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Everything posted by 47948201

  1. Yeah making him start off a bit more armed but determines the situation wouldn't be zero-sum anyway so leaves, then in a later chapter you find him in the more dire situation. 10% crit isn't really so big as to be much worry unless the enemy has a killer bow or something, in which case they're a worry anyway. EDIT: @stephan battle sprite, do you want something other than a repaletted mercenary/hero? That's kind of the default, but I can do other things if you want.
  2. Cool, can do @havoc, though to have him just pop in for one turn then leave with one bow use left, it's kinda weird that when you find him again several chapters later he still has that one shot, and also for the player to notice that he has one shot he'd have to exist on the map for at least a turn but then it's possible an enemy will attack him and he'll use his one shot then later he gets it back? does the critical boost only affect him or both units? Final battle quotes oh uhh lol I hadn't even considered those but what the heck sure if you want one you can specify it or I'll pull/write one based on other dialogue.
  3. I dunno about giving one skill two different effects, I wonder if I can make it so when she's attacked at 1 range (only by a physical weapon I guess) the attacker gets, before the battle, -2pow/def? (Most statuses will last one turn, I think...? I dunno, stuff like Poison seems like it wants to last longer, but that's all all I can think of that really wants that...?)
  4. If there's a battle sprite for Lalum with a sword I'll take it, but otherwise no thanks~ I can do that, there are already provisions for range checking in skills. To be sure, is that a debuff that she inflicts when someone attacks her at melee range, or...?
  5. @PM:no problem that's just kind of the nature of these things @corrobin:I have some, I basically use any from my personal collection to fill spaces that aren't being taken by other peoples. @david:keep it PG and go for whatever you want, and if something doesn't fit, I'll just adjust it. @power ranger knights sounds cool I'll make them their own entity that fights for their own brand of justice which happens to mean fighting the protagonists often culminating in an epic battle against their megazord fusion or something idk EDIT: okay unless you had a really specific idea of how they should go I think I can handle this, using what you said as a base and also taking something else from a long time ago that nobody will remember but also to cut it down a bit maybe we'll see EDIT2: also fun fact the mercenary, soldier, and pegasus knight recruitable in chapter 11 don't actually exist, I can fill them in but if anyone else wants to you're welcome to do so
  6. Sure thing o3o Yeah they are for a lot of characters, but I'm okay with them in two contexts: One, on classes that use multiple weapon types, like Warriors, to make them stronger with one of them, making them a bit more focused. Two, as kind of character-building flavor text. A swordmaster might be balanced a certain way, then I'll dock 5 points from their strength and give them Swordfaire to emphasize that their damage comes from their weapon proficiency rather than raw strength. (No cases of either currently exist, but they're on the table, and I'll probably use both for some of my characters, too)
  7. (just as an aside, but I'm legitimately curious about Corrobin's apparent obsession with Wilhelm lol)
  8. There aren't tiered support conversations, but some units come with supports (I expect Blanc Gris and Noir to all come with supports with each other) and some characters will be able to talk in any chapter to give themselves a C rank with each other. (It's okay if some skills aren't very powerful, heck, I have some skills that are actually detrimental. Little things like that can add flavor or help ever so slightly tweak balance, which sometimes is just what you want) Will check those skills though but posting this first (mk I'll let Corrobin decide what to do as far as those skills go)
  9. When typing it I thought Adept should be skill-based, too. A lot of skills are skill-based, but hey, skill is not a very useful stat by itself. I feel like at this point I should add Supports between the noble magic knight brothers (at least one of them) and Wilhelm, and in each one Wilhelm tells them to go away, he wants nothing to do with their type. (Or you can have a gaiden deal if you want I guess, I wasn't planning on having gaidens though but I should be able to figure something out depending on the idea) Fun fact Inertia is basically something I've already coded for Cavaliers before, but since they're not getting it this time (or maybe they are, for certain ones) I may as well make it an alternate for Falcoknights, sure c: (Added some other skills too,of note, Unit Notes is really cool-sounding but I don't know for a fact if I'll be able to code it, True Bonds might also be tough I'll ask Yeti but I'll keep them all on the sheet and try them out) EDIT: actually rather than ask Yeti I just went and checked the code, True Bonds is going to be easy to add. I also wouldn't mind some other units having a skill that expands the support range in general to 2 or 3 (unlike in GBA, it's 1) In fact, if you see a skill you like, even if it's currently attached to another unit or class, that's totally fine--shared skills can be nice for the player, too! EDIT2: as for locking units out of certain areas, I might be able to do that, I'll have to do some more research on the battalion system. I can also force units, but I don't plan to do that very often.
  10. Added some of the skills. Blanc's animation is cool O: The timing on some of the sword frames looks a bit off, but that's easy enough to fix. I might also mess with the Heath-armor, since it was originally designed for much darker colors than are present (maybe, maybe not), but things are looking pretty good to me.
  11. When training her in other classes I gave Ophelia her father's good old Shadowdarknes+2 (there wasn't space for another s)
  12. Konnor Zamuel Chezter Jakzon these sound more like generic boss names (the first boss is already named Jackson lol) but the ones below sound good and gargoyle-y
  13. I feel like Japanese names for the Gargoyles would be... eh. I like the sequence of chapter ideas, though.
  14. :D *adds* Hmm actually yeah that might be a good idea sure, @mages/shamans getting merc/knight sort of skill. Monks getting some sort of divine favor, like... Miracle! (Obviously not something I'm going to give many generic monks) (I may do the thing where Shamans have an area debuff instead, depending on how I feel about the Druid area debuff) Sorry lol uh Lancers are The Blind Archer's version of Halberdiers: generally not as nimble as Yeti's Halberdiers, but a bit sturdier and maybe have more uh idk I'm not sure if I can do an anti-death skill but that does remind me of that skill from some FEs where a battle can continue as long as the skillholder has more HP? That might also be really weird to code... pfff that sounds really awesome @dragonmaster skill I don't think I'll give it to all of them but definitely as a personal. Sages giving off a defensive sort of warding, I always felt Sages are a bit more offense-oriented than that, but I'll see what I can think of based on the Mage skill. GBAFE scripts work if you want, but just having the sprites available also works. GBAFE is if you want to have control over it, since I think it'll convert exactly--otherwise I'll just set up the animation data as I see fit.
  15. Keen Eyes lol I gave that skill to Archers in XE but ehhhhh idk we'll see how/if I handle FoW Phantom Wound sounds really cool but I'm not sure if I can add it...
  16. I'm on the computer without the game files right now so I can't see the weapons I have implemented, but really I don't want to add a ton of those. A few, definitely, I'm going to scribble notes to the side as I remember them. I did add a class list, though! And more interestingly, a skill list! I probably missed some skills, I can't think of icons for some of them (and others probably have less-than-perfectly-fitting icons) and some classes want skills, but I can't think of what they should get: mages monks shamans lancers falcoknights dragonmasters sages warriors whoa i can copy/paste from a table lol neat (EDIT: aw lol never mind it lost its formatting when I posted oh well) As far as I know, the TODO list hasn't been updated lately because the stuff hasn't been fulfilled, right? If it has been, please correct me on that so I can update it!
  17. Why could Garon transform into his dragon form in Birthright, but in Conquest once you beat the slime monster, he's gone? Other than them wanting to put Takumi at the end and not wanting a triple-final-boss, of course.
  18. You tell me~ (where are faire skills coming from though did Rye have one or are you expecting classes to get them (they probably won't)) Not much for me to comment on with chapter titles, and stuff, they're here. Weapon Triangle things and Mug sound cool, adding speed to damage uhhhh maybe. I wonder if I should make a sheet with skill ideas, both proposed and implemented, in case people want something to jump off of for personals (I think I will, later)
  19. Probably the first step is to not say "still" after just 20 minutes, stuff can be hard if you're new to it. Second step is to show the chapter condition event thing instead of the boss. Third step is probably to check that event's Trigger. Just guessing.
  20. I put it on Berserker Velouria and it's amazing. Sniper Kamui not quite as amazing but still very useful. It's not the kind of thing I'd toss on every unit, but it's not that hard to work around its restriction for that same good old free full turn, so I'd still call it one of the best skills in the game. (generally speaking, units like Berserkers or Sorcerors or whatever that can pretty reliably OHKO get the most benefit from it, it's kind of a small-scale momentum move, so the better a unit is, the better it makes them)
  21. Huh chameleon dude sounds really cool sure The issue with hammer weapons in GBA is in sprites they still show as axes, and they're classified as such too. It's much easier to get away with them with SNES style or 3D models.
  22. Chain Strike sounds cool Dismiss is Warp Dragon Fang would be cool though it's a little stereotypical (Falchion hi) Michael is the greatest name for a tome ever (will probably put its effect on something else too) Weapon that prevents enemy doubling sounds interesting Nonlethal dark tome of all things hm sure I think I probably won't give the player damaging statuses but oh that gives me an idea I didn't really have plans to make the legendary weapons plot-important except maybe a couple but those have some effects I can picture on regular weapons or inventory items maybe.
  23. omg genius I know just where to put him Also I thiiiiiink sure yeah I'll go with that style of chapter title and see if I can't run with it~ Anyway I'm going through and adding a couple natural supports to some characters that join together, including Wil.... Hem? Helm? Heim? I got confused too (if you couldn't tell lol), his name field is spelled differently from in his description. But so I was thinking of making him start with a C support with a cleric that joins in the same chapter?
  24. Toa's been doing lots of Fates sprites lately and I do know he's put some of his portraits out for public use, no clue if he'll take requests or whatnot for games though. Also lol I miscounted before I was expecting to have about 40 PCs within earlygame and I'd leave a couple slots open and midgame PCs would start up at 50 but at this rate I might end up making them start at 75 lol
  25. I hated that book enough to possibly even avoid adding references to it
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