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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. 4 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

    I bet this is how all your love confessions turn out, you stud ;)


    This was actually pretty easy, usually I have to fight to get them but this one wanted me from the start.

    4 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

    If you make it gibberish anyway, it'll look more glitchy:

      Reveal hidden contents

    J̷u̶s̶T̷ ̵M̴8̶r̸h̷o̷I̶ ̷f̵h̶o̸Y̷9̸f̶o̴ ̴*̴U̴s̸t̶ ̴m̴O̴n̷1̵k̸a̴ ̷j̴ ̵s̸t̷ ̴M̷o̴n̶i̷k̴a̷ ̷r̸h̸y̸ ̷H̶f̷8̸r̶3̷ ̵f̴g̸e̷ ̴M̸o̵n̶i̶K̷a̴ ̷f̸3̴ ̴r̴i̸s̴I̷0̷ ̶M̵ ̷F̵_̶u̶s̴i̸L̴ ̵o̸n̵I̷k̸a̵ ̵M̸o̷n̶ ̴ ̴a̸ ̴8̶d̸ ̶7̶ ̶G̴ ̷e̸t̶ ̴ ̸e̵h̴w̶0̸ ̵2̴1̷ ̶d̷i̷ ̷M̷o̶n̶I̶k̴a̴ ̶J̵u̶s̸t̵ ̶M̴o̵n̸i̸k̸a̴

    ... but it also doesn't mean anything.

      Reveal hidden contents


    Enjoy your time - you'll be there forever!



    So it never ends then? Because I've got school to do.



  2. 4 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

    Oh yeah, by the way @SullyMcGully: have you been keeping the game folder open while you're playing? Don't forget, you can find a few fun Easter eggs in there if you check at the right times!~


    I assume by game folder you mean history log? It's gotten pretty darn weird in there lately.

    @Rex Glacies My life isn't that exciting. Sometimes, I wish I had nothing to do so I could do something else.


    I have to say, after looking at this still frame of Yuri for the past 20 minutes, she's starting to look attractive. She looks good in red.


  3. Spoiler

    Why is my computer now broken? What's with these psychotic poems I'm "unlocking"? Who's cutting themselves? Is Monika evil, or is she another victim? Make it stop, somebody!



    4 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

    Ahaha, what? I'm sorry Sully, but I think you're misreading the situation. I really am happy that you've been able to get along with everyone!

    Although, it would be nice if maybe just the two of us could spend time together....

    Hey! Maybe you could try writing a poem for me instead!~ Wouldn't that be fun, Sully?


    I don't want you to die, Beep! 

  4. Just now, Bartozio said:
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    Uhm no, I was wondering whether things would change if you made a different choice...

    So like, if Yuri died instead of Sayori if you made a different choice. But I guess it was impossible to save Sayori after all. Maybe if it changes if you pick her from the start or something.



    Oh, okay. No, I got an S-support with Sayori and the next morning she hung herself. 


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