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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. Granted! But everything within time slows down too, meaning you have to wait forever for the water to come out of the drain or the computer to load.

    I wish my childhood sweetheart still loved me.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

    I only know a couple of numbers; it's just the starters and Pokemon directly after them that are easy to say. For instance, this one is... Ariados?

    Dang it, Ledian. I'm close at least.

    Don't read the spoilers! Where are you right now? And who did you choose to help with the Festival? Are you even there yet?


    Let me give you a run-down of my day so far. It's Sunday morning. Yuri is coming over to my place to make crafts or something. I check on Sayori and find out she's morbidly depressed. I then help Yuri make stuff, and she does a lot of weird things to me. Then Sayori's all like "I'm glad to see that you don't really love me" and what did you expect me to do? I told her I loved her. That's where I'm at.


  3. Doki-Doki related info:


    I need to stop reading inside the spoiler tags! Sayori won't kill herself if I love on her enough, right? Please tell me I can save her somehow! I thought it was weird that we would just fall in love with me so early in the game.

    @Natalie I forgot about that. Lets just say I "loved" interviewing you.

    Arc probably lives in Virginia, with me! In fact, there's this really weird guy down the street who always stares at me in a funny way and acts like some sort of machine... Arc, are you Old Man Wilford? 


  4. 16 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

    Simple. I was tutoring my brother. He got one wrong so I sent him back to work on it and while he was I posted. Its not my fault you keep following me and ny amazingness.



    Tutoring your brother... like a homeschooler? Awesome, Anime is a homeschooler!

    @Arcanite You're still hung up on that whole thing with me and Natalie? As much as I would love for a beautiful woman like Natalie to take me seriously, I'm afraid neither you nor I are the Emperor of her affections at the moment.

    @DefaultBeep There's a difference between a love triangle and a threesome. Get it straight. The first is cute, the second is yucky... most of the time.

    @Rezzy You're married, so you wouldn't have received a "PM of Love" from me yet. However, trust me, all of the other girls have. Also, stop talking about yucky stuff. You and Meap are spoiling my dinner!

    My little brother might make an account soon just to keep an eye on me. Keep an eye out for @HarryMcLarry.

    Oh, by the way, Meap and Rex:


    I'm playing that literature club game and I'm in way over my head! I wanted to wind up with the president girl, but she wasn't an option so I went after Yuri instead. But then the cute neighbor girl went psycho and I felt like I had to do something about it, so I kinda maybe fell in love with her? Don't ask me how that makes sense, it seemed like the psychologically best move to make! Now I'm drowning in self-pity...

    Good stuff. 


  5. For the longest time I thought the reason people on forums kept their identities secret was to avoid messed-up people tracking them down IRL and shooting them. I don't have to worry about that though, as I live so far out in the sticks it would be really inconvenient for someone to come after me. And if they did... I might just have to go full Chuck Norris on them. Unlike the Amish, I can pack a good punch.


  6. You guys need to get your theology straight. God is omnipresent, therefore He is currently online. He is also omnipotent, so if He wanted to, He could cause Integrity, Specta, and Parrhesia's computers to explode as He did when He delivered us from the tyranny of Eclipse. The fact that He has not done so means that one of us is living in sin... maybe. I'm suspecting Rex and Meap have been getting into some seedy visual novels lately. If they repent of their sin of giving into their carnal desires, our protection shall return with vengeance.

    That's what real theology sounds like, since apparently I'm the most mature Christian on this thread. 


  7. Just now, Rex Glacies said:

    It's slightly suggestive at times, but for the most part you just read what is going on and make a few choices. Also, yeah, take the warnings at the beginning of the game seriously. It's not probably what you think it means (i.e. sexual) but still something you should be wary about before beginning.

    Oooh Rex you don't need an accountability partner do you? Spend too much time around those anime schoolgirls and you might compromise your values...

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