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Everything posted by Sire

  1. Bride Lucina? A bonus, perhaps?
  2. Well, I learned something new. One can pair up with characters other than your "main party." Edit: They do seem to be having fun though, which will probably be a highlight despite my lack of understanding.
  3. I thought I heard somewhere about post-release plans for today's stream, but that may be inaccurate info. Oh hey, some gameplay! yay.
  4. I am starting to get the feeling staying up for this is not worth it. I can't understand what's going on at all...
  5. Is the stream being a bit late or does it start in 25 mins? I thought it started 2:00 Central Time, and I really should be sleeping instead of staying up for this... Edit: Apparently it decided to start now.
  6. I while I dislike the look of Rex (and currently, his voice), I feel like his character may actually be okay going off of the trailer from the Nintendo Direct. Of course, he was presented to us by the Titan he lives on (Azurda, or "Gramps") which may give off a better impression, but Rex may actually go places. As for Pyra, I'll admit she is aesthetically pleasing to look at, but I do question the fanservice design. I think the major point for me is her "torso armor." I was never really a fan of armor that covers most of the front but exposes the side and the back, so covering that up with a slight redesign may solve that for me. I do like the designs of Nia and Tora though. It's just a shame Tora is stuck with Poppi α who I am not particular a fan of at this point in time.
  7. Having "finished*" Xenoblade Chronicles and Xenoblade Chronicles X, I am cautiously optimistic for XC2. I know the environments and music are in excellent hands, but the playable characters thus far do not really resonate with me. I am also not completely sold on the updated combat system with the Blades and the switching. When I play the game itself, I may change my mind, but right now I prefer the traditional method. (I absolutely loved XCX's combat system, even though I mained swords and rarely used my rifle.) * XC: At final boss, want to finish up the sidequests first. I hear this trivializes the final fight, but I rather "complete" the game in one go instead of doing another playthrough. XCX: Finished main story, got my Ares 90, and have maybe 1-3 major sidequests left. I also need to get around to finishing up all the affinity missions, don't think I 100% that yet...
  8. I only have a +DEF, -HP Ike and a fresh 4* Soren (+DEF, -RES) to work with. At least I can add the Black Knight when I get him, but I much rather have any of the other characters than Soren (even Mist)... I guess I lucked out on my first run with Ike, Delthea, Cherche, and Azama. Cherche died early to M!Robin due to skill proc, while Delthea and Azama died on the final chapter leaving Ike to deal with Leon and Niles by himself. Got a "perfect run" for my efforts, but it sucks not having a proper Reinhardt counter. Anyways, back to figuring out my team strats with these evil maps...
  9. While I question the timing and the initial inclusion of Lyn, I do look forward to playing her the most. The selling point for me are the GBA animation references, and that makes me somewhat happy. The other characters also look like a blast to play as well, and I hope I can get a Switch before Fire Emblem: Warriors is released in North America.
  10. I have stated this multiple times, but I do not feel like I am getting the product that I was told I would be getting. There was supposedly a focus on Shadow Dragon, Awakening, and Fates, but in reality things currently seem to be more like Awakening & Fates + Marth & Friends + Lyn + Celica. Then, there was also a "focus" on the weapon triangle, but now we have an absurd number of sword users. I love Lyn and Celica, but I much rather have them through DLC with unique movesets and have the base roster have more weapon variety. Of course, I may just of had my expectations in the wrong place. I feel like Fire Emblem Warriors is a repeat of Fire Emblem Fates as it had huge potential, but as more things are revealed that "potential" is lost and fans are left behind with "what could have been." * * * * * At this point, I want to see the full base roster. I know Navarre appears in a cutscene and his presence may mean there are other "hidden characters" in Warriors we do not know about. There are still plenty missing, such as a lance infantry, a knight unit, and the Villains (including the OCs, if any), so the game does not feel "complete" to me thus far. While I am sure the game is will be good and enjoyable, these reveals and decisions have been rather frustrating. At least I can look forward to the awesome remixes being thrown up on Youtube when the game is released proper.
  11. While not the outcome I was hoping for, this does not surprise me with the amount of BS that has been going on with the decisions and reveals. I honestly think Azura, an infantry lance user, is pretty important in terms of weapon triangle, and she was fairly important to the plot of Fates. If there was anyone to make NPCs, it would be the little sisters (Elise and Sakura), especially since they just seem to be clones of the little brothers (Leo and Takumi). If there was anyone to cut, it would be Celica and Lyn. I love the two to death, but their inclusion goes against everything thus far. I much rather have a polished roster of three titles, as originally stated, than Awakening & Fates + Marth & Friends + Lyn + Celica. So yeah, when I read that the developers themselves were throwing a riot and saying "You know nothing of a Fire Emblem game!" they were pretty much right. The fans are having the same thoughts now and are questioning the decisions behind Fire Emblem Warriors. *sigh* At least there's a chance for Azura in the DLC, or to show up as an NPC character (although I doubt the latter). So far, the statements "We wanted to focus on three titles" and "We wanted to focus on the Weapon Triangle" are completely pointless. I guess I'll just see what the game itself has in store when it releases and navigate the news on my sea of salt.
  12. I was hoping for Sword Caeda so we could get a Sword Pegasus, but I guess I can settle for Wing Spear Caeda instead. Either way, I'm glad she is properly revealed so Marth is not going on an adventure all on his lonesome. My only complaint is Caeda using lancers further solidifies the "cloned / similar movesets" approach, which may be obvious in hindsight, but I was hoping for a "unique Warriors" approach where nearly everyone got unique movesets. I guess I was having too high of an expectation, especially when trying to compare it to Hyrule Warriors. (Alternatively, I may just be spoiled from Warriors Orochi and Samurai Warriors.) As for Young!Tiki, she looks adorable and can fully transform into a dragon for a time, but I am unsure if I will like her playstyle. I was also hoping for an Adult!Tiki, but I can't see her Awakening counterpart using her younger self's moveset. At least I can hope for a "proper" Adult!Tiki in the DLC (like how Twili Midna was a separate character from Imp Midna in Hyrule Warriors)
  13. So, just a Caeda and Young!Tiki reveal, which is stuff we know already... Caeda is confirmed to be a lance user, so rip my hopes of her being a sword flier. At least she may have the Wing Spear, right? Then, we have Young!Tiki, and while she is adorable and has the dragon gimmick, I am unsure if I will like her playstyle outside of the transformed mode. We know Navarre is in the game (or at least a leaked cutscene) so there may be hidden characters. We are still heavily lacking in everything outside of Swords - I heavily expected Azura to serve as Lance Infantry. I was hoping for Camus to be playable, or at least someone who can serve as a Lance Cavalier. We still do not have a playable Armor. FE:W has about three archers (Takumi, Sakura, Anna?), and a decent number of mages (Robin, Leo, Elise, Validar?). I expected Shadow Dragon to get the shaft in character selection, but "4" characters is a really poor number when compared to Awakening and Fates' character slots. I sincerely hope there are good surprises waiting in the game proper and not everything is relegated to paid DLC. I'll probably pick up everything, but it is hard to be excited about a game when the reveals are obvious and when there are "obvious things" that seem to be missing. (Edit: If they did a proper Shadow Dragon reveal first and "surprised us" with Lyn and Celica, then maybe there may be some form of hype. The marketing of this FE:W has been rather poor from the start.)
  14. Well, I did not expect Y!Tiki to end up being the joke character. I haven't seen any transformations and the like yet... I stand corrected, she has a full dragon moveset...
  15. Young!Tiki is revealed too. Huh.
  16. For character switching, several Warriors games do it. Two off the top of my head are... Warriors Orochi 3 - Allows up to three characters to be selected, but there is only one controlled at a time. The other two are held in reserve until swapped out. (I got this for the Wii U, but there are various versions of WO3 for other platforms.) Samurai Warriors Chronicles - Allows up to four characters. Only one is controlled at a time, but the other characters were active in battle and can be swapped to on the fly. SWC is probably the most similar to Fire Emblem Warrior's system. (This title on the 3DS is what got me into the Warriors series as a whole. There is a 2nd one out, but I haven't played that one yet.) * * * * * As for the fairy question, I do not have Hyrule Warriors Legends, so I can't answer that, sorry.
  17. Round 79 [???]: Palla, Cherche, Cecilia, 4* Athena, 4* Arthur Round 80 [???]: M!Robin, A!Tiki, Shanna (+ATK, -HP), 4* Nino, 4* Camilla Round 81 [???]: Gordin, 4* Beruka, 4* Nowi, 4* Lon'qu, 4* Klein (+ATK, -DEF) Round 82 [???]: Frederick, Lon'qu (+SPD, -RES), Selena, 4* Abel (+ATK -RES), 4* Catria Round 83 [???]: Barte, Frederick, Gordin, 4* Nino, 4* Shanna Round 84 [???]: Clarine (+HP, -ATK), Fir, Hana, 4* Jagen, 4* Soren (+DEF, -RES) Round 85 [???]: Matthew, Olivia (+ATK, -HP), 4* Lon'Qu, 4* Peri (+ATK, -HP), 4* Raven Blue = Active Duty (Good or Perfect IVs, New Desired Character)Red = Reserves (Character Merging, Skill Inheritance, Retirement) * * * * * * * * * * I've mostly been doing full pulls with the free summon, but don't remember what happened with what. I know I tried Dauntless Crimeans again after my initial pull, maybe I did Brave Heroes or something a few more times, I do not remember. Anyways, while I do not have any 5-star units, I did get several other characters with favorable natures. Shanna has +ATK, -HP to patch up her lower ATK. She would probably prefer -DEF instead of -HP and +SPD may be nice, but currently I do not have a specific build in mind for her. Klein is +ATK, -DEF, which I do not mind as the +ATK helps with Brave Bow usage while -DEF means Klein keeps some RES to help against magic users. Lon'qu perhaps has his best nature in +SPD, -RES, although some may prefer +ATK instead. I personally want the SPD on him so he just goes super fast, give him a Wo Dao with Moonbow and he can be somewhat formidable (or at least look cool, to me at any rate). Abel also has the classic optimal nature of +ATK, -RES, with the +ATK definitely helping him on the offensive. Olivia has +ATK, -HP, which helps a little bit if she needs to go on the offensive for something. My Olivia likely will not transform into Dark Olivia (one with a Wo Dao and some offensive capabilities), and a more defensive Olivia may be better for a pure support, but I do not mind her attacking every now and then. Finally, we have Peri with +ATK, -HP. She may prefer -RES for some more sustainability, but the -HP should be fine. In other news, I got a +HP, -ATK Clarine, which seems pretty awesome. Thing is, I'm personally hoping for a +SPD, -ATK Clarine, and I am not keen on replacing my current heavily SI'd Clarine. I also summoned a Soren who has a rather boring nature, but he may prove to be somewhat useful for the upcoming Tempest Trials alongside Ike as I do not have any of the other superior units. I never understood the fascination with Soren (or Lute for that matter, but that is off topic), but I guess I'll have to make do with what I have. It would be awesome if I could get Nephenee or Elincia, but knowing my luck this seems unlikely for the near future. I am not really invested in the theorized Genealogy banner, so I'll probably just do my "free full summon" and begin stockpiling orbs when that happens. (Wait a minute, October is near which means there may be another special banner. Crap...) * * * * * Past Pulls
  18. History Mode looks interesting, but from what I am speculating, it is essentially FE:W's take on Hyrule Warriors' Adventure Maps. So far, there seems to be... Awakening (The fight against Validar) Shadow Dragon (no idea since I only played SD once and promptly forgotten nearly everything) Fates (The map during the route split, but I guess the player fights both sides.) Blazing Blade Sword (Seems to by Lyn's chapter in Eliwood/Hector's route) ??? (I am assuming this is Celica's, but didn't catch a glimpse of the 5th History Mode map on the stream) Otherwise, it was a decent stream. We heard some remixes (Alight, Twilight of the Gods), speculated on some maps (Hoshido Castle, Arena Ferox), and saw some gameplay from Lyn and Leo (Validar was an enemy character). No big reveals and since I do not understand Japanese, I missed the explanations. Anyways, I think there are two more streams to go, so let's see what is in store then.
  19. Leo gameplay is being shown. Looks like a "mounted Robin" to me. (Edit: Apparently they cut out the special animation? The beep?) As for Validar, I want to say he has a unique "Dark Mage" moveset, but am not sure on that.
  20. Alight makes its reappearance as a remix. The map has to be Hoshido Castle, seemingly taking cues from Ryoma's showdown from Conquest.
  21. I assume that is for the base game. Any mention of them also being deconfirmed for DLC? * * * * * Some observations 1. Lyn looks fun to play 2. I want to say the map is Arena Ferox, but am not sure.
  22. Makes sense. * * * * * Divine Decree remix is in! We are also now doing History Mode.
  23. Welp, I thought the comments would be somewhat entertaining, but they are just filled with random nonsense that will lower my IQ. A part of me wonders what the Japanese viewers (if they are on Youtube) think of all the comments... The 3DS footage is nice. HEY! Twilight of the Gods (Echoes) remix?!
  24. 1. Fire Emblem Music in the Warriors Style, it is amazing and all I hoped it would be. (Justice RIP) 2. We have characters other than the three focus games in Warriors (currently just Lyn and Celica, it is unknown if there will be more or not.) 3. We have both genders for Robin and Corrin. 4. The character movesets looks interesting for the most part. Right now I'm thinking about maining Chrom, Takumi, Camilla, and Lyn, although I want to play them all. ?. Xander's Horse is secretly a pegasus. Seriously, it is extremely nimble in the air... 5. I look forward to the cross-game supports as well as the extensive voicework for both History Mode and Story Mode. 6. I look forward the FEW's cutscenes, since I tend to enjoy the cutscenes in the Warriors franchise. 7. I hope Fire Emblem Warriors does well enough to get a sequel down the line. While some decisions are questionable and the road to release has been rocky thus far, I'm sure the game will be an outstanding title.
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