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Posts posted by IGdood

  1. That's a good point. I'm also thinking there should be a class restriction for crossbows for historical reasons- crossbowmen received different training than archers IIRC- but that might be going too far.

    Perhaps give it to armor knights? Crossbowmen seemed to be able to double as light/medium melee infantry, particularly those of the Italian peninsula. Also some Western European light/medium cavalry were also issued smaller crossbows so they could actually have something to use against the horse archers of Eastern Europe/Middle East.

    Oh and more archers need to be like Ryan.

    So true.

  2. Definitely they should make bows like Gaiden. A range of 5 squares or so makes perfect sense to me seeing as real bows have ranges significantly longer than 30ft or so. Also it would be nice if Archers could use knives or something when they are attacked. Similar to how Bishops can heal, but still defend themselves with magic. As opposed to how it was in Radiant Dawn where your Bishops/Sages could only equip staves or tomes.

    Edit: Also, crossbows should come back. Those were great.

    Crossbows were great, though they could use some better scaling. Since better strength wouldn't improve a crossbow's damage, perhaps make it be affected by Skill? Then again one can then argue that bow damage should also be based on skill and strength since draw strength and location of body an arrow hits both contribute to damage. Hmm...how to make it so that an archer/warrior can use a crossbow and still be effective?

  3. Hmm....

    How would this sound?

    Branching Promotion for archers.

    Snipers would have extended range but otherwise would not be that different from what we have now.

    Samurai (just to play on the Eastern themes) were supposed to have bow and sword in accord. Of course, samurai actually used spears in combat historically so bow + lance for this class? Perhaps grant an ability to instantly switch to a 1-range weapon to counterattack if attacked while using a bow?

  4. Since we have an East and West, perhaps the Eastern faction will have their own versions of the FE classes we are familiar with. I mean, cavalier is a western term, the closest thing in the east would be a samurai. Ki denotes mounted samurai whereas kachi denotes samurai on foot. While I don't mind there being a stat difference between east and west, I'm very heavy on aesthetics. It just seems strange to call a samurai a knight.

    If we have 3rd tiers I can see Ji-Samurai (lower class of samurai) ---> Samurai ---> Hatamoto (a samurai close enough to be a general's personal guard)




  5. I will be disappointed if there isn't a Japanese delinquent-inspired character or 2, especially if Kanabos have become a weapon type. Think about it: long coat, sarashi (cloth breast/abdominal/torso binding), bandana, an Oni-themed samurai face mask, and a spiked mace?? It'd be perfect.

    Not enough links to history? Make her a Pirate/Brigand class. There is a long history of Wako/Wokou pirates and their activity peaked in the 1500's, again coinciding with the whole Renaissance and Sengoku Jidai thing.

    An Eastern, female Dart? I'm totally fine with this.

    Perhaps even have Wako as a class.

  6. Hoplite Halberdiers would be pretty legit, would they also be generals in groups? (Shield wall and such)

    Hm, that would be nice. The thing about FE is that it's still about single combat though Awakening has modified it with pairing up. Combat in antiquity was very group and formation oriented. If FE takes a step in Yggdra Union's or Langrisser's direction then it could do an antiquity theme justice but...

  7. The helmet didn't actually throw me of, the armor did, I wonder why they couldn't use something like lorica hamata or lorica segmentata for the armor, which is more recognizable and more correct, than banded armor, which has dubious historical correctness,

    Am I alone in thinking they kinda look like Spanish soldiers? probably because of the Morion style helmets, which if my memory serves me right, is often associated, something like this:

    Segmentata in FE? I'd....I'd be willing to pay DLC for that. You're not alone in thinking of Spanish soldiers. The morion design is really noticeable, I think it showed up in Awakening too.

    Guild Wars Factions was a game taking place in a fictional pseudo-Asia, and was a mix of Japanese, Chinese, and Korean influences. It wasn't well received in Asia because, unlike European cultures, fusing various East Asian cultures is apparently regarded as highly unsavory, even in a purely fictional context. When the developers made Guild Wars 2, there was originally going to be an area in the game that was sort of a "China Town" type deal, that kept the same fused culture from the past game, but the publisher, a Korean company, made them remove the whole area.

    Unfortunately, in order to have multiple East Asian influences, they need to be kept separate in order to avoid controversy over there.

    Regarding the Roman helmets, one other distinctly Roman thing about them was the masks the Cavalry in the beginning had. I can only think of two cultures that are known to have used such masks - Japanese Samurai, and Roman cavalry. Though the Roman masks weren't quite so demonic looking.

    Yeah, generally it's pretty bad to lump all the East Asians together since nationalism is so strong there and there's always an ongoing dispute that dates back to WW2.

    I do recall Roman cataphracts in the later period to use masks, perhaps that's what they were going for?

    Yet Marx for some reason wears the pseudo roman banded armor (which isn't really accepted as historically correct):

    I didn't even realize banded armor like that was considered Roman.

    It was the crest. I apologize for my first view being inaccurate.

    Nah man you did nothing wrong. Now somebody go change the January analysis!

  8. Am I missing something? I didn't see anything in the trailer that looked particularly Roman. Was it just the helmet crests? If this was really a Roman inspired faction, there shouldve been a much bigger emphasis on heavy infantry formations rather than cavalry. The Romans were not particularly known for their cavalry until much later (ie ERE/Byzantine cataphracts, etc). IMHO the "western" units look late Medieval.

    I think it was the helmet crests that threw a lot of people off. Honestly they actually look Northern Italian.


  9. I would absolutely LOVE maces and flails. After someone pointed out that a character used a mace-like weapon in the trailer, I was almost bouncing off the walls. I'm not sure how they could get shields worked in, but maybe the eastern army would get a class that, instead of tanking with bulky armor, gets a large shield.

    This. Hammers are one thing, but damn maces and flails are just so much more intimidating.

    Funny thing is that the Koreans were probably one of the only people to use large flails from horseback. Hope we might see some of that in this new FE.


  10. The Gungdo would be awesome to see in an FE. It would be really good statwise for sure too.

    Sometimes this makes me wonder how good the different bows of the world match up.

    I hear good things about the English longbow and the bows of the Steppes, but where does a Japanese yumi stand? I mean for sure they're probably better than an average shortbow...

  11. Nnnnnnnno, not happening. Even historically that didn't really happen between Mongolia, China, Korea, Japan, etc. The closest was probably the Mongolian dynasties in China, but eventually they just became Chinese culturally.

    I understand where you're getting at, I was just suggesting a plausible situation where a lot of different Eastern cultures could be lumped together in a video game.

    Perhaps the Roman Empire would be better at that.

    Roman citizens -> Armor Knights/Legionaries

    Conquered peoples -> Auxilia/Soldier/Halberdiers

    Easterners -> Archers/Snipers

    Gallic/Celts -> Heroes/Berserkers/Cavaliers

    Parthian/Sarmatian -> Nomads


    Edit: Actually the Japanese are really big on the Chinese 3 Kingdoms period. Wouldn't mind seeing a non-Dynasty Warrior game in that period either.


    But not gonna lie, firearms in FE would be kinda awkward. FE has always run on the weaponry of lances, axes, swords, bows, and magic, with the occasional manakete/transforming class here and there. When I ask someone about what they think when they hear "medieval times," I rarely meet someone who thinks of "firearms" or "cannons."

    Such a stark change in weaponry would be a rather big surprise, but I could see firearms being an enemy's hidden card and used against the player near the final battle or something. Instead of firearms, I think a ballista class would suit better.

    And agh, the Korean reflex bow. I doubt we will see it anytime soon in FE. ;____;

    You're right on the practicality part but does that ONE Eastern culture have to be Japanese?

    I don't know about anyone else, but I never really found any video games where there were other Eastern-influences besides Japanese ones, unless we're talking Age of Empires or games where the player cultivates an empire/multiple civlizations. I've never seen a case where you have only one Eastern-influenced country and the theme isn't Japanese.

    I understand. Just a personal dream of mine to see FE shifting a little bit forward. Not like to the point where you have firearms that look like actual guns, but very early ones that would fit into balance. But yes, a ballista class with explosions would fit better. Rockets came before actual bamboo tube guns, I believe.

    Ditto on the Korean reflex bow, would be nice to see.

  12. That and it's just easier to focus on ONE Eastern culture than trying to lump them all together. Or make things even more of a mess by trying to put multiple ones in. It's a practicality thing.

    True, though they can probably do something like an Eastern Coalition where a certain unit of theirs comes from a corresponding culture (Chinese contribute Halberdiers/Soldiers/Knights, Japanese contribute Myrmidons/Swordmasters, Koreans contribute Archers/Snipers, Mongols/Jurchens contribute Nomads/"Bow Knights", etc)

    Of course that might end up offending a ton of people given the situation in current day Far East.

  13. Yeah Nobunagas trade for guns, kinda secured his dominance. The Takeda didn't see it coming..

    One does not simply charge cavalry into a prepared gun position...

    I'm hoping that you get to choose a side. Though I expect that it'll be more like the Eirika/Ephraim route difference (aka not really drastically different) and that the end would result in you teaming up to fight some sort of third (or fourth maybe) side who is behind it all. Still, having the different routes would at least give me a reason to go through it a second time. I just hope it limits your character options a little bit.

    And add a "True" route in the end with all the options. That would be a nice touch.

    I'm a little disappointed that the Eastern faction of this game is mostly Japanese-influenced. Not gonna lie, I'm pretty tired of seeing Japanese influences in games when there is an Eastern theme going on for a faction. I always wished there were more Chinese, Korean, Mongolian, or Middle Eastern themed countries/tribes.


    I understand that there is a strong mythos behind the samurai and the ninja, but the Chinese and Koreans (and other Asian countries too, like Siam/Thailand and Vietnam) have their own quirks too that deserve to be looked at.

    In video games if China does show up they tend to be classed as the spammer faction with hordes of weak yet cheap units. In the era of FE they should be the ones with high tech gunpowder (Ballisticians/Rocketeers anyone?) and be well-balanced.

    If Korea does show up, they usually are shown as being identical to the Chinese or get steamrolled by the Japanese in an Imjin War scenario. Of all the East Asians, they were reputed to have the best archers. Not to mention, they've got some really nice hats.



    A Southeast Asian faction should show up one of these days. War elephants would be great....and plus they've got interesting armor on.


  14. This might be controversial, but the East did get gunpowder weaponry and firearms much earlier than the West did.

    Ballisticians can be redesigned to be Rocketeers. This would probably be more fitting of the FE theme. After all, in Shadow Dragon Hoistflamme, Pachyderm kinda already had an explosive effect.

    The other one would be to implement a very, very, very early firearm weapon. Song Dynasty China had what amounted to a bamboo tube filled with gunpowder and loaded with a lead pellet. In FE terms the weapon would have an extremely limited number of uses, be unable to double since it was so primitive, be horribly inaccurate, but pack a very nasty punch. Perhaps make it a one-use item like the Mine that anyone can use, or perhaps make it exclusive to foot archers/snipers.

    Early game version


    Late game version


  15. I wonder if there will be characters that are from "minor" cultures that have their own unique designs. Now we know this is East vs. West but there's still characters from the Middle East, Northern Europe, Steppes, etc. Maybe they can pull some from other time periods such as Classical Greece! Fire Emblem has always had wanderers and mercenary characters that are recruited through gold or just visiting obscure villages on the map.

    I think Warriors Orochi 3 did it pretty well. It had Sengoku Jidai and Three Kingdoms characters and some outsiders like Joan of Arc and Achilles showing up as playable.

  16. I could love Fire Emblem if, if it had a shield item that units could equip for an extra Avoid or Defense bonus. Tear Ring and Berwick Saga did that pretty well. Maybe units like knights, paladins, or other foot soldier units have the option of equipping shields.

    That's a great idea! Perhaps it can be opened for further options to include items that passively give bonuses to nearby units. They can be worn by units that need to be protected because they're combat-poor.

  17. Quoted for truth. The relative rarity of useful metals on the Japanese Archipelago meant that iron was conserved to make only the most important of things- Swords, Spearheads, etc. Plate steel armour wasn't a thing because it would be too expensive where wood and laquered leather is adequate. There was an unique shield technology that the japanese had, though: The Horo. It's a billowing cloak of silk that actually stops arrows from penetrating it. see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8B_6BU7SYf8. The Pegasus knights in this game sorely need them.

    Oh, and Dragonlordsd, the Japanese DID have longbows. Although matchlocks were brought into use in japan at a point where they could have imported better plate armour, so it never had a niche there.

    It's funny to see how quickly they transitioned to pike and shot. Bows still had a use to provide covering fire while the gunners reloaded but eventually it went to who had the most guns pointing at someone.

    The horo is indeed pretty unique, though you should see some of the other things they wore on their backs to battle.



    I love that real monsters are likely to make a return. We only saw one but Risen were not awakenings strong point. They were passible as a thing to grind but the previous games with monsters in the series all did it better.

    Side Note: I would love a monster Tamer class or something that could turn into monsters collecting something from them when killing them. I think that would be a cool new class to throw in.

    Youkai vs. Goblins? Perhaps Eastern monsters vs. Western monsters?

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