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Posts posted by IGdood

  1. It's out already!? Great! I have been waiting for Enemy Within for a long time! Yes!

    It'll be out next week :)

    Asia or Europe IMO, I wanna see the new stuff as soon as possible

    By the way, I forget when EW takes place. Does it modify the course of Enemy Unknown, or does it take place afterwards? Can the base/squad I had in any finished games in EU be used at all in EW, or will my old saves be bonked if I buy it?

    EW takes place during EU, it modifies EU and I am not sure if it is savegame compatible with EU saves.

    I vote Asia, therefore...

    Africa: 2

    Asia: 3

    We have until the day I get the game to decide anyways.

  2. List updated.

    I'm planning on going for a Classic Difficulty, toggle options for randomized unit growths (Let's hope RNG doesn't fuck over you guys) and dynamic flanking (Flanking system reworked with the closer a unit gets to flanking an enemy, the more its cover bonus declines.) and damage roulette (weapons don't always do their max damage)

    Which continent should we establish our base in?

    North America - Cheaper aircraft and aircraft weapons

    Europe - Cheaper research facilities

    Asia - Cheaper upgrades to soldiers and items

    South America - Instant autopsies and interrogations

    Africa - Extra funding


    Integrity let me have the honor. I'm so happy and thankful.

    I think I'll go for a screenshot log of the game because videos will take too long to do for a whole game.

    If you're new to the series of XCOM, you can look here http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=35492&page=1

    If you want a summary in a nutshell, basically aliens are attacking Earth and you are the commander of a super secret organization called XCOM tasked with the duty of researching alien tech and using it to kill aliens.

    >What is the difference between Enemy Unknown and Enemy Within?

    1. Enemy Within is the first major expansion pack to Enemy Unknown. It changes the playing field radically by adding in MEC troopers (soldiers who undergo an operation to remove their limbs and replace them with ports for easy integration into a mech suit) and genetic modifications where you can implant alien DNA into your soldiers.

    Both of these new powers are fueled by a new resource: MELD. Meld can be found randomly in battles within a certain time period (Fire Emblem star rating system nightmares inbound)



    2. New enemies have been added. There are 2 new alien enemies, and a fuckton of new human enemies. You heard me right. HUMAN. There is a new organization called EXALT, based off the CUlt of Sirius from XCOM: Apocalypse. These are humans who actively avoid the aliens and take action against XCOM. Their goal is to gather power so they can rule over what's left when the aliens are done fucking over Earth. These human enemies will be your evil doppelgangers: They have heavies, supports, assaults, and even snipers. Yes, they carry grenades and use rocket launchers.


    3. New mission types. Aside from a lot of scripted missions, special missions against EXALT involve sending in a single soldier as a covert operative (he gets blue jeans and a jacket and only a pistol) to sabotage their facilities before you send in the standard squad to wipe out their personnel. These will be nervewracking.


    4. References to the Bureau: This might actually turn some of you off from the disappointment that was XCOM: Declassified/The Bureau, but the developers put in bits of information here and there in an attempt to relate this game's timeline to the "spin-off" shooter game released a few months ago. In other words, the Bureau's timeline is made canon. If you don't know what I'm talking about here, that's fine.

    5. Voices: No matter the localization of your game, you can specify a language for your soldier to speak, from English to Russian to Spanish, etc. However, there's no Arabic/Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Obscure country voice over.

    So, just as Integrity did, I will ask of you now.

    If you want somebody in-game, please specify:


    If you don't specify one of the traits, I will randomly pick it for you.

    As MELD is supposedly a very limited and hard to obtain resource, I can only hand out THREE MEC classes out initially. So first 3 posters who want mechs will get them.

    As a refresher here are the classes:

    Assault - Specialty is dealing damage to enemies (especially by flanking) and taking it. They can use shotguns and assault rifles, making them a short/mid range class.

    Support - Carries smoke grenades to buff friendly troops and later learns abilities to use medikits rather effectively as well as provide covering fire to friendlies. Uses assault rifles.

    Snipers - Deals heavy damage from long range with high critical rating. Unless the Snapshot ability is chosen, snipers cannot move and shoot in the same turn with their rifle. They do have a pistol, however.

    Heavy - Carries a big fucking machine gun and a rocket launcher. The latter allows them to kill off groups of enemies, usually.

    MEC Trooper - A rather unique soldier with abilities based on the mec suit created for him/her and the original class of the trooper before he/she underwent the operation to become a MEC. Due to their size, they cannot take cover and they carry a big fucking gun.

    The game comes out Nov. 12, so the LP will start around....13-14?


    Princess K - Assault FEMALE

    Gyarados - Daigoji "WeissGanger 3" Excellen MEC TROOPER Dutch Fem/Herm

    Rehab - Cooper "Rehab" Weir SUPPORTmedic Canadian/French/Brit/Dutch/Murican WhiteguyDavidTennant ANY GENDER

    Balcerzak - Balcerzak ROOKIE MALE

    sifer - Rikku "Rogue" SNIPER FEMALE Caucasian/Hispanic

    sifer - Cid "Kellam" HEAVY MALE Any race

    Tryhard - Tryhard HEAVY MALE Scot/Brit

    Polydeuces - Hunter "Polydeuces" Wilson ASSAULT MALE Canadian/WHITE

    Esau of Isaac - Jim "UNCLE SAM" Jones HEAVY-MEC MALE USA USA USA USA - ded

    Integrity - Integ 'Flo Rida' Rity - ANY
    Personal friend - Anna "Lancer" Huynh SNIPER FEMALE ASIAN

    Silverknight - Neil "Spectre" Petrosino SNIPER MALE American/Caucasian

    Rein Slampage

    Verdant Shade

  4. All will fall before Rome. Only got a few settlements to conquer, and hopefully we'll get some great last stands. I doubt it though....




    Even in Forced March stance it takes awhile to get from the East to Germania. I wonder if the Euskadi Legion will make it in time to take part in conquest.






    Side effect of declaring war on factions left alone for 40-50 years: Your settlements get attacked. A good thing that the latest patch now fixes siege defenses so you get to choose your deployable engines prior to the defense.

    Unfortunately, it doesn't even let you choose the locations of the deployable engines, which is bullshit. Regardless, the troops held out and fought off the initial ladder assault.

    The AI may have been able to overwhelm me had they continued using the ladders, but after their "Designated ladder units" were routed off, they all proceeded to attempt to torch my gates. Then they bottlenecked themselves at the gate and boiling oil took care of the rest.






















    The last tech on the tech tree, and I don't even need a navy all that much anymore...





    I wanted to record this battle, but the sheer amount of snow and weird lighting made for pretty blurry screens and footage. It was similar to a slow spear advance into the settlement and fending off enemies harassing my rear. The Iberian Cavalry took plenty of losses and were driven off the battlefield after they successfully halted a lancer charge.





    Not sure what the point of assigning skillpoints is at this rate...but...yeah.


    The next series of battles was recorded (there's 4 total)

    The first battle details a typical Capitoline Brigade style siege assault, with massive engines of war just bombing the shit out of defenders and the infantry do clean up. The reason why they are few in number is because the pathfinding AI decided that they should walk through cold forests and thus incur attrition damage.

    The second battle shows a coastal navy landing and taking over a somewhat well-defended rebel settlement. Missile troops stayed on their ships to provide fire support from the waters.

    The third battle showcases Legio AVBT. I thought I'd get some action with elephants and chariots, but unfortunately the enemy AI sent all their troops at the laddermen I initially sent....

    The fourth battle shows Adeptus Serenus clearing out a settlement. I was surprised the Plebs didn't die outright when facing elite German swordmaster units....

    The last 2 screenshots showed the last non-allied settlement being conquered. The garrison was small so I just autoresolved it.

    Aside from the client states, we now own all the provinces....and..well..it's over.











    Conclusion: Rome 2 Total War didnt quite live up to the hype that Sega's expert marketing branch generated. The release was quite buggy and had a lot of features cut out and which were previously advertised. However, I do like how in the span of 2 months since its release, 5 going on 6 patches were released to fix a lot of the bugs and the game is decently fun.

    I think Rome 2 is getting better. If they can get the siege AI right then I think there's a passably decent game on our hands.

    A lot of people compare Rome 2 to Rome 1 and I hold a rather unpopular opinion. I'm not saying Rome 1 is good, because honestly at release Rome 1 was kind of shit with hyperspeed battles and even after the patches it was still at SONIC-levels. However, Rome 1 had something that Rome 2 most likely will never have: Great overhaul mods that dwell deep into the game and change it fundamentally from the ground up. Sega will never let modders touch and edit the game on that level (Rome 1 was published by Activision).

    I was originally going to give the game a 5.5/10, but I think I can give it a 7/10 now. It's what a game should be at release. There is fun to be had, but it was not the fun one was hyped for by trailers.

    I also apologize if I didn't get your favorite legion on camera I honestly did not think of recording until the blood and gore DLC pack was announced.

    I hope you at least enjoyed the LP somewhat. Perhaps there will be an expansion pack in the future?

    Future plan: I plan on doing a LP of XCOM: Enemy Within when it is released November 15, assuming Integrity isn't going to do it. It may be all video. May be.

    And now..time for muh history writeups because I really like this.

    Eastern Units

    Asiatikoi Hippakontistai (Eastern Light Cavalry) [Eastern Skirmisher Cavalry]

    These Asiatikoi horsemen represent a light, but versatile unit well able to skirmish and to perform screening duties. They have their uses in pursuit and thanks to their skills in using spears in melee, they are also the bane of light infantry. As light auxiliaries, they are also armoured with a linen corselet giving them light protection and more staying power than most other light cavalry. They are not suited for combat-intensive tasks, and will root if bogged down in melee, in particular against heavier contenders, whether they be mounted or on foot. Their low morale is also marked by the fact that these men often enlisted as mercenaries measuring loyalty by the amount of gold.

    Historically, the Epigonoi were originally thoroughly Hellenized Persians, a part of Alexander's plan in fusing together Hellenic and Iranian traditions. Even if its originator's death put a dent to the success of that plan, this later extended to native Mesopotamians, Iranians and Scythians who were prevalent around the Near East. Epigonoi would be the Hellenzsed Asians who were born and raised by their non-Hellenic parents in Hellenistic poleis, who could speak Greek and be part of the Hellenistic world. Most of whom, however, weren't given that chance, thus turning to soldiery as a means to sustain themselves. Later on they would revenge the Hellenistic world for this injustice by turning into rebels or joining their enemies. As such, their equipment, albeit light, reflect local traditions in a military sense: They are armed like Hippakontistai or mounted skirmishers, armoured with a lineothorax, and a Phrygian cap. They are armed with a bundle of javelins and a thrusting spear for melee combat. As such, this unit represent Eastern horsemanship and attire, in combination with Hellenistic equipment.

    Asiatikoi Hippeis (Medium Eastern Cavalry) [Eastern Cavalry...did we fight these guys? I don't remember but whatever]

    These medium cavalry represent a versatile task-force well able to perform a wide range of roles in battle. They are excellent screeners well-suited to guard the flanks of a battle-line, well able to cut lighty armed horsemen to ribbons, as well as their qualities in pursuit. Such qualities would make them a worthwhile addition to any commander. They are armed with a thrusting spear, which they bear in an overhanded manner, and a vicious axe with a back-spike allowing them several advantages in melee. As such they are also suited for flanking and supportive roles. Still however, they are not well-suited to take on heavier cavalry or elite infantry formations, and their loyalty is only marked by the measured weight of gold.

    Historically, these horsemen were prevalent around Asia Minor, the Near East, and further eastwards, marking them as an ethnically diverse contingent consisting of "Eastern" peoples, including Medeans, Persians, Albanians, Iberians, Armenians, Cappadocians and Syrians willing to fight for any wealthy master in exchange for whatever that may feed their horses and themselves for a longer term. As such, their equipment and clothing would also have differed, though not always were such horsemen drastically diverse in ethnical disposition. Comparatively they may be seen as a heavier variation of Pantodapoi horsemen.

    Gund-î Paltâ (Eastern Skirmishers) [Eastern Javelinmen]

    Armed with nothing but a small shield and a handful of javelins these men risk their lives in closing with the enemy with only the lightest of equipment. These men deploy in a cloud before the heavy infantry dashing back and forth to release their deadly missiles. These infantry skirmishers fought in open formations so as to maximize the number of men able to get a throw and minimize the effect of enemy missiles. Lacking armour, training and heavy weapons these light infantry stand no chance if committed to melee.

    Historically, most armies of the classical period found use for poorly equipped levies as skirmishers, very often as javelinmen, as these troops required relatively little training and financial investment, relying mostly on widespread natural skills and scant gear, while still providing some useful service.

    Shûbân-î Fradâkhshânâ (Eastern Slingers) [Eastern Slingers]

    Slings are very easy and cheap to make and, yet, they are a respectable weapon. It is for this reason that they are so prevalent among the poverty-stricken hill tribes of the eastern lands. In battle, slingers are used as light skirmishers, troops with no armour or melee weapons but who rush forward against the enemy to pepper them with stones, only to flee when threatened. The best method of releasing a stone from a sling is by an underhand motion. These missiles can leave the sling in excess of 60 miles per hour. A well trained slinger can hurl a stone as far and as accurately as a good archer. The effect when they strike is nothing short of devastating.

    Historically, slingers came from the shepherd boys of the highlands who use slings to herd sheep and goats. They stand guard in the upland pastures, and if they see an animal straying, they sling a stone in front of it to ward it back to safety. Ancient hand slings generally consisted of a single long strip of leather or woven wool, with a central "pocket" for the stone. The longer the sling, the greater would be its range. Long-range slings were about 3 feet long.

    Tabargânê Êrânshahr (Eastern Axemen) [Hillmen units might also be based on these guys, especially the subsequent 2 units]

    The Tabargân are steadfast warriors, aggressive and impetuous in temperament, valued by Iranians and Hellenes alike for their ferociousness and courage. These hillmen are recruited as irregulars from the mountains of Iran, not least from the Zagros and Elburz ranges, areas that breed toughness and have done so for centuries. Though certainly not as disciplined as Hellenic heavy infantry, nor even comparably attired, they are armed with the Sagaris, or the "Persian pick-axe" (Ironically being Scythian in origin) which they wielded with skill, and a bundle of javelins, and they are prepared for guerilla warfare tactics such as ambushes and surprise attacks; they are particularly fond of broken terrain where disciplined troops accustomed to fighting in formation would fare badly. This is facilitated by their light attire, as they bear no armour and the only true means of protection is a light shield, nimble movement and dauntless impetus, casting themselves into the fray. Distinguished by traditional Iranian highlander garb such as the Kyrbasia cap, baggy trousers, a woolen tunic, boots and a thick sheep-skin jerkin, these tough hillmen could almost be mistaken for shepherds or nomadic herders.
    However, these hardy hillmen are nothing to scoff at, as the pick-axe could puncture helmets, and penetrate bronze and iron armour. The Tabargân were no less skilled with their javelins, in which the usage of javelin-thongs increased the stopping power and accuracy of the javelin, giving it a spin during flight. Using them properly, they will give a good account of themselves. Using them poorly on the other hand may prove suicidal and their dauntless bravery may quickly turn into fragile bravado.

    Historically, the northern Iranian highlands are known for their hardy mountaineers who held all transgressors at bay. These men of the mountains were lightly ruled by all Persian Grandees who valued their warrior skills over what meagre income their mountain homes might bring. These men would be recruited from the warlike Gîlânî and Dailamî tribesmen of Verkhânâ (Hyrcania), and other similar peoples of northern Media. The earliest origins of these people are unknown, although the Dailamites could be the descendants of such ancient peoples as the Delumïoi (Delumioi) and Karduchoi (Kadousioi or the Cadusians) mentioned by Ptolemy in 2 AD. Classical historians mention Dailamites, 'Dolomites' or other very similar names repeatedly and their name is particularly mentioned in context with the later Byzantine Varangian Guard. Due to the mingling of migrant tribes with the indigenous residents of the region, several new clans were formed, of which, the two tribes of 'Gill' and 'Daylam' formed a majority. In the 6th century BC, the inhabitants of Gîlân allied with Kûroush (Cyrus) the Great and overthrew the Medes helping to establish the Achaemenid Persian Empire. The Dailamites would later during the Sassanid dynasty form a core of heavy infantry with fine equipment including brightly painted shields and two-pronged javelins, meant to be pitted against the finest Roman infantry.
    However, that is a long way from the continuously more declining irregular force, the Takâbarâ as they were called by the Achaemenids, and in Parthian history, the Tabargân are merely the residue of the Iranian highlander spirit, not exclusive to the Elburz range but to all areas of Iran where the environment breeded toughness

    Katpatuka Zanteush (Cappadoccian Hillmen)

    hese fierce tribesmen come from the ancient land of Kappadokia, the Hittite, Katpatuka 'land of the beautiful horses'. The tribal warriors raised in the mountains of Kappadokia know the terrain and are well equipped, with javelin and axe, for mountain warfare. They will not do as well away from these heights, as they lack the heavier armour of the Greek infantry. Their axes and javelins will allow them to give a good account of themselves but heavy melee should be avoided.

    Historically, while some of the tribes living in the mountains were hostile towards the Greeks, others cultivated very close relationships with them. It is from these mountain warriors the Tibareni and Chaldaei tribesmen, the Mossynoecians, Makrones and other tribes residing in the eastern part of Northern Anatolia, that the skirmishers of Pontos are recruited. The terrain of Pontos is well suited to the style of warfare these men are practiced at. The Pontic Alps stand as a wall between the interior plateau and the rich, narrow plain bordering the sea. These tribes ward the mountain approaches and the kings of Pontos know well the value of such friendship. Xenophon too found such frienship of great value in his passage of these regions. Many of these mountains are thoroughly impassable and altogether precipitous, and there are extensive areas devoid of human habitation, only plunging ravines from which it is impossible to climb out, forested heights and impassable chasms.

    Anatolikoi Phyletai (Anatolian Hillmen)

    These troops are armed with a large axe, with a double, half-moon shaped blade called a Bipennis. They also use a wooden, crescent-shaped shield similar to the old Greek Pelte. They favour bright clothing and often paint their shields in garish colours. Their charges are dangerous for most enemies and even the stoutest armour will suffer from a blow of the weapons they wield. However, being lightly protected themselves protracted fighting will see their casualties mounting.

    Historically, the Anatolian highlands always featured axes in their warfare. The axe was the characteristic weapon of the infantry recruited there and they excelled in its use. The more civilized nations often suffered from attacks by the mountain tribes of Anatolia. Wise kings have put this to use, and these men are recruited from the native tribesmen who sell their warrior skills to the highest bidder.

    Uazali (Karian Warband) [or Karian Axemen]

    The Uazali are warbands of soldiers from the peoples of the southern coast of Mikra Asia: the Karians, Lykians, Pamphylians, and Pisidians. These warlike peoples have long traditions of military service abroad, and of nearly constant local warfare between the small cities and towns separated by the towering heights of the western Taurus. These Uazali are skilled mountain fighters. Their name comes from the Lykian tongue, and means "Warriors," and is similar also to the words used by the other peoples along the southern coast of Mikra Asia, all of whose languages derived primarily from the Hittite tongue. The Uazali carry a solid rectangular shield slung over the shoulder to ease the burden on the arms, emblazoned with signs of their peoples, and wear a solid Phrygian helm, a common form of protection among those in Asia who could afford such things. For weapons, they carry several javelins and a lengthened xiphos sword, which became a popular weapon in Mikra Asia, both as a result of the Iphikratid reforms, and out of experience fighting the Galatai, with their longswords. Their shields and helmets provide them a great deal of protection compared to most other skirmishing units, and their ferocity in melee surpasses most of their peers.

    Historically, many young men from Karia, Lykia, Pamphylia and Pisidia went overseas to serve as mercenaries, or were recruited in their native lands as militias and katoikoi for the successors. Many of the most Hellenized inhabitants joined the ranks of thureophoroi and other medium infantry units in other lands. Many others, however, stayed closer to their native infantry traditions, and served abroad as warrior bands, or as locally-recruited troops in their own lands. They were used to great effect in irregular mountain combat, but also distinguished themselves in assaults, and if they end up in the battle line in major pitched battle, a good commander will maximize their skirmishing and melee abilities by using them in a flanking, ambushing, or screening role if at all possible.

    Kovkasi Lernain Netadzik (Caucasian Archers) [Eastern Archers, honestly East also includes the mountains of the Caucasus so it's quite a generic term]

    In the mountains of the Caucasus and the highlands below the people have lived a long and healthy existence, sustained as they are from the surplus fruits of the fertile valleys and rich mineral seams. But their history has also seen strife, for their mountain kingdoms are highly prized by those of the fertile crescent below. Not only the spear and sling, but also the bow are used by these hardy mountain-men, who protect their land from foreign looking for dominion and even rival kingdoms within the Caucasus region who seek to expand their lands. Lightly equipped, these archers are used to the trying terrain of the Caucasus and their training is more for light skirmishes than heavy battle upon an open field. Yet though they may find themselves fighting outside of home territory on the flat plains of the lands to the south, they should not be underestimated. Their bows are well made, learnt from the steppe nomads beyond the northern mountains and the Persians who conquered them later. They wear little in the way of armour, a leather jerkin over a warm woolen tunic, which offers little in the way of protection. Other than the bow, they carry a short knife, or other such simple melee weapon as they are not trained for and not meant for combat at close-quarters.

    Historically, the Caucasus region was not well known for its archery, it was the cavalry that they were famous for. However, they undoubtedly used the bow just as they used the sling and javelin. Xenophon was unlucky enough to find himself at the wrong end of worrying tactics of such a people, the Karduchi, who may have been the ancestors of the modern day Kurds, as he and his force battled through the Caucasus highlands to the southern shore of the Black Sea. Xenophon mentions that the bow the Karduchi used was the three cubits long, whilst the arrow was two cubits itself. Xenophon further reports that "When discharging the arrow, they draw the string by getting a purchase with the left foot planted forward on the lower end of the bow. The arrows pierced through shield and cuirass, and the Hellenes, when they got hold of them, used them as javelins, fitting them to their thongs." Powerful weapons indeed.

    Kavakaza Sparabara (Caucasian Spearmen) [Eastern Spearmen seem to be based on a ton of different units around the area]

    The Caucasus Range: fierce mountains breed a fierce people and these men, drawn from the tribes of the Caucasus, are fierce indeed! For centuries the tribes that inhabit these hostile climes have warred amongst the ominous and noble mountains, and this harsh lifestyle has bred a hardy people. The simple folk of the Caucasus region, men of farms and fields, livestock and grain, are grown into a world where knowledge of sling, bow, javelin and spear are as necessary as the written word is for the Hellenes. A sling will catch them a rabbit, a javelin or bow will keep predators from their flock, and a spear will protect them from their neighbour’s envious eyes. These life-skills, learnt amongst the mountains, make for hardy warriors, braver and more fearsome than the city-folk of the plains below.

    These Caucasian Spearmen are armed with a simple spear - held underarm - and a Thureos shield, introduced into Anatolia during the Galatian invasions. They wear no armour, such a luxury cannot be afforded, and instead simply wear the clothes of normal, everyday use: a tunic tied at the waist and loose fitting trousers. When fighting they form a solid wall of shields, their spears a fearsome barrier against oncoming attack. However, these men are not disciplined, they have no formal training in warfare beyond what the most experienced warriors of a tribe can impart, and may break rank leaving gaps that the enemy can exploit. Yet, they do form the backbone of the armies that wage war beneath the shadows of the Caucasus Range, and - perhaps - beyond.

    Pantodapoi (Hellenic Native Spearmen)

    The most basic and numerous of the infantry units used by the non-European Successor States were the Pantodapoi infantry. These men were called from a variety of nationalities and were usually settled in certain areas for garrison duties and the like. There were Ioudaioi, Syrioi, Kilikes, Persai, Assurioi, Aigyptioi and many other peoples counted among their number. They are not particularly reliable soldiers, but they are certainly better than their eastern counterparts. They can give a good account of themselves in battle if deployed properly. They wear no armor, and have only a light shield for protection, so most other infantry will slaughter them in droves. They can fend off light cavalry for a time, if need be.

    Historically, the Pantodapoi were a group of various nationalities that were used as a militia levy and defensive group for towns and villages prone to raiding. While the name is conceptual (meaning, from everywhere), they were a standard fighting force of the day. They were trained rudimentarily, but had enough training to be counted as superior to many militia levies. They had some experience fighting off nomadic raiders, so they can be useful against light troops and some light cavalry.

    Shipri Tukul (Babylonian Heavy Spearmen) [babylonian Mercenaries, I hired them in Euskadi Legion but didn't get to use them, influenced also by the Persian Hoplites They deserve a mention]

    These heavy infantrymen use the old pointed Assyrian helmet and have iron scale corselets. Their weapons are the sword and spear. Their defence is the old fashioned Aspis shield faced with bronze. Their role on the battlefield is that of well drilled loose order infantry organized along the lines of Hellenistic Thureophoroi.

    Historically, the Hellenistic monarchies established after Alexander the Great’s conquest used the military settlement system widely, probably taking it over from the Persians. Native heavy infantry such as this was not well regarded by the Hellenic conquerors of Asian territories nor particularly trusted. Necessity, however, required troops to govern the kingdom and these troops were readily available and these considerations applied as well to the Parthian that would supplant the Seleucid Empire as masters of the lands where these heavy infantrymen were recruited. They came from the Aramean population of Babylonia, Syria and the Jews of Mesopotamia. While not playing the same significant role that Jews played in the Ptolemaic military system these men were present in significant numbers.

    Kardakâ Arteshtâr (Persian Hoplites)

    The Kardaka are armed with the Iranian longsword, and a long thrusting spear. These guards also carried the large hoplon-shaped shield known as the Aspis. The armour to protect the torso was usually composed of iron scales and was worn over a brightly decorated tunic hanging down to just above the knees, however this was far from uniform so any rudimentary armour, including bronze scales, linen and even quilted cloth could suffice depending on individual wealth or the available equipment of the local armouries. As the Kardakâ, originally a late Achaemenid imitation of a hoplite, grew to become gradually more Hellenized, in particular during Seleucid times where the linen corselet also known as the linothorax became more popular. Their grey iron helm would have a slightly oval thimble shape though here it is shown as an Eastern version of a modular Attic helmet, with protection for the neck, particularly popular around Lycia and Cilicia. They would have loose trousers and short light brown leather boots. They would also have a thick linen cloak of dark blue or deep red. Well drilled, close order infantry these men form the core of most eastern armies. They were however relegated to garrison duty in Parthian service. They are capable and disciplined troops.

    Historically, these troops were a late imperial Persian attempt to make a native Hoplite like infantry. These men come from the old Persian core Satraps of Persis and Media, willing to serve the Seleucids as easily as the encroaching Parthians. They are versatile in the sense of providing a reliable platform, fending off cavalry and faring decently in close combat, without being restricted by the inflexible Macedonian phalanx, making them some of the finest infantry to the disposal of the Pahlavân. Still it must be remembered that while they can give a good account of themselves as heavy infantry, they will likely turn out to be inferior to comparable Hellenic infantry, and should therefore be used a little bit differently by Eastern armies who rely more on cavalry; The Kardakâ may rather be used as an auxiliary rather than as the backbone of an Eastern army. The Kardakâ or Cardaces/Kardakes as they were called by Greek sources were subject to a wide range of different accounts regarding their combat performance, between being mediocre to full-fledged elites and equally their equipment, in particular their shields ranged from the hoplon to the more traditional wicker shields. Though it can be argued that the Kardakâ must have retained some uniformity during Achaemenid times, with the royal treasuries withdrawn and being deployed by Eastern nations who have rather turned their eyes towards cavalry, they do also inevitably represent a continuously declining unit type.

    Thanvarê Payâhdag (Persian Archers) [Eastern =/= Persian, just saying]

    These men are skirmishers only and not inclined to close with enemy troops. These men would have the fully sleeved, long Persian Kapuris tunic. Often brightly coloured these traditional tunics would end just above the knees secured at the waist by a wide woven belt. They would also have a woolen cap, loose trousers and soft felt shoes. They would be armed with the powerful composite bow and a long dagger suitable only for defense. A plain leather quiver would be strung over their back. They would also have a simple woolen cap.

    Historically, the mainstay of the Parthian infantry were foot archers. These foot archers almost certainly represented the poorer elements of the various infantry levies of Parthia. The tradition of mounted archery in Parthia and the northern steppe peoples makes it almost inevitable that a massed levy would produce significant numbers of foot archers as well. The station usually assigned to these Parthian bowmen is behind the first line of spearmen and forward of them in skirmishing lines. These troops are vital to any armies plan, harassing and confusing enemy troops as they advanced, and shielding the flanks of the battle line from light cavalry and other enemy skirmishing units.

    Nîzagân-î Êrânshahr (Persian Archer-Spearmen)

    Armed with spear and bow these troops are not well regarded by their Greek masters having formed the bulk of the Old Persian army defeated by Alexander the Great. Seen as skirmishers and auxiliaries with the heavy Greek infantry forming the battle line. These Iranian Spearmen are recruited from the eastern reaches of the Iranian plateau and are very common in the armies of Baktria. They are the backbone of the traditional tribal militia and form a major part of the Baktrian tribal levy. They are armed with the traditional Iranian weapons, an 8' spear and a composite foot bow. A large decorated brown leather quiver of arrows would be slung on the left side with the bow case on the right. A long plain yellow tunic with close fitting sleeves at the wrists. The tunic would be held with an narrow embroidered Parthian linen belt. Trousers are worn under the tunic and are close fitting. Soft felt ankle shoes are secured with leather or fabric straps.

    Historically, the vast Iranian plateau gave rise to a form of infantry rarely seen in the west. Armed with 8' spear and composite short bow these infantry are well suited to conditions in the east facing nomadic enemies relying on long range archery to which they men are well able to respond. Nomadic cavalry is reluctant to engage close order troops and these men can fill both roles. They are versatile and can be dangerous if used properly. They are however no match for heavily armored infantry. Individually, they are skilled but not outstanding warriors, but their versatility ensures that they will be useful to any commander. These men however, prefer to rely on archery to inflict harm on the enemy. They can hold the line against weaker infantry and cavalry but they cannot be relied upon to put up an extended fight if the situation is not in their favor.

    Pahlavân-î Grîvpânvar (Parthian Late Elite Cataphracts) [Parthian Royal Cataphracts, appeared in one of our battles]

    The Pahlavân-î Grîvpânvar are nobles from the highest level of cataphracts that the Pahlava have to draw on. The elite of the clan host form this armoured fist that represents one of the most powerful armoured cavalry the world has ever seen. They deploy in the heaviest armour available and use the kontos as their primary shock weapon. Armoured in iron lamellar corselets, covered by a leather tabard, laminated leg and arm guards and with iron shining from the scale horse barding, these are truly men of iron, in bright armour for horse and man. The horse bearing such loads must be both large and strong, and both the Parthians and Achaemenid Persians bred just such horses, the Nisaean breed of Persia.

    Historical evidence suggests that the Parthian, heavily-armoured Pahlavân-î Grîvpânvar were, at least partially, a product of military influence from the Central Asian steppes which had inherited the armoured cavalry traditions of the Massagetae and the late Achaemenid Persians. Their name derives from the Pahlavi griwban "neck-guard", a helmet armour guard, from whence "Grivpan" warrior. In the 3rd century AD, the Romans would begin to deploy such cavalry calling them clibanarii, the name thought to derive from griwbanwar or griva-pana-bara.

    Kamboja Asvaka Ksatriya (Indo-Iranian Light Cavalry) [bactrian Light Horse]

    Master horsemen and horse traders, Kambojas never leave an opportunity to plunder using their light horse troops. Living on both sides of the Khyber Pass, they were a part of the "Arya" races which stormed and conquered India, some 1500 years before. Their own name was a mistaken identity by the Helllenes of Alexandros who called them "Assakenoi" whereas they were "Asvaka" or "horsemen" in Sanskrit. Losing badly to Alexander, they befriended his descendants, their Greco-Baktrian overlords and along with them they invaded India reaching as far as present day Bangladesh. They repeated this feat, but with their new Lords, the Sakae who overran Greek Baktria in the end of 1st centrury BCE. Their helmet is an evolved Boiotian one, and their primary cuirass is a quilted silk one. Untreated (so called "dirty") silk had very good anti-missile qualities, which Kambojas facing Indian foot archers and Steppen Horse archers would deffinitely appreciate. They wear Iranian dotted pantaloons and have pteryges to cover their genitals. Their weapons are clearly Hellenic: round "Aspis" shield, a short kontos spear that could be held underarm in a stance reminding that of the knights, and a sturdy kopis for the time when the spear gave way. It is safe to assume that they would show the same faith to all their overlords, whoever they might be.

    Historically, Kamboja, were among the westernmost of the 16 or so nations (mahajanapadas) which comprised the Archaic (Vedic) Indian world. IndoIranians to the utmost, they presumably took the name from river Kabul (then named Kaboj) or from Kam(region)-used mostly in those areas to this date- and Bhoja(owner). They must have a major impact on the Achaimenid Persians who conquered them, as Cyrus the great (Kurush) named his son Kambyses (Kambujiya) the 3rd, presumably after a Mythical hero, Kambujiya (Kamboja of Shantiparava),who led the Iranians against a Vedic king Kuvalashava, defeating him in the battle and wresting a prized sword from his lineage. Thus, it can be easily understood that common language and mythical bonds made Achaimenids and Kambojas friendly to one another.

    This good relation with their overlords would change later, as the Kamboja clans—the Aspasioi of Kunar/Alishang valleys, the Guraeans of the Guraeus (Panjkora) valley and the Assakenoi of the Swat and Buner valleys fought the Makedones to a man. When worse came to worst, even the Assakenoi(Ashvakayanas) Kamboj women had taken up arms and fought the invaders side by side with their husbands, thus preferring "a glorious death to a life of dishonor". In fact Alexander spent a couple of years at present day Afghanistan and NW Pakistan fighting Kamboja clans. These highlanders, designated as "parvatiya Ayudhajivinah" in Panini's Astadhyayi were rebellious, fiercely independent and freedom-loving clans who never easily yielded to any overlord. Modern historians have this to say on them ...."It was indeed a hard work for Alexander to take their strongholds, of which Massaga and Aornus need special mention (A. K. Narain, 'Alexander the Great') and "A tribute must be made to the vision and sagacity of Alexander because he realised that without reducing these highlanders, his march into India would neither be secure nor effective."(History of Punjab, Vol I, 1997, p 225, Dr Buddha Prakash). This was the wonder and the tragedy of those people. That they controled the way to India, thus they had to be either conquered or destroyed.

    Survivors were a lot less willing to fight off superior forces than their ancestors. Instead they played along with the plans of their overlords and managed to survive and prosper. They must have been hellenized to a degree, as is evident by the following excrept of Assalaya Sutta of Majjhima Nikaya, the second book of the Sutta Pitaka (written probably around the end of first century BCE or 2nd centruy AD)- Buddha says:"Have you heard that in the countries of Yona(yonaratthan) [greek territory] and Kamboja (kambojaratthan) and other adjacent districts there are only two castes, master and slave? And having been a master one becomes a slave? Having been a slave, one becomes a Master? - Yes, I have heard this, Sir, in Yona and Kamboja...having been a slave, one becomes a master." If we compare this to the Asoka's 13th edict where the country of the Yonas is mentioned as the only place where the caste system doesn't exist. Of course it was written more than 100 years earlier than that Buddhist script. Kambojas took part willingly in the Baktrian invasion of India which must have led to the creation of the separate Indo-Greek state by 186 BCE (time when the Indo-Greek calendar begins) and as a spoil of war, they were allowed to settle along their Indo-Greek Overlords in India, both all along the Indus river and in the center of India Mathura and eastern on.

    Indians wrote the following, according to Majjhima Nikaya 43.1.3. ; Ganapatha II.1.72; Harivamsa 14.16. "Both people are attested to follow common culture, social customs and manners like supporting short cropped hair, non-entertainment of Brahmanas in their countries and observing two varna=caste/class (Arya and Dasa=master and slave) social system instead of chatur-varna observed by the Indo-Aryans ". Greco-Baktrians managed to control western and Central India in a few decades. That wouldn't have been possible without the help of Buddhist local population (who were persecuted by the Hindu majority), and their vassals, Bahlikas (Baktrioi Hippeis) and Kamboja Asvaka Ksatriyas, excellent horsemen, to compliment their own cavalry, chosen Phallanxes, Hypaspistai and Agemata.

    Manusmriti (X/43-44) lists the Yavanas with the Kambojas, Sakas, Pahlavas, Paradas etc and regards them as degraded Kshatriyas (members of the warrior caste). Hence the "Ksatriya" in its name.

    The "Yonakambojesu" expression (Yonas and Kambojas alike) in Ashoka's Thirteen Rock Edict as well as in the Majjhima Nikaya powerfully attest very close relations of the Kambojas with the Yavanas. Mahabharata contains references to Yavanas and Kambojas having conquered Mathura. Kambojas had also entered India and spread into whole of North India, especially in (present day) Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. According to Agni Purana (A hindu holy text), it locates two Kamboja settlements in India itself. Kambhoja in south-west India and Kamboja in southern parts of India, even if it can be debated that this account was much later than our timeline.

    When the Saka-Rauka conquered the Baktrian state, and were preparing to move into India to fight the Indo-Greeks. Along with 4 other tribes (Bahlikas, Parama Kambojas, Rishikas, Paradas) they were among the armies of the Saka-Rauka who invaded and occupied India.

    Illustrious traders that they were, they reached even unto Taprobane, present day Sri Lanka. Cave inscriptions found in Anuradhapura which strongly attest the existence of one Kamboja Sangha (Goshatha) and Grand Kamboja Guilds in ancient Sinhala. These inscriptions are believed to belong to second century BCE (Dr S. Paranavitana). Later on, centuries later a Kamboja trader is said to have reached into a country in Indochina, whose reign he acquired, giving it the name of his people. Presently it is known as Cambodia.

    Throughout the Indian literature, the Kambojas are honoured for their horses. All major Indian religions have a lot to say about them. Jain Canon Uttaradhyana-Sutra informs us that a trained Kamboja horse exceeded all other horses in speed and no noise could ever frighten it. The epics, Puranas and numerous other ancient Sanskrit texts all agree that the horses of the Kamboja, Bahlika and Sindhu regions were the finest breed.Sauptikaparva of Mahabharata ranks the horses from Kamboja as of the finest breed. Bhishamaparva of Mahabharata refers to the quality war horses from various lands and puts the steeds from the Kamboja at the head of the list specifically styling them as the leaders (Mukhyanam) among the best breed of horses.

    Elephantes Indikoi (Indian Elephants)

    Imported from the regions around the old Eastern Persian provinces, Elephantes Indikoi are an exceptionally valuable resource in combat, very popular among Alexandros' Diadochoi. Towering over most other creatures, they can easily scare men and horses alike, with both their size and smell, though elaborate bells and trappings often add to their intimidation. Such corps are directed by their own mahouts riding behind their heads, often a native of their own country who has spent at least two years training his beast from capture. The mahout is armored to better protect against the obvious assault that generally comes against him, launched to bypass the thick natural armor of his mount.

    Elephants are best used as cavalry screens for your army, where their presence can scare away enemy cavalry. They can also be used to ram through an enemy battle line, though they are less useful when faced with loose order or phalanx infantry. Pyrrhos of Epeiros even innovated a tactic of flank screens when he fought the Romans at Heraklea. Beyond their obvious use against enemy infantry or cavalry, they can also be used in siege combat; battering down gates, though they're highly vulnerable to better prepared installations. Their greatest vulnerability is against skirmishers, slingers and archers, who can pepper them with missiles - eventually toppling them by virtue of their cumulative impact. To counter the effect of enemy skirmishers, it is often wise to array your own in opposition, or to maintain constant attacks upon each individual group.

    Historically, the use of elephants in war was largely contained to India, but after the battle of Hydaspes that changed. Though Alexandros never cared over much for the animals, his successors were very much in favor of their use, organizing their own elephants into a distinct corps under their own "elephantarchos". These "Elephantes Indikoi" (Indian Elephants) were imported for war in the West from the old Eastern Persian provinces around Baktria, Gandhara, Sattagydia, and Sind - though most originally hailed from the regions directly around the river the natives call the Sindhu. In the first wars of succession, each Diadochoi had a contingent of Indian elephants and Indian mahouts, who stayed on where they taught the Hellenes how to capture and train elephants for war. Such forces had been wreaking havoc on battle lines for centuries within the armies of Indian Rajas, and the Diadochoi used them on an equal scale (the first substantial group supposedly numbered 500 elephants total, granted to Seleukos I Nikator by his new ally Chandragupta Maurya, called "Sandrokottos" in Greek), attaching substantial political power to their possession - some officers gained temporary power and success simply by this virtue (most notably, the Eastern Satrap Eumenes).

    Despite their great usefulness when properly employed, it was not unusual for elephants to cause defeat for those who employed them. If an enemy was clever enough to devise their own means to combat elephants, as was the case at the battle of Gaza when Ptolemaios planted an ‘iron spiked minefield’ to ward off elephants, or when Caesar properly utilized slingers and Scipio gaps between his infantry cohorts to channel the elephants, they could be defeated and even turned against their masters. Even pigs were used on occasion, released among elephants who were often scared of their comparatively small, darting forms. However, despite the many different weapons and stratagems being devised to fight them and the huge expenses required to maintain them, the elephant was still considered a valuable asset, maintained widely. The Arche Seleukeia even developed a corps of ‘elephant guards,' whose task was simply to defend the beasts in combat.

    Other non-Hellenic powers also used Indian elephants in war, but it seems not to the same great extent. These powers started using elephants when they gained control of Indian provinces, such as the Pahlava, Kushan Empire and the Indo-Saka kingdoms.

    Steppe Units

    Skudra Tabari (Scythian Axemen) [steppe Axemen/Young Axes]

    Armed with a Tabar axe, the primary offensive weapon of these infantrymen, they are protected with only the crescent shaped Taka shield and light armour. While unable to hold against most steppe cavalry, they can do deadly damage to some of the more “civilized” people’s inferior cavalry. But they would not last long against those same people’s massed heavy infantry. Despite some of their shortcomings, any steppe general would think twice before fighting a long campaign without these soldiers.

    Historically, despite all steppe peoples' reliance on cavalry, most of them fielded infantry of some type at one time or another. In the case of the Scythians of the Pontic steppe, axemen were either recruited from subject farming peoples or from the growing proportion of settled Scythians, often young warriors from the tribes.

    Sauromatae Arc Aexsaeg (Sarmatian Light Spearmen) [steppe Spearmen]

    Sarmatian Spearmen are raised from settled groups of formerly nomadic Sarmatians such as the Siracae of Ciscaucasia. As they abandon their traditional way of life as nomadic herdsmen, more and more of their warriors become infantry. The equipment of these troops reflects substantial Greek influence, which is quite evident in, for example, the large oval shields of the thureos type that these infantrymen carry. That shield is typically their only protection. To it, they add spears and short swords for offense. Thanks to their shields, they may face the many archers that their potential enemies are likely to field with some confidence and their spears allow them to fend off the light cavalry that is also common among their foes. They will also hold their ground against infantry similar to themselves. However, truly heavy cavalry, not to speak of quality heavy infantry will get the better of them sooner rather than later.

    Historically, by the 3rd century BC oval shields with long spines and spindle-shaped bosses spread and became common into the areas around the north coast of the Black Sea. The whole region had long maintained strong connections with the Greek world and this particular process followed military developments in the Hellenistic world. Infantry men equipped with oval shields and spears became common among the diverse ethnic groups that inhabited the region including settled Sarmatian tribes.

    Sauromatae Fistaeg Fat Aexsdzhytae (Sarmatian Foot Archers) [steppe Archers]

    Unlike most other Sarmatians, many of the bowmen from Sarmatian groups that have become settled do not shoot their arrows from horseback, but fight on foot. Certainly, foot archers lack the mobility of their mounted counterparts. In exchange, men on foot need less space than those on horseback. Thus, foot archers can be deployed in tighter formations that provide heavier arrow barrages. And the composite bows that these foot archers employ maintain still the qualities of those of their nomadic relatives.

    Historically, several groups of Sarmatians became sedentary when they moved into areas (Ciscaucasia, the Hungarian Plain, etc.) where farming was a viable option to their traditional pastoral nomadism. The Siracae, for example, were a relatively small Sarmatian group that occupied the southern edges of the steppe along the Black Sea and in Ciscaucasia. Since quite early, they initiated a process of settlement and hellenization and, while still fielding armies with numerous cavalry, they resorted to infantry most than any other Sarmatians in the centuries BC. Presumably, the abundance of horsemen may have not been the only trace that steppe warfare left upon the ways of waging war of settled Sarmatians and substantial numbers of their infantry seem to have been archers using composite bows.

    Skuda Fistaeg Fat Aexsdzhytae (Scythian Foot Archers) [Probably also another influence on Steppe Archers]

    These Skythian archers often carry a slightly larger version of the composite bow that their fellow cavalrymen employ. This fact, together with the advantage of shooting from a more stable platform than a moving horse, tends to give their missiles somewhat longer range and more power than those typically shot by horse archers. To some extent, they compensate in this way for their comparative lack of mobility. Certainly, substantial numbers of foot bowmen can make sure that horse archers stay away from the area of the battlefield where they are deployed or inflict substantial damage on them, should they be foolish enough to engage in a protracted missile exchange. Of course, they will not be able to catch and destroy the elusive riders if the latter decide to avoid the arrow duel. In that regard, it is important that these archers are not lured too far away from supporting heavier infantry or cavalry whether in the pursuit of horse archers or for any other reason. They are not well outfitted for hand to hand combat, as all they carry is a short sword or small pickaxe and no armor but their thick jackets and bashlyk felt caps. If unsupported, they will be easy prey for cavalry, or aggressive infantry fast enough to catch them.

    Along their history, the Skythians of the northern coast of the Black Sea underwent a process of settlement and sedentarization. The phenomenon had started quite early, as Herodotos already spoke of farming Skythian groups, but it seems to have picked up pace as Sarmatian pressure pushed the Skythians out from much of their former lands and restricted them to a much reduced territory (the western part of the Crimea and the lower Dniepr) that could not have supported a large nomadic population. This process resulted in Skythian armies fielding increasing numbers of foot troops. A good portion of those seem to have been bowmen, as many settled Skythians still favored their traditional weapon.

    Payai Dunai (Saka Foot Archers) [yet another influence on the Steppe Archer unit, I suppoe]

    These Saka Foot Archers are foot bowmen. They are dismounted tribesmen who choose to fight on foot, utilizing the advantage of shooting more accurately and releasing longer, more powerful volleys as a result of standing upon a relatively more stable and level platform than on the back of a horse. The bows they carry are a fairly large recurved composite bow, one that, with its relatively longer siyahs and body show a deviation from the traditional Skythian recurved composite bow and a transition to the later "Sassanian" and "Hun" types of more eastern steppe nomads, enabling them to outrange, outshoot, and outpower steppe nomad horse archers. These foot bowmen are the ideal counter to horse archers in a stationary exchange of missiles with the latter. However, given their advantages in returning fire from the ground, they are also extremely vulnerable to heavy infantry and cavalry charges since these foot bowmen are still suited to more of a harassing and supporting role due them being merely armed with a short sword, the akinakes of Scythian origin, and no other melee weapon.

    Historically, steppe nomads at times employed infantry in their ranks, even though they usually fought as cavalry. They would mount these men on camels or horses so as to keep pace with the majority of the army, which was the cavalry, and when they did battle, they would dismount from their horses and release volleys of arrows with deadly accuracy and power against their foes. In his "Geography", Strabo said that among the ranks of the Massagetae, another Indo-Iranian steppe people who were probably kinsmen of the Saka, were those who lived in the mountains, plains, marshes, and islands, and that, in addition to having excellent cavalry, they also had good foot soldiers as well.

    Aursa Uaezdaettae (Aorsi Noble Cavalry) [Aorsi Noble Horse Archers]

    As is usual for most steppe nomads, nobility among the Aorsi have the means to equip themselves with more and better war gear than their followers. Metal armour, nonetheless, is still beyond the means of most Aorsi nobles and they must be content with either polished horn or hardened leather. Modest as they may initially seem, those materials confer nonetheless enough protection that Aorsi nobles may face a diversity of foes in hand-to-hand combat and expect to come out the victors. Their charges pack a distinct punch and their armour allows them to withstand both distant archery and melee against lightly armed foes reasonably well. However, they cannot expect to frontally charge infantry that has not been “softened” or to engage truly heavy cavalry and survive. Of course, true to steppe traditions, Aorsi nobles have not forsaken the composite bow and against such heavier enemies their skill as bowmen serves them very well.

    Historically, Aorsi warfare remained firmly based on the horse archery tradition. Nonetheless, they, particularly their noble elite, also appear to have been somewhat better prepared for melee combat than earlier groups of Sarmatian peoples. It is not unconceivable that against more poorly equipped enemies they may have not been content with just winning archery duels thanks to their greater protection and may have actively sought to close in, so advantages in hand-to-hand offensive equipment may also be put to good use.

    Rauxsa-alanna Uaezdaettae (Roxolani Noble Cavalry) [Roxolani Lancers]

    If many Roxolani riders can now equip themselves with corselets of scale armor, their nobility will take this trend one step further and provide defenses for the horses they ride as well. Protecting their mounts represents a substantial advantage for horsemen expected to charge headlong into the enemy, as horses, being a large target, are particularly vulnerable to missiles. In addition, when both horse and rider are armored, their momentum increases and their potential impact is greater. Thus, the charge of a group of Roxolani nobles is truly terrible and will often succeed in punching a hole in an enemy battle line that the rest of the warriors will be able to exploit. This does not mean that they constitute any of sort of “forlorn hope” or are particularly suicidal. Typically, they will first probe for weaknesses and, if none are readily found, they will work to create them. For such a task they may well resort to their bows, using archery to “soften” a spot prior to a charge. For an astute commander, they are a very valuable resource which should not be lightly squandered

    Historically, only the richest Sarmatian chieftains were able to furnish complete sets of defensive equipment for both themselves and their horses. However, the impact, at least psychological, of such superbly equipped riders upon their enemies seems to have been much greater than what their numbers alone might have led to expect. Often, depictions of Sarmatians in battle produced by their enemies show masses of armoured horsemen. Archaeology and other sources indicate that this is a major overstatement, but such representations still probably hint about what most durably impressed the foes of the Sarmatians.

    Ysaninu Aysiramjä (Saka Bodyguard Cavalry) [also Saka Cataphracts]

    These fearsome warriors wear an armoured jacket fitted at the waist and made of large metal plates. Their necks are protected by high armoured neck-guards, their arms by brassarts made of steel or hard leather bands and their legs by greaves. The casque they wear, originally made of cast bronze, was riveted or welded by several iron pieces. Their horses are protected by an armoured cloth. They carry a long kontos lance for the shock action during the first charge and a deadly sagaris battle-axe that can cut through the heaviest of armour in melee combat. These heavily armoured warriors are the most powerful shock arm available to the Saka and represent the epitome of Saka military achievements in the history of heavy cavalry. Their weapon set was the prototype from which the famous Pahlava kataphraktoi used in later history and they are Kataphraktoi in their own right. In cooperation with light horse archers and other less heavily armoured units using primarily the larger recurved composite bow for offense as was the case in Central Asian nomadic warfare, they are best used after their lighter companions have weakened and "softened" up the enemy. Yet, they are still a valuable asset even when used alone, for no enemy except the most disciplined and armoured of infantry units can withstand their fearsome charges and nasty blows they deliver to their foes during melee combat.

    Historically, these warriors were composed of accomplished nobles or other elites of Saka society, for the costly defensive weapon set that they wore was not attainable by regular tribesmen. While the style of shock cavalry warfare and some of the Kataphraktoi's equipment was already centuries old and possibly has its roots to those of the Massagetai, Iranian kinsmen and neighbours of the Saka, this weapon set of the kataphraktoi that was first developed among the Saka can only be traced to the time right before Alexander's invasion of the Achaemenid empire. Combining local autochthonous developments along with the military developments of both the Achaemenids and the Warring States of China, the former due to their fight against Achaemenid rule in the west, and the latter due to their active participation in the turmoil on the northwestern frontier of the Warring States, the Saka developed a set of arms in the late 4th - 3rd centuries BC that became prevalent amongst the heavy cavalry such that this army component turned into a decisive factor on the battlefield.

    According to one authority, influence from the Warring States can especially be seen, as he notes that the Saka method of securing their sword belt and accoutrements were borrowed from the Chinese Warring States; he further notes that even the pommels, the guards, the loops or scabbard slides, the scabbard tips which were often made of jade, were all directly imported from China. He also indicates that these weapons had been used by both the Skythians and Persians, and by Chinese chariot fighters and infantryman, the latter two probably referring to the Qin chariot fighter from Qin Shihuang Di's famous mausoleum (3rd century BC) near Xian and also to the suits of armour made of large lacquered leather plates with the high neck-guard found from a tomb at Suixian, Hubei, just north of the ancient kingdom of Chu, dated to the 5th century BC. There also exists in what may be the earliest archaeological depiction of a fully armoured kataphraktoi on a fragmentary terracotta flask piece from Khumbuz-tepe in southern Chorasmia/Khorezmia, dated to the 4th-early 3rd centuries BC, which, although attributed to the Massagetai or the Dahai due to geographical rendition, can also represent kataphraktoi development among the Saka.

    There are also historical references to heavily armoured Saka warriors in the written sources as well. For example, from Arrianos's Anabasis, Book 3, Chapter 8, we learn that a Saka cavalry contingent under a certain Saka chief Mavakes aided the Achaemenids at Gaugamela in 331 BC; he also further informs us that these "Skythians", aided by Baktrian cavalry routed the Greek cavalry mercenaries that Alexander initially sent against them. Immediately, they fought a fierce battle against the combined Makedonian, Greek, and Paeonian cavalry of Alexander and inflicted huge casualties on Alexander's right wing, almost putting them to rout, for Arrianos further says that the Saka cavalrymen also had much more armour protecting their horses than did Alexander's cavalry. Additionally, we are told by Arrianos in Book 4, Chapter 4, that a Saka warrior was struck through his wicker shield and corselet by missiles hurled from Alexander's military engines that he had loaded when attempting to cross the Tanais (Jaxartes - modern Syr-Darya river).

    Germanic and Dacian and other Barbarian Units I may have missed

    Dreugulōzez Brunjādoi (Germanic Heavy Infantry) [sword Masters]

    Ðreuġulōzez βrunjāðoi
    (DhREU-ghu-lō-zez VRUN-jā-dhoi, "Armored Mercenaries")

    Armed with Celtic mailshirts (the brunjō, 'byrnie' borrowed directly from the Celtic military innovation) and other equipment of the finest manufacture and design, Dreugulōzez Brunjādoi are the Germanic tribes' best warriors, similar to Long-haired Companions but on campaign. A war-leader is obeyed by his warriors because of his bravery, not because of his rank. In battle he must act as an example to his men and it is a disgrace for him to be surpassed by them in bravery. The warriors in turn have to equal the bravery of their war-leader. The lord fights for victory, his companions for their lord. Armored Mercenaries are fearless, and even hungrier for glory than younger men. Their original training has been augmented by years of warfare, often leaving their bodies heavily scarred. Long-hairs are wealthy, powerful men, fiercely loyal to their lord. Their weapons and armor are the best, because these warriors have joined the retinue of a chieftain or other powerful lord who often provides better equipment.

    Historically, each frowō (lord) had a retinue of followers, Companions who were linked to him by personal loyalty. To leave a battlefield alive while their lord lay dead meant a life of shame and scorn for such men. To defend and protect him, to assign one's own acts of heroism to his credit- that's what is truly meant by allegiance. These warriors have sworn oaths upon the mead-bench to stay loyal to their frowō and to protect him with their lives if needed, and in return he has sworn to support them and their families, to provide them with food, drink, weapons and equipment in exchange for the fulfillment of their vows and deeds in his service.

    Worgōzez (Wild Mercenary Infantry) [berserkers]

    The forests of Germania, dense and expansive are home to all sorts of wild and dangerous beasts, including those of the human variety. Wargōzez, whose name can also mean "Wolves," or "Outlaws" are predatory Indo-European warriors who are outcasts from regular society sometimes as exiles and criminals, sometimes by choice, and oftentimes young men seeking to prove themselves in accordance to extremely ancient customs. These men live deep within the woods that shield and blanket Germania, an ideal enviroment for hiding and preserving all sorts of ancient traditions, untainted by external forces and influences now becoming more and more commonplace in Germania via trade and military expansion. They fend for themselves in this harsh and unforgiving enviroment much in the same way as the wild beasts, so feared and respected they are sometimes emulated throughout Germania and indeed Europe as a whole.

    They use equipment and tools that will understandably become more and more makeshift as time goes on as the more common utensils from societies left behind begin to fade, wear and break. These men look after themselves, living out a true and ancient ideal of self sufficency and independance seen throughout the Ancient world and likely drawing its origins from a Proto-IndoEuropean tradition and possibly even prehistoric, pre-IndoEuropean traditions.

    Living in small groups made up of individuals from all over the class spectrum, for all sorts of reasons, these young men will have spent many years surviving in the wilderness and will have as a consequence become very vicious, efficient and arguably quite mentally ill due to their isolation from regular society. What sets these men apart from other wild men who undoubtably existed in Europe for a very long time, is their use of wolf symbolism.

    The wolf is a proud, vicious and cunning pack hunter animal, an expert at survival, whose striking aesthetic and haunting howls will have understandably captured the imagination of man since the moment they encountered the beast for the first time. So it is no surprise that over time perhaps through superstition, perhaps through an understanding of the power of psychology on the battlefield or perhaps for simple camoflage and practicality, that men would don the skins of wolves and attempt to emulate these fierce beasts on the battlefield, altering their aesthetic and also their mental state to give themselves an edge in combat.These packs of man-wolves are outrageously vicious and aggressive in combat, stalking their prey through the trees and tall grass before choosing to make their attack, howling and roaring as they make their presence known on the battlefield. They swiftly charge towards their enemies with their weapons trained on their opponents faces, necks and limbs, perhaps after hurling a devestating volley of javelins whose accuracy will have become impeccable from years of hunting to survive. After combat the more peculiar and perhaps disturbing habits of these men can be witnessed in the drinking of the blood of enemies, perhaps even their own blood, possibly cannibalism, self mutilation, and of course: howling.

    It is not surprising to learn that these very ancient style warriors will have gained the attention and respect of wealthy Germanic lords, and later on Roman Emperors (such as Trajan) who would seek to hire and use these men to fight their enemies and expand their territories.

    Of course, it comes at a price, such individualisitc warriors will not work for just anyone, they will expect good pay and one will have to venture deep into the forests of Germania to find them, risking ambushes from all sorts of potential enemies as one travels, however, once located and hired, these terrifying mercenaries could be exactly what an ambitious Emperor, King or Warlord requires in order to successfully expand his or her borders or defeat his or her foes.

    Sloxonez (Germanic Club Infantry) [Club Levy/Mercenaries]

    Sloxonez, whose name can also mean "Butchers" or "Mowers" are Germanic warriors who specifically choose a cudgel for close combat in order to cause massive and deadly blunt force trauma. Even if they might not be able afford metal weapons of higher status, Germanic warriors are typically able to make effective arms quickly from any readily available materials.

    By shaping heavy boughs of oak and inserting bone spikes, this special weapon can be used to maim both armored and unarmored foes alike. Cudgels are cheap, easy to make, and replaceable on campaign, while also being able to smash or punch through armor. Although this weapon may seem primitive to untrained eyes, against armored opponents it is more effective than any other at disposal.

    Historically, the Germanic tribes quickly realized they naturally lacked the resources required to outfit their men with the armor seen in surrounding societies and found themselves often resorting to weapons with the specific purpose of crushing armor in order to achieve victory over better equipped foes. This worked with a great deal of success as seen by use of these warriors by the Roman Army in their auxilia, depicted on Trajan's Column as possessing swords but choosing to wield clubs. These light armored club warriors were recorded to have taken down units of the feared and notoriously lethal kataphraktoi.

    Thraikioi Doryphoroi (Thracian Light Spearmen) [The Dacian Spearmen unit might be based on them, not the Dacian Phalanx mentioned on page 4 of the LP. CA seems to mix Dacian and Thracian, but honestly this is just me getting technical. ]

    Among the Thraikian tribes, the vast majority of men of military age are too poor to fight in the bands of well-equipped units. As farmers, herders, and general pastoralists, many of these Thraikes cannot afford more than a few pieces of military equipment. For that reason many of them carry simple wooden shields, a clutch of javelins with fire-hardened wooden tips, and a simple spear. While many of the warriors who perform service for their tribe are these farmers, herders, and fishermen, many of them are also accustomed to a form of warfare through their incessant, low intensity squabbles with neighboring tribes, or even through occasional raids on passing trading parties or local trading emporia. So while they lack good weaponry, or armor, they carry a ferocious disposition - they are Thraikes, after all. While they may carry their ferocity on to the battlefield, their lack of experience in much of anything larger than a skirmish over farmland may cause their ferocity to dissipate in the face of prolonged hand-to-hand combat with well-ordered, or even professional, soldiery. They are accustomed to short skirmishes and decisive charges, and so are best used in similar roles.

    Phylakes Daoi (Dacian Bodyguard Cavalry) [Dacian Noble Cavalry lancers seem based off these guys]

    The strong ties developed between royalty and the Ktistai priesthood made these zealots the perfect recruitement basin for the king's guards. The beltistai's loyalty is unquestionable and their ferocity unmatched.

    Historically, the numbers of these guards would have been greater than presented in-game, thus acting as a nucleus for the royal cavalry. The ktistai were so close to the king, that the succesor would either be chosen from their ranks, or become pontifex maximus of the priesthood. The ones recruited for the Beltistai corps must have been trained from infancy, while the secretive nature of their order must have been ideal for the purposes of any strong ruler.

    Ischyroi Orditon (Elite Dacian Infantry) [Dacian Noble Spearmen]

    The Ischyroi Orditon, or "Mighty men of the Ordes," are the elite guard among the Getai. They trace their lineage back to the old capital at Helis, are the pinnacle of the Getic noble infantry. As the nobility of the tribe of the Ordes, they are equipped and supported by the Basileus, and unlike the tarabostes lords in their far-removed hillforts, the warrior lords of the Ordes are loyal retainers--and frequently family members--of the Getic kings. Armed with a long thrusting spear and either a sica or Keltic sword, they can be very effective in close combat with infantry and even cavalry. Protected by an iron Thraikian helm with a large iron crest, imported from Hellas, a large oval shield with a strong iron boss, a coat of mail, and occasionally greaves, they are one of the most heavily armored units in any Getic army. They are an expensive unit to train and maintain, but they are a valuable force on the battlefield, capitalizing on Getic fierceness and borrowed Hellenic and Keltic techniques to stand toe-to-toe with enemy heavy infantry.

    Historically, after the Galatai destroyed Helis, the surviving population moved north of the Istros and rebuilt their capital at Argedava, now known as Popesti. What had been an insignificant fishing and agricultural settlement quickly became one of the largest in all of the Getic lands. The population at Helis had already been well-acquainted with advanced metallurgy, and traded extensively with Skythians, Kelts, and especially Hellenes. This did not change at Argedava, which--judging from archaeological remains--became the source for the best-equipped and most disciplined Getic soldiers.

    Arabian and Egyptian

    Machimoi (Native Egyptian Infantry) [Egyptian Infantry, Egyptian Archers]

    The Machimoi were an important part of Aigyptian society long before the arrival of the Hellenes and the new Pharoanic dynasty of the Ptolemaioi. Aigyptian society consisted, aside from the royal family, primarily of the priests, the warriors--or Machimoi, and the farmers. These men are drawn from the largest section of the Machimoi, and armed with several javelins, a sword, and a shield, and armored with a light cuirass and mass-produced helmet. They are competent in basic wartime and garrison duties, but should not be expected to succeed in combat against well-trained units or in other daunting situations. They may once have been a warrior class, but for hundreds of years many of the Machimoi have spent most of their lives farming or trading, not fighting.

    The Ptolemaioi eventually organized the Machimoi class into three distinct levels: the 5-aroura machimoi, the 7-aroura Machimoi, and the Machimoi epilektoi. The machimoi epilektoi formed the auxiliary phalanx at Raphia, and may not have existed until the reforms leading up to the Raphia campaign. The 5-aroura Machimoi served as light troops: Toxotai, Akontistai, and the like, and may have been part of the recruitment pool for the Phulakitai, the regional police. These are the 7-aroura Machimoi, who likely saw extensive use on a reserve basis in the Ptolemaic fleets, in various garrisons both in Aigyptos and overseas, and on both sides of the many civil wars which wracked the Ptolemaic state from the late third century on. While this population initially consisted almost exclusively of native Aigyptians, years of immigration and Hellenization have changed the makeup of the Machimoi to a considerable degree. While it still maintained a native Aigyptian character, the vast majority of Machimoi had first- or second-generation Hellenic, Asian, Galatian, or Thraikian ancestors.

    Machimoi Phalangitai (Machimoi Native Phalanx) [Egyptian Pikes, Phalangitai = phalanx in Greek, and you may notice that Phalanges = finger bones]

    The Machimoi are Aigyptioi natives who have been conscripted to fight in the traditional Makedonian fashion. They are armed with all the standard phalanx equipment including the sarissa, the Phrygian cap, and the small Illyrian shield. They wear quilted cloth armor due to the harsh Aigyptian climate. They are reputable enough fighters, but have a history of rebellion, so they are far more expensive than most troops of the same caliber. This has to be dealt with though, since the Ptolemaioi simply do not have the numbers of Hellenes to fill their armies with. Machimoi have decent morale and can be relied upon as capable troops. Their weaknesses are the same as any pike phalanx, in that they are immobile and prone to flank attacks and missile fire. If used accordingly, they will give good account of themselves.

    Historically, the Machimoi were used with good effect at Rhaphia and other battles. Once they realized their own power, however, they soon began to revolt against their Hellenic and Makedonian rulers. The Ptolemaioi looked for different racial groups to settle in Aigyptos to counter this disparity, and ended up importing large amounts of Ioudaioi and Galatai to fill the ranks. Still, the Machimoi were used as a necessity, and often gave good accounts of themselves in battle.

    Bnei Shevet 'Arabim (Arabian Light Infantry) [Arabian Skirmishers]

    These lightly armed men are not much to look at, clad in simple attire and armed with the most rudimentary of weapons, a spear and shield, but they are far more capable soldiers than first glance would indicate. Exceedingly loyal to their Sabaean overlords they are much more reliable than their eastern levy counterparts and their experience in years of both tribal skirmishing and warfare on behalf of their Sabaean rulers has made them into warriors of surprising merit and skill.

    Historically, the bulk of the Sabaean medium infantry line was levied from the Arab and Bedouin peoples under their direct or nominal rule, many of them serving as regulars, though most were recruited sporadically by agents of the Sabaean King. Their minor tribes and settlements had a history of loyalty to the Sabaeans, having fought alongside them and been under their rule to various extents for centuries, most of them coming to accept their religious practices ages ago. They were hardy veterans of numerous conflicts, with relatives who could in all likelihood say the same, generally invested in their ruler's cause and sympathetic to their often easy government.

    Qala'im 'Arabim (Arabian Slingers) [Arabian Slingers]

    Slingers are common in Arabian armies, being levied from the nomadic tribes. These men are mostly lower class herders. The tribesmen are not wealthy, so they march to war in just their simple garments, a simple shield and their own, often homemade sling, in addition to a dagger for self-defense. In battle, the slingers should be used as light skirmishers, who will rush forward against the enemy to pepper them with stones, only to flee when threatened. These slingers should never be expected to fare well in melee.

    Historically, slingers seem to have been used in almost all corners of the world in some sort and Arabia was no exception. Slings are very easy and cheap to make, and yet they are a respectable weapon. It is for this reason that they were so prevalent among the poorer Arabian tribes. The Arabian city-states, like Sab’yn levied slingers from the subject nomadic tribes to augment their own armies and these men were drawn from the lower class herders whose only task during peace was to guard the herds from predators. This in return meant they had enough experience with a sling to be a threat on the battlefield.

    Parashim 'Arabim Meguiasim (Arabian Light Cavalry) [Arabian Cavalry, camel troops existed but actually horses were preferred]

    The majority of Saba’s cavalry arm was drawn not from her urban population, who were more often called on to serve as the center of the line of battle, but from her tribal allies. The tribes that provided these cavalry forces were generally nomadic in lifestyle and as such provided men who spent more time mounted than on foot, even if the mount was often a camel rather than a horse. In battle these men provide a highly skilled light cavalry contingent exceedingly capable in the roles of skirmishing, pursuit, and harassment. When coupled with the smaller contingent on medium cavalry fielded by Saba’s urban population they can also deliver a devastating charge to the flanks or rear of the enemy battle-line, but should not be expected to fulfill the role of shock cavalry on their own.

    Historically, the Arabs were a far-flung people, raised on the backs of camels and horses while crossing desert as traders or living the rugged life of the nomad. While they might generally have chosen the high perch of a camel for their travels, in battle, their horses were the prefered mount. Brought literally into a new saddle, they excelled in combat, well-served by the balance learned from riding a camel, and despite their light armor and armament, fought with skill - though not always with dedication.

    Dorkim Ezra'him (Sabaean Levy Spearmen) [sabean Spearmen]

    These urbanites are the core of Sabaean society and as such it is no surprise that they provide the bedrock of the Sabaean military machine. Armed with sturdy spears and protected by good quality helmets and hardy camel hide leather shields these men are far more capable than their lighter counterparts in tribal levies of holding the line of battle. Further, their religious fervor makes them more reliable in battle than many citizen forces. Still, their more sheltered urban existence makes them less able to bear the rigors of desert warfare than their nomadic fellows and their armament is not as heavy as comparable troops fielded by other states. A wise general will be mindful of both the strengths and weaknesses of these troops, the Sabaean will never recover their past splendor without their sweat and blood, but only when used in proper roles will their sacrifices be meaningful.

    Historically, the Sabaean urban population was the most substantial component of their impressive regular military. In Sabaean society, religion was among the most immediate concerns of the average citizen. Their years revolved around the Festival of Almaqah, while their days were first geared towards frequent sacrifices and offerings to him, administered by his all pervasive High Priesthood. Everywhere they might go, an agent of the High Priesthood could be encountered, and in everything they do, some aspect of their work can be seen, giving such citizens a massive psychological stake in their traditional religion. This simple dedication and familiarity made these citizens among the most loyal soldiers of the Sabaean infantry, beyond reproach and angered at the very prospect of foreign encroachment upon their childhood religion.

    Qasatim Saba'im (Sabean Archers) [sabean Archers]

    Sabaean archers are a common sight in Sabaean garrisons and large armies. Even though archery is not frowned upon, these men are drawn from the lower urban classes and from the agriculturalists in times of war. They carry nothing but their own clothes and bows to war in addition to a small shield and dagger should they be caught in melee, which any general should try to avoid. Sabaean archers are not renown for their archery even though it is a part of Sabaean life be it a noble or a peasant one, so they should only be counted on to weaken the enemies, not to severely reduce their numbers like the Syrian and Iranian archers can be capable off.

    Historically, hunting with bows was a popular sport among the Sabaean nobility and a fact of life among the peasantry. With the advent of large scale defensive fortifications in the eight century BC the use of bow as a defensive weapon probably became fairly common in southern Arabia. Sabaeans though seems not to have had a reputation as good bowmen and archers were most probably used to simply bolster an army’s numbers or for defending walls.

    Lo'hamim Azzilim (Sabean Noble Infantry) [Arabian Noble Infantry, it would appear CA sometimes mixes Sabean with Arabian but either way a lot of troops of Saba were levied from the Arabic tribes that lived close by and acted as semi-independent entities of the army]

    This tough, well armored infantry is the cream of Southern Arabian nobility and despite the land’s reputation for the production of aromatics these are not perfume wearing effeminates who can be easily brushed aside. Armored in quality padded armour, tough leather shields and armed with good spears these men can be relied on to hold their own against all but the best heavy infantry.

    Historically, the institution of the Sabaean Kingship wasn't always the sole authority over the Union's military forces, many being raised through tribal councils outside their main urban holdings, but it did hold complete sway over the King's Elites. These men, though devoted to the Sabaean High Priesthood and their ancient city-gods, were personally loyal to their king - from whom the cost of their equipment and training was exclusively drawn. In the days when the Sabaean King controlled the High Priesthood, they served as temple guardsmen in addition to his personal escorts, marching as a ceremonial guard and as an elite corps of regulars in battle. They were superb melee warriors, trained for the most difficult assaults and confrontations, and fiercely loyal to their king in all fortunes. Such men were the crux of a Sabaean battle line, around which all tactics and strategies were formed, and before which most enemies were driven.

    Hoplitai Troglodutikes (Red Sea Hoplites)

    Hoplitai Troglodutikes (Erythraian Sea Hoplites) are mostly Hellenic colonists who were drawn to the Erythraian Sea coast. After initial exploration Ptolemaioi founded colonies in there to hunt elephants and trade with the natives and as far as India. Local garisson forces took part in those hunts and many of the veterans remained on those colonies after retiring. As in each Hellenic polis, a local force of hoplites would be summoned at time of need. Having completed the rigorous "ephebike askesis" they would be ready to fight against their enemies and as such the rigorous demands for citizenship have been lowered to whomever is available. The enemies aren't hoplites or Phallangitai. They are the skirmishers and spearmen of the Troglodytai, the fierce archers of Meroe and Inner Aithiopia, and maybe even the lightly armored but deadly Sabaioi. Hellenic discipline and courage can win the day, but not by underestimation of those enemies. Against those, while retaining the same offensive equipment, (spear and aspis shield), bronze muscle cuirass and linothorax have been dumped in favor of lighter quilted armour. It is easier to wear in the tropics as ancient Aigyptioi had proven. No pteryges, as they add to weight and can raise body temperature. A trusty "machaira" compliments their equipment too. Their helmet is an evolved Boiotian, the ideal helmet for providing some sort of eye protection in the desert and african coast. Their aspis has no bronze coating, relying on elephant skin instead. Natives had been using such an arrangement, for some time. Now Hoplitai Troglodutikes must do the same.

    Historically, Ptolemaioi were very interested in the southern regions of their domain. Akte Troglodutike or the coast of the Troglodutes was perhaps the “wild, unexplored” frontier of the time. The rising elephant hunts as well as the trade with Sabaioi and Indoi, led to the founding of a series of Colonies, with Filotera, "founded by Satyr [a Ptolemaioi general] when he was sent hunting elephants in Troglodytiki" (Strabo,16,4-5) being the first. Soon enough, Arsinoe Troglodytiki, Berenike Troglodytiki, Ptolemais of the Elephantotheron (Elephant hunters) were founded. As frontiermen always do, those people cared more for what someone could do, not the purity of his Hellenic blood. Thus Hellenised Aigyptians and other nationals could be there and perfectly fit in. However rich and promising their situation was, their enemies were at the doors as to a Troglodyte which many of them were, the Colonists were godly rich. The local hoplites fight as ekdromoi mostly, since this is the only way they can effectively deal with the fluid battlefield environment in that area. Colonies in that region existed for many centuries and that was due, in no small part to the ability of their inhabitants to defend them.

  5. Sorry for the delay, I was busy modding the fuck out of the game and releasing my mercenary unit packs.

    Some mercenaries join the Euskadi Legion.

    I decide that the Numidian Auxiliaries in Adeptus Serenus don't quite cut it, and replace them with the horse archers of the steppes.

    Sidenote: Sacae in Fire Emblem is actually based on Saka, the steppe lands in modern day Kazahstan and other -stans.





    Fuck nomads and nomadic troopers.




    I was expecting more mounted enemies. Guess not.




    Steppe infantry crumble like shit. Their cavalry last quite a bit in melee, but they fail to kill. After all, nomads shoot, they don't fight in sustained melee.







    The Roman steamroll continues. Note the amount of slums are in Baktra. I think the nomads came by and razed the fucking place. Now it's a shithole and it's up to me to fix it.







    I get bored and decide to give gifts of gold to the pets.



    Oh look, more Dacians. Let's remove the fuckers.



    No shields, no armor = ranged attacks kill them nearly instantly.




    They have plenty of archers, but it looks like nobody's getting shot except my Thracian Cavalry. The battle was easy since their falx troops were notoriously weak to ranged attacks and their bowmen were shooting at the wrong targets.








    And because I'm an idiot, I didn't notice that Legio AVBT lost their chariots to autoresolve a long time ago. Well they're back now..

    I also have a fear of assaulting regional capitals because fuck scorpion towers. Fuck them to hell.




    Baktria the faction is reinstated after a rebellion in a minor nomad-controlled settlement. I can now expand a bit without needing to declare war on the nomads.



    It's kind of funny to see Greek influence get this far east, and well, it's histoically accurate.

    Indian-Greek-Steppe cultural blend, first Greek Buddhists....

    China sent envoys to Rome and they passed by here. Unfortunately, they never got to Rome because the fucking Parthians gave them false directions. Still, both empires knew of each other and had a very long indirect trade route.




    But for all their uniqueness, they die quite easily.













    The east also offers better elephant units. Indian elephants are bigger and carry archers.




    With all the armies in place, it's time to move to the Steppes and clear out their horse archers.


    Unfortunately, I don't find much resistance along the way. I'm not sure if it's because the new patches don't apply retroactively to game saves 100% or if steppe factions are...naturally poor?






    We're almost done conquering Eurasia.





    With the newly released Blood and Gore DLC today (sad, I know, but good thing Steam Trading Cards sell well), I decided to record 2 settlement assaults.

    I really enjoy the voice acting in this game, it's one of the high points. I can safely say that with Patch 5, the game is quite playable and can be fun, but I do not believe it is the fun I was hyped for in the trailers.







  6. Some Iberians in the Bittermelon Brigade were disbanded to make way for Karians. Karians are some of the slightly Hellenized hilltribes in the East.















    We are pretty much expanding all over the place now, including the north where the cold steppes are.




    This is one of the battles where I used a more unorthodox tactic to win. The opponent's line consisted of mainly slingers and archers. I sent in a direct cavalry charge across their entire line while the infantry followed from behind. When the infantry got close enough I withdrew the cavalry.












    These eastern names are just so foreign.



    SIege weapons might be a bit OP in this game. Or maybe not, as I'm just bombing the fuck out of a village garrison.












    I'm not gonna fight that ne out, but autoresolving to skip over the siege defenses seems like cheating. I'll just starve them out or something.


    What the hell are you Hellenes doing all the way out here?

    Well, time for Euskadi to shine again as a reborn Eastern legion.

    The Red Sea Hoplites are basically Greco-Egyptian (mostly Greek) settlers of Egypt that lived along the Red Coast. Their hoplites forgo armor in exhange for better stamina in the heat.

    Syrian Archers are basically archers with heavy iron scale armor. They can survive melees.

    The Persian Parsig are the archers of the late Persian Empire. Most of them wear armor and wield spears in self-defense and so they can act as light spearmen when required.






    A single unit of pikemen come from behind, but before they deployed their pikes the elephants kind of killed them all.





    The lines engage. I send the camel archers to the sides so they can shoot into the unprotected rears of the enemy infantry.




    The Arabian spearmen melt rather quickly, though I don't expect much from levy troops fighting professionals.





    Note to self: Armored archers in melee against pikes still die extremely quickly.

    2nd note to self: The 2-handed spear animation is almost identical to the yari vs yari animation from S2 and the bayonet animations from ETW and NTW.






    Fuck, we permanently lost another unit of Veteran Legionnaires. Feels like permadeath.









    Where are we...



    Welp, suddenly this pops up. But I won't consider a victory until the whole map is red.




    If you're wondering how far east Alexander got, he got all the way to modern day Afghanistan, aka Bactria in the classical period. Yup, Afghanistan used to be Hellenized.

    The cavalry out here are pretty decent too. The units here are like East + Steppe, if that makes any sense.






    It's also weird how many rebels are out here, like there's no single leader amongst them. Any minor faction out here is really weak.








    Well, we got as far as Bactria.


    More to come soon!

  7. The eastwards march continues.








    Euskadi gets some new auxiliary recruits to replace the legionnaires lost from that disastrous siege.



    This looks like a sufficiently huge battle.




    Since I had so much cavalry, it was easy to control the battlefield. The reinforcements coming in from the right were spearmen, so I had to dismount my noble horsemen to avert any anti-cavalry bonuses.

    They did their job well and took minimal losses, if any. Unfortunately their horses were scared away so I essentially lost a heavy cavalry unit and gained a heavy spear unit. It'll be awhile before they can rejoin the line. The other cavalry were okay, however

    You're probably wondering what that single unit is doing so far away. Turns out that Ambushers can be deployed almost anywhere on the map before the battle begins.







    Some deer scatter before me. As my force marches ahead, the AI made a quick run into the forests and hills. Tree terrain decreases the effectiveness of cavalry units and the effects of ranged attacks. Looks like the new patch fixed the AI a bit.





    When suddenly....

    FLAMING BALLS OF FIRE ROLL DOWN THE HILLS AND INTO MY ARMY. My skirmishers got away, not so much for the slow heavy infantry. Holy shit.

    The Coarse Lads got mad.

    They got so mad they just did a massive fuckall charge.








    Cavalry reinforcements arrive and cause further mayhem and panic down the enemy line. Their noble spearmen proved to be quite a match for the Spear Band, but Coarse Lad mentality demands only manliness and Cockneyism. No running. Ever.







    Not even the most dangerous cavalry unit in-game, the Royal Cataphracts, could do much. They were a pain to take down, but without being able to charge they were little more than extremely heavily armored speed bumps.







    We make our way up into the Caucasus mountains. Judging by it's going to be a lot of light spears and light axemen. The hillmen love their axes.





    The Bittermelon Brigade finds one more cavalry unit to fill out its ranks.

    Archers begin to enter the ranks of the Euskadi.




    I played out a few other uninteresting battles. I thought these screenshots were kind of funny. Those Easterners look fierce but they crumble against Roman armor and discipline.




    This battle was one of my favorites and really showcased what it meant to be a bitter Greek steamrolling enemies for Rome.




    The battle opening was awkward. Enemy reinforcements came in bit by bit from the rear.

    They distracted me enough that I didn't bother advancing until I cut them all down.

    Companion cavalry is the most powerful cavalry that Hellenic powers can muster. Illyrian cavalry...isn't that great. It took a combined force of Illyrians, Thessalians, and Tarentines to shut those bastards down. The elite cavalry arm of Alexander the Great certainly isn't something you looked down upon.

    The enemy pikemen were able to deploy their pikes and maneuver them so a single unit can't defeat them. However they falter extremely quickly when hit from 2 sides. However, there will always be 1 unit that will take the pikes from the front.

    The only unit that can inflict damage on a pike unit is another pike unit. However, expect casualties on both sides and in general it's not a very pleasant spectacle. Front rankers get pushed into spear points by their rear companions.










    As the reinforcements were being handled I lined up the hoplites, ordered them to form their shield phalanx, and advanced into the enemy. The devs stated that making them break out of phalanx when giving the attack order is a design decision, so all I did was keep them in phalanx and literally ordered them to march past their enemies. This way, they attacked whoever was in the way while still keeping the defense bonus and tight formation.






    Still, street fighting is a messy affair and leads to what I can only describe as "clusterfuck"



    The pikemen join the hoplites in the push, and ranged units rain hell from behind. I don't think the spearmen alone would have done so well; the enemy had pretty high-tier swordsmen and javelinmen running around causing havoc.




    The meatgrinding wins the day, and the enemies rout. Casualties were...acceptable.






    The RNG Goddess loves Rome




    Our architecture knows no bounds.







  8. Don't fuck with the Coarse Lads.

    Unless you're a Shieldbearer (elite Hellenic infantry), in which case you're able to fuck over some poor sops.

























    The Arabian Peninsula is now ours. The Empire will grow stronger!

    As Eastern provinces come under our control, Eastern units will begin to appear in our recruit rosters.



    Persian units sound interesting. Not sure if I should add them into the ranks of Adeptus Serenus or into the ranks of the Euskadi Legion.






    You're probably wondering why a bunch of Celts are settled in the East. Well, the Galatians were one badass tribe that led a path of conquest from their homeland to Ancyra, where they drove out the inhabitants and settled down there. Galatians then offered their sword to the surrounding Easterners, Hellenes, and even to places like Egypt where they served as heavy sword and spear infantry.







    A food shortage from overupgrading buildings takes place during these peaceful years. Many soldiers die from starvation, only to be replaced by raw recruits downgrading the experience levels of the legions. Champions have already been sent to legions that need additional training. Good thing the food shortage disappeared with the upgrading of farm buildings.








    That is all for the time being. I like the East. Plenty more archers than in the West, for sure.

  9. But all peasants must fall to the gladius. It was only a matter of time.

    Lacking any tactical sense, the general runs himself into a skirmisher trap.










    This tech would've been nice to have had.... 10 turns ago.



    Huh, my client state is apparently doing some conquering on their own.



    The legions finally arrive at the Eastern provinces. Things are gonna GIT GUD


    The Euskadi have the first battle where the Arabian auxiliaries will be put to the test. The results were mediocre. The camel archers didn't kill much until I ordered the to shoot at enemy skirmishers. The melee camels didn't do much damage and one of them even ended up routing off the battlefield. Perhaps it was because these units were new recruits....but still..they were fighting slingers. SLINGERS.











    And the Romans had to come in and save the fucking day.














    Every legion will take one Eastern province!




    Breaking a non-aggression pact =...?

    Starving enemies out also cause casualties to your own forces. Ah well.




    Sometimes the enemy sallies out and will fight you on a field. Let's oblige them this time.

    Heh, Sardinian Achers. I think I'll have to change the officer model though. This guy is too African.

    The enemy consists of mostly Hillmen, Skirmishers, and some noble cavalry. My own cavalry hide behind the sand dunes before delivering a crushing pincer grip blow.





















    Seems like nothing can stop the Capuans. Good for them.

    The Seleucids attempt to steal Edessa before my guys get there. They succeed. They will pay.





    Adeptus Serenus finally gets some action, and I should seriously take screenshots of names of settlements I'm fighting around.



    Like with the battle between rebels and First CAPUA FIGHT, I hide the cavalry behind sand dunes and flank.

    The enemy has pike units this time, but they die quickly when they get disorderly. The enemy skirmisher cavalry also could not..well..skirmish because my own cavalry intercepted them.

    Lion hoods and Dacian cavalrymen are fucking beast.










    Clearly, he forgot how to horse.




















    It is the Coarse Lads' turn. These British auxiliaries sure look kinda funny wearing Roman colors.

    The AI army regrouped in the beginning of the battle, but as they came together my slingers and archers fired away to kill plenty of their men. The main clash didn't amount to much, it was mostly just an overwhelming charge.




  10. ...Stonehenge? haha what

    Oh shit, didn't notice.

    Previously in ROME 2 TOTAL WAR our able, faithful legions had conquered the British Isles and now make their way down to Arabia and the East. The journey of the fleets will take awhile, so Bronze Wolves, Euskadi, and whoever else is down there (AVBT?) will have to work without support. For the moment, at least.

    It probably isn't coincidence that Marcus Antonious as 12 Zeal off the bat. The combat bonuses to his bodyguard is absolutely massive. We won't be getting support, let's see what we can conquer for Rome.








    No blitzing this one. We'll wait.



    Not going to autoresolve this one. Already did for the past 3 battles.

    The German Scout Riders charge a group of slingers, but they fail to inflict much damage, and thus were ordered to withdraw before they started dying a lot. The Spear Brothers were sent in, and after some heated combat the rest of the melee troops were sent in as mop up. Textbook.













    Seleuca is under siege and...we'll wait for the siege engines to be created.




    EUSKADI, LET'S FUCKING DO THIS! Surely those Scorpion Towers can't kill all of us. And that turtle siege engine is a strange way to say "battering ram"







    Our legionnaires were confident. They thought the ladders and ram could block incoming scorpion bolts. But for some reason, the scorpion bolts fired from towers killed 3-4 men per shot, but the ones fired from the scorpion engines on the ground only kill 1 man at a time. The casualties were horrible. Men fought for the walls as quickly as possible the scorpions killed them. Whole units perished. Nothing would ever be the same again.












    Siege engines with a totally dead crew went out of control, glitching and battering the air. As the regular legionnaires died off, the veterans and Praetorians were sent in.





    The Euskadi paid for every step in blood. The city's garrison yielded, but at what cost?












    The problem is that the Euskadi Legion is a Marian-reform themed legion. The units aren't the Cohort units found in Adeptus Serenus and in Legio AVBT, and so they are irreplaceable. Disbandment is out of the question, so....the decision lies in whether to upgrade...or to do something more historically accurate...


    AVBT heard of the casualties. The general knew that bottlenecking situations (limited ladders, confusion in pathfinding) created death traps for legionnaires. He decided that the light troops (which Euskadi did not have) would go first, withdraw before they're killed off entirely, and in general become scorpion bolt meatshields for the heavier troops that will do the killing.

    Sabaen units...surprisingly enough, look exactly like the Aethiopian units. I may have made the Mercenary versions of the Aethiopians, but they use existing models. I wasn't sure what I'd expect, but I feel less inclined to keep the Sabaen units.










    The plan was sort of successful. So far most of the casualties were from the missile troops. Covering fire was sporadic but existent, and the legionnaires had a moderately easy time clearing the enemy archers from the walls.






    As the gates opened, all who could still fight charged in. Defended by measly Hillmen and Spearmen, they were no match.

    We lost some units though, but they're expendable auxiliaries.







    Times change and men must adapt. While Euskadi Legion used to be a pure Roman legion, now it will be reborn as one of the Eastern legions of the Empire. Arabs and Easterners will join up to fight for Roman glory and gold.







    The Bronze Wolves aren't going for siege assaults. Best to just starve out the garrison.


    The First Capua Fight make a short drop in Sardinia to recruit some Sardinian Archers, a new unit I created after doing some research on the peoples of the island.



    The Gerrhae don't have much left. Wipe them!









    Ethiopian Cavalry are just rape machines.

    The spearmen held out surprisingly long against the Praetorians. While killing little, I was surprised they didn't unrealistically melt away.





  11. Poor fuckers never stood a chance.




    They ally against us. It's not going to work.


    These bastards wouldn't stop harassing Ptolemais Theron. Time to put an end to such annoyances.



    WE ARE LEGION. The chariots are just for show.




    Elephants are great at combat. However, they fall extremely easily to javelins.








    Damn line of sight... I didn't see those javelineers until they were extremely close. I retreat the elephants but the javelineers caught up.

    Fortunately, the legionnaires get close enough.






    "We're surrounded! Poor bastards..."


    Slingers appear right behind us. The equites are sent to smash them. Some spearmen hang about, but they are quickly pinned down by our own Italic spears so the cavalry can wipe the slingers out without too much trouble.





    Still, there's so many slingers I don't have much of a choice but to send everybody forward. While I have a lot of cavalry, the slingers are all over the damn place and they can't get to everybody. Our own are firing off their own, so the situation isn't too bad.



    British scout riders carry their own lances and are more dangerous than their German counterparts, who carry tiny shortswords.



    Still, our cavalry won the day, given time.








    Euskadi also improves its army traditions. Heavy infantry and melee attack.



    Cappodacia asks for peace.....and perhaps we can send our armies to the East now. The British Isles are pretty much ours.





    Advanced farms will soon be available.

    The Coarse Lads reach the maximum unit cap with the addition of British mercenaries and auxiliaries to the army. The Massalian Hoplites, after much debate, are transferred to the Bittermelon because of their claim to be as Greek as any other.







    Some random steppe nation offers to be our client state. Okay...


  12. I happened to get Scipio Africanus leading my samurai the other day in Civ 4. I'm guessing the way Total War determines what the generals' identities are differs a bit from however that might've happened

    (also cool playthrough stuff once again etc.)

    Thanks for reading and keeping up with the LP!

    As far as I know from what I gather on the forums, historical figures will spawn on the dates that their real life counterparts were famous in. They will also have slightly higher stats to boot.

    While our forces make war in Arabia and the British Isles, these fellows declare war.

    It would also appear that Marc Antony is in-game.



    Godammit. I thought it downgraded the upgrades on the units, but it seems like nothing really happened...?



    Reaching rank 5 is no small feat. Time to level up some Bittermelons.

    For some reason the pathfinding on the Fiorentina Coarse Lads sent me through a snowy forest. The attrition damage inflicted after their march made them unsuitable for further combat. Fuck.



    The new patch 4 changed Forced March such that getting attacked while in this stance automatically turns the battle into an ambush. First Capua FIGHT exploits.

    The results are....extremely satisfying. If you want to know what it means to be FUBAR, here's what.








    There was nothing they could've done. There was no time to react.

    Meanwhile Euskadi gets auxiliary elephants.







    The Capuans will have to do this without the Coarse Lads, who recover quickly thanks to speccing in Grand Camp Following...


    Enabling Level IV buildings allows me to convert over non-Roman level IV buildings to Roman ones... Makes things neater.



    Coarse Lads back in action!

    You'll see some new units wearing Hellenic linothorax armor. No worries, they're barbarians to the heart...they just happen to be those alpine tribes that come into regualr contact with Hellenic influences. Other new units are just mid-high tier units made for history's sake.









    British slingers rip apart our skirmishers, who barely get any kills in befre they were forced to retreat.






    Well, no worries. The Coarse Lads are a melee-oriented force, and everyone else carries javelins that are used for the charge.

    With most of the infantrymen using both spear and sword/axe, they're versatile.









    Not much to say, it was a small garrison. We're also making progress down in Arabia...


    Camulodon is assaulted by the Capitoline Brigade. It looks to be a most glorious assault. The walls are useless; our thrice-calibrated siege engines are more than capable of reducing these barbarian constructs into rubble and woodchips.


    1st person mode teehee













    Not even a charge from British cavalry could break us. Not a chance. It's always a slaughter.






    Somehow I didn't get a screenshot of what I was attacking, but I assume its Dumnonii's sole settlement.

    Cretan archers wear linothorax but I don't think they were assigned the appropriate armor values in the game files....hm...

    The Iberian will guard the rear and flanks. The Greek section of the Bittermelons will do battle today.



    Arrow showers ruin anybody's day. Peltasts just make it worse.






    I fail to notice that one unit of Rhodian slingers took a lot of counterfire until they were almost dead.

    Meanwhile, I move up the pikemen. FORWARD, QUICK MARCH





    With the enemy kept at bay, I send in the hoplites to finish things off. They took more casualties than I expected.....of course that's because it turns out the barbarians had Scorpions in the rear...












    Man, these Brigantes sure love being ambushed.









  13. The Bronze Wolves, Euskadi and AVBT will not be participating for the duration of the conquest of Britain. They're busy keeping the Aethiopian front secure and will take steps into Magna Arabia if possible.




    Nothing really amazing about the Sabaens.






    A naval invasion through Iska would be direct, albeit costly. We'll look for a way in via Caledonia (that's ancient Ireland, I think)



    Cappadocia, you fuckers!



    Vigiles have the exact same stats as Rorarii despite the cloaks and more decorated shields.



    Eastern infantry are also affectionately known as "Pajama Men" by the Total War fandom.




    They try their best to throw javelins up the walls at my slingers, to no avail.






    After what seems to be forever they manage to destroy the gates after suffering immense losses. By then they were too weak and depleted to make an effective assault.




    Those ranged units who had run out of ammo will move to the other gate to fend off enemies there.










    I bet I can take out all those slingers out there. RIGHT?! RIGHT!???










    The plebs don't tie up the slingers as well as I thought, and the AI knows to prioritize hitting my legionnaires from all directions with rocks. It hurts.




    The AI, however, goes into passive buggy mode where it just stands there and does nothing. I do what I can, and let the game run in the background for 30 minutes while I did other things. I win by countdown timer. It's funny how they fix this bug in Fall of the Samurai, then somehow it worms its way back in for Rome 2.

    Also more annoying is the I-can't-get-off-the-ship bug. A single soldier can't get off the ship, rendering the unit unresponsive and untargetable by land units.







    In response to recent events, a new defense legion has been raised to guard our eastern interests.


    Time to die.



    Dacians don't look too different from the Celtics. The Thracians look pretty kickass though.








    Slingers? FUCK EM. CHARGE!





    Our Dacian detachment goes in first to carve up some British barbarians.



    "Save some for the rest of us!" - Numidians








    Bah, you tribes better give me a better fight than the Germanians and the Gauls did.





    Welcome to Planet Hell, we'll do what the Luftwaffe failed to do. Bomb them. Whoever survives the bombing will take a javelin to the head.










    Panic shall rip through the streets! There is no shelter. There is no hope! Submit to the mighty Roman war machine! There is no Boudica to save your asses!





    Some of the Coarse Lads cavalry make their way to the village to give it a final flush via equine.








    Wow, Capitoline Brigade is currently commanded by Pompei. Yes, THAT Pompei who later fought against Julius Caesar in the real Roman Civil War.









    Who knew they'd have equipment like this? Will make reinforcements much easier to reequip instead of having to send them back to Cisalpina.



    Manipulating enemy agents can lure them over to our faction. This allows the player to get over the agent cap.



    As we make our way down to Axum, Mercenary Sabaens show up. They're kind of like Proto-Arab, if you will.

    I pick the Aethiopians instead.







    Guerilla warfare is nasty business. The AI enjoys hiding its troops in the desert. I cannot give chase because Roman troops suffer massive attrition baking in the desert. The enemy African troops don't.




    We can recruit our own Sabaens with an Auxiliary Camp.


    I think we're surrounded.






    Egypt has only been sending Saboteurs over so the Bronze Wolves can reclaim lost ground.




    Arachosia suddenly offers to take down Egypt for a price. Why the hell not, we have money.



    Whoa, where did you come from? I'll get you next year.

    Nah, the patch made it 2 turns per year now instead of 1 turn per year. That way generals and agents will last longer.

    Meanwhile, the covert warfare gets nasty. Any available spy, champion, and dignitary is sent to Alexandria to wage war on the combined might of Egypt's and Blemmye's spies, sages, nobles, and rubbish.







    Fucking Cappodacia, why are you getting involved?

    Meanwhile, Nabatea has had enough.







    A fleet has been raised to defend our island interests.






    Fuckin' guerrillas, LET'S CLEAR THEM OUT.









    I like how the dog handlers are clapping with their swords and shields.















    Or not.

    More armies show up out of nowhere.

    "MARCH UNTIL YOUR FEET BLEED. THEN MARCH SOME MORE!"- AVBT Commander, upon ordering his troops into forced march.



    Alright, assholes. Let's finish this.

    The garrison will hopefully be able to hold out until the light cavalry and light infantry arrive. Patch 3 nerfed unit run speeds.





    The light infantry will head straight to the plaza square. The others will attempt to hit the enemy forces directly.





    The idiots get caught in the cross-fire. Still, it doesn't do much to stop them though.


    Rorarii may not be worth much, but against light African cavalry they can deliver quite an effective defence.


    How the fuck...






    Got their archers. CUT'EM AND GUT 'EM




    Our archers have arrived! Albeit they're a bit tired from the run.


    When the enemy crosses that crosstreet... they'll be fucked.



    Javelins, arrows, and stones rain from the air. The oval shields are practically useless.

    Sucks to be the guy in the middle of it all.








    I think our conquest is over.


    Due to popular vote, we'll be heading to Briton for a brief detour (the rest of the armies are there) and then we'll sweep Arabia and go East afterwards.

  15. The men of Crete were the best archers in the Mediterranean, quite possibly because they were in close proximity to the archers of Persia and the East, who used composite bows.



    There isn't much down here, except I've got a ton of enemy armies roaming around threatening the cities and avoiding my armies. Too bad I can't split my armies here either.


    Man, what the hell. Romans have to choose between 2 buildings that upgrade either armor OR weapons, and the Hellenes get a building that upgrades both weapons and armor to the MAX level.



    Dignitaries allow you to ignore agent limits by converting enemy agents. You can convert as long as your agent is skilled enough to do so. Now I got an Egytian noblewoman spreading Latin culture for me.




    Plenty of unique mercenaries here.








    Tug of War warfare can get pretty frustrating.


    When deciding between Auxiliary and Mercenary versions of units, always go for the Auxiliary version. Much cheaper and just as effective.




    We have now conquered most of North Africa, and the empire needs new direction.

    Shall we....

    Invade the British Isles?

    Invade the Steppes?

    Invade the rest of Germania and the Baltics?

    Invade the East?

    Invade Arabia?


    Warning: Reading intensive.

    Gallic and Alpine (Cisalpina Units)

    Appea Gaedotos (Alpine Phalanx)

    The alpine tribes experienced a great deal of influence from the Hellenes and Italians. The Appea Gaedotos (Ap-ee-ah Guy-doo-tos; "Spear Carriers") use a type of spear wall, and carry a very bizarre shield, as well as a battle axe for close combat fighting. They are solid soldiers, and should be able to stand rather well in combat, and a phalanx is always good when combatting mounted enemies, as well as defending against light infantry. In close combat, their battle axes can crush through armor, making them very capable, and they wear linen armor of Etruscan design, so they are readily able to defend themselves.

    Historically, the Alps were home to many tribes, both Celtic and non-Celtic. Both, however, used a share of one another's weapons, as well as weapons and tactics from Greece and the Italian peninsula. These soldiers would be, in essence, a type of imitation hoplite, with influences from the alpine tribes. Due to their climate, they would've been very hardy soldiers; coupled with their culture, which glorified combat to a great extent, these would have been truly fearsome warriors.

    Gaesatae (Gallic "Naked Fanatic" Infantry)

    The Gaesatae (Guy-sah-tay; "Spearmen") are easily one of the most fearsome groups of warriors in the known world. They fight stripped bare but for neck torcs and sometimes their shoes or boots. They fight with longswords, but are named for their incredible skill with javelins; they can hurl them unnaturally long distances and deal great damage with them. Their charge is most ferocious though, causing many lines to simply fold and flee. This is not all solely due to skill and strength, though they are experienced and huge, muscular men. They imbibe a chemical before battle making them seemingly impervious to pain. They will fight to the very end, and are very destructive when employed properly.

    Historically, the Gaesatae were Gallic naked religious fanatics. Their skill was a source of terror, and their frightful appearance shook many. Most horrifying, even beyond their size and skill and terrifying cries, was their seeming invincibility. A chemical they used allowed them to brush off and ignore any pain. They were remarked to do things such as rip javelins that had struck them free from their bodies, and hurl them back, and continue to fight with gashes and wounds that would have surely fell a normal man. They were Hannibal's favored Gallic mercenaries, and were used as his personal guards, as they were so devoted and trustworthy, as well as brave and skilled.

    Mori Gaesum (Helvetii Phalanx)

    The Mori Gaesum (Mur-ee Guy-sum; "Sea Of Spears") is an elite mercenary unit of Helvetii origin. The Helvetii tribes are more known for their fierceness than their unity. As such, much of the great warriors of each tribe sell their services to the highest bidders. Some of these men are used to face Hellenic armies and, consequently, have incorporated some of their enemy's tactics in to their own.

    They use the familiar phalanx tactic to engage and tire the enemies before switching to their sword and shield to finish them off. This method, together with their well known fierceness and skill, make them a frightening opponent for any enemy army.

    Though not the equal of the Greeks or Macedonians in phalanx warfare, the Mori Gaesum can compensate that with superior swordsmanship, aggressiveness and experience.

    Neitos (Gallic Heavy Swordsmen)

    Gallic armies of the late period relied upon the same shock tactics they had employed during earlier times, but the need to combat increasingly better armoured and trained enemies led to the formation of a professional force. Well armored in quality chain, with sturdy shields, and good longswords, the Neitos (Nee-yet-os; "Soldiers") are professional soldiers, and excellently skilled and disciplined when compared to the bulk of light Gallic soldiers. Their charge has great strength, and their skill in close is frightening; they would be capable of fighting hardest where needed.

    Historically, Gauls began to move more toward a better armored, more professional army in their twilight. Enemies beset them on all sides, and the desperate need for a better equipped force grew blatantly apparent. While similar soldiers had existed for decades, they were rarely in large enough number to act as anything but a tiny elite, though they, in truth, were little more than average soldiers of regular warriors in superior armor and with superior equipment. Ironically, most of these soldiers, meant to face up to outside threats, met their ends against other Gauls, rather than their foreign enemies in the last Gallic war, when Gaul was incorporated into Rome. Gallic auxilia and allies, of both Rome and Carthage, were actually employed in this manner before such soldiers were used widely by the Gauls themselves. The Romans did this to ensure their Gallic allies and auxilia had an edge over the Gallic warriors they engaged, and Carthaginians re-outfitted their Boii allies after Cannae in this manner.

    Golberi Curoas (Northern Gallic Mercenary Swordsmen)

    The La Tene Celts were used as mercenaries all over Europe and Africa by the Romans, Carthaginians, other Celts, and various peoples. These men often form the core of a mercenary army, and are usually tough veterans who have seen many different campaigns and have taken pay from many different masters. They are an excellent heavy infantry, well able to deal with most opponents. They are armed with javelins and spears and use these javelins to break up an enemy formation before the charge. As with most Celts, the charge can become disorderly, but it often succeeds in breaking through the enemy line none-the-less. Their name, Curoas (Koo-roo-as) means "Paid Soldiers".

    Historically, Celtic mercenaries were used all over the ancient world. Graves and artifacts have been found even into Asia. Celts were rightly famed for their ferocity in battle, as well as a number of innovations in arms and armor development. There were many Celts willing to leave their tribes and serve other masters in exchange for wealth. This made them somewhat untrustworthy, willing to flee if a battle went poorly, as they didn't fight for honor or glory, but money, and money was useless if one was dead. The La Tene Celts actually encompassed a number of sub-cultures, most notably Gaul, but also the Lugians, Belgae, most Britons, and others. This meant that in much of Europe, Celtic warriors were never far away, and so, for the wealthy general, he could have always had at least some heavy infantry on hand.

    Tekastos (Rhaetic Axemen)

    The Raetians are a very bizarre alpine people; raiders often, and have repeatedly attracted ire from Celts. The Tekastos (Tek-as-tus; "Axe Carriers") form the basic warbands of the Raetians. They carry a Raetian battle axe to crush through armor, and two javelins in the manner of Italic pila, and wear linen armor of Etruscan design, as well as a helmet. This sturdy, unique warband can be very useful as shock troops, with weapons made to allow them to stand against superiorly armored enemies.

    Historically, the Raetians were a collection of tribes in the Alps. They were famed for the quality of their wine, but were mostly treated with no small amount of distaste and ire. Like other enemies of the Celts, they adopted many Celtic weapons and pieces of armor out of a necessity to modernize to new threats. However, they also had a great deal of unique looking equipment; meshes of Italic, Hellenic, Celtic, and Hallstatt influences, and were especially fond of their own local axes, which varied between a number of designs.

    African Units

    Aichmetai Noubaioi (Nubian Light Spearmen)

    Nubian Spearmen are warriors drawn from the peoples of Nubia or Meroe far south of Egypt. These men are armed with only a spear and shield, as the scorching heat of their homelands impedes the use of armor. Their lack of heavier armament shouldn't be taken as sign of weakness however, as they can fight in good order and they can defeat opponents more armored than them, due to that. They are best used as supporting infantry and can give a good account of themselves against most soldiers, but their lack of armor has it definite drawbacks, so they should be kept out of enemy archers' range whenever possible.

    Historically, the Nubians have had a significant role in Egypt and its history, where they have served as laborers, soldiers, priests and even Pharaohs. These spearmen represent tribal warriors who form together in a warband, and levied either by a native king or by foreign rulers. It wasnt uncommon for Nubians to travel to Egypt and serve as mercenaries in the Egyptian armies raised there by different dynasties or rulers. Nubia, which means "Land of Gold" was an independent area and Ptolemaic and later Roman attempts at conquering them were repulsed. However, there was usually a good relationship between the Nubians and the different rulers of Egypt and much trade went between the two regions, greatly helped by the river Nile.

    Aithiopikoi Hippeis (Ethiopian Cavalry)

    The Ethiopians living in the low coastlands share many cultural traits with the people of Sab’yn, including religious practices. These cavalrymen are drawn from these peoples and are often recruited from the higher ends of Ethiopian society, the families of the nobles and priests. They are equipped with lances and swords in addition to helmets and shields. In battle they can be expected to fight bravely as long as they are used properly.

    Historically, ancient Ethiopia (encompassing modern day Eritrea and northern Ethiopia) was at this time made up of many smaller kingdoms that waged wars against each other, but also against any foreign invaders, like the Nubians, Hellenes and Sabaeans. There were basically three main regions in ancient Ethiopia; the coastal lowlands along the Erythrean Sea, the interior plains and the mountains separating them. The coastal lowlands seem to have been the most prosperous and were often raided by the mountain kingdoms. Most evidence indicates that the Ethiopians living along the Erythrean Sea were the most urbanized and also the most influenced by foreigners who established colonies and trade posts along the coast, like the Hellens and Sabaeans and when it came to the latter, adopted their religious practices, which was a legacy of the earlier Sabaean rule in Ethiopia or D’mt as it was also called, although to which extent Ethiopia was ruled or if it was ruled at all by Sab’yn is a matter of debate. There are also evidences of Judaism being prevalent in ancient Ethiopia due to archaeological findings of temples and altar stones from 500 BC on, resembling ancient Jewish temples and sacrificial altars from 800-600 BC.

    Ethiopian warfare at this time seems to have been similar to that of their Nubian neighbours, but there were regional variations in arms and armor when it came to materials used. The dominant type was skirmishers armed with either javelins or bows, and sometimes on horseback. They would also be armed with clubs for close combat. Spearmen were also used and the coastal peoples also fielded small, but elite contingents of swordsmen, either influenced or equipped by foreigners, serving often as bodyguards for kings or chieftains. Ethiopians were accustomed to cavalry warfare, but only as skirmishers, which is why cavalrymen like these would only be raised by Sabaean influence or under Sabaean rule.

    Aithiopikoi Machairophoroi (Ethiopian Swordsmen)

    Ethiopian Swordsmen are in most cases raised from the population living along the coastlands of the Erythrean Sea by foreign overlords or Ethiopian rulers heavily influenced by foreigners and their ways. These men are equipped with helmets & shields only as body armor would only burden a soldier in the hot climate of Ethiopia. They also carry swords and javelins into battle. These men are the elite among Ethiopian troops, and can be expected to fulfil their role as assault infantry as long as properly used.

    Aithiopikoi Toxotai (Ethiopian Archers)

    Skirmishers form the backbone of any Ethiopian army, especially bowmen. Hunting being an important part in Ethiopian life, at least in the interior plains and mountains means there is no shortage of able archers to call upon from the Ethiopian lands. In addition to their bow, every archer also carries a club for close combat should it happen, and they also carry shields. Depending on from which region these archers are raised, some might march to war in simple tunics while others prefer to fight without. As long as these archers are used in their intended battlefield role, that of archery, they will do their duty well and should they be caught in close combat their clubs and shields will help them a bit, but a wise general should not expect these men to hold out in any prolonged melee.

    Machimoi (Native Egyptian Infantry)

    The Machimoi were an important part of Aigyptian society long before the arrival of the Hellenes and the new Pharoanic dynasty of the Ptolemaioi. Aigyptian society consisted, aside from the royal family, primarily of the priests, the warriors--or Machimoi, and the farmers. These men are drawn from the largest section of the Machimoi, and armed with several javelins, a sword, and a shield, and armored with a light cuirass and mass-produced helmet. They are competent in basic wartime and garrison duties, but should not be expected to succeed in combat against well-trained units or in other daunting situations. They may once have been a warrior class, but for hundreds of years many of the Machimoi have spent most of their lives farming or trading, not fighting.

    The Ptolemaioi eventually organized the Machimoi class into three distinct levels: the 5-aroura machimoi, the 7-aroura Machimoi, and the Machimoi epilektoi. The machimoi epilektoi formed the auxiliary phalanx at Raphia, and may not have existed until the reforms leading up to the Raphia campaign. The 5-aroura Machimoi served as light troops: Toxotai, Akontistai, and the like, and may have been part of the recruitment pool for the Phulakitai, the regional police. These are the 7-aroura Machimoi, who likely saw extensive use on a reserve basis in the Ptolemaic fleets, in various garrisons both in Aigyptos and overseas, and on both sides of the many civil wars which wracked the Ptolemaic state from the late third century on. While this population initially consisted almost exclusively of native Aigyptians, years of immigration and Hellenization have changed the makeup of the Machimoi to a considerable degree. While it still maintained a native Aigyptian character, the vast majority of Machimoi had first- or second-generation Hellenic, Asian, Galatian, or Thraikian ancestors.

    Dorkim Maurim (Maure Infantry)

    Maure infantry are fast moving skirmishing troops used by the Carthaginians and Berber chieftains. They are recruited from the most Western provinces of North Africa. A land known by their warriors and their unique fighting style. They are armed with javelins and a sword of North African origin, similar to the Takouba used these days by the Tuareg people. The Maures are protected by a shield made of elephant hide and by a tunic made of animal fur that they use like it was a breastplate.

    They should avoid being sucked into hand-to-hand combat, as they do better in the job of harassing the enemy with their javelins. Their tactics are to pelt the enemy with deadly volleys of javelins, and then swiftly retreat when charged.

    Historically, Maures were very similar to their Numidian neighbors. Greek and Roman historians say they were darker than other North African tribes, to the point to be called “Western Ethiopians”. They were also great warriors and were one of the troops mentioned by Hannibal in his inscription left in Italy.

    Qala'im Numidim (Numidian Slingers)

    Numidian slingers came from the shepherd nomads who used their slings to protect their herds from predators. They're quite skilled with their slings, which truly is a deceptively simple weapon. One end of the sling is looped around his wrist while the other is released when the stone is launched. A sling bullet would not be seen in flight and was capable of shattering a shield or penetrating unarmored flesh to a range of about 100 metres when slung by a skilled man.

    Numidian slingers are best used as light skirmishers. With no armor and very simple melee weapons, they rush forward toward the enemy to pepper them with stones, only to flee when threatened.

    Historically, slingers seem to have been used in almost all corners of the world in some form and North Africa was no exception.Hand slings are very easy and cheap to make, and yet they are a respectable weapon. They generally consisted of a single long strip of leather or woven wool, with a central "pocket" for the stone. The longer the sling, the greater its range.

    Qasatim Numidim (Numidian Archers)

    Ever since the dawn of our people, we have fought from a distance. With sling and javelin we conquered the sands, only the cowardly settled people behind their walls resisting our might. When the Phoenicians came, they conspired with our settled cousins and drove us into our desert homeland. To our shame, the newcomers had a weapon that could outperform our traditional arms. But we adapted, we adopted, and we gained prominence again. With their composite bows in our hands, we became the most feared and sought after archers in the Western Mediterranean. We wear none of the cowards' armor, for it slows us in battle. Our stout Canaanite bows deliver death from afar, sending heavy arrows tearing through the ranks of the armored enemy. With a hat-helm protecting us from the harshness of the sun, we can deliver volley after volley of indirect fire. When the enemy is routed, we descend upon him like ravenous hyenas, and bash their heads in with our cudgels. If attacked up close, we can give a good enough account of ourselves, as our weapons will tackle all but the most heavily armored infantry, but we believe this is a waste of good archers. Use us wisely, general, and remember that we can win battles for you if employed properly.

    Historically, the Numidian peoples lacked all but the simple bow until the arrival of Phoenicians at the end of the Bronze Age. Though it took some time, Numidians began to take up the bow with tremendous vigor. Soon, Carthage itself was replacing Phoenician archers with Numidian, and sending the former to become Marines in her great navy. Numidian archers were battle winners for the Romans as well, giving extremely good accounts of themselves under Caesar and against the Celts and Germans who resisted the onslaught of Rome.

    Qala'im Balearim (Balearic Slingers)

    Trained from a verly early age in the use of their various types of slings and projectiles, they have reached an extremelly rare proeficiency in long range skirmishing. Fast, due to their light equipment, and with much more precision and power than other slingers, they are ideal mercenaries to have in any army that can afford their services. Contrary to most light skirmishers, their experience can be used effectivelly to strike down any unorganized foes in hand-to-hand combat. As any light infantry, they are vulnerable to cavalry.

    Historically, the Balearic Slingers became famous throughout the mediterranean world due to their increadible skill in battle. These skills prompted the Carthaginians and Romans to use them whenever they were able to do so. A good example of the skill that won them renow is Diodorus Siculus' chronicle of the Battle of Eknomos in 311BC: "But when Hamilcar saw that his men were being overpowered and that the Greeks in constantly increasing number were making their way into the camp, he brought up his slingers, who came from the Balearic Islands and numbered at least a thousand. By hurling a shower of great stones, they wounded many and even killed not a few of those who were attacking, and they shattered the defensive armour of most of them. For these men, who are accustomed to sling stones weighing a mina, contributed a great deal toward victory in battle, as they practised constantly with the sling since childhood. In this way they drove the Greeks from the camp and defeated them. Their equipment for fighting consists of three slings, and of these they keep one around the head, another around the belly, and the third in the hands. In the business of war they hurl much larger stones than do any other slingers, and with such force that the missile seems to have been shot, as it were, from a catapult; consequently, in their assaults upon walled cities, they strike the defenders on the battlements and disable them, and in pitched battles they crush both shields and helmets and every kind of protective armour. And they are so accurate in their aim that in the majority of cases they never miss the target before them. The reason for this is the continual practice which they get from childhood, in that their mothers compel them, while still young boys, to use the sling continually; for there is set up before them as a target a piece of bread fastened to a stake, and the novice is not permitted to eat until he has hit the bread, whereupon he takes it from his mother with her permission and devours it!!".

    Merkabim Garamantim (Garamantine Chariots)

    The Garamantine nobles and chieftains ride in large chariots across the desert from which they throw spears and javelins at their enemies. These men are the most wealthy and highest ranking among the tribes of the Garamantes and thus wear more elaborate clothing, such as pants. They also carry Berber swords, though these are difficult to wield from the back of a moving chariot. Beware of the zealous nature of these men as they will try to engage the enemy, even in close quarters, for they are used to hunting down the cowardly Troglodytai Ethiopians of the Sahara, and not accustomed to facing disciplined soldiers. Use them with care and they will ride down your foes for you!

    History: The chariots used by the Garamantes are described in Herodotus as being four horsed. While this style did exist in North Africa, the Carthaginians using four horse chariots for example, it was somewhat impractical. The rock art of the Garamantines depicts their chariots as being driven by two horses, which seems a more realistic number. As Herodotus is known for his embellishment, the archaeological evidence was favoured.

    The Garamantines were a group of Berber tribes living in North central Africa on the fringe of the Sahara desert that herded cattle and irrigated farmland. They conducted raids against towns to the North and against the nomadic Saharan people known to the Greeks as the Troglodytai. The Garamantines reached dominance in the second and third century AD and are often referred to as one of the first great Berber nations. They fought on foot, from horseback and from chariots. Much of the evidence for their equipment comes from their own rock art and Egyptian paintings of Libyan soldiers. According to their own later rock art, the Garamantes changed little in appearance from those Libyan tribes which raided dynastic Egypt long before the Greeks and Romans were major world powers.

    Herodotos refers to the Garamantes as a fierce and aggressive tribe that would hunt down the Troglodytai but also says that they are a people who know little of war. Herodotos made the Garamantines famous for his fanciful tale of the cattle they raised which supposedly had horns so long they had to graze backwards. The last Roman triumph celebrated by a general not related to the Imperator, or the Imperator himself, was against the Garamantes in the first century BC by Lucius Cornelius Balbus.

    Dorkim Garamantim (Garamantine Infantry)

    The Garamantine warriors are masters of hit and run tactics. Striking in raids from their oasis strongholds they attack towns, outposts, watchtowers, and nomadic tribes. They fight first with throwing spears and javelins but can close or hold when necessary with their spears and leather shields. They wear ostrich feathers tied to their heads to make them appear more fearsome and impressive and wear a cow skin cloak for protection both on the battlefield and against the natural environment.


    Iphikratous Hoplitai (Greek Hoplite Phalanx)

    The hoplite went through a technological revolution from the time of the Peloponnesian War right until about 250 BC. Gone were the old hoplon shield and metal cuirass; gone were the short spears and crested helmets. These men were equipped with the latest in Hellenic technological innovation. Longer spears, linen and leather armor, lighter shields, boots, and Attic style helmets were the order of the day. This equipment put the hoplite on a par with his Makedonian rival to the north and made him lighter and quicker. These men are the quintessential heavy spear phalanx of the post-Peloponnesian era, and should be utilized in such a fashion. They are mobile and less tactically rigid than their Makedonian counterpart (whose primary job is to tie up the enemy infantry). They’re hard hitting and well able to engage in melee with their shorter xiphos swords if the phalanx is disrupted. They’re still vulnerable to flanking attacks and to missile troops, but are on a par with the Diadochoi’s troops as a unit.

    Historically, the reforms of Iphikrates are the most notable in the series of innovations that befell the Hellenes, though they weren’t as readily embraced until after the Makedonian phalanx proved the traditional hoplites obsolete. Prior to that, even Athenai and Thebai – who were the least reluctant to accept the changes - were not eager to accept the changes and didn’t begin to field the newer Hoplitai in very large numbers. Some poleis such as Sparte refused to accept the new equipment, and Spartiatai Hoplitai to this day use more conservative armaments. During the long series of internecine squabbles with Hellenistic powers and one another, the Hellenic cities had a great deal of trouble dealing with enemy mobile troops. This is offset somewhat by their equipment. Iphikrates himself can be reasonably credited with the adoption of a smaller shield, a longer spear, a better sword, and lighter armor. The helmet came later, at around 350 BC, followed by a further lengthening of the spear and adoption of the small thureos shield after the Galatiai incursions. Boots were adopted by the Hellenes around 300 BC and the final lengthening of the spear (to better fight the Makedones) happened near 280 BC. Numbers of individual armies dwindled due to infighting and constant mercenary activity.

    Massaliotai Hoplitai (Massilian Medium Hoplites)

    Massalia is a city in an interesting position. It is a Greek city, but with a substantial Celtic population and relations with neighboring Celtic tribes. Its soldiers have adjusted themselves with some Celtic gear to make them of greater use in a close melee if the phalanx is abandonned. They make use of a superior Celtic longsword in close quarters, able to handle themselves better in such situations compared to others with lesser weapons.

    Historically, Massalia was home to a substantial Greco-Celt population who were attracted to the temple of Herakles there. The inhabitants of Massalia remained largely Greek in culture, but trading, intermarrying, and fighting with nearby Celtic tribes led to crossovers in the equipment carried by each side. The soldiers of Massalia, for example, began using Celtic-style longswords and occassionally other pieces of equipment. They fought, otherwise, in a manner more typical of Hellenic soldiers.

    Spartiatai Hoplitai (Spartan Hoplites)

    The Spartans are the greatest warriors in the entire world, or so they think, anyway. Spartan youths are trained from birth to be soldiers, and as such are ferocious fighters that often fight to the last man. They have extremely high morale and discipline, and are armed and armored more conservatively than most other Greek hoplites. Spartans still use the hoplon, but have shifted to the pilos helmet and muscled cuirass. They still use the traditional spear of the Greek hoplite to great effect. Spartans can punch a hole through almost any line, and fight extremely well with their overhand spears. They are elite, and as their description implies, very expensive and time consuming to train. Though their tactics are somewhat anachronistic, their fighting spirit leaves little doubt that they are still a formidable force.

    Historically, Sparta was the first experiment in what we might recognize today as militarized National Socialism. Their boys were taken from the parents as soon as they were able to walk and trained to be soldiers. They were often beaten and generally mistreated by their teachers until they reached an age where they could fight back. They engaged in heavy physical activity from an early age, exercising and practicing to fight almost as a religion. They were encouraged to steal and be crafty to survive, but were often beaten if caught. There are even some accounts of required sodomy between the young boys and sometimes even wife sharing, with the belief that a military unit should even love together! In this harsh environment, tough and fanatical soldiers are produced. When the Spartans were finally defeated and subjugated by the Romans, one of the more conservative Roman nobles is said to have wept and lamented the passing of a warrior culture without equal. The Spartan mantra is: march back in triumph with your shield, or be brought back lying upon it.

    Misthophoroi Phalangitai (Mercenary Hellenic Medium Phalanx)

    Misthophoroi Phalangitai are mercenary Pezhetairoi. These are the heart of the military machine of all the Diodachoi kindgoms. They are well disciplined and highly motivated pikemen that are armed and armored to the teeth. They are armored in a linen cuirass, a Thraikian cap, a bronze greave on the left leg, stout boots, good bracers, and reinforced shoulder pads made from hardened linen (due to their experience with the deadly curved swords of Thrace). They have Illyrian style round shields attached to their bodies by leather straps that help support the weight of the shield and keep their hand free to grasp the long and unwieldy sarissa. They are defensive infantry par excellence and are the anvil of the two part Makedonian system of warfare, the heavy cavalry being the hammer. They should be used to anchor enemy soldiers while the Thureophoroi harass the flanks and the heavy cavalry smashes into the flanks and rear.

    Historically, the Pezhetairoi are the classic Alexandrian phalanx. They were used to great effect against the Persai, Medoi, Baktrioi, Indoi, Phoinikes, and many, many others. They are an effective force and have not changed much over the centuries. The Romaioi were able to defeat them as easily as they did for two main reasons. One, the Romaioi army was at a high state of readiness and tactical prowess after defeating the Karchedoi. Two, the heavy cavalry arm of the Diodochoi armies had degenerated to the point where they were no longer able to field significant numbers to fulfill their part of the hammer and anvil tactic of Alexandros. There were also many lesser reasons, numbering among them the misuse of the Thureophoroi, the under use of Peltastai, and the lax state of warfare that the Diodachoi states were used to. In any case, the phalanx was not as anachronistic or inflexible as widely believed; it was simply misused and under-supported. In the thirteenth century and onwards, pikemen in similar formations were able to work wonders with more capable generals and a better cavalry arm. Do not under appreciate pikemen, for they are still a war winning force.

    Toxotai Kretikoi (Kretan Archers)

    The island of Krete is famous for its archers, and the Kretes themselves for their reputation as liars and brigands. These men hire themselves out as mercenaries for almost any Mediterranean power who can afford them, as their skills are often unmatched by other archers. Apart from their bow, they also have short swords and they wear hardened linen armor and carry a small shield. Not only are the Kretes good archers, but they can also fare well in melee against similarily equipped opponents.

    Historically, Toxotai Kretikoi served in most Hellenic armies and other Mediterranean armies from early history, from Carthage in the west to the Seleukids in the east. One of their most famous exploits was in Xenophon's "Ten Thousand", where they gave a good account of themselves against the Persians. Krete during this time was rife with civil wars, and it was often those Kretes on the losing side, or who got fed up with the unstable situation, who migrated overseas and hired themselves out as mercenary bowmen. The Diadochoi tried to gain control of the island, but were unsuccessful. The constant civil wars attracted outlaws and other unwantables to Krete, and during the Hellenistic period bad behaviour was called "Kretan Way". During the 1st century BC, the Cilician pirates established themselves on Krete and many Kretes joined them in piracy, which drew the ire of Rome. The first Roman expedition in 74 BC was soundly defeated, but the second expedition in 68 BC managed to subjugate the island with great brutality. It was afterwards made into a military colony, which for centuries to come supplied the Roman army with auxiliary archers, and their renown continued well into the Middle Ages. There is even distinct mention of Kretan archers defending Constantinople in 1453 AD!


    Iberi Scutari (Iberian Medium Spearmen)

    These Iberian spearmen are referred to as Scutarii by the Romans because of their large oval shields (the Latin word for shield being "Scutum"). They are well-equipped medium spearmen, being armed with the dreaded all-metal soliferum, a spear as their main weapon, a short straight sword and a small dagger for backup. They protect themselves with a combination of leather armour and bronze breastplate. When all this equipment is put together you are left with an extremely versatile and quick infantry. As more permanent warriors than the Caetratii, they are more experienced and skilled, as well as better equipped and protected, generally forming the main line in Iberian armies. They use their "soliferum" before closing in for hand-to-hand combat. Although being considered by enemies as heavier troops then the Caetratii, they are, nevertheless, fast and come in handy when springing tactical ambushes on enemy units. Most Iberian warriors were known for their determination and skill and Scutarii are no exception. They are, with the traditional Iberian ferociousness, quite determined.

    Historically, the design of the later Roman legionary sword (or "gladius") was influenced by the blades carried by these men (known by the Romans as "gladius hispanniensis"). This design was adopted after Roman armies had faced large formations of Scutarii during the First Punic War.

    Centuries of feuding among the Iberian tribes hardened the people in such a way that there was no shortage of tough, determined and cunning warriors. Iberians used varied weapons, shields and armour, differing according to region, wealth, specific battlefield tasks and personal preference - most swords ("falcatas" and "gladius hispanniensis") were custom built to suit the arm length, weight and strength of it's owner. Even though Iberian tactics were generally constant and specific, they were also unpredictable and very effective when properly used. The Iberians' ability to hide, while keeping their enemy under close watch, before performing coordinated attacks followed by swift retreats, allowed them to surprise enemies when least expected. These Iberian hit and run tactics were called by the Romans "concursare", and sometimes described as "simple absence of tactics". It is known, however, that to perform these coordinated attacks and retreats, across an entire army, in simultaneous different areas, needed an impressive amount of organization and signaling that was probably performed through the use of commonly found rounded ceramic horns. Although the many tribes that populated Iberia never became united under a single ruler before the Roman invasions, several temporary alliances against foreign enemies were known. These alliances, linked to the Iberians' great determination to remain independent of any foreign power, constituted a unenviable obstacle that put Carthage and Rome at check for more than a century.

    Iberi Curisi (Iberian Medium Cavalry) [scutarii cav]

    The Curisi are no different from most cavalrymen in Iberia. They are surprisingly good horsemen for a country with common rough terrain. Riding their agile, resilient Iberian horses they are good medium cavalry that are able to perform the role of shock against light troops. They wear bronze helmets and chest plates combined with leather armor, which gives them staying power in a melee contest. They carry the normal "falcata" and "caetra" combination of the Iberian tribes, which allows them to hold their own in a melee situation, although being more adept at spearing down fleeing enemies. They are armored and fast enough to stand up to most light and medium cavalry and some medium infantry, but will generally get cut to pieces by heavier spear infantry or cavalry. A good commander will take this into account.

    Historically, the Iberian Curisii were excellent medium cavalry, being used by the Carthaginians, due to their agility, in a more versatile screening role than heavier cavalry. Iberian tribes used them in the same task on occasions of open confrontation, but preferred to take advantage of their stealth before using them in a surprise charge against enemy units, as all Iberian horses were trained to be quiet and silent. This skillful training of Iberian horses combined well with hit and run surprise tactics. Due to the lack of quality of Roman cavalry, they almost always had an advantage that was muted somewhat with the arrival of mercenaries from Numidia and the eastern steppe. In addition, the Curisii demonstrated their great ability to chase down light cavalry, making them truly a unit deserving of the fame given them.

    Loricati Caetrati (Iberian Medium Infantry) [scutarii, no spear]

    The Iberians are famous the world over for their extremely versatile and excellent quality light infantry. Loricatii Caetratii are no exception. Among the most able and skilled warriors, some men became veterans and assume in Iberian warfare a more permanent warrior role near their chieftains. Used to take advantage of the spoils of war that more permanent fighters are able to enjoy, these men are therefore better equipped than the lighter Caetratii, having as protection a breastplate and leather armour combination supplementing their "bascinet"-type bronze helm. Fighting with the traditional "soliferum" + "falcata" + "caetra" set, and being more motivated and resilient than greener troops, they are dangerous foes able to strike vulnerable spots in the enemy lines. These men are a step above normal light infantry, and they can be relied upon to defeat far more heavily armored opponents in battle. They are vulnerable to cavalry though, due to their lack of anti-cavalry weapons.

    Historically, as with most Iberian warriors, weapons were a matter of preference and depended on the style of fighting they used. Therefore, some men had equipment to become considered Scutarii but preferred the use of the "falcata" and "caetra" to the spear, "gladius" and large oval shield combination. Veteran and well-equipped Caetratii were among the most feared opponents of the Romans. With their martial art of sword and buckler fighting allied to the unpredictability of Iberian ambushes, they were excellent in single combat and were often able to surprise and kill Roman soldiers in this manner. In unit combat, they were almost as fierce, easily equaling the Roman Hastatii.


    Aichmetai Leukanoi (Lucanian Light Infantry)

    Aichmetai Leukanoi are deployed and used as most javelin-equipped skirmishers. They run forward to pepper an enemy with javelins, and then withdraw before a counter-attack can be organised. Their job is to screen the main force of the army, and harass the enemy with a shower of javelins to disrupt their formation, so the more heavier infantry can engage with better odds. The Aichmetai Leukanoi are equipped with javelins, a spear and nothing more. Their speed is their best and only armour. Any wise general should thus try to keep them unexposed to enemy cavalry, as in melee the light infantry will quickly rout.

    Historically, the Leukanoi occupied the province of Calabria in the 4th century B.C, except for the Greek coastal colonies. They were either at war or allied with their neighbours throughout their history. They allied themselves with Pyrrhos of Epeiros when he invaded, and although defeated and subjugated by Romans after the Pyrrhic War, they joined Hannibal during the Second Punic War and raised an army of 20.000 men to fight for him. After the war ended, the Leukanoi were defeated again, and their homeland and population was devastated. The Social War in 91-88 B.C saw the end of them as a people.

    Getikoi Stratiotai (Dacian Light Phalanx) [i suspect they based the Dacian Spearmen off these guys, but they don't wield swords either or fight in a disciplined spear wall]

    The tribes that came into contact with the Hellenic poleis founded on the western shores of the Pontos Euxeinos formed a distinct breed of warriors. These men were renowned for their fierceness, and all Makedonian expeditions sent against them effectively disappeared in the "Getic wasteland", while Makedonian kings like Lysimachos knew Getic captivity. Their contact with the Hellenic poleis made them well familiarized with the phalanx formation. These men are equipped with Phrygian helmets, padded leather armor and large oval shields. For weapons, they carry a spear and a sica into battle, similar to most Hellenic phalanx soldiers.

    Historically, the Getai who lived near the western shore of the Pontus Euxine were the most Hellenized. They were praised and feared as mercenaries. They were also very successful in some of their battles against the Greeks, and later against the Romans. Due to the more relaxed phalanx they adopted and favored by their light armor the Hellenes often engaged them against non-phalanx medium infantry, like peltastai or thureophoroi. Herodotos wrote that these Getai were “the bravest and most righteous of all Thraikians”. Most take this to mean they were the most dogmatic of the Thraikians, fitting the religious zeal the Getai often showed later. They often showed pragmatism when dealing with the Hellenic colonies, often forcing these into a protectorate status; their direct commercial and cultural contacts with the poleis helped them to rapidly advance to high degrees of civilization, although their tribal traditions still held strong.

    Drapanai (Dacian Falxmen)

    The Drapanai contingents are made up of resolute warriors, well aware of their role on the battlefield as shock troops. While the average Getic soldier tells himself he is immortal, the Drapanai, more than any others, join battle without fear of death. They fight bare-chested and with only baggy trousers, not for protection but to keep some warmth. Their trademark though is the falx, a vicious blade capable of severing limbs and causing horrible wounds with a single, crushing blow. These warriors are best used as shock troops against enemy infantry. If used properly, they can cut their way through and open a gap in the enemy battle line, allowing other Getic warriors to exploit the opening. Their lack of armour might be a drawback against concentrated enemy missile fire and they should thus not be exposed to enemy ranged infantry needlessly.

    Historically, a Drapanai soldier is the archetype of the Getic warrior, bare-chested and armed with the falx. The falx weapon was developed from the Thracian rhomphaia and it became a traditional weapon among the Getai. The ones wielding it and who often made up the Drapanai were young vigorous warriors, striving to achieve recognition among their kin and fellow men. The religious aspects should not be overlooked either, as these men formed the frontline and served as shock troops which meant they were more exposed to the enemy, where the Getic religious zeal was of immense importance as these warriors did not fear death, because death was the gateway to their prophet-god Zalmoxis. Their valor is best shown during the Second Dacian War, when the Roman soldiers were issued new types of armor, greaves, modified helmets and especially stronger armguards to protect themselves against the falx, and Roman troops stationed in Dacia, as the Romans called Getia, in the later first century AD were still issued these armguards and armor pieces so not to lose their limbs!

    Komatai Toxotai (Dacian Archers)

    The bow had an important role in Getic rituals and thus experienced archers would always be appreciated within their community. Also, hunting was a primary occupation, and their widely forested lands provided them with all the game they needed. In times of war, hunters and skilled archers thus formed into war bands. Apart from the bow they only have a short spear and wear leather armor, armguards and baggy trousers for protection. The Getai preferred harassment tactics over pitched battle in many cases, and thus the bow is looked upon highly by the tribal warriors. Thus, these archers should be used for harassing the enemy formations, breaking them up before a strong infantry charge is mounted, preferably by the Drapanai for best effect. In forested areas the Komatai Toxotai can be lethal as their background makes them expert at using the forest to their advantage. While more than excellent archers, they should not be expected to perform equally well in close-combat, as their short spears impede closing in safely on the enemy in the absence of a shield.

    Historically, Getic archers were a valuable force, superior in skill to all their neighbors, save perhaps the Skythians. Archery reached its pinnacle probably around the first century AD, by which time the composite bow had been adopted on a nearly universal scale.

    Mezenai (Dacian Light Cavalry)

    These horsemen form the mounted counterparts of the Komatai war bands. They ride into battle armored with studded leather armor and trousers, while carrying javelins, spears and short swords. Their nimble horses allow for very good performance in any type of terrain, being often used to screen flanks, charge home and for pursuit once an enemy is broken. They are also expert scouts and perfectly suited for the scorched-earth raiding tactics commonly used by the Getai. While they can pose problems to heavy cavalry when using javelins, they’ll also carve a bloody path through most medium cavalry with their spears.

    Historically, the word ‘mezena’ is a purely Thracian one meaning rider or horseman as a tomb inscription reveals. These riders were nothing more than Komatai who could afford losing their horse on the battlefield. They preferred the short sword to the common sica due to their stabbing effectivness and in pursuit. Their numbers fluctuated, and could at times be considerable. When Alexandros pushed up to the Danube, many thousands from the Mezenai confronted him there.

    Thraikioi Rhomphaiaphoroi (Elite Thracian Infantry) [Thracian Warriors]

    The elite infantry of the Thraikian tribes are armed with the heaviest of Thraikian weapons, the rhomphaia. Unlike most other Thraikian warriors, these warriors can afford relatively heavy armor and are thus armored with chain mail or scale cuirasses, Phrygian helmets--often with elaborately moulded cheek pieces, bronze greaves and a pelta. They are armored infantry killers of great renown, well able to chop their way through heavily armored enemy soldiers. These soldiers can even be effective against armored horsemen, since their large rhomphaia have been known to sheer through the legs of horses. In the right hands, this band of warriors can be a devastating battle-winning force in itself.

    Historically, there were relatively few of these soldiers in any Thraikian army, but they were always at the forefront, where the fighting was thickest. Each had risen to a position of power within his respective tribe, often they formed the elite troops of the chief or local king. The Rhomphaiaphoroi represent the pinnacle of the Thrakian military know-how. In the old Thraikian way of battle, the Rhomphaiaphoroi would form the brunt of a decisive charge, once the Peltastai had worn down the enemy. Their charge was nearly unstoppable, and often led to outright routs against less stalwart opponents, as their fearful Rhomphaia, sturdy weapons composed of nearly two meters of heavy iron, could pierce thick armor, and cleave limb from torso with little trouble. With their row of long iron points, bands of Rhomphaiaphoroi could also defend against oncoming horse, and when wielded by a skilled swordsman a single blow could hamstring a horse or sever an enemy’s limbs.

    Thraikioi Peltastai (Thraikian Peltasts) [unfortunately, the Rome 2 version is lightly armored but they dish out heavy amounts od damage]

    The Thraikian Peltast was the originator and the best of the Peltastai and these men will often give a better service than their Hellenic counterparts. They are armored in good quality linen and carry a smaller version of the thureos style shield. They are Hellenized warriors, but still have their trademark wild beards, which serve to remind their enemies of their country of origin. They are expert javelinmen, able to pepper their targets with javelins before charging in with their fearsome rhomphaias. They are well trained and among the fiercest and most feared warriors in the entire world, and they know it. This often makes them very impetuous, but an able general should be able to keep them at bay until the right moment. Thraikioi Peltastai can be used with equal precision as skirmishers or medium shock infantry. They are even deadly against armored horsemen, due to their wicked armor-piercing blades.

    Historically, the Thraikioi Peltastai have been around since the late Bronze Age and are often considered the archetype of the Thraikian warrior, though these Hellenized Peltastai are considerably more heavily armored than their fifth century ancestors. The Thraikioi Peltastai have been plying their deadly trade against Hellenes for as long as any Thraikian or Hellene can remember, and their method of warfare was so effective it was copied by the Hellenes and Makedonians and even mimicked by tribes as distant as the Illyrians. The number of battles and by whom they were used is uncountable. Suffice to say Thraikian peltastai have been used in every major conflict between Hellenic states, and will continue to be used.

    Thraikioi Prodromoi (Thracian Medium Cavalry) [Albeit the ones in Rome 2 use javelins, so they might have combined 2 units from EB]

    In the Thraikian and Makedonian armies, these medium cavalry are a common sight. The reason for this is that they are excellent medium cavalry, capable of skirmishing, charging, and fighting fairly well in melee. They are armored with good quality linen, bronze helms, and the distinctive Thraikian shields that mark their country of origin. They are an extremely versatile cavalry force that can be given the moniker ‘jack of all trades and master of none’. They are great all-round cavalry, but will not fare well against heavier cavalry or spear or pike armed infantry. They are drawn from the lower Thraikian nobility and many have settled in Makedonia, lured by land grants and higher pay.

    Historically, Thraikian light cavalry was some of the best in the ancient world. They proved their worth in battle after battle, whether in Makedonian or Hellenic service, or the service of their own kings. Their tactical versatility made them a light cavalry equivalent to that of the Romaioi legions, well able to perform any battle role and to adapt quickly to any circumstance.

    Eqvites Thracvm (Thracian Auxiliary Cavalry)

    The Thracians field a versatile medium cavalry equipped for both, skirmishing and shock actions. Besides their swords, every rider carries several light javelins to skirmish with the enemy flank guards or simply weaken the enemy formations before the roman infantry engages or the Thracian horsemen charge to finish them. Compared to most Thracian cavalry, the well paid and supplied horsemen serving with our legions are equipped with considerably better gear. Most of their equites wear lorica squamata (scale mail) with iron scales and good quality bronze helmets. Additionally the Thracian fight with a large oval shield, rarely used by most nations' cavalrymen. Although these heavy shields are difficult to handle in most combat situations, and limit the use of the reigns, they have proved their enormous value in battle, by offering a vastly increased defence in close combat as well as against missile fire.
    Together with other auxiliaries the Thracian horsemen give our legions the much needed effective cavalry support and are a worthy replacement for the roman equites of previous centuries.

    Historically, various auxiliary cavalry completely replaced the Italic contingents in the roman armies of the late republic. During the late second century BC, Thrace and most of the Balkan peninsula came under roman dominance, although it stayed an independent client state and did not became a formal province unit 46 AD. In the last century of the republic, Thracian contingents made up of mostly cavalry, were often requested when a new roman army was raised and fought alongside it in campaigns throughout the Mediterranean world, from northern Africa to Asia and the Balkans.

    Later, in the early Principate the Thracians had to supply the imperial army directly with recruits, in addition to the usual contingents sent by the Thracian king that still supported roman operations on the Balkan peninsula.
    The continuous roman drafts caused some unrest and disturbance throughout Thrace, but despite these troubles the loyalty of the cohorts and alae thracum that were formed with these men remained unquestioned, and the Thracian soldiers in the auxilia made a far greater part of it than it would be expecter from their percentage in the empire's population. Probably through this recruitment practice the Thracian units still received the bulk of their replacements from their homeland while the majority of auxiliary soldiers were already recruited in their area of operation, they too changed to mainly local recruitment a few decades later in the first century AD.

    Allied and subdued states and tribes always had to supply the roman army with troops. Almost at all times at least 50% of Roma’s soldiers were non-citizens. During the first centuries of the republic the old alae of the Italic socii were organized and equipped in a similar way to the roman legions, but around the beginning of the 1st century BC the situation changed. After the social war almost all the free people of Italia received roman citizenship and could now be recruited into the regular legions. In the decades after the “marian reforms” the roman light infantry disappeared. The ordo equester, having been unable for decades to provide a sufficient number of cavalry for the many wars the late republic had to fight, was split up in two main groups. A mainly political elite that filled out the numerous officer and administrative posts the ever growing Res Publica had to offer, and a pure economical elite, the large majority of the Roman and Italic equestrians.

    The various different peoples now ruled by the republic were a much more heterogeneous group than the former Italic socii. Depending on their relative military strengths, they had to supply the roman army with the various troop types needed, besides heavy infantry, in order to be competitive on the battlefield.

    Most of these troops were levied in the surrounding areas under roman control prior to campaign and only large scale or intesively prepared wars demanded additional forces and specialised units from distant areas of the Roman world. Many of the auxiliaries fought under their own chieftains and officers, while others, especially those recruited from regular provinces, were commanded by roman officers and even organized in roman manner. Usually the auxiliary units were disbanded and sent home after the end of a conflict. However, in the continuous wars during the last decades of the republic many served so long alongside the legions and fought for their generals that they were largely Romanized in the end.

  16. This is almost unfair. Actually it is.




    I think we maxed out our faction's level.


    Hellas has been receiving hella unrest due to our abrupt takeover, so an edict of Romanisation has been enacted in order to speed up assimilation.



    Knossos is now our client state, and will remain in their little territory in Asia.



    Egypt's an enemy now? Well bring it on!


    Before cooking a turkey, baste the meat.




    Yay, another wonder under our control.





    Turns out wonders give bonuses, and I never thought to look them up by highlighting those tiny icons in the bottom left of the screen.



    NEW GREEK AND MACEDONIAN MEMBERS OF THE BITTERMELON BRIGADE, SHOW YOUR METTLE. The Iberians and Illyrians get to take a break today.


    If you're wondering exactly what Iphrikatous Hoplites are, they're actually the actual form of most hoplites by the Roman era of history. The old hoplite (aka the ones you saw as regular units or the Mercenary Veteran Hoplites) were actually quite outdated when Macedon started fielding pikemen, who had longer pikes. As a result, one of the Greek generals Iphrikates reformed the hoplites to ditch much of their armor: Instead of wearing bronze cuirasses they wore the linen armor/linothorax that peltasts wore, threw the round hoplon shield away in excange for the oval thureos, carried a longer spear, and also used swords more in combat. The result was a much more mobile spearman who could circle around pike blocks a lot more easily. However, they were more vulnerable to projectile attacks

    Alright, enough of my history lesson.

    Sparta actually did exist around this time period too, but they were just a former shadow of themselves. No "300" super soldiers here. They never did reform their military much, though they did take up the pike in their twilight years. They united the city states against Macedon, but ultimately lost. The mercenary Spartan heroes are just a joke unit for the heck of it, though it would be nice to have a bit of a "Spartan lifestyle" mascot in the Bittermelon Brigade. The Romans, for all their hatred on pansy Greek philosophy, held the Spartan lifestyle and ideas in high regard.







    The sarissa reached 20 feet in length. In a way, you can say that hoplites evolved into pikemen.


    Even Spartans must take plenty of casualties charging into that mass of pike points. They make it through, if only because the enemy couldn't put up a whole line of pikemen, allowing the other Greek units to break through.







    I like how I designed the unit to fight with both spear and sword. Funny why the game developers didn't come up with this when the game engine allowed it.









    As the Coarse Lads move through the Cisalpine region they encounter more eager volunteers.
    To make room, some Auxiliaries had to be disbanded. Gotta get MOAR COARSE.




    The city of Massalia is actually known today as Marseilles. I found cut content (seriously, there's cut content everyfuckingwhere in the files) in the form of Massalian Hoplites and restored them to the game. They're Greeks who wear Celtic chainmail and fight with spear and Celtic longswords so they have a slight edge over the standard hoplite in close combat.


    The Cyprians are desperate. Without territory, they send all their navies and whatever armies they had around the Mediterranean at my settlements.

    I wish things got more on the level of D-Day like in Saving Private Ryan.





    Pikemen without pikes are better off dead. They have no skill at all with swords.





    Our longbowmen show no mercy. They set transport ships alight with flaming arrows.






    Next to defend is AVBT. HAMMER THIS.


    Alexandria is rather well developed, but if you noticed, it uses the same map that Cyrene uses. Complete with the glitched bridge.

    Oh, here's some of the African troops I hired/created/modded in







    Ooh, Karian Axemen. That's one group you never really hear about.


    I like how archers take cover when shooting from walls.



    Poor bastards. They never made it off the ship.








    Dammit CA, you fucked up the battlefield AI. They're supposed to target my units at the gate, not rush for the closest capture point and getting slaughtered in the process!



    These poor guys landed in the glitched bridge section of the city. My slingers don't have enough range to get all of them, and I can't send anyone over to kill off the Cyprians. All I could do was wait for the battlefield timer to count down to 0.






    Some guys manage to avoid glitches and make it over to the troops, but the fight was out of them.







    A.V.B.T! A.V.B.T!




    Preliminary reports of Britannia reveal massive troop numbers there. I wonder if we should invade.


    Egyptian units have such low stats, but with proper leadership and Roman training they can prove themselves useful under the hot desert sun.



    The Bronze Wolves shall stand guard here.

    Egyptian agents arrive to disrupt our operations, and our own begin their covert warfare against them.



    Some Gallic units have been added to the game (they're balanced, thankfully) as the Gallic regions seriously need some more variety. More diversity for the Coarse Lads!







    The Euskadi receive the unit of Garamantine Chariots.


    Time to move southwards to Axum, aka Ethiopia.



  17. Alright you Germanians, to the front!

    Aside from all the spears, there are some swordsmen and insane berserkers that inflict morale penalties on the enemy.




    Germanic Scout Riders have horrible attack, but as long as they can tie up the Numidian cavalry I'm happy enough.



    But when the spears close in, it's time to hightail it out of there.







    I like how the Germanic unit models are a head taller than everyone else. They also have big faces




    The AI is still retarded, using all abilities that make the unit exhausted. My guys stay fresh, and easily wipe out the enemy.



    While on a whole the game isn't a masterpiece like the past games, I do appreciate the attention given to unit details and variation, the voice acting (WE ARE THE DAHK FORUSSSST), and the patterns on the buildings.

    In time, I do have hope that Creative Assembly can fix the bugs and glitches.











    Adeptus Serenus can use some light cavalry. We are kind of close to the steppes, and there's no telling what sort of units we may be facing.












    Legio AVBT would probably be nicknamed the African legion at the rate at which they're recruiting from the hardy locals. Light troops are great scouts and provide support that legionnaires sorely need.




    I've decided that the Euskadi Legion will be based around heavy infantry with "Experimental" (aka gimmicky) weapons such as the Scorpion, Polybolos, and from now on, Chariots and Elephants. We'll get elephants later. Bittermelon Brigade has recruited a unit of chariots into its ranks, but after a few battles they will be transferred to the Euskadi.


    Seeing that the Gallic mercs are the same as their Celtic counterparts, they will be disbanded.


    Garamantine Infantry were cut out of the game for whatever reason, so I'm putting them back in.

    Lucanians are my own creation, but I felt they deserved a place in the main campaign since they showed up in the Prologue, and they were one of the many peoples on the Italic peninsula. They fought like Peltasts but wielded spears for close combat instead of swords and daggers.



    Unit stat bonuses? Hell yes.


    The Coarse Lads sail back to the mainland, now that North Africa is secure. There they will look for new recruits.

    The Bittermelon will sail for Hieraptyna, which is also known as the island of Crete.



    Alright, time to get rid of Knossos and secure our hold on Greece.



    I kinda wish FE had chariots. They look too cool.





    It's like they only have slingers or something. The cavalry have a field day!



    Whatever little infantry they have is well..slaughtered by the Iberians.







    Man these guys are pushovers.




    A tide of raging Iberians and Illyrians wash over the city.







    You'd think they might get so impetuous they'll charge straight into the water.











    We haven't seen the Capitolines in action for awhile.











    Turns out the buildings block your men from moving past them, so we have to blow up more walls.



    You want some dead pig with your stones?






    Velites may be weak in melee, but with experience and numbers they can be solid fighters. Just not against cavalry though.




    I almost feel bad for the Knossos troops.






  18. You know, these barbarians look like they'd fit in a lot better in the desert weather, though I do worry about skin cancer.



    I hate it when other neighbors jack regions that I want to conquer before I can get there.



    Ex-trade partners become enemies, and enemies stay enemies.









    I have a nasty habit of sending in my naval crews in first.

    Also, Scorpion towers are lethal turrets. They can destroy a unit of legionnaires in seconds.







    I'm a little mad that CA and Sega rushed the game and left behind this bug, then again one of their studio directors released a statement saying that the game was designed to obtin 90% metacritic scores, and anything that didn't appeal for the first 20 hours to reviewers would be scrapped. Well, this is why you don't see Loose Formation and GUard mode in the game. It's also why they didn't give a shit about this map glitch where this bridge is uncrossable. Don't they know the game review industry is a joke?

    Regardless, Sega reports the highest amount of sales for a Total War game for Rome 2, and the game is a commercial success.

    Now my naval crew is stranded; they must make the assault on their own while the Bronze Wolves sit there and watch.







    Things went well, until the Gyppos deployed their fucking pikes.

    Then everyone just died and....yeah.











    Well, Cyrene will have to wait.

    However, the Bittermelon Brigade is here!


    Back on the mainland, it's time to remove this festering sore called Macedon. Unlike its real life counterpart, it got boxed in by Knossos and the Thracians.




    Surprisingly, Cyrene falls to the Garamantines. We'll get them later, Bronze Wolves will have to land and attack from land.



    That padded armor doesn't look very protective.







    Sometimes this is how I imagine FE characters to feel when they take 3-4 javelins to the body, 1 damage each.




    The javelin cavalry withdraw, having received too many projectiles their way.


    Now it's time to send in the lancer cavalry to run down everyone else.












    This tech might be useless since we're swimming in money already



    North Africa just isn't getting a break.






    The Grand Camp following that travel with the Coarse Lads is so productive they help replenish losses. It's like they have a breeding tent or something


    Time to go after the Getae.





    The Getae are assigned Dacian units, which...well..don't look that much different from the Celts aside from having huge lances for their cavalry.









    Getae, Dacian, whatever. All will melt against Rome's might and be assimilated.








    I fought this battle out for shits and giggles. A blob can be as fun as a battle line.








    With the Getae out of Thracia, I make peace with them (for the moment.)



    Adeptus Serenus is probably going to turn into the Dacian/Thracian legion at this rate.



    North Africa is a game of whack-a-mole at the moment. Stomp out one army from one direction and another rises from nowhere to take your settlement. The Coarse Lads decide that it's better to stay put and defend the settlement until the enemy makes their move.





    Wow, an army of semi-professionals instead of levy. This might be fun!


  19. Iberian Scutarii Swords join the Bittermelon Brigade. These bloodthirsty mercenaries grow bored under the Pax Romana. Sending them east would give them many opportunities for hacking apart foes like steak.



    Time to finish what we started.




    I dislike how you can't ask client states to make peace with each other. If they were satrapies (eastern kingdom equivalent of client state) they'd automatically make peace. Ah well.




    An influx of Germans join the Bronze Wolves now that armies can support up to 30 units




    Capitoline Brigade specs more in engineering.

    I also like how the Emperor is in the field leading armies now that we're an empire, not a republic. And he dies the year after he arrived in North Africa....





    Alright ye Coarse Lads, let's see how your new members fare in battle. It turns out that the Mercenary Gallic Warriors and Gallic Horse are identical to the Celtic versions.

    Sidenote: Gallic just refers to the Celts in Gallia, aka modern-day France Celts refer to the barbarians from Celtiberia to Gaul to Briton. No, they're not laguz.







    For the sake that this is a game, the naked warriors were not portrayed as entirely naked. Yes, some Celts did fight completely nude. This was done to freak out their enemies and glorify themselves as well as inspire their fellow man. Wounds received while naked also tended to fester less because no dirty cloth got shoved into the wound. Yeah, there was a practical reason to fighting naked.




    We outclass them and outnumber them. I only sent in a few units to wipe out the defenders.

    Gotta say, the Germanians are alot well clothed than the Celts.




    I'd freak out too if I had to fight tall, naked men.







    There are some new mercenaries available, but of course any Germans who wish to join will have to speak to the representative of the Bronze Wolves. Rome can always use more men.




    Euskadi specs in heavy armor and melee damage, the hallmarks of Roman infantry.

    Adeptus Serenus, a relatively new legion, practices melee combat.




    I wouldn't be surprised if anyone was wondering why there's more Germans than Romans here.

    Well, we'll certainly need their help in conquering the Cherusci.





    We blitzed the Cherusci out of Magna Germania and we asked them to become our subjects. They didn't like it.



    Bittermelon brings some Balearic slingers to Legio AVBT to provide for ranged support.


    A mod that unlocks the Italic units fielded by the Etruscans allows the First Capua FIGHT to bolster their numbers. After all, they only take in Romans or Italics.




    Winter takes a toll on the Coarse Lads and so they cannot subjugate the Cherusci as quickly as desired. AVBT will have to support. Meanwhile, the battle between our client states the Ligurians and the Daorsi have resulted in a Ligurian victory.





    Time to upgrade our navy, biremes are not going to cut it.


    Hey look a rebel settlement. Let's take it!

    A new fleet in Germania (more like a group of patrol boats) will keep our coasts safe. Sort of.



    "My Emperor, I regret to inform you that we were a bit too slow in defeating the rebels; another power occupies that space now'



    I hate winter attrition. Kills off men more readily than battles.



    The Frisii accept peace. They've been pushed off to the middle of nowhere now, and I don't feel like pursuing them further.


    Liguria loses control of Delminium and the Daorsi return, this time not friends of ours. Fuck 'em.




    There is no rest when you serve as a soldier of Rome. Her interests are always expanding, and so too must you move to meet those needs. North Africa, SOON. I've been saying that for the past 20 years, haven't I?



    Researching Ammunition Stores would probably make the Capitoline Brigade OP.


    It's also time we break into Greece. Those boy-lovers seem to have fallen prey to the Triballi, which is a Thracian clan, and I'm sure we can always use some more special warriors in our ranks.



    The idea of the peltast started with Thrace. Their peltasts deal the most damage, but they wear less armor than the Greek version.








    Some armies just want to watch the world burn.





    Last time we had untrained Scorpion and Polybolos operatives and they got wiped. Let's see how effective they can get today.


    Ah godammit why did the game place my men so far away from the capture point?

    GO GO GO the heavy weaponry can catch up later


    Woop nevermind the Polybolos are stationary weapons. We'll only see use with the Scorpions today.



    I like Group Attack. It lets a whole line clash the corresponding sections in the enemy line so



    Bah. No barbarian scum will get in our way.


    The scorpions manage to fend off some spearmen approaching from behind. As we repulse the first group of Triballi, another group shows up. It's funny how the developers assigned them Celtic units when they're actually a Thracian clan.



    "Shit, they're upon us!"



    The only unit capable of dealing serious damage to your average legionnaire is the Celtic Oathsworn, and that's the thing with barbarians. Their non-elites get trounced by the regular troops of the Greeks and Romans, but their elite units are extremely powerful.





    2 settlements in a year. Suck on that, Triballi.


    We can build a Drydock now!




    Cyrenaica is NEXT



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