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Posts posted by IGdood

  1. Armies can be given names but a faction can only have a limited amount of armies.

    I think the limit is pretty high but obviously I can only field 1-3 armies at the beginning of the game.

    How do you want it to be? Should I just name armies in abbreviated versions of the names given and let you guys pick what units they represent?

    So assume that the CAPUA FIRST FIGHT represent the spearmen and Bronze Wolves represent the swords.

    So then the army they're in I would name "CFF, BW" If I do that, I was planning on putting a more Roman spin on it, naming the army "LEGIO CAPUA WOLVES FIORENTINA ...etc" aka the first word of each name is placed in the title.

    Or I can just give 1 army 1 name.

    Apparently colors and emblems are customizable, but I do wish there's more info. I guess that's what Rezzed is for, and today's Rezzed!

  2. Well he can't really do anything about it. Both Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights 2 are owned by Bioware. And the guys at Bioware have lauded the effort the man put into the mod.

    Also Bioware completely allows modding of their PC games(they even let people host them on their social network). So the guy didn't do anything wrong by making a NWN2 mod.

    I know, I just wonder if he has a comment, if any.

  3. Wow, Rome 2 looks amazing, I'm hoping the OST would be good and if they have an alternate history mode where the Romans won Teutoburg Forest

    The OST will be done by Richard Beddow, aka the guy who did Empire and Napoleon. Jeff Van Dyck (the guy who did everything else) isn't returning.

    As for the Teutoburg forest, there is a historical battle where you have to escape with 3 eagle legions, unfortunately it's scripted to be unwinnable....






    I assume that's supposed to go sideways....

    EIther way, it sounds very Greek, so if mercenaries work the same way they do in past games, this name will go to the armies I will raise in Greece.

  4. Well, what the heck, it'd be fun to get back on naming stuff on these LP's. Though I don't see why start taking them already when it's still months before release but oh well...

    Anyway, I bring up: "Euskadi Legion".

    Well, I just like to do things early. That way I can assign names without having to wait too long for replies when I get to playing.

  5. The legend of the Capitoline Wolf makes me want to give you a wolf like name.. So lets go with

    The Bronze Wolves? Eh.. It's late I can't think of anything better at the moment.

    Capitoline Brigade perhaps

    Heheh, I like the Roman origin reference.

    Let's 'ave it for the FIORENTINA COARSE LADS

    All hail the FIRST CAPUA FIGHT

    Great to see the old gang here!

    I am so fucking hyped for Rome 2.

  6. Hi all! Skitarii/IGdood here!

    This thread will eventually turn into LP thread for Rome 2: Total War.



    My first LP on SF was with Empire: Total War because I saw a few fans of it hanging around (Furetchen, Integrity, AcaciaSgt, Rewjeo, etc)

    So before I dwell further, what is Total War?

    In a short summary, Total War is part strategy, part tactical (mostly tactical) game involving huge clashes between armies. Here's a little copy paste from my other LPs on what Total War is:

    For newcomers to the Total War series and those who just want to look at my Let's Play, I welcome you. Total War series is probably one of the most involved strategy games ever. I'll give some basics, but you'll be learning as I go through the campaign and such.

    The game is mainly divided into two segments: Turn-based and real-time.

    In the turn-based segments you move your armies around, manage your cities, train troops, make diplomacy, assassinate enemy generals, spy on enemy cities and whatnot. This is probably the part that turns most casual gamers away, it gets very taxing keeping track of everything.

    Real-time occurs when your armies clash with others on the world map. The game will do a pretty epic zoom-in onto the map (or just go straight to the battle on the much older 2D games). Your general (or captain if you didn't put one there) will give a speech that could be heroic or shitty (if he's insane or cowardly) and you can position your men. After that you can begin the battle and start making your moves.

    Units are not single individuals, but are groups of soldiers, which can range from 80 (knights, elites) to 200 (peasants, low quality infantry) Growths are static, with every level up increasing attack and defence by 1. There are named characters who are part of your royal family, and they become generals if placed in an army. They develop depending on the situations you put them in on the battlefield, which can lead to very awesome warriors or very....umm...insane people. This can boost or screw over your troops' stats.

    The main goal of the game is to conquer your enemies, or if you're into roleplaying history, you can be merciful or just do nothing and watch what the other countries do.

    In battle, the main goal is to rout the enemy, basically break their will to fight. So, with clever positioning and even with lesser soldiers, you can defeat armies who are theoretically superior. Usually if people are getting chopped from the front, shot at in the sides, and charged in the back, it usually guarantees a rout. You can choose to let them run away and fight you on a better day, or you can chase and cut them down like the dogs they are.

    So the game I'll be covering is Rome 2: Total War, to be released in September 2013. This is the biggest Total War title yet, as Creative Assembly (the developers) have reported that Sega as boosted their funding by 40% compared to past titles because they want it to be a blockbuster hit.

    So what's unique about this one?

    Time Period: Classical Antiquity - Romans, Gauls, Celts, Greeks, Macedonia, Parthia, Suebi.....yeah I think it's one of the less-explored time periods in most media.

    New Features/Changes from Past Games that might be interesting:

    Soldiers now show a lot more reactions to their surroundings. They'll freak out if they see friends getting shot.

    Fog of War has been revamped. You can now only see what your units see. If there's a building in the way, you won't be able to see what's behind it.

    Naval battles and land battles can be combined. You can send units to assault cities via sea, and then the battle will be something akin to Saving Private Ryan's beach landing.

    And the best one!

    Entire armies now gain traits affecting the units inside the army (Kind of like the Soul Nomad room system) When you raise an army you create a new entity and fill it up with the units you want. As the army fights, it gains skills that let it be more effective at what it does (assault, siegecraft, defense) by imparting these bonuses to units that are a part of it. These are traditions. The importance of the general character from past games has been diminished somewhat. While generals still impart some sort of bonus to their armies depending on their personality and trait development, they don't last very long in game length (they can die of old age) while traditions last forever. Even if an army is destroyed, the army can be brought back, though the units will be new recruits trying their best to follow the traditions.

    Armies can be named.

    And I need names.

    You will nominate names, SF.

    Of course, there's also the usual improved graphics.

    Hyped yet? I certainly am, though it's because I'm a longtime fan of the series.

    Here's the links to my other Total War LPs.


    More sceenies to get hyped with


  7. Wow, you got through fast! Did you like the game? I loved Gig and the ending I got with him as a female; I enjoyed the game very much---the normal story at least....

    Dunno if you know or not, but now that you have completed the normal story, if you restart the game and choose a certain dialogue choice, you can start the "Demon Path", which is the true reason this game should've had an M rating. It is far harder than the Normal Path, but the main reason I haven't attempted it is because of the sheer mind f*ck that it is.

    As quoted by Feinne, an LPer I followed for this game:

    Okay. Soul Nomad was rated T by the ESRB. This clearly indicates that the ESRB never actually played the game, because among other things Soul Nomad contains near constant swearing from the main character, rape, murder, slavery, a dash of genocide, and all sorts of other happy fun times. And most of that's in the Normal Path. The Demon Path is much, much worse.

    Oh, how bad can it be?

    There simply aren't words. You will just have to see it with yourself after we finish the Normal Path and unlock it. All I'll say is that it's a large part of why the game should be rated M, and is one of the most painful things I've ever experienced in a game. Not because it's overly hard. Not because there's terrible voice acting. Not because the story is poorly written. If anything, the story is way, way too well written. It's pure concentrated unpleasantness on a grand scale.

    As I said before, I haven't personally played it, nor do I plan to anytime soon, but if you decide to play it I'll be along for the ride here, more out of morbid curiosity than anything. And I'll wish you the best of luck----you'll need it....

    Heh, I like the game for its grimdarkness. I powered through the game so the world can see how it is.

    I do know there's the demon path, which is marked by a skull but I don't know if I'm sufficiently leveled enough to tackle it. I believe we get to commit genocide and kill little kids, or so I've heard. I'll go for it maybe another time as I'm swamped by schoolwork at the moment, and there's another game I want to LP when it comes out in September.

  8. 1. Fall of the Samurai (Total War series)

    2. Command and Conquer (got me into RTS)

    3. Mass Effect

    4. Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura (C'mon, machine guns vs. elven archers vs. wizards? I'm sold!)

    5. Sengoku Rance

  9. Endure 3 rounds? Yeah I just stood there for 3 turns. Gestahl got himself killed though.

    pcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-47-58-75.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-48-41-82.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-49-35-73.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-49-37-59.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-49-40-05.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-49-43-05.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-49-45-16.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-49-47-31.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-49-52-84.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-49-54-88.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-49-56-07.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-49-57-67.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-00-25.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-02-05.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-04-51.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-06-49.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-09-16.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-11-53.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-15-05.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-16-31.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-17-63.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-18-75.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-19-77.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-20-65.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-23-85.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-24-90.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-25-97.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-32-86.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-34-00.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-34-90.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-38-12.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-40-90.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-43-36.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-45-36.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-47-82.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-49-94.jpgpcsx2-r53502013-05-2515-50-52-43.jpg Gestahl was a pretty tough nut. AOE attacks. All I could do was space out my squads and harass him from afar. For those of you who didn't watch the video, here's a summary: I was Median's son in the past life, I died of Scarlet Iago. Gestahl knows this, and said that the sword I wield can only be wielded by those passed through the Median family. Layna is my little sister in the past life. In other words, Gestahl/Median is our father. I absorb Gestahl.

    I'm uploading the final video as I type. Should be ready soon.

    It's pretty long though.

  10. Danette seems to have gotten slightly brighter after the seal n her memory was broken.










    Sneaking failure




































    Females are powerful ranged units who love to target medics and mages with lethal efficiency.

    Males are melee units who end up dying against my front liners.






    Males have a ranged attack also but they don't use it very well....their AI targets the non-squishy members of the squad.




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