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Everything posted by 47948201

  1. Having not read most of this thread, I was just made aware of this, and uh, has this feature been given any thought? Just curious.
  2. ...Wow. The fact that the models are uhhh honestly not as nice as Awakening's (imo) makes me no less upset that feature was removed. Thanks for bringing it up, time to check the Team If Content Restoration Thread, because there's no reason for that to be missing~!
  3. Okay sure lol @bosses (i mean i'd prefer if they had names and portraits but at least having some direction helps when you're as uninspired as me lol) I might like the idea of an offensive skill whose damage is based on your number of supports, could probably make a character that goes well with.
  4. 47948201


    I'm going to end up making probably lots of sprites for my game so I guess when I do I'll just leave them here. I was looking on FEU and noticed TBA's Hawkzerker didn't have unarmed or hand axe frames, so I thought I'd give that a quick fix:
  5. Yeti generally doesn't like source code being distributed, but this part is super simple and of course there's the standard disclaimer about how everything is subject to change (dual rng didn't used to be its own function but it's been cleaned up since then and may be cleaned even more) so: So yes, making criticals miss would be an edit to one line.
  6. (soo uhh just a little aside thing since this feels like the best place to put this, My Room quotes and music are easy to find but I haven't seen rips of any of the other sound effects? Is that because nobody's bothered to upload them, or can they actually not be ripped in the same way, or am I just completely failing to find them?)
  7. Going to go out on a limb and say head towel only affects how often (seemingly always, unless multiple have the towels) a character will go to the hot springs and should have no effect on special dialogue?
  8. (I've been seeing this term "Hidden Weapons" or something, especially regarding Master Ninjas? What's with that?)
  9. Eh what the heck My Castle Code: see signature Revelation castle name cannot be said here NA Peaches/Milk, Coral/Onyx Easy seize, units are armed but don't move, some Galeforce pegs scattered throughout. (EDIT: by that I mean "pegs" you can bounce off of with a Galeforce unit (preferably an 8-move flier), not Pegasi with Galeforce lol) Mostly putting this here because it seems battle points are the most reliable way to get Felicia's Plate, and I can't collect battle points during most of the week, so yeah...
  10. So since difficult postgame DLC is obviously not IS's priority, and most people just do PvP for postgame, what else is there to raise a postgame team to aim for? The most interesting thing there is seems to just be LTCing the easy DLC...
  11. Uh I'm not sure how you ripped the files but for me the model file pretty much came with the texture? I think it's the .m file. So getting it isn't the worst, but getting them viewable in other programs is something I haven't been able to do (not that I'm such an authority on this but uh just saying what I know) Will try Ohana3DS on the .m file and say if it works. EDIT: Shame, can't seem to do anything with what I've got here and I lost all the stuff that I ripped sooo sorry *rolls away*
  12. Cool, added some. I think opportunist is already there. As a general statement, enemies do: base: no skill lv3: unpromoted skill promoted lv1: unpromoted skill but probably not promoted skill? I dunno I haven't gotten there
  13. Wow undo sounds really cool but probably would be too complicated to do well. Would make for an awesome gimmick in a smaller game though since you wouldn't have to keep as many units' states in memory. Again staff already planned~ Iron Rune negates crits, as does the Fortune personal skill. Hmm yeah honestly it's really hard for me to say how easy a skill will be to code without knowing the skill first, since a lot of things that seem really hard turn out quite easy, but some things that seem simple are actually not.
  14. Oh goodness I wouldn't be doing half of these in GBA lol I'm done with that. FEXNA is the future yo it makes most skills super easy to code so I'm always open to those even though it seems like most of them will be unused by the current cast. I haven't made the list of blank people yet but beyond those there is also space for a few other characters if I think they're particularly cool. Basically being able to shove enemies sounds cool, I'm really hoping we'll get shove in which case that's a yes. Charming also sounds cool--the others basically already exist though hee
  15. Added some of them, I have some strong doubts I'd be able to code Self Shield, and Ashes would be..Well, I think I can do it, but it'd be a lot of work and some dedicated memory for something that does baaasically the same as Miracle. (Stats are FEGBA, so without temporary buffs or skills no stat besides HP can go above 30) The idea of a freeze staff plus a buffed version of it could probably work. Entrap I'm kinda planning on. Poison staff...actually come to think of it, maybe for the enemies. Astral Arc is really interesting, maybe. Kunai involves too much extra spriting lol Twin Blade I'm..unsure about. But a sword with awful hit but mega might might be a good panic button, so yeah.
  16. Trusty is kinda like Bronze weapons. Coin Toss somewhat exists as skills but could be cool as a weapon. I also like both of those skills but don't know if I can code either. Will add to the list, though.
  17. Yeah probably str/res is good to boost for witch hunt, if it exists. Unused skills just means nobody is currently using them...In general, that is. Klok organized the list in a weird way but at least he had some good skill renames. Yeah I feel like maybe Insnahe will be one of those bosses you don't need to beat to clear the chapter, but it's just nice because then you get a Speedwing. Divebomb could work, actually it would be a neat command skill, maybe it lets you attack an enemy 2 spaces away without them counterattacking, but then you move adjacent to them and have a defense penalty or something idk Yeah I could have both but like I dunno I should make a list of the filler characters I've added that don't have personalities or sprites, I think I'll try and do that later today because there are already quite a few
  18. Combined. When relevant, I can make skills that effectively split them, but that hasn't even come up lol And hm it could be a boss though that would be kinda tough to fight lol we don't have one but I feel they maayy want to be recruitable. EDIT: Oh yeah an evasive fighter is a good idea I know who to do that for. Anti-mage myrm soomewhat exists as does glass cannon cav whoop~
  19. Yeah I was definitely planning on having characters with stats very contrary to their classes. We kinda already have some mageknights (EDIT: to clarify, I know this means tanky mages and not ones with high movement lol, but there are two mages (three kinda) whose personal skills (though in one case maybe i'll just change it to stats) give a big boost to defense), and mageydons are not uncommon, though it would be a good idea to exaggerate one of them. Speedyknight sounds good, and we have a tankypeg. And uh numbers next to the chapters on which page? The ones to the left of chapter descriptions on ChaptersToAdd? That's me getting a general sense for how many recruitable units are in each chapter.
  20. Yeah the character is unique, there's no reason to put her in an archetype. As for roughing out the chapter, go for it O: I will say I won't be able to say much about it since I don't know what sorts of chapters will be happening at that point in the game, I'm still working on the first 15 and probably will be for a while because school yay
  21. Ohh snap yes head towel i forgot about that
  22. Ah alrighty yeah uhh judging by the avatar and the timing I'm assuming you're that one guy from reddit so if that's the case I can give you as much freedom with that chapter as you want, preeetty much. I usually balance by taking peoples' bases and adjusting growths to have reasonable 20/20s. As a lategame level 8 it seems like it'd be hard to get her to 20 so stats are a bit higher for that, but that skill makes stats much lower. As a rough idea, (EDIT: whoops got cut out of the picture, the stats are HP Pow Skl Spd Luk Def Res Total) Definitely subject to change, though. I might like the idea of making her more growth-focused, and summoned creatures have stats based on hers, but they don't gain exp for her. (Or at least levels or something that's what FE8 does)
  23. Hm sure sounds cool. Chapter ideas are always nice--I'm technically full, but some of my ideas are rather basic and I wouldn't mind dropping or revising them. Growths are high, no doubt about that, but since she's a lategame unit that might work out? I dunno, I haven't planned out any lategame units yet but I can try running her through my balancing sheets to get maybe a rough idea of stats if you want?
  24. I'm not sure why but every time I try to use the hot spring guys are bathing and they don't want me there. Is it based on time of day or level of the spring or am I just really unlucky?
  25. Sounds cool O: I don't know how feasible summoning will be though. I'll definitely go for it, but there's no support for it off the bat. I think I'll ask Yeti though. Actually that's true that nobody has the Griffon Knight class (axes/swords) so are you saying that as an alternative for Holly in case Beastmaster ends up too troublesome, or...? As with any AoE I'm not sure if I'll be able to do Pixie Rod but I like all those staff ideas. ダーク/ライト lances sound kinda like they want to be for a pair of bosses or something, idk maybe
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