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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. 10 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

    I don't know how much we can talk about the current Maria game, since it does say that outside contact is allowed... But someone has absolutely made themselves a target in my eyes.


    Oh, Maria games! They're so much fun! I love Maria! She's so cute!

    Hey, don't you dare edit that! It's Mafia evidence!


    EDIT: What the heck. I just read the spreadsheet. Guess who I'm killing tonight? 

  2. Hey cool, Bart's following me! Time to make him regret it by posting on every forum game in Forum Games!

    I think the best way to get people to follow you is to follow them. There are all kinds of people following me who I'm pretty sure just hate me, but I followed them, so they have to be courteous! 

    No seriously, everyone I follow follows me back (except Archibald, who is way outta my league, and Clarine, who is... well, Clarine). What's up with that?


  3. Granted! You remember that you once loved a woman, but then you stabbed her to death for a stupid reason. You are haunted by guilt for the rest of your life!

    I wish the greatest singer-songwriter in the world still performed the greatest song he ever wrote as part of his live show.


  4. 6 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

    Nah, I know I can definitely amount to more and do more that simply be a baby maker.  I would love to start a family one day but that's not my sole purpose in life.  To be completely honest, if my current boyfriend becomes my husband then I will be the one, hypothetically,  making more money.  Regardless of the relationship I'm in, I plan to rely on whoever I am with but not so much as I couldn't get through life without them.


    Want my advice? Seeing as I've lived a WHOLE YEAR longer than you? Don't stress about it. You don't have to know your life calling or your soulmate quite yet. Heck, most of you young people wind up living with your parents until you're thirty-somethings! 


    I think I've turned this into a continuation of my failed advice thread by accident.

  5. 1 minute ago, Lord Raven said:

    This is a dangerous mentality. You're suggesting to stop speaking of it now that it's done. "Shut up and take it."

    What evidence do you have of this happening by the way? Because if a neutral internet is not kept, in any way shape or form, people will absolutely not forget. You're underestimating the worst case scenario by orders of magnitude, and this opens the floodgates for it.

    I was calling for a rational look at what happens in the short-term if anything changes, but the moment something does change (and it won't be a gradual change once it happens, and it definitely will be highly public) then people will hop all over it.

    Protesting against harmful results is the bastion of a liberal democracy. Indifference is the worst solution possible.

    Sorry, I missed the part where I told people to "shut up and take it". 

    I'm not saying people should forget about it; I'm saying a lot of people will. It's just the nature of publicity; you can't keep an issue at the forefront of peoples' minds when it is no longer relevant, or as relevant as it was. We won't be able to do anything about Net Neutrality until we get proof positive that it is actually harmful for the economy and the general public. Until then, people won't be spending a bunch of money advertising their position and the majority of Americans just won't care that much. 

    I'm cautious, so I'm going to keep an eye on what happens now. However, with some of the exaggerated reports I've heard, I doubt it will be anywhere near as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. See, I'm not indifferent, I'm just trying to be calm, rational, and optimistic. There's no use getting all strung up over something you can't change.

    Keep talking about it if you want. It's a free country, and if that's what you think is right, then go for it. Just remember that I and a good many other Americans feel perfectly comfortable doing otherwise. Net Neutrality is a fight no one will be fighting again for a little while, and next time it becomes the forefront of discussion, we'll have some sweet new data to look at. Who knows? Maybe Pai will prove us all wrong. Or right. It's out of my hands now.

  6. Well, the good news is that there's nothing anyone can do about it at this point. We can complain all we want after it passes (it will pass, trust me) but at least we'll be able to stop arguing and see the actual results. If things get worse, then best case: FCC caves to pressure and Net Neutrality returns immediately, worst case: a Democrat gets elected in 3 years and then Net Neutrality returns. If things get better, then we all got wound up over nothing. 

    I really think the pro-Net Neutrality folks are going to have a hard time keeping up their offensive after this though. I've seen a lot of ads where they basically say: "the moment Net Neutrality is gone, everything will change for the worse". If things don't change immediately or don't change in a way that people notice, then a lot of their backbone is lost. And I really doubt we'll see immediate changes for the worse in the wake of Net Neutrality's downfall. Maybe 5-10 years from now, but one has to wonder if we'll even care by then.

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