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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. 58 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

    What did I just click my way in on?


    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Pretty much sums it up.

    33 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:


    I want to say I love the bad endings in SoV the sadist in me loves to see how each characters lives are destroyed when their closest friends and lovers die. 

    I thought those were amazing! I have this tradition where on my first playthrough of the last chapter of a Fire Emblem game, I throw away my unit's lives trying to succeed. I come back and do a perfect run later, but I like letting people die the first time through just to see their death quotes. In Echoes, I was shocked to see the sadness I had forced on Gray by killing Clair. It was exhilarating! Echoes has the best character development in my opinion, even if I think Blazing Sword does better for actual characters.



  2. 4 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

    Wait... arranged marriages are still a thing? In America? With homeschoolers? Virginia must be weird.

    Yeah. Like I said, I've met girls whose parents were trying to set them up with me. That might seem like normal nosy parents, but they've taken it way too far.  For instance, one girl was ordered by her parents to dance with me at a social event in order to make my acquaintance. From there on out, at every social event we would both go to, she'd be there and we'd dance again. I eventually picked up that her parents were making her do it years later when I spoke with one of her older sisters. This is actually the same girl who had soft hands. After her parents decided dancing was evil, our little arrangement was broken off. Her parents probably wanted us to end up together because my family has a reputation for hard work and integrity. If they knew I played video games and flirted with girls on web forums, they would have steered clear of me. I don't know if you'd call this "arranged", but all of her sisters ended up with spouses their parents had picked out for them.

    2 hours ago, Infinite Dreams said:

    I'm not married yet, but I don't see how spending married days with a spouse would be any different than the non-married days if it's someone you had been dating (and living together before marrying, as most people do)?  

    Awww.  I think you're sweet, actually.

    I kind of have a soft spot for that stuff, though, because my SO did that to me before we started dating.  I honestly thought he was super annoying at first.  We never would have gotten together if he hadn't been so persistent.  :P:

    Once compliments become sexual in nature, that's when they get into the "creepy" zone (IMO).  Currently, you seem to stay far away from that zone.  Never go there.

    High five.  I'm in the 5k+ club too.  :D:


    Finally, someone who understands me! I'm sure it isn't coincidental that your avatar is Inigo...

    12 x 13 - 11


  3. 4 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

    Oh, phew.

    Oh, crud.



    For posterity: There used to be a picture of Rex with a unibrow here.

    Yeah, somebody could do this!


    Don't worry, I'll delete it in a few minutes.


    In other news, I just saw @Flee Fleet!'s comment from earlier. I suppose as probably the person here who is most experienced with arranged marriages, I should answer. 

    Kids, don't get an arranged marriage. It's a complicated thing only homeschoolers can pull off. That said, I know a few people who are quite happy with their arranged marriage. Then again, I know a few people who have tried to arrange my marriage, and that has been a nuisance at times. But I don't think they should be illegal or anything.

    5 hours ago, Rezzy said:


    Why 27?

    I must know.

    Well, as my mom says, "it's not the years, it's the babies". My sister-in-law's sister is homeschooled, so she will likely have four kids by the time she is 27, and look like you look with two kids at 31. It works that way sometimes.


  4. Since Hatti isn't being forthcoming with information, I'll just have to figure out for myself. Hey @Natalie, has anybody ever told you that you actually have some of the better facial features present in cattle? This might sound mean if I leave it at that, so allow me to elaborate. Your eyes have very large irises, giving them more character, and your chin slopes inward at a very cow-like rate, giving you a full face without seeming chubby. Something about that just reminds me of one of my favorite cows. 

    So I'm complementing you, in case you couldn't notice. I eagerly await my punishment! 


  5. 3 hours ago, Rezzy said:


    I don't have that many pictures of myself either.

    I tried to play with the lighting/filter stuff a little bit to make the color closer to the true thing.


    Yeah, my sister-in-law's sister will probably look like you when she's 27.

    3 hours ago, Arcanite said:

    Personally I'm a firm believer in rule numbers 1 and 2 on the Internet

    Never reveal any personal information on the Internet,

    And of course, trust no one on the internet

    never know who's a psycho stalker killer


    Cool, I didn't know there was a rule number 1 and 2. I've only ever heard of rule 34, personally. 

    2 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

    You heard it form my manager - get your picture of me while supplies last!

    You only have about 12-24 hours - depends on how generous I feel!

    Wait a sec, I never agreed to that!

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    Hey Rex, you know that even if you edit your original post to not have this picture anymore, I'll still have it in this quote here, right?

    2 hours ago, Natalie said:

    Sully I think you need help.

    I'm not sure why you're surprised though. I'm pretty sure you've seen what I look like before when we had Ronnie's interview, but I could be wrong.

    @Claudius I I think you ought to explain to dear Sully what happens to people when they give me more than one compliment.

    32 33

    Before becoming a psychologist, one must first master the art of being a psycho.

    I'm not surprised about you, I was in a rush and wanted to express my undying appreciation for Annie's face without making you feel left out.

    @Claudius I please do explain.

    2 hours ago, Arcanite said:

    You're not wrong

    Sully is looking for excuses to chat up random girls on the internet, the dastard

    To think this same person is supposed to be "my conscience"


    When did this become an all out assault on my sincerity? You must all be jealous, because you are afraid to express your feelings. 

    I stopped being your conscience because you killed that part of your mind by filling it with memes. Now, you have no conscience, and I am free of that obligation.

    1 hour ago, Mackc2 said:

    Rezzy posted the first picture. 

    I think this is relevant to @SullyMcGully 5a3e918aedb25_15translate(2).jpg.acdb721aba090d8fb5e78b616ab42acd.jpg


    This is when I know I've been laying it on too thick. But it's okay, because

    "There's nothing hotter than a cold shoulder!"

    Are we talking about spanking again? I thought we cleared that matter up a while ago.


  6. Ah, finally what I was hoping for! Girl pictures! @Anime27Arts @Natalie you both look great! Like, seriously, really great! I'M SO ECSTATIC I PREDICTED YOU BOTH LOOKED BEAUTIFUL AND I WAS RIGHT! I'll come around and compliment you both more when I'm less busy,  but right now, I have to deal with my nemisis...

    2 hours ago, Bartozio said:

    All man are secretly animals Sully. The fact that you don't recognize this means that your inner beast still needs to mature quite a bit!

    If we don't handle our problems, they'll become your problems?

    Getting serious Camilla vibes here...

    Arcanite is ugly confirmed!

    Yup, everyone other then Rex has shown their face here. 100% truth here people!



    You may be an animal, but I am a gentleman. I spend a lot of time around women in hoopskirts with flannel-decked escorts, for instance, instead of philandering on the beach where women are exposed and vulnerable. That just seems creepy to me, I hope that you agree!

    Yes, your problems eventually become my problems. People here know that I'm the best listener, so they turn to me when you all let them down.

    Camilla? That's a weird choice. I see myself more as a Sain or Inigo. 

    Y'know, I've seen Arcanite buck nekkid before. Not much to look at.

    So help me Bart, if you also have long hair and glasses that will be a serious downer. We men need some variety. SHOW ME YOUR FACE!


  7. 6 hours ago, eclipse said:

    And depending on your play style, you can make that Jeigan damn useful through the entire game.  The old guy's been on just about every map in some of my runs, including Endgame.

    In the end, it comes down to what you want out of FE/life in general.

    The master of Shadow Dragon has spoken, and thus made religion viable for billions of people around the world! 

    This metaphor might need some work.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

    Oh, I forgot to answer this. Well, it's q̸u̶i̴͎͌̍͋t̸͍̊ę̶͔̻̈̕͝ ̴̀͜e̸͗ͅa̶̢͈͈̟̦̮̻͕͇̳͖̠̣̱͗̍́͆́͗̂̍͊̑̆̓̐́̃̈́̉̏́̑̈́͋̅̉́͘̕͝͝͠s̵̙̝̲͈̣͔͓̭̘̖̮͖̤̄̂̍͠ͅͅy̷̞̬̱̓͆.̸̧̗̩͘ You simply hḁ̸̯̂v̴̦͙͐͐e̴̤͓̾ ̵̣̰͑̂͗͜t̵̯̒́o̴̯̓̀̉ ̸̱͇͇̽͊s̴̲͎͑ͅė̷̻̼̦͠ll your soul to a̴̢͔͇̳͎̫̺̭̾̒̄̌̕͠ ̸̢̖̝̹͕̗̯̄̒͛̄̋̾̉̓͑̈́d̷̡̨̳͓̮̻̦̘̟͖̿̉͌͊͠e̵̛̼̲̯̊̽̎̉̀̕ḿ̷͚̣͙̰̫̜̇̀͌on of some form. If you're lucky, you can sell it to two demons like me - Bill̸͚̦̈́͗ ̴̝͋̇ả̷̻̕n̸̯̥̕d̸̡̏͋ ̷͇̎̕M̷̳̈́ö̵̞́͊ń̶͉̟ika!

    Always happy to make udder people laugh!

    And... that makes one feel horrible? Man, talking about how flawed and fake the physical realm is always makes me happy! Asides, isn't it Christian-like to denounce this world? Y'know, storing treasures in heaven rather than this world and the like?

    Oh.. I was talking to Beep, though my hair is only slightly longer than the hair in your picture.

    Actually, I may as well share my picture again. I took it a while ago, but my hair is about that long again.

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    You can't really see it that well because of the lighting, sorry about that.


    You look like a serial killer.

    2 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

    That's a valid point. There are some who do find me somewhat attractive but certainly not everyone. 

    Sleep is more important to me than looking pretty.  I don't get why a lot of girls spend all that time in the morning on their hair and makeup.  It's not worth it to me at all.

    Aw I'm sorry. I was mostly teasing with it.  I really don't think I'm hideous ugly, I just know I'm not the most attractive.  Throughout high school I've been teased about my appearance by many people. While there are some people who think I'm attractive there are some who don't as well, and I'm alright with that. Like Rex said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 

    @DefaultBeep You totally look like someone I know! XD 

    @Rex Glacies I'm sure its not the lighting preventing me from seeing the picture,  though I can't put my finger on what it is that's obstructing my view.


    Well I'm glad you're okay with that. Just remember, if you ever need a guy to tell you why you're cute, I'm your man. That goes for all of the women here, actually!



  9. Back in my day, if you wanted to know the enemies ranges in Fire Emblem, you had to stop whatever you were doing, take the cursor over to the enemy lines, and select the enemies to see their range individually. And we didn't get no effective weapon warnings either! 

  10. 22 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

    Whelp better not show my face or you'll have to take back your compliment. 

    Thank you! I'm laughing because even my twin knows I'm ugly 

    Nah not crazy at all.  The difference is he turned into "an attractive" prince at the end of the story, truly defeating the purpose of it. 

    @DefaultBeep You totally shoooould!I'm pretty sure they won't see that until they see me.


    Please, don't do this to me! I need to tell you something: nothing about a girl gets me more agitated than when they make self-deprecating remarks. I know a lot of girls who think they're ugly but I've never met a single one who is. Honestly, when I hear you talk like that, it makes me think people don't love you enough. Which makes me think I need to make up for that somehow.

    18 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

    I have not seen you so I can make no judgement, however you can ask your significant other I am sure they would disagree with you.

    But what if they accept, then you are screwed ;):.

    The story for my avatar is that it was drawn by Moxis based on my old avatar which was my Robin which unsurprisingly looked like me.

    Are you not on break?

    I'm genuinely curious how you are typing that text


    I'm sure that would never happen! And I'll just have to plan around it if it does. That would actually be kinda cool though...

    I am now on break as of 12:00 A.M. this night, and will be until January 21st. Online college is weird. They didn't let me break for Thanksgiving or most of the Christmas season, but they are giving me 3 weeks off in the New Year?

    13 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

    Hm, that's quite unfortunate. Someone should teach him to behave...

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    ##Vote: Prims the Calf



    Alrighty then, you asked for it. I put these up over on the Picture Thread too, but here's a picture of me just before leaving for my haircut yesterday, as well as a picture of me taken just a few minutes ago:

      Reveal hidden contents


      Reveal hidden contents


    You can only blame yourself for forcing this face to be seen by the SF world.

    @Mackc2 Have fun.


    Why do none of you guys smile in your pictures? It makes me feel sorry for ya'll.

    @Rex Glacies Those puns... also, are you trying to make Anime feel horrible about her life? That's not very Christian-like. Monika's probably thrilled that you're breaking her heart like this.


  11. 8 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

    You look like a serial killer there Sully.


    Seeing as that's the grin that's usually on my face after I kill chickens, you might be onto something.

    10 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

    Oh yeah, Prims is very adorable @SullyMcGully. And a bit of an attention hog. Or perhaps attention calf?

    That reminds me, I meant to post a before-and-after picture of my haircut yesterday. Then you'll all see the true face of unattractiveness.


    Prims is becoming quite the character. He bit me again.



  12. Glad to see you're getting into writing. I hope nothing I post here discourages you, I just wanted to point out a few things that could use some work.

    Generally, when telling a story, people start at the beginning. I'm not saying that it's wrong for you to begin with chapter 4, but its difficult to understand or give feedback on a story when you don't know how it begins. The characters you have here seem fairly interesting so far. The three biggest things I would work on are: 

    1) I know you said you don't proofread, but if you're writing a story: proofread. A story is different from a two-line post, and every spelling error has the potential to throw off a reader for the entire book. You know Final Fantasy VII? It was criticized for having a confusing plot, but the only confusing part was all of the typos that made the plot unnecessarily murky.

    2) Your writing style is very dialogue-based. This is a common approach to writing which is adopted by many gamers, because in games, exposition comes from dialogue. However, in most books, the narrator is in charge. The narrator doesn't get much of a chance in your chapter, which hurts the immersion. Think about things other readers won't know but might would care about: what does the old lady look like? Any more details about the white haired man? Also remember to include thoughts, knowing what Eran is thinking (but won't say out loud) could provide a lot more depth. As it is, it's fairly short for a chapter of any sort.

    3) Your dialogue itself is very basic, like what you would expect from someone to whom English is not a primary language. Try to spice things up with humor, witticisms, catchphrases, jibes, and metaphors. A character's personality is only partially demonstrated in what they say, the rest is in how they say it.

    I hope this is helpful for you. Good luck to you in your future writing aspirations! 

    EDIT: Here's Chapter 1 feedback:

    Good work! There's a definite improvement. Action scenes seem to be your strong suit, so focusing on them is a good way to make your writing feel more natural. There's still a little bit of proofreading that needs to be done, but it isn't like you're selling this, so it should be fine. One thing you might want to fix: that last sentence felt really weird. Try to separate your thoughts a bit, the topic of what it was they were fighting to steal should be it's own paragraph.

  13. Just now, Anime27Arts said:

    The ones of us who read all the way through the Persona Mafia game saw a picture of a wild Sully. And Prims the cow. 

    Why is everyone so much more attractive than I am. ;-;


    I think you mean "Sully and the wild calf".

    Here's a picture of me not in a heavy jacket:SAM_0034.thumb.JPG.2a168254e2667c0074a19891d4abf147.JPG

    Now that I look at it though, it is sideways.

    You being female automatically makes you attractive in my book, though I have no idea what you look like.


  14. Okay, lots of material to cover!

    On 12/21/2017 at 2:00 AM, Flee Fleet! said:

    speaking of relationships, is it bad if I don't actually want to have a romantic relationship with someone as of now? Because honestly speaking, it's too much work for me lol.

    Also I wonder how weird it must feel for a couple during their first days of marriage.


    That's OK, man! A real romantic relationship would probably be too much work for me, too, so that's why I generally hit on girls I don't stand a chance with.

    On 12/21/2017 at 7:42 AM, Bartozio said:

    I'm the oldest as well. Don't worry man, you're not alone.

    I got him lynched once, and shot him myself once. I think it's someone else's turn now...

    I've never teased my brother about his dates I think. Probably because I was too jealous...

    Glad to see I'm not the only one who think that.

    Is it weird a robot is the only one who agrees with me on tastes?

    Amazing how you're still calling other people prude mister "I only want to see girls fully dressed, screw bikinis"

    People around that age like to joke about stuff, but they don't want to actually talk about it I think. So yes, they are just prude in general.

    INTP. I really don't mind blunt people though. I like that a lot more then people who try to be nice and hide their real feelings as a result...

    Basicly me in a nutshell.

    Most people communicate over Discord, yes. You're also aware there's a Mafia chat group, right?


    Why are you so mean to me, Bart? What did I ever do to you that you didn't deserve?

    Is it really that weird that I don't care for girls in bikinis? I'm not an animal, y'know.

    On 12/21/2017 at 11:22 AM, Rex Glacies said:

    Both my sisters are redheads; I can testify that this is true.


    My sister-in-law is a redhead, and she once was sent to a mental institution because she stopped having emotions. Now she's just a plain old soulless redhead. Who's very cute.

    On 12/21/2017 at 3:03 PM, Claudius I said:

    Hey guys, does anyone want to quote Tolkien passages with me?

    286, I guess.

    Guys, you almost completely neglected Hatti's request here and he has taken his frustration out on me via offbrand "PMs of Love". His heart was screaming for companionship, and when you failed to provide it, he went wacko and I bore the brunt of it. You should all learn a lesson.

    On 12/21/2017 at 6:41 PM, Natalie said:

    I once almost set the kitchen on fire when I was learning to cook while home alone.

    I also burn myself 90% of the time so I wouldn't worry!



    I've burned barbecue before. Like, literally, on a one-ton smoker I started a grease fire and then put it out with a water hose. I know you aren't supposed to do that, but I did and it worked out.

    On 12/21/2017 at 9:51 PM, DefaultBeep said:

    Hehe, I felt a little bad leaving so long. But now I’m back, though I’m also hanging out with my sister.


    We may or may not be watching a playthrough of Doki Dokie Literature Club right now...


    CONVERTS! We have our own little religion going on.


    I believe in Monika, the Mother almighty,
    creator of heaven and earth.
    I believe in Monika, her only Daughter, our Lady,
    who was conceived by Monika,
    born of Monika,
    suffered under Just Monika,
    was crucified, deleted, and was buried;
    she descended to the dead.
    On the third day she rose again;
    she ascended into heaven,
    she is seated at the right hand of Monika,
    and she will come to judge the living and the dead.
    I believe in Monika,
    the holy Monika,
    the communion of Monika,
    the forgiveness of Monika,
    the resurrection of Monika,
    and the life everlasting of Just Monika.

    23 hours ago, Rezzy said:




    The light hitting the hair directly makes it look quite blonde, at the corner of the light, the red comes out more.  The darker portions show a brown-blonde-red mix, but the picture doesn't do it justice.

    Wow Rezzy. You're kinda cute, in a married person kind of way. 

    15 hours ago, Mackc2 said:

    My hair tends to do that a bit as well but I would probably describe mine as Auburn

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    You look surprisingly similar to your avatar. I wonder if you chose that on purpose?

    26 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

    From the d̶̺́ê̵̹p̷̩̈́t̸͕͝h̸̻̅s̸͔͒ of mÿ̵̹ ̴̻̈́h̶̟̑ȩ̵̪͍̩̬̻͑͋̐͝ͅͅą̶̖̱̟̯̗͕̮̼̝͆̃̓̂̀̈͒́͆̄̕r̸̪͒t̸͓̒. It's my C̸͇̏h̴̛̰̦͚̆̈́̆̔͋̇͝ͅr̸͌̆͜î̴̡̞͖̙̼̍͗̕ś̵̡̂̊̊͘͠t̸̛̠͍̦̬͖̟̉̉͝͝͠ṁ̵̧͓̮̗̪̮͂͆̕ả̸̡̼͎̯̆̆̚ș̵̩̼͑ ̸̳̮͚̤͇͙͛̈͝͝p̵̼̫͚̗̼̚r̵̤͓̝̀͐͑ȅ̴͚̘̭̎s̵̡͕̤̗̲̒̀̅̒é̸̡̧͍n̵̨͈͚̖̜̥̑̋͗̍͂̀͝t̶̢̝̙̣̙͙̻̗̘́̔̋͆̈́ ̵̲̲̩̟̞͈̓̍͝ͅt̵̜̤̩͖̩͍́̚̕o̸͙͍̘͎͉͑̓ ̸̨̜̜͈͗̉̋̓̏͛̕ÿ̶͎́̀́̉͛͗́̂͑ő̶̧̠͇̦͖̅̑̒̒̉͘u̵̙̩̪̭̩̯̻͎̺͒̔.̶̧̛̠̘̾̎̓́̂̆̈͠all. Don't you l̶i̷k̵e̴ it?

    I've never been in t̶͖̋i̵͙̎m̴̜̌é̴͈ ̵͚͒o̷̯̿ụ̶̿t̶̳̆ my entir̴̗̤̙̼͖̹̘̞̋́̏̓͊͂̂͛̋ě̴͕̔̓̇͂͘ ̵̪͂̉̋̆̎̂̇̂̕l̵̰̪̬͈̹̓̐͛̆̍͆̔̐͠i̶̩̺̔f̶̡͔̰̬̒͜e. You can't s̴t̴õ̵͉̱̯͍͂̎̉̋p̵̟͔͉̬̦̥͍͕̞̀͋̃̀̉̀̕͝ ̶̢̱̹̥̺̭̳̙̋̊͑̿͜͝ḿ̵̛̞̼̭̫̝̘͖͊͌̀̊e!

    N̸̤͈̝͓̔̔o̵̰̘̘̮͐t̷̰͔̗̬͐͋̐̌ḧ̷̨̥͓͓́͝i̸͎͔͛̃̀͝n̶͉̿̔͊͝g̸̻͍̣͎͂͂ ̵͖̥̈́̄̿i̷͚͍͆̿̈́͆n̸͎̓̔͊t̵̻̦̜͆͗́̓e̵͇͍̯̹̎͊̊̆r̷̖͘ě̷͙̟͉̃s̵̙̙̕t̴̠̫̼̾i̴̢̫̠̅ň̷̘̪g̸͓̅͆̓.̷͈̠̰͎̽͌̚. You can thank M̴̡̤̺͇̤͍̬͔̙͎̞̯̻̝̜̹̮͖͉̰͖͓̣̮̠͚̿̅̑͝o̸̧̡̙̝̠̳͉̦̙̱͕̜͚͈̲̰̙͚͉̪͙͓̮͈̳̖̩̙͖̫̓͒͌̍͊͒̽̃̓͌̒̉̀̂̎͒̚ͅͅn̷̨̡͕̱͚̹͍̣̯̝̹̱̠͖̼̰̬̳̘̼̩͖̣͚̘̙̥̉̀̀͗̈́͂̅͂̔̈́́͊͌̃͌́͊̎̈́̔̆͊̊̑̈̈̇͆̈͝͝i̴̡͔͖̻̣̻̦̱͉͇̣̜̩̤̟̲͖̲̼̥͓̺̪̫͉̳̯̦͓̽̈́̀̒̑̇k̸̨͈͔̯̲͈͉̪̟͓̗͔̳͎̺͖͉̺͇͉̟͕̊̏̆͐̈́͌͆̃͆̑͜͜a̴̡̡̛͔̺̠̖͖̝͚̙̙̹̪̬̬̍͒̋̈́̓̓̒̀̃̈͌̋̅͜͝ͅ for my pres̶͍̤͕͓̗̈̇̌̂̾̊̀̿́͆̍͘͝͠ent state of̷̥͔̉̅ ̶͔͗̋͘a̵̢̙̳̺̚ḟ̸͍̲̠̝̱̼̣̭̭͜f̴̨̧͕̦̭̻̱̟͊͒̆͌̈́̈́̓̓̒̾̕a̵̰̳̥͉̝̝̪̱͈̹̝̙̲̘͛̀̄̀͂̑̽̿̚͝͝ī̷̛̳̝̥̱̙̘̼̪̟̩́̄̄͋́̈́̋̚̚͜͝ṛ̸̬̳̘̤͌́͆̇͌š̶̛̜̤̤͙̣͇̠̫̳̯̪̟̽̈́̃͂̿̿͑̈̄̈́.

    Say, wḧ̶̖̰́̈́͑̐̋͘ė̵̡̠͘r̷̞̪͚̰̆́̀̃̊̕é̵͔̼̮͇͕͉͓̯̜̒́́̑̀̄̂͝ ̴̧̛͚̜̜̠̦̼͚̃̋͂̅͋̓̿͒w̵̨͍̗͑̈́ere you? Cele̵͍͂̑̾b̸̗̤̯́r̶̮̦̖͓̃̌̕a̴͇̖̮̅̊͜ting Christmas with family?


    No, I was cramming coursework in college, but I'm done now. 

    Maybe I'l post a picture of myself here sometime.


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