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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. I'm really sorry I haven't announced Ragefest 4 yet. I was hoping people would discuss Ragefest 4 a bit more before I went and made an announcement, since not much progress has actually been done on "polishing up" Ragefest 4's rules, guidelines, and whatnot. That and... Well, I've made The Emblem Brigade my main Fire Emblem forum and their hacking section is still underdeveloped. If I keep the Ragefest 4 thread exclusive there, I don't know how prosperous it will actually be.
  2. Christ. You're like, one of about five people I know who has actually beaten it. Good job. Ooooooh. THAT one. Nah, I was thinking of a different joke. You might not have actually ended up seeing it.
  3. Wait, were you actually able to BEAT the submission?? I don't wanna spoil anything about the submission, so I can't really explain why I don't think the story is all that great. It's not without it's merits though. I DID put considerable effort into it, and I payed a lot of attention to details and making sure there was a healthy amount of dialogue. The end result wasn't great, but I can at least say that if I polished up my story-writing skills, I might be able to produce a story of some worth. I bet I know which one it is. If it's the one I'm thinking of, I'm quite proud of that one. A blend of dickery and WTF perfectly mixed together to create a recipe for... stuff. STUFF.
  4. I wasn't trying to troll anyone in specific. I just channeled my hatred and anger, thought of really cruel moves to pull, positioned the enemies really dickishly, and made all the reinforcements really dickish. As for the story...? Eh... It's not a particularly great story. I intended to make it one of those stories where people speculate about the loose ends, but ultimately I don't feel it worked out well. Plus, my god, the dialogue is really god damn stilted and unnatural at parts. The few jokes I did were pretty hilarious though, I think.
  5. Technically yes. He's recording a submission from the contest this thread is about. =X
  6. No no, people will get to see the rest of it... it's just AstraLunaSol's taking a while.

  7. I don't guarentee I'll provide results, but what is it?
  8. Finally, after fifty billion years, I've updated this thing. A new song has been added. A redbook quality song, NOT a GBA Compatible one. It's Polopia Castle ~ Hero's Determination.
  9. Make sure you wait until AstraLunaSol finishes his LP of the game first.
  10. Hm... This is definitely worth considering. I might make future submissions, but if I do, I'll make sure to work with other people. And as much as I love AstraLunaSol's commentaries, I do admit that I'm not enjoying his LP of my submission very much.
  11. No. It would be "anyone can LP any submission and as many as they want". That way, we can get Person A's and Person B's point of view on the same submission, and they might fall for different traps and whatnot. Helps flesh out the submission more.
  12. Preferably, if we're going to go down that route, I'd want multiple people to record the submissions. Though, it's a bit of a doozy. I like having exclusive priviledges towards recording submissions, and people who watch Ragefest tend to primarily be people who get a thrill out of watching me suffer specifically. Though, that may just be me seeing things through the lens of my own ego. =S
  13. Oh lawd. Wouldn't it be hilarious if Ragefest actually had lore?
  14. 1. I have infinite savestates, so making "checkpoints" isn't necessary. Though, if you do put checkpoints in, it might take it as a challenge. 2. Any scenerio with a solution that the average player would not be able to figure out realistically. I'm probably going to include riddles in this equation since people tend to make them WAY too cryptic.
  15. Well... basically, if you've already used three save states in that play through, you cannot use any more unless you restart the entire chapter, and when you restart, you must delete the previous save states you used. Clear enough?
  16. No. It can take as many tries as you like, but each run through has to be done with a fresh triplet of save states. For example, if you get far in a submission using three save states, but got into an unwinnable scenario and have to restart, then you can use three new save states, but must not use the ones from the previous attempt.
  17. BIG NEWS UPDATE The person I have selected to record my Ragefest submission has recorded 6 parts and will be uploading them soon. I am now nervous as shit.
  18. If, for example, it takes two chapters for me to get to their only good one, it will hurt their overall placement in the contest. That said, almost every Ragefest has at least one submission that is an abomination. However, I think this will get us more good submissions as well as bad ones. Actually, while we're at it, I've been writing up the rules for Ragefest 4. Changes will be made based on what ideas I want to use (Such as multi-chapter hacks) [spoiler=Rules and Awards]Rules: 1. Custom Events Required. 2. Excessive luck is prohibited. 3. Excessive cryptic solutions are prohibited. 4. Arenas are prohibited. 5. Fog of War vision distance of 2 spaces or less is prohibited. 6. Instances of Fog of War must have an obtainable torch or thief within 3 turns of the FOW's start. 7. Chapter must be playtested and confirmed beatable with at most three save states. Awards: Douchebag Award Jester Award Strategist Award Map Maker Award Writer Award Douchebag Award Given to the submission that extracted the largest amount of negative emotional reactions from me. Jester Award Given to the submission that is the most hilarious in it's own merits (Not just from my emotional reactions). Strategist Award Given to the submission with the best design in terms of challenge, pacing, and flow. Map Maker Award Given to the submission with the most aesthetically well designed map. Writer Award Given to the submission with the most interesting story. Nitpick and tear apart as you see fit.
  19. Hm... new name for a hack type. Uh... yeah, if anyone tries to exploit loopholes like that, I'll probably disqualify them.
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