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Everything posted by Lightcosmo

  1. Oh wow, I'm so sorry then, I'm an idiot. Forgive me for the misconception, but as you said, context is obviously an issue here.
  2. I'm not really being immature, though. I'm being rational. please tell me where i'm acting "immature" to you. Just because my concerns don't align with everyone else's here doesn't mean i'm acting at all immature. I'm not a fan of the smash community as a general, so I guess my opinion doesn't matter, does it?
  3. Eh, it's not really a joke to me, and i'm being 100% honest here. I've played enough competitive smash where you get sick of hearing stuff like that. I of course have no idea on your smash career in the competitive world, so I can't say. Nothing new, really. Yes because calling somebody you don't know much about a brat is really mature, I guess. I'm not at all salty, just stating facts, actually.
  4. Yep, that's Mega man for ya, for sure. That level of frustration is kinda what makes it what it is, though! Hmmm, I don't remember Quick man in Mega Man 2 being particularly hard. But, I haven't played it in a while, so who knows, probably better off, though. Boobeam, yes I remember him. I always hated that thing, how can you forget that thing? It's like, the 3rd level around Wily's castle?
  5. Actually not true, thank you for jumping to conclusions there. and that's why I say that. I would rather not be around a 24 year old who throws a 3 year old tantrum after a loss, it's just embarrassing. Saying things like "oh you only won because your character is OP" is just pathetic as sounding as watching tantrums, not to mention seriously rude. I just don't think there is any justification to act like that at all. There are nice ways of saying things, y'know.
  6. This. I can't understand what people see in FF7, it was such a drag to get through for the most part. From what I heard I didn't think it would be such a letdown, of course. Not to say some part of me didn't enjoy it a little, but i'm not planning on running through it again that's for sure.
  7. Sure that's fair enough, I just thought it made the game a bit more interesting, is all. I would for sure recommend both, though. They both have their charms and whatnot, to make them different enough to warrant giving both a shot. I can't say I've been disappointed by any of the three (Four if you count Torna as separate) in the Xenoblade series so far, and i'm kinda a harsh critic sometimes.
  8. The difficulty spike isn't perfect, sure, but the game felt much more in depth compared. I enjoyed the sidequests as well! You learn quite a bit about the characters through them, actually. I thought the original was amazing, but Torna's gameplay just shocked me, I guess is what I mean. What disappointed me about the original was, your traveling with the strongest Blade, who pretty much just stands there and supports you? Sure you have the Blade combos, but that doesn't feel like enough to me. I wanted to play as them, and I was sorely disappointed. I'm sorry if it sounded like I said the original was bad, I didn't mean that at all.
  9. Gameplay wise, I honestly thought it was much improved from the original. I like being able to switch between Blade and Driver, which I wanted in the original version. I also thought the interactions and such between characters was better handled, in battle mostly. Well it IS kind of short, sadly. I wanted so much more when I got far enough, it was a fantastic experience to me.
  10. I agree with this! Although, I'm one of those that liked FF VIII's Triple Triad mini-game, that was actually pretty intense to me. And I hated IX's card game in comparison.
  11. I think Mega Man games are designed to be pretty frustrating. I mean, most of them are, and have been for a long time, including the BN games which have some pretty annoyingly hard bosses. But I can agree, though.
  12. Currently playing Final Fantasy XII: This one I enjoy going through, since it's replay value feels pretty high to me. On the side: Dragon Shadow Spell. I think I've played this around 16 times so far? I still really enjoy it nonetheless.
  13. I can't say I didn't enjoy some aspects, but getting to certain places feels like a drag and some of the battles are questionably irritating. Also, using the wrong emulator and having to start over a few times was saddening. But I appreciate the cosmetics changes such as EV's and stuff displayed, so it's not all bad! Also, Pika with Bulbasaurs cry is annoying. And I almost forgot about the writing! That's pretty bad too, sadly.
  14. I'm not sure why people really care either way? Anyway, I think there are a lot worse things to worry about, like the raggers and such, so I wouldn't let it bother me anyways.
  15. That's them! Those pictures are great, hoping to see them again! I dont mind what style they use, I just want to see them again.
  16. Okay, fair enough. I didn't mean for that to come off as rude, if it did I apologise. It doesnt seem like they cared too much about the sprites to fix it.
  17. Good luck with this! I personally have bad experiences with this mod, so i'm not too fond of it. But i'll enjoy this playthrough nonetheless.
  18. I suppose another thing that bothers me a bit is that Priestess and Celica still use the same promoted sprites. I would prefer her to be a little more unique, but oh well. This made me laugh because I kinda thought the same thing. But it isn't just this game that has that so I can't hold it against it. Take Smash for example, that game is awful for clipping, and that's on the Switch.
  19. Oh I'm just one of those that prefers to level and watch characters grow, this game doesnt really support that Is all.
  20. Unfortunately, I dont think there is a patch out there yet, sorry. The best you can do Is have a power stat, like Echoes where they're shared pretty much.
  21. Hmmm, okay I'll check that out. I've changed the displayed amount which is in the script files, though. Thanks for taking the time to reply either way.
  22. Maybe to you, but to me it did. So by your logic, it's therefor an awful game that never deserves a chance. Also, you said slow and clunky, which I think it is. Other FE games do have flaws, you just try to justify them by hating FE4's more. Like I said, since I don't like it should be changed, that is what your saying, after all. Is my opinion less valuable then yours?
  23. I would argue this about PoR, does that make it terrible? hardly, it's just not the same as everything else, oh well. Mechanically, the game is fine, it's just not for you, nothing wrong with that. Can't expect to like every FE game out there. Your opinion is just that, no need to be rude to everyone that starts a topic about it. Anyway, as for the topic, I think it would be a good idea, but in the wrong game. Probably best to save that idea if you ask me.
  24. Fire Emblem has always been this way. Unit growths? Certainly not balanced. Prf weapons? Don't see that being fair either. Class caps/growths? Same problem. Skills? Don't get me started on this. And of course things like Move, etc are an issue. Weapon balance isn't really a thing either. Not really fair to judge one when all of them are guilty of this. Sure they can't balance it, that doesn't mean it can't be done right. The system isn't the issue, their balance is.
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