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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Spanish. The true penis is in...English! What a cruddy defence.
  2. But then you have those people who rate games low or just bawww when it's difficult (See: God Hand, Radiant Dawn, Dracula X Chronicles). Games are easier these days, definitely. Most of them, at least.
  3. Dude, I discovered a (somewhat hard to pull) combo with her that does over 3k damage. She's awesome.
  4. Huh, I've been searching Google for some time now and never found that. Thanks.
  5. Back where I used to live, there used to be awesome storms that would pull trees and throw them around. Nothing like that around here, unfortunately.
  6. If you're interested, I'll PM you the details and stuff.

  7. Well I've got nothing to do atm and I'm so hungry I can feel my stomach getting pierced. Halp.

  8. Yeah, I was also being...something, lol. I'm bored, as you know. blah blah blah etc.

  9. I also go nutty when TCs fail to realize it even after I subtly point it out.
  10. Wait what...?

  11. I'm bored so I'll just leave this here.

  12. Hmm, well I wanted to run a PW game, so I thought I'd ask you if they run something like that there. Oh well, I'll make my own rules and stuff, I guess.

  13. I had to wait 50 hours for that to load but it was worth it.
  14. I remember Song was addicted to this long ago.
  15. Holy hell, you know that song?! Would you happen to know the lyrics, too? I've been searching all over the net for them.
  16. Nightmare

    Facial Hair

    I know that, but shaving usually stimulates them for me. I know this from about a year or two ago, and I've been treading lightly ever since. Don't want my beautiful skin to get ruined by some stupid acne.
  17. Nightmare

    Facial Hair

    I have plenty of facial hair, and probably the bushiest eyebrows in all of SF. I seldom shave these days. Kinda paranoid about acne.
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