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Posts posted by Reddazrael

  1. Bras without underwire, although I remove it as soon as I get home and get into my PJs. Also, hipster underwear, which I assume goes under 'briefs'. Thongs can go burn. >:( Uncomfortable things. I tried them once. Never again.

    The highest heels I ever wore were five-inch heels. I never make anyone carry my shoes, though. I know what I'm getting into when I put the damn things on, so I'm the one who carries them when my feet hurt enough to have to remove them. I almost never wear heels, though. No reason to; even when I dress in fancy clothes I generally go with flats. I do like pretty things! But I don't know how to put on makeup because I never have, and I have no idea how to style my hair (which, to be fair, is hard to do anyway because it's over three feet long) beyond putting it in a ponytail. I love skirts and dresses. Love them. Although I also enjoy pants. Depends on my mood.

    I take up as much of the bed as I feel like because I sleep alone. Well, except when my cat joins me. In which case I'm stuck on the edge of the bed because god forbid Her Lord Highness Jesus Christ the Second Coming have to sleep anywhere but exactly where she wants to.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Usana said:

    Holy crud. Unstoppable Chrom just solo'ed Lunatic 5 final map. It had Sully in it. As well as Faye, Celica, and Caeda. I didn't catch who else was there. I just caught the tell end and was like, crap Sully is going to murder him. Nope. Gem + Sword Breaker just isn't enough to stop the unstoppable! Admittedly he would have fallen if he didn't have Aether, but of course that is his default kit.

    Whenever I have a problem in these maps, I just throw E!Chrom at it and it generally dies pretty quickly.






  3. 7 minutes ago, Usana said:

    Whenever Tanks Thanks comes up I can't help but remember this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXBcLXiCemQ


    As for the Lucina. Hmm. . . not sure on steady breath. I get the wanting to speed the cooldown, but She always seems very frail to me whenever I field mine(mine is -HP though so maybe that is why). However, I am admittedly hesitant on using very rare skills on heroes, so that is probably the actually source of my hesitation. I am also trying to figure out the conflict between Quick Riposte and Renewal. Quick Riposte wants your HP high(above 70% if memory is right).  Or did I misread what you meant?


    Well, I'm an idiot. I was not remembering properly and mentally reversed the greater-than sign. OKAY, QUICK RIPOSTE IT IS. As for Steady Breath, I have a few copies of Brave Ike and I already have one built, so I'm not too concerned about sacrificing one with a bad nature. I don't like sacrificing 5★ units either, but I figure Lucina is worth it.

    EDIT: I have literally never heard of that show. Now I feel cheated out of what could have been an integral part of my childhood.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    Damage = Atk − Def or Res (tomes, staves, and breaths check Res, and refined breaths check the lower of Def or Res if the enemy is ranged).
    Triangle advantage (e. g., sword vs. axe) multiplies your Atk by 1.2, round the result down.
    Triangle disadvantage (e. g., sword vs. lance) multiplies your Atk by 0.8, round the result up (the actual math is a bit more convoluted).
    Triangle Adept magnifies the triangle effect up to ×1.4 or ×0.6.
    Type effectiveness multiplies your Atk by 1.5, round the result down.

    Always round down after each operation.

    You just had to quote my typo, didn't you? DIDN'T YOU?

    But seriously, thank you for this. I'll give it a try!

  5. @Arcanite Sure, that would be great! Thank you! I'm not very good at math, but I'll give it a shot.

    @Usana Well, here's the context:

    For anyone who wants to jump in, h
    ow does this build look for Brave Lucina? She has neutral IVs.



    My reasoning: The team I currently have her on lacks a healer, hence Renewal 3 to keep her going. This also works well with Ardent Sacrifice, which she can use without concern every other turn and turning her into a minor healer herself. Furthering her support value is Drive Spd 2, boosting her allies' doubling and/or doubling-avoiding capabilities. Steady Breath both bolsters her defense and helps to charge her Aether special, which has a long cooldown otherwise. Quick Riposte 3, always a popular seal, lets her double when she otherwise might not be able to -- although I'm hesitant to use it alongside Renewal 3, as it may keep her healthy enough that QP3 might not see much use. I'm wondering if I should swap it out for HP+5 (well, HP+3 currently) to give her a bit more longevity.

  6. On 12/12/2017 at 11:31 PM, DarkLordIvy said:

    I appear to be the sole person around here who pairs her with Henry. I get a really weird Owain out of it but I really like their supports. I also like the idea of Henry and Owain’s over the top personalities bouncing off of each other. 

    My second choice would be Lon’qu. 

    You aren't, don't worry. I love the way all of their personalities interact. And as a side note, Owain's B-Support with his fathers are all the same... except for Henry, who gets some unique dialogue. THEREFORE CANON AMIRITE

    I find that Owain is terrifying if you turn him into a Sorcerer.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    I summoned on my second account which lacked a 40% bonus unit and got a +Def -Spd Horse Chrom after 30-odd orbs, stoked with that. Bonus Ninian too, though I have a better one already. I then took him at level one to the Lunatic 5 TT, where he managed to snipe kills now and then thanks to the lovely TT bonuses. He even managed to finish off Grima, dealing 53 damage to him while being level 5 against a level 35. Certainly impressed me.

    That's awesome! At the same time, though, it doesn't surprise me. My +ATK / -RES E!Chrom did Grima in on a single hit of 105 damage with his special (Bonfire) activated. His base damage would have been 82x2. E!Chrom has been my Grima-killer every single time I've run the map on Lunatic 5. He's brutal. Haven't run Lunatic 7 yet because I'm a timid creature but I suppose I'll have to take the plunge at some point.

  8. 9 minutes ago, XRay said:

    I prefer arcticsilverfox too, but you might also want to check out andu2's calculator; arcticsilverfox's calculator is based on this calculator, but this calculator is a little more clunky and bulky.

    You can also try Gamepress's calculator, but it does not seem to work on my computer so I am not sure if it will work for you either, or maybe I am just dumb and could not figure out how to work it.

    Excellent, thank you for the resources. It's much appreciated.

    EDIT: Er, @XRay, I'm not sure how the image I was going to post in my next reply to this topic got shoved into your post. Unless I'm the only one who can see it, but it shows up even in another browser where I'm not logged in. Is there a Brave Lucina image in your post that you can see?


  9. @BANRYU Thanks for your feedback! I'll be giving him the Speed +3 seal after all. ...I have to ask a stupid question, though: How do I run calculations for damage?

    As for your Ephraim question, I think I'd stick with the one you already have. If he's that much of a mainstay, I'm not sure I'd be willing to give him up in your position. I'm the kind of person who dislikes change, however, so I may be biased. It is a tough call. I do have to ask, though: Do you have to merge them? I think I'd build the second Ephraim up as well, and just use them both -- or, if you prefer, build the second one up and then use them both to determine which one you get more use out of.

  10. I have a +SPD / -RES M!Morgan and I was wondering which special to give him. I'm leaning toward Draconic Aura right now, but Glimmer is also an option. I'm certainly willing to take suggestions as well. Right now he looks like this:



    I'm probably going to go with Speed +3 or Attack +3 for his seal. Simple but hopefully effective. Also going to either upgrade Rally Attack to Rally Atk/Spd or switch it to Reposition.

  11. All right, my first +10! I was pulling for M!Morgan, but that's fine. I haven't managed to create the Sacred Seal I want for him yet (Brash Assault 3), but I probably won't for a while, so...



    He's +DEF / -RES for extra durability. The Dork Knight rides for justice!

    EDIT: And now I do have Morgan! He's now in the +10 club as well.




  12. I have literally no idea if anyone here has even heard of Scrivener, much less uses it, but I have and I do, and I've found it's really handy for keeping track of FEH builds. So I figured I would share my template in the off-chance that anyone might want to use it. Along with the .scrivtemplate file, I've included an example project. It's pretty self-explanatory, but I'll explain it briefly anyway.

    Here's a screenshot of the sidebar:



    'Teams' is, obviously, a list of your teams. Sacrifices is the folder for the units who are going to be slaughtered sent home for the sake of skill inheritance. Completed Builds and Builds in Progress are obvious, Unit Builds are the ones you've planned in full, and Barracks is for the characters you want to use but whose builds you haven't planned yet. Multiples is to keep track of your to-be-merged characters. Sacred Seals is obvious. Templates is the folder for the template for the Hero Build sheet and the Multiples table.

    If you want it, here you are: FEH Template.zip

  13. @Anacybele That it can. But back on topic, I agree with you that if anyone is going to drop, it will be M!Morgan. The only thing in my opinion that might stop him from being dropped is his unique weapon, but plenty of 4★ characters have unique weapons. So it's really not a point in his favour. I'll admit, though, I'm disappointed that he didn't get a full kit the way F!Morgan did. Doesn't seem fair, but hey, I wasn't consulted on their creation. I'm just glad they exist in FEH now.

  14. Decided to do another pull or two on the Branded banner, since I already have a bunch of Exalted Chroms and I'd like to get him to +10 if possible. Probably a pipe dream, but I might as well.


    ...Okay, apparently all I needed to do was pull Morgan and his daddy will come galloping after him.

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