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Everything posted by Astellius

  1. I'd really like for it to happen too. Well, it might happen in this one with the multiplier feature. Who knows? Unlikely, but still possible. Hector, Roy, Marth, Ike, and Lyn would all be contenders to take whatever gauntlet they're in. They'd likely steamroll the competition, unless IS suddenly decides to put more than one super popular character in the gauntlet.
  2. The gap would have to be about 800 million votes. There's no chance of there being a multiplier, and Priscilla scores more per hour than Lissa, so we're going to the next round.
  3. ...How many healers have the randos sent you as their reps? That might be a fair way to gauge it. Priscilla is all but guaranteed to make it to the finals at this point. Also, I said that I expected Priscilla to make it to the finals before the gauntlet before it even began! In the first round, Elise was scoring the most without the multiplier, followed by Priscilla and Sakura, followed by Lissa, then Lachesis and Mist, then Maria and Clarine.
  4. Characters are quite good, I enjoyed the story a lot, pairing up the characters is fun, I enjoyed building up skills and such, and I thought the gameplay was fun. With respect to the difficulty, I always found it more enjoyable to generally not to abuse game-breaking things (such as just using only Chrom and the avatar). Sure, OP units trivialize the game, so don't overlevel the characters, and then it's more interesting. I happily married my avatar to Lucina on one of my playthroughs.
  5. Ah, the feather flags... It's become a sacred gauntlet tradition at this point!
  6. Within the same level, higher experience has higher priority over all other features. So a level 1 character with 1 experience point will be listed before all level 1 characters that don't have any exp. Welcome! But, yes, you should've upgraded your castle prior to getting the game. After all, it's always easier to renovate before everyone's moved in, right?
  7. She's quite sweet in the game, and her support conversations are endearing while also being a bit tragic. IIRC, Erk is the only love interest who can actually end up together with her. I found the conversations with her brother to be rather amusing, given how serious she seems, and how seriously she appears to take something totally ridiculous. Besides that, she's a troubadour, and troubadours are awesome! You can try! Maybe something like, "For her sake, I will not fail!" Bonus points to whoever gets the reference! Surely it is a provident sign!
  8. There's not going to be another multiplier, that's statistically certain. Right now, for the multiplier to trigger, Lissa would need about 750 million less votes than Priscilla. Currently, the gap is 132 million, and Priscilla earns more votes per hour, usually in the range of 10-15 million more. Basically, in order for the multiplier to trigger again, Lissa would need to start getting 0 points per hour, and Priscilla would have to start putting in more effort than she has been for the past couple hours. So basically either save your flags for the final round, or burn them now if you want to improve your ranking in Lissa's army and/or strive to fight to the very end. Americans shall decide the fate, eh? *continues casting American votes for the fair Lady Priscilla* Agree! 'Twas a good fight, and Lady Priscilla admires the valor shown by the noble warriors of Yllise. All would be most welcome in our ranks! We would do well to unite in order to overcome the most formidable foe in the finals...!
  9. I was wavering on whether I wanted to use any orbs on this banner. While I really wanted summer Tiki since I like Tiki a lot, I do already have a 5* adult Tiki, and I also strongly would like to have a nice stockpile of orbs so I'm not hit with banners I really want to pull from while empty. It's distressing to have empty coffers, I feel so vulnerable to the whims of fate. Hence, I decided to compromise with myself. I would do two green summons from the new banner. So I go in and there are 2 greens--perfect! On the first one, I pulled a 4* Boey, which is my first one. Nice! Now I can do an all-Echoes team with Celica, Clair, Faye, and Boey. The second one was Bartre... total blah. I have way too many of him, and he's pretty useless. No summer Tiki... aw. But at least I got a Boey! And then I saw that there's the new paralogue, and remembered that we'll be getting a bunch of new quests for July soon. So I permitted myself one (1) more summon. To ensure that I would only do one, I left with only one spot available in my barracks, and with only enough orbs to do one summon. I enter into the summoning chamber, and there are two greens. Well, only can do one! I do the summon and... there she is, summer Tiki! That worked out perfectly! She's +Spd -Def, which is a nice nature for her--I'll take it! Now I don't have to worry about my resolve being tested, and I can go back to (trying) to save orbs.
  10. With the close of the last hour, Priscilla just passed Lissa. Well done team! Now, just keep it slow and steady for the rest of the round.
  11. I'm pretty sure he's pulling them from this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qPm_kenHCEnycLJTt26hOKCH4CLOLPwVEdIpqNdPR9g/edit#gid=0 That's where I get my info for hourly gains, which I find more useful than the charts, since the data lets me do my own calculations and analyses. There are tabs at the bottom, which have the information for the various things.
  12. Because Priscilla steadily gains about 15 million more votes than Lissa per hour, so the trend from the past 10+ hours indicates this pattern is likely to continue. Since Priscilla is gaining more per hour, she'll eventually pass Lissa, and Lissa won't be able to make up the difference because Priscilla's vote count grows faster than Lissa's. Lissa emerged with the lead because of the multiplier, so she needs that again if she wants to retake the lead once it's lost.
  13. Did you just leave the game on the gauntlet screen? Because you need to exit the gauntlet and re-enter for scores to update. The 200k lead was from earlier, and has been decreasing ever since. Most people are saying that in the future tense, because the trend is that Priscilla has been steadily cutting Lissa's lead, and will likely pass her in the next couple hours. Priscilla's gains are modest enough that it's unlikely Lissa will get the multiplier again.
  14. But I'm sure you can type it on key! Or at least with keys... Let it go, let it go~
  15. PREPARE FOR DESTRUCTION Yeah, I just thought I'd throw in the real numbers! I have the chart up. Gotcha.... *Ahem* FREEZE LISSA
  16. The Army of Elibe would be happen to have you, should the time come! ...And Lucina is awesome! :D It would be somewhere around 3:1 or 4:1. Lachesis pulls in about 50-70 million per hour, Elise 160-210. BURN LISSA
  17. Yeppp! Well, what can we do to endear you to us? Most of what's said in this thread isn't meant to be taken seriously, it's intended to be fun and in good humor. Some of us, such as myself and @Arcanite, have been doing this sort of thing for a few gauntlets. Arcanite for longer, and also less so with the last banner, because where was the Nino?? Ninooooooo!!! Most of what I've seen (and what comes from me) is that! There should be more freckled characters! And my memory gives Lethe freckles as well, but perhaps its because Lethe looks kinda similar to Penny from RWBY, and my mind wants to merge them... Lethe is combat ready! That still was the best gauntlet...! #MacedoniansForPriscilla
  18. If she has an S in bows, she's awesome with the Rienfleche! We'll snipe their Falchions before they even get close... Nope, we earn more per hour than Lissa does. I'm hoping that we keep going steady at the current rate, because the current trend is that we'll win and won't trigger the multiplier again.
  19. I'd really like to see Aversa, as I'd like a flying mage on my Flier Emblem team. But I think it would be really cool to have the morphs from FE7, especially Limstella. The Black Knight would also be a great addition.
  20. I literally forgot Rhys so hard that I had to look him up, and, even after that, I only vaguely could recall him. Samesies! For the most part, for Priscilla. For the past 3 hours, Lissa has gained 63-66 million versus Priscilla's 76-78 million. Interesting, all this praise for Lucina, even though her gauntlet happened some time ago! I do admit, Lucina is quite awesome, which is in contrast with, say, that aunt of hers who wears a bird cage as a dress. My code is 8608857766 (I don't see signatures). I have Est in front, so a blue ready to nuke for you!
  21. The children can also have brown hair--so Mitama, Forrest, Dwyer are all brown hair compatible! And blue. Blue is an especially popular hair color!
  22. You betrayed the Macedonian banner by siding with Lissa over Maria! You didn't even stick within the redhead family! Pff, Lissa is going to need to hide behind both those Falchions -- and more -- if she has any hope of standing up to Priscilla! Lady Priscilla is a fine and distinguished noble, not some third rate princess! We've got Armads, we've got Durandal, we've got the Sol Katti. We gave Nino those Afa Drops. The Armies of Elibe are coming for you! Prepare to be kicked in the "fat metal behind" that Lissa calls a dress! Accepted! Let's go ease some pain... permanently!! MWAHAHAHAH!!!
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