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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. 21. Why should I care about Spyro? What's so great about him?

    22. What's your favorite color?

    23. Of all the years you've lived in, which is your favorite?

    24. If you could go to any year before you were born, which would it be?

    25. Is Final Fantasy Chronicles any good without multiplayer? 

  2. 1 hour ago, Bartozio said:


    Seriously man, if you felt her hands, you would know what I was talking about. I never really paid much attention to anything else, actually. Her hair was blonde? Or was it brown? I don't remember. But she had nice hands. Great for dancing. 

    That is to say, don't be such a prude, Bart! Remember who the sheltered, naive homeschooler is here!


  3. Seeing as "Rate the Song" games have been popular around here before, I figured I would start a holiday-themed variant. Since so much Christmas music is covers of older classics, hymns and carols, feel free to post the same song more than once, provided they are performed by different artists. I'll start off with a classic:

    White Christmas by Bing Crosby

  4. 10 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

    ...When was this, exactly? A Christian college not allowing rock music and video games sounds more stereotypical of, like, the 80s or something. I didn't realize that there were still people like that around today. And I thought those kinds of Christians were still okay with dancing! Isn't that considered a possible expression of worship that's mention right in the Bible itself? I can always resort to writing depressing stories if I need to, at least.

    Eh, I already visited the college I'd like to go to, and it seemed pretty neat. Just the standard curfew stuff, really. But if I find out that there's a secret "No PDAs" rule once I get there, then you'll be the first to hear about it.


    Ever heard of Bob Jones University? Pensacola Christian College? Patrick Henry College? Ever seen the movie Footloose? These colleges will expel women for wearing skirts that are three inches above their heels. They will force you to attend convocations and sermons. They reserve the right to randomly inspect your room and your computer for any traces of pornography. These people are incredibly creepy in their religious zeal to keep an eye on you. They say even the bathrooms are bugged, so that in order to make sure you aren't a pervert, they can monitor you when you think you're all alone. Now who is the real pervert there? 

    Yeah, a lot of Christians are anti-dancing, I guess they are that way 'cuz dancing is fun, and if Christians went around having fun all of the time, people would actually want to join us and we can't have that happening, now can we? It's a bummer. There was this cute girl I used to dance with all of the time, but then she couldn't anymore because her parents decided it was ungodly. Really too bad. She had really soft hands. I miss her.


  5. 1 minute ago, DefaultBeep said:

    Sully! I'm offended that such a good Christian boy as yourself would even consider such a thing! I would tell you that you need to go to confessional, but that's the wrong religion.

    And besides, I've been around enough high and/or drunk people to know that it's not really something for me, heh.


    But if you don't, you'll be terribly bored! The one time I considered going to a physical college, I had to read their rules. They were terrible! No dancing, no rock music, no video games, and (this was the real shocker) no PDAs! How can one live without PDAs? No wonder people resort to alcohol and drugs.

    Granted, that was one of those Christian colleges... but I'll bet you every other college has boring rules too!


  6. 1 minute ago, DefaultBeep said:

    Sully! I'm offended that such a good Christian boy as yourself would even consider such a thing! I would tell you that you need to go to confessional, but that's the wrong religion.

    And besides, I've been around enough high and/or drunk people to know that it's not really something for me, heh.


    But if you don't, you'll be terribly bored! The one time I considered going to a physical college, I had to read their rules. They were terrible! No dancing, no rock music, no video games, and (this was the real shocker) no PDAs! How can one live without PDAs? No wonder people resort to alcohol and drugs.

    Granted, that was one of those Christian colleges... but I'll bet you every other college has boring rules too!


  7. Just now, DefaultBeep said:

    That sounds perfect for me then! I think my parents are kinda set on me going to a physical college though, preferably staying on campus, so I don't think that's really an option for me at this point. And I'm in my last year of high school anyway, so I'll be in college soon enough regardless.


    Oh well. At least you can go to a real college and get high at parties! That's something I feel like I'm missing out on.


  8. 54 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

    Goodness, really? You gotta slow down and let the other homeschoolers catch up, haha.


    You should try it Meap! Accelerated distance learning is awesome because you don't have to be smart to do any of it!

    42 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

    Heh, would you be mad at me if I told you that even though I am the top of my class at my high school and they only in my region going to said school...that I'm going to major in art and design?  Because my parents aaare!  I want to be an animator and story designer for cartoons or go to work on games and gaming.  I'm such a disappointment :D: 


    Go for it Anime! You'll probably end up homeless and penniless on a street somewhere, but money is the root of all evil and you can't put a price on happiness anyway! That's what I tell my parents about myself at least. We artistic types don't get no respect!


  9. 2 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    College is generally more time consuming and stressful then high school, but you can also often take things at your own pace a bit more. It's really all about finding the fine line between slacking off and getting a burn out...

    Amen! Technically, I should actually be doing college right now... but I'm here... because you're distracting me... please stop.


  10. Hmmm... maybe I should stop asking that last question. I keep getting... intriguing answers. And what do you know, it looks like I'm your type after all!

    16. What's your favorite fictional character from a video game, movie, TV show, etc?

    17. What's your favorite video game OST?

    18. Do you believe in absolutes?

    19. Do you believe in God/other supernatural beings?

    20. Do you believe in love?

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