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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. 19 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

    Say Sully...

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    when you started playing Doki Doki did you expect anything out of the ordinary? Or did you think it was just an average dating simulation with a couple of warnings at the beginning?



    Well it said psychological horror on the download page. I kinda figured that it would be something more cliche though, like "zombies attack the literature club" or something like that, instead of your fellow club members all becoming weird and dying around you. I did not expect anyone to die, that's for certain.


    9 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    What morality? I swear the game will not make you do anything you would consider unethical!


    Maybe these are just dumb homeschooler ethics, but everything I did with those girls early on felt... wrong, like I was using them. That's the kind of game this one is actually trying to critique, those stupid visual novels where all of these girls exist only to fall in love with you. More than anything else, I loved the way this game made a point of saying "that's just a stupid fantasy, real girls aren't that one dimensional, real people wouldn't be that way." Maybe I'm reading into this too much, but it just came off as deconstructionist. 

    Arc, if you play the game, you can read the spoilers!


  2. 3 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

    English is my main language I just don't bother proofreading, ever.


    I'll be honest I misread your post and thought you said she was your younger sister and started wondering how she could possibly have accomplished any of those things

    Thanks for putting a really weird picture in my head.

    1 minute ago, Rex Glacies said:

    Well, I mean, have you heard all those jokes about lawyers?


    Have you ever tried telling a lawyer a lawyer joke? It doesn't work. They shut it down fast! Also, he's on the verge of having graduated from 3 colleges (Princeton, Oxford, and Harvard) having received multiple scholarships as well as serving a four-year term in the army and becoming a paratrooper and a Ranger. He has quite the impressive resume and he's going to be a Supreme Court Justice someday. How do you compete with that?

    BTW, Monika's Twitter page is pretty interesting.


  3. 13 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

    When isn't it Beep? 

    Sounds like someone is jealous.

    I'm fairly sure you have said that English isn't you main language or am I mis-attributing things 


     Is English you main language, or do you just want the Grammar Nazis to return?

    9 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    No, I did say that. My main language is dutch, I only really started being able to speak english when I was about


    Not being able to play games in your main language is great stimulant to learn a new language it seems.

    You speak good English Bart. Well, you write good English. I don't know how you sound.

    @Anime27Arts I kinda know how you feel, as far as having an older sister who did everything perfect, got married to the perfect guy (he's a freaking lawyer how can you compete with that), and has four perfect kids under the age of six (and another on the way! Give me a break...). But she's not only my perfect older sister, she's the perfect older sister of my other three brothers and my little sister. Fortunately, everybody else is so different from her that we can't really be compared too closely, but it's still annoying to hear Mom and Dad talking about how my choices in dates and life aspirations fall short of her example.


  4. 3 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

    To be fair, I didn't need much help to remember my own Bionicle obsession. I am quite literally sitting next to a giant shelf of Bionicles and other Legos as I type this. In fact, for evidence:

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    Yes, I realize that my shelves are a mess of nonsense. I would understand if you feel the urge to find Waldo somewhere in this picture.

    But I'm glad you feel useful all the same! I'll try not to tell you that I love you, in case it makes you a little too happy.


    Well, my Lego collection is much bigger than that. It used to be just as organized, but I have a little sister, so...


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