's in the next update? People are talking about what's in it, but I can't find a link XD. Thanks!
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