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Everything posted by Sire

  1. For the rerun, didn't play as much as I wanted to. Then again, most of my time went to other games instead of grinding for materials... For the Restoration event, I just started today (which is late). When I resumed playing, I realized missed the storytelling of FGO. I also missed fighting all of the Nobus. NOBUNOBU! Probably not going to get far with the points and event though. Luckily Chacha seems to be more utility and a collector servant than anything else, so if I do miss her it shouldn't be too much of a deal.
  2. I got some more disappointing games to add, so here they are. Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - This game really didn't disappoint me as much as it was just... forgettable. I honestly can't really recall what happens in Shadow Dragon although I did enjoy some of the characters (Cain, Abel, Frey, Julian, Caeda, Lena, Linde). I loved the Ballista unit and messing around with that was fun and some of the soundtrack was interesting, but... It is just not memorable to me at all. While a part of me wants to replay it so I can try to remember Marth's story, another part of me can't be bothered (especially since I don't use the reclass system to its fullest extent, preferring "canon" classes over broken combos). Diablo III - I wasn't a hardcore Diablo fan, but I grew up watching my dad play Diablo II (I was designated as "Potion Guy," who essentially just hit the hotkeys whenever health was low.). I thought about getting 3 but skipped over it due to the overwhelming negative response. Eventually Reaper of Souls came out and there was a discount bundle that I ended up purchasing. The game itself is polished and the gameplay was fun enough, but what the heck did they do to the lore? Once World of Warcraft became a thing and Warcraft 3 faded away, all the stories Blizzard came up with seemed to trip over themselves and be a mess. There may have been some diamonds in the rough, but man, sometimes I wonder where classic Blizzard went. All that remains is Activision. Fire Emblem Heroes - Yeah, I'm putting this on here. I was too invested in Heroes and became disillusioned after Ayra and Mythic Blessings. My main gripe was the "skill treadmill" (similar to "gear treadmills" in MMOs), where new skills and characters would basically be superior to the older ones in every way. The story elements were also hit or miss, leaving only the characters and a simplified form of "proper" Fire Emblem gameplay to keep me interested. This wasn't enough for me to overlook the direction FEH was taking, so I quit after a short time after Aether Raids was released. These days I play Langrisser Mobile which satisfied my SRPG craving, although it has plenty of problems of its own. The most notably being the poor localization and mistranslated tooltips... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * For a different direction (games that disappointed others here but I enjoyed), I loved Shadows of Valentia. While I agree on the main story having its issues, I loved the gameplay. The main "mechanical problem" in Echoes was not the gameplay itself, but the map design. Better map design would have make Echoes a far better game (and maybe less Desert/Marsh maps), but as it was a remake it was somewhat tied on that front. I point to the Deliverance DLC to see what SoV gameplay mechanics could have been like with map objectives and "better map design." Then again, I do tend to be more of a story guy instead of being focused solely on gameplay, so the presentation of Shadows of Valentia blew me away. The presentation was so spectacular to me that I could overlook the shortcomings of the gameplay and plot. Also, I loved Xenoblade Chronicles X. While it is easily the worst regarding the main story (it is basically nonexistent) with the music taking a lot of getting used to, the lore and the world of Mira fascinated me. XCX had me hooked and I played about 100 hours the week after purchase. I loved the gameplay and messing around with the Skells. The sidequests were amazing and memorable as well, from Professor B's work on his "Delorean" car, to a "Resident Evil" section, or even one with some horror elements after meeting another party and their fate. Sadly I never got around to beating the superbosses or properly tackling the "online bosses" as I stopped playing after getting the Ares 90. I would love to go back to it again though and would probably love replaying it again if it ever got a Switch port.
  3. Lana's Martyr class is now mastered! I also mastered Bernhart's Emperor class as well. Things are looking good (now I wish I had more Runestones. They're gonna dissapear right after I get from when April arrives). In other news, I sadly learned that Freya's Sparta skin is not free from an event and is actually just a store skin. The references I had made an error regarding her skin, I confirmed what actually happened by talking with a CN player. For Crystal expenses, I think I'm gonna end up trying for Angelina now since she's guaranteed. My chances for Zerida can be spooked by Doggo (or anyone else for that matter), so getting Angelina is probably safer in the long run. If I get Angelina early, I may toss crystals at Zerida again until Altemuller's banner shows up. Lastly, I managed to solo the Lvl 55 Flying Gym. Those enemy mobs were tough to get through and playing around Macho Blast to keep my team alive was rough, but I did it. Hopefully I can improve my Angels more now, or at least Fliers/Aquatics in general.
  4. Hmm... Ogre Battle - Just a continuation of the franchise. I loved the games, but then Square took over and re-purposed the devs. Sadly, I don't think Ogre Battle will ever be finished (a series was planned and games did not take place in chronological order if I recall correctly). Grandia IV - Okay, I only ever played Grandia II, but I absolutely loved the combat. Trails in the Sky is similar in a sense, but I like seeing the moving character icons on the bars. Having it automatically queue it up can be nice, but I want my loading bar screens damnit. Skies of Arcadia II - I only played the Dreamcast version and loved the cameo Vyse and Akira make in Valkyria Chronicles. I know the Gamecube port of Legends adds some more content, but I think the franchise is dead. Classic Paper Mario - While I loved Super Paper Mario for what it was, Sticker Star and beyond are not what I was looking for. I hear Color Splash has some interesting elements in it, but it does not seem to be up to standard to the original or Thousand Year Door. So yeah, new Paper Mario game with awesome story, "unique" enemies and NPCs instead of always being Mario staples, and the classic partner combat and we're good. Bonus points if the Dojo and Diva return from the original game. I always loved them.
  5. Spent all of my Wrymite I had stored up (like 12k or so). No Gala characters, but I got Albert (Light Sword) and Louise (Wind Bow). For Dragons I got Nyarlathotep and Prometheus. Wrymprint-wise I got x2 Give Me Your Wounded, and an Evening of Luxury. Albert looks interesting to play and I could use a Light DPS to replace Luca when I'm not running double heals. I was initially disappointing with Louise because "Bows Suck" but apparently she's good against the Water Dragon, which changed my opinion fairly quick. // I'll also take the Dragons for what they are worth, while I'm very happy with getting the "Give Me Your Wounded" Wrymprint. Still hoping for Gala Ranzal with any Wrymite and Summon Tickets I get while the banner lasts.
  6. Fire Emblem: Fates - Initial excitement about three different paths and the premise of "Nohr vs Hoshido" was tossed down the drain due to extremely poor storytelling and an obvious bias with Hoshido. The "deeprealm children" also did not help things. // That aside, Fates does have some awesome tracks and the gameplay of Conquest remains the best in the series. Awakening may have its faults(notably being the "turning point" for veteran players vs newcomers due to the more anime/romance mechanics), but I got far more enjoyment and playtime out of Awakening's single path than all of Fates combined. I learned to appreciate Awakening far more since the release of Fates. I still haven't gotten around to finishing my Revelations file... Pikmin 3 - I loved the original Pikmin and found 2 to be the high point of the series (the dungeons and reading the item entries were great!). However, 3 introduces a new cast and tasks for a player, and for some reason I just couldn't resonate with Pikmin 3. I don't even know if I beat the game or not, I just stopped playing at some point and forgotten about it. Command and Conquer 4 - This game does not exist. I did not play this game. No, I did not. Honest. Starbound - I was part of the initial launch hype for Starbound, especially since my group of friends decided to pool our money together to get a package deal out of it. We loved Terraria and at the time planned on making a Youtube series about us playing Starbound. Needless to say Starbound did not deliver to its early access backers. While the current game is different and no doubt probably far better than it was at the start, I just can't really bring myself to play it. I rather go back and play Terraria again instead of Starbound, and I think the controls (especially when dealing with platforms) is a big reason why. * * * * * There's probably more, but I can't think of any off the top of my head.
  7. Don't care too much about what happens on the Heroes side of things since I stopped playing Fire Emblem Heroes. If FEH gets collabs, it opens the floodgates for more and I wonder how FEH will handle them (this includes Nintendo collabs, such as Link, Kid Icarus, or Mario appearing in FEH). Otherwise, I am content with FEH sticking with FE characters. As it stands, the collab is only for Dragalia. I don't know if Heroes will have a collab of its own featuring DL characters. - - - - - - - - - - On the Dragalia side, I am interested to see who all will actually show up. I'm expecting FEH OCs (Alfonse, Sharena, Anna) instead of Fire Emblem characters because it is a FEH collab, not a general FE collab. If I had to take a guess, I would say... 4* or 5* Character - Alfonse (Fire Sword), Sharena (Water Lance) 3* Character - Anna (Wind Axe) -- Note: If the collab is done in an event format, I can see any of the Askr Trio becoming a 4* Event Welfare instead. If so, I'm betting either Sharena or Anna will be the welfare. Dragon - Young Tiki or F!Corrin -- Young Tiki is iconic for Fire Emblem, even though some may prefer her Awakening adult variant. As there is no real "FEH Dragon" yet, this is the likely choice. -- While Fates is no longer the newest entry, F!Corrin still is fairly popular and can take the spot over Tiki. M!Corrin doesn't stand a chance (and F!Corrin tends to be used as the "default Corrin" these days, like how M!Robin is used for "default Robin.") -- As a side note, Grima would be awesome to see but is highly unlikely. The size of Grima alone makes it almost impossible (unless they pull a Bayonneta and have Grima summon its "Dragon Form" out of portals to do stuff).
  8. From what I hear the transition to Sekiro is difficult from Souls players because everyone is used to dodging attacks due to iframes. Sekiro is more of a "block and parry" style of play. When I played Souls games regularly (beat Dark Souls and vanilla DS II) I was a typical "Sword & Shield" guy and just blocked stuff (never got the hang of parries), so if I ever get around to getting Sekiro the transition shouldn't be that difficult for me. I'm loving what I've seen it thus far from various Youtube videos and Twitch streams. I am worried about death penalties (since Unseen Aid is not as reliable as going back to "recover lost Souls"), but I suppose that is what grinding is for.
  9. I believe we were (it was advertised and everything), but apparently it is not implemented yet for some reason. EN Customer Support has been lacking (see the localization text and the Echo of Light fiasco on new servers as examples). Its a shame because the core game is pretty good, but the support for it just doesn't seem to be there.
  10. For Flier Luna, the Pegasus are used for survivability since she is rather fragile due to building MDEF instead of DEF (mainly tanks) or HP (everyone else). This is why many tend to go Bow Luna so they don't have to deal with Luna being fragile. If you wanted a "one-hit wonder" Luna, Griffon Knights may be the way to go. However, one can't deal damage if the unit is dead (this is why Lance and Laird are not used as much). * * * * * I did 6-Ten pulls on the Zerida banner. Got an SSR. It wasn't Zerida. It wasn't even Jugler. I got Dieharte. Honestly, not too sure what to feel right now. Dieharte is useful for Origin teams for his Faction Buff if he goes down his Assassin path, or he can be Cavalry DPS by going down his main Royal Knight line. Aside from trying to figure out what class line I want him to go down, at least he won't spook me later when trying for Luna in a different Focus Banner (Dieharte, Tiaris, Luna). I'm still tempted to try for Zerida, but my rational self is telling me to save so I can get my Altemuller and maybe Angelina from their upcoming focus banners. There should be a Tiaris skin lotto ("Joan of Arc" style) as well, but I may just spend some minor crystals for the rewards as I care not for the skin itself. After that it's probably the Luna and Shelf focuses. - - - - - Edit: Got Lana to master her Dark Princess class. Time to master Martyr and revert back for better stats. I could stay Martyr to handle Demons better with Lana, but I got Chris for that.
  11. I've been playing DL a bit more recently, although its mostly casual play (AutoBattle with some supervision). I missed out on maxing out Phantom which sucks, but Raid events actually require me to pay attention instead of just having DL off to the side doing its own thing. This is why I like Facility events more as I can auto through everything (and get a nice facility too). Due to this I haven't touched Void Battles yet, even though Void Battles seems to be great for progressing faster with equipment. I can't try High Dragons yet because no Wrymprint, but my guys can auto Master Wind and Fire IO.
  12. Cherie is my first character to master her T3 class. I would go down her other pathways for the stat boosts, but Lana and Bozel still have priority for Runestones. Lana will be my 2nd character to master her T3 class. I know I want to try out Ranger Matthew at some point, but that involved getting a good bow and leveling up my Archer soldiers... Also, I did 2 random Accessory rolls from the Honor Shop. I ended up getting SSRs both times, one Holy Grail and one Beholder's Eye. Not the best accessories, but are useful enough to be worth raising in the interim. (I ended up putting Holy Grail on Imelda and Beholder's Eye on Liffany.) Regarding summons, I did 3 Ten-Rolls for Zerida. I didn't get any SSR yet, but Varna finally showed up which is nice. I can also get Freya to 5-star status if I can just fully clear her event before it expires (getting all the Feats). I'm planning on blazing through the Time Rift today (I'm on Chapter 7, Normal Mode). My stamina has mostly be used for other things (such as Time Rift sweeps for materials), but I really want to get access to the final class mats and later the bond mats.
  13. Laptop broke, so I spent some time trying to fix it. I've still on FGO break and think I'm missing some of these daily point quests. I would love to get the mats (and get around to the EoR story which I still haven't touched yet), but there isn't enough time for me to juggle everything. I have a sinking feeling I'm not gonna have enough Quartz for Ishtar once May rolls around since my current FGO interest is low...
  14. If anyone was wondering where I was, my laptop decided to brick itself Monday when I attempted a System Restore. Now I got it back up and running (just need to reinstall everything again too. Man, internet time is too fast. Miss 3 days and the whole world passes by.) As for my progress, I can now take on the level 55 Event Maps. It involves some Crowd Control and sacrificial plays, but I can clear it and I'm happy about it. Now if only I could clear the challenge maps... Probably gonna roll for Zerida but stop at the first SSR. I gotta save Crystals for the next focus banners.
  15. I got the Luna lotto skin 2nd to last. Downside is the Runestone is the last item, but I am not spending 1000 crystals for it. So, I get to save my crystals! Woo! // As for future spending, I may try to get Zerida or just save up for the next focus banners (so I can get my Altumuller and maybe Angelina.) I've also been progressing in the Time Rift a fair amount. Hopefully sometime next week I can max out a T3 class or two and start thinking about how to obtain all the class masteries I need. I'll probably be focusing on Lana first since I already unlocked her T2 class on route to her T3, while Bozel will be 2nd because of the bond requirements and useful skills. As for how my guys fare against the Thunder Dragon... They still suck. I guess I really have to invest in them heavily, but there are other characters that need to be raised first.
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