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Everything posted by 47948201

  1. (I feel like you can kinda treat bond units as being adopted anyway, they'll serve that purpose for you except story-wise, but if we're talking about the storystuff behind a lot of the marriage stuff then just lol)
  2. Status staff cleric boss planned. I like the manakete character idea. Weapon that damages the wielder on turn start already planned.
  3. Oh I don't even know the contents of the last chapter. I'm just kinda thinking ahead--I'm not making any changes to him now, but it seemed like a potential issue that at least wanted some looking at. In terms of development, I haven't done anything since last night or whenever I started making events for Chapter 7. I'm being dumb and getting caught up in some random aesthetic thing when I should really be working on AI events (well actually I should really be working on homework...)
  4. I'm just pretty sure avoid is speed*2+luck. Swordmasters with 30 speed and luck have 90 avoid. So if Rye had 35 speed and 30 luck, he'd have 100 avoid. Meanwhile, many of the lategame enemies are... *runs simulation* The absolute strongest Warrior with a not-too-inaccurate Silver Axe would have about 13 hit against Rye. With weapon triangle due to swords or literally any terrain, that's a solid 0. A Swordmaster, again max level and with a Silver weapon, S rank too, has about 75% hit against Rye. Which okay I guess isn't too bad, but if you slap Rye on even a simple forest or pillar, that drops to 55%, for a Swordmaster. This testing dude has 26 total might, and since he won't critical against that 30 luck, that's just a little... Yeah. That said though, with that in mind, it's really not quite as bad as I thought. He'll absolutely wreck anything without amazing accuracy, but I can just add some Halberdiers and Snipers and that should be enough to keep from a complete trivialization of the last chapter. (Snipers actually seem to have kinda sad hit rates compared to Swordmasters and Halberdiers? But they get Certain Blow, so there's that. They can be about 60% certain they'll hit XD But eh once I add him to the Average Statter and try messing around ingame I'll see how I feel. Just wanted to bring up the idea.
  5. (just popping in to say what we have as the legal age for being an adult isn't necessarily what they have in Nohr--heck, we in different countries have different ages at which we define that. But especially for something in a more medieval-fantasy setting, roughly based on a time when it wasn't uncommon for girls to get married before they hit double-digit age...yeah.)
  6. garon EDIT: something I feel I should point out is, I'm not sure about giving Rye such high luck in addition to all this. He'll be able to hit 100 avoid without terrain, plus the ability to attack both defense and resistance without a real downside--altogether, he can pretty much solo most of the late-endgame maps if leveled, and he's not even that hard to level.
  7. Sorry if this has been asked but uh I don't care for this stuff, but I wouldn't mind Point Blank. Is it possible to just get the last one and not have to play any of the first 5 parts?
  8. I particularly like this idea--Marc is good at FE and able to both handle and appreciate more complex mechanics and levels. So maybe Ghast's contest should focus on an "accessible fun" that even FE newcomers can enjoy, whereas what we have here should be something that give more experienced players to both create and enjoy a deeper set of games. The branding still wants addressing, but I think this sort of approach to the contest would be a huge benefit.
  9. My original goal was to meet a request for difficulty with difficulty. But the contest focus has shifted from that--and in fact, looking back, none of the winners have ever been super difficult; we've seen especially in this latest iteration that the hardest games are some of the least favorites, because they give less of a space for writing and creativity to shine, what with constant roadblocks and silent thinking through options. It feels like difficulty was never the top focus, but was touted of as being about equally valuable and important to comedy--after all, it's listed first in the abstract, and what gives the contest its name. But difficulty itself isn't the goal, it never was the goal. Difficulty in moderation allows Marc to appreciate a game's design by not blazing through it, but a very difficult game is not what is desired. But so now that we've been starting to see this fact, the actual value of the difficulty-based "rage" in Ragefest, if a new goal can be made with this game, that is, to give both motivation and an example showing how the contest needs to reform, refocus, and improve, then at least I'll be glad to have helped. (As an addendum, I realize there are other routes to rage than difficulty, but we've established unfairness is also unacceptable, and that the present best use of writing is comedy, not rage. However, this is in part exactly why the fundamental idea of Ragefest needs to change)
  10. (considering literally no stat except HP can even go above 30, the only way I'd be able to do that is make promoting to Magethief give a skill that boosts speed by 5, at the cost of whatever other skill it would have instead) (which I could do if you really wanted)
  11. Yeah I guess I've just been quietly putting stuff on the sheet instead of saying I'm doing so here, so: added Vito, going to add character data for Bogan then Silver when I get to them. I'm trying to get the first 15 chapters finished up before I start on later stuff--currently I have unit placements set up for all of them, but I'm working on events for chapter 7. I added Lyallone's portrait to the sheet and their affinities, and will reference these weapons when I get to those points in the game. As for the planetary skills, there's no group of characters that are related and want a theme like that. I might add planetary held items that do stuff, but eh.
  12. Actually thanks for the reminder, I thought you could, I keep bringing it up, but I guess Yeti keeps forgetting to actually add it lol. The Editor has support for negative growths, they just aren't handled ingame properly: it'll display a stat down, but the stat doesn't actually go down. It shouldn't be hard though yeah. I'm pretty sure for some reason the engine clamps stats using the current stat as the minimum, no clue why though. Just make it clamp from 0 to cap instead.
  13. [insert the same opinion of "savestateless runs" I've had for years]
  14. @including unpromoted forms, of course. Heck, maybe I'll even add a couple weapons that are t1 only, just because I can. yes monsters in uhhhh probably about 20% of the chapters this says, so actually pretty infrequently according to current chapter plans... I should make them more common because yes, they will exist.
  15. I'm going to have S ranks, they just won't be "legendary" That said though more class-locked weapons could be neat. Weapon restrictions in general, to encourage using different types of units. I'll be sure to add those when I get to adding weapons (which is not yet)
  16. Right kept forgetting (if you can make/get sprites for it, but that'd be cool. We already have Loup using strike weapons, so some other laguz sort of deal would be neat)
  17. (oh lol no I meant those are the classes I think I'll make characters of, at all. I'm pretty much done with earlygame characters)
  18. Actually beastmaster is a neat idea, a unit that can buff monster units. Likewise, apothecary/ist could be a neat unit. Geomancers are also cool but sound like too much work to handle effectively--most of these are the types of things that, rather than their own class, kinda make more sense as a unit specialty made with personal skills or weapons or something. So to that end, I think I'll add some skills based on this tree.
  19. Yeah that's a more subtle sort of way to do an interesting character and what I'd rather most of the cast be. The gimmick characters are just super one-note or whatever. (or in the case of klokler, all-notes)
  20. While admittedly simply combining classes will likely result in something easier to sprite that something all-new, it tends to not be as interesting. Besides, rather than make new classes, why not just make characters that take advantage of a class in new ways? I'm starting to rough out some ideas for random gimmick characters--I (DEFINITELY) don't want everyone to be super strongly gimmicky, but I think a few of them is a good idea. For example, a character with 10 HP but 30def/res is only a minor variation on any class, but will play much more differently than most classes that one would come up with. (Just as an example, I think maybe the idea was based on Klok said) I can explain my other gimmick characters if my notes on them are too sparse for people.
  21. Pegasus Troubadour halfway does exist in the form of Falcoknights who can use staves, ie Seraph Knights. Dragoons are pretty similar to my Lancers, though they're not getting much attention.
  22. All righty I can do that but so in scenario 3, what would become of that endgame chapter? Yeah I mean if there were sprites then I'd go for more stuff with bows but the issue is there aren't... Actually I think I can make a bow-mage, so adding that to the nomad and ranger (rangers might use lances?) then that shouldn't be too awful for players to pick from? Maybe I'll make a general who can use bows too.
  23. Double-posting to get Fateborn's attention, want to clarify how exactly Arulles work: In a certain chapter, she'll spawn in the middle of the map and the player has to talk to her before the enemy does. If this happens she's recruited and redarulle is the boss of a later chapter--otherwise, bluearulle is the boss of that chapter. What if bluearulle is recruited and later dies?
  24. Their classes are special(mage) hero cav(sw/la)/paladin great knight pegasus/falcoknight archer/sniper knight/general archer/warrior troubadour/valkyrie myrmidon/swordmaster fighter/warrior fighter/hero special(sword) all-weapon paladin knight(axe)/general cav(la/ax)/great knight mage/sage cleric/bishop cav(la/sw)/paladin thief/rogue wyvern(bow)/wyvernlord Those are my earlygame characters so far, I'm thinking I'll also add nomad/trooper knight/general knight/great knight maybe a cleric/sage or cleric/valkyrie soldier/some flier general plus the portraitless, abbreviated-name characters on the sheet (I realized I counted sword-gainers wrong but yeah idk just a general idea)
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