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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. So I'm starting on my first playthrough of Earthbound, and the strategy guide told me I should name my party members after my friends. Here's what I came up with:

    Ness = Sully

    Paula = Annie

    Jeff = Meap

    Poo = Barto

    Dog = Rex

    And then my favorite food was "Nachos" and my favorite thing was "Girls". Want to guess where I got the inspiration for those choices?


  2. 5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

    I'll say it again: The only ones benefiting from repealing Net Neutrality are those who have / make the most money. Unless you are part of that group, you're not getting anything out of this at all. This is just another way for the rich to get even richer and for the poor to be left in the dust.
    If the capitalist point of view isn't for you, consider this: Limited access to websites means limited access to information (and you have to be really naive if you believe that corporations / governments won't try to limit the information you can access), which is a violation of basic human rights, more specifically the right to access any and all information at all times.
    If even human rights aren't worth fighting for anymore, then this world really is going down the drain (and honestly, deservedly so).
    So we as consumers have pretty much only one choice left. It's not even a question in my mind. 

    Of course, this is only my view of things. Feel free to agree or disagree if you will.

    Can I get some clarification on the human right to "access any and all information at all times"? This isn't a human right. There's information certain people cannot and should not have. There's certain information that you have to pay money to get. Should I be able to obtain advance information about undercover military and police operations at will? Do I have a right to know the contents of a sociology textbook which I do not own and have not paid for? People are denied the right to information all of the time for various reasons. Some of these are good reasons, as in a system where the government keeps no secrets and writers are not rewarded for their work, you inevitably see peacekeeping forces that are always a step behind in catching criminals and demotivated authors. I don't think anyone here is arguing that people should have access to all information at all times.

    To those opposing the FCC ruling: I'm interested in knowing your opinions on 1) the FCC's assurance that ISPs will have to inform customers of any services which are being throttled or otherwise affected in a unfavorable manner and 2) the practice of zero-rating, which is explained in this Wikipedia article.


  3. 7 hours ago, Mackc2 said:

    What are you talking about of course you are. 

    Public announcement: there are three people trying to kill Mackc2, can we at least be efficient with our kills, I want no double ups here  

    Efficiency shmefficiency. What happened to "keeping the fire on yourself"? I plan on surviving this game, no thanks to Mutually Assured Destruction.

  4. 7 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

    I would be quite interested in reading a rewrite of Ruth by you.


    I actually tried doing something like that with the Book of Esther, taking the biblical story and setting it in a fantasy setting. That was when I was a kid, but... maybe I should finish that sometime. Thanks for getting me thinking!

    6 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

    Oh dear Sully, you're not fantasizing about your Biblical heroes are you? I wouldn't think a bunch of guys in robes and beards would be all that romantic, but whatever floats your boat.


    Y'know I'm all about that grace, 'bout that grace, no Devil.

    Have you ever seen the statue of David?


  5. 10 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

    Most of my stuff is privately kept on docs shared with close friends who write with me.  I write a lot of different things because it helps me already have something to go off of when I create comics. 

    I get that. There's stuff I've written that I wouldn't let anybody here read. Religious stuff. And steamy stuff. I live a triple life, what can I say?


  6. Just now, Anime27Arts said:

    Scarlet, I want to see you live hust because Scarlet is the name of my main character in a book I'm writing.  Good luck!

    As for me, I'm just dead over here with the poor Duke.


    Thank you! I didn't know you were a writer. 

    The Duke is not "dead", he is "double-dead". I demand we refer to him as such from here on out.

    Since somebody was killed twice, that means that there is a chance that one of us will make it through the night. Probably won't be me, though.


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