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Posts posted by SoulWeaver

  1. On 4/14/2021 at 11:17 PM, Acacia Sgt said:

    Mind sharing the idea, just in case? Or I can let not knowing gnaw on me for a while, heh.

    On 4/15/2021 at 11:02 AM, Maof06 said:

    I'm intrigued. What exactly was your idea?

    Basically a girl who reads TG/bodyswap fetish stories on DeviantArt gains one magic wish or something like that, then uses it to switch bodies with a boy. When the boy tries to inform others of this problem, everyone simply thinks he's "coming out" so they try to be understanding but ultimately drive him to despair, resulting in him throwing himself in front of a car. The next day, the girl(in the boy's body) sees her own mangled body on the news and sees her tearful parents talking about if only they'd been more understanding and accepting but they didn't know what more to do. She starts having a panic attack, realizing her attempt to live out what she thought was a harmless curiosity resulted in someone's death - technically in her own death speaking from a body perspective - and ultimately ends up killing herself after half-deliriously scrawling "I killed him" on the nearby table. The tragedy of the event is that the people both characters knew ultimately chalk it up to not being "accepting" or "understanding" enough.

    It was initially intended to be something of a commentary on the current culture's semi-obsession with Transgender folks, but two issues resulted in me not going ahead with the piece.
    First, I ultimately decided that this was in rather poor taste, as simply by virtue of being on the internet my own opinions on that matter are quite unpopular and usually result in people resorting to insults one does not generally say out loud in public. Amazing what a little anonymity can do to people's propriety.
    As for the second problem, I can only describe it with this clipped screenshot:




  2. 1 hour ago, MagicalAlbino said:

    Damn, really? I did not know that.

    I used that map so many times, still do sometimes. I think I have a Pebble at like +7 because why the heck not.

    23 minutes ago, MagicalAlbino said:

    Yeah, I think I mismanaged a lot of my resources. I kinda wanna start over from scratch and try a different Corrin build. I've heard Ninja is a really good talent. Master Ninja can use the Yato, has Lethality for a chance to instantly kill the enemy (not very good, but damn if it isn't satisfying to watch), and has reliable 1-2 range which is a blessing in Fates, while Mechanist gives Replicate, which seems like fun for cheese strats. Swordbreaker probably isn't that important considering daggers have WTA over Ryoma anyway, and it'd really be nice to be able to fight Takumi without having to worry about dying in a single shot from the Fujin Yumi. What do you think should be my boon and bane? Strong/Unlucky seems pretty good, since ninjas need strength a lot more than they need speed.

    Ninja's ok, just really boring because literally every Corrin you find online picked Ninja(I say, as a Ninja myself). Personally I like Spear Master, but it's not the greatest choice.

  3. 18 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    What are you talking about? It is your username which is missing an E that is the problem.

    Ah, my bad, I'll get on that sometime.

    18 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    I mean, the rap is okay, but I agree that a sequel would have been nice, just to see what would have happened. If the sequel wasn't all that great though, to heck with it. I almost prefer Mighty No. 9's health refill system to E-tanks, but otherwise I think its attempts to reinvent Mega Man took the completely wrong direction from the original pitch.

    Honestly Ray Mode might be my favorite part of the game now, though I initially thought I would never be able to beat it considering your health drains. The challenge is quite fun, and I appreciated that Ray's weapons were actually tailored to her gameplay instead of just being copies of Beck's. That said, the fact that her story ends on a giant cliffhanger is infuriating, it's like the X series all over again, and I think the artstyle is just a touch hit-and-miss.

  4. On 4/3/2021 at 10:13 AM, Maof06 said:

    So... only two people actually read it? Anyone willing to give some opinions about my entry? At least I can boast that I won on my first attempt.

    Anyway, here is the new prompt:

    Write a story in which a character swaps bodies with someone of the opposite sex.


    To put it in context: I just read a manga called Shishunki Bitter Change (which I recommend you read by the way), where a girl and a boy change bodies when they're children and stay that way throughout adolescence. While you normally expect a genderbend story to be full of comical and wacky hijinks, this one is more dramatic, where the consequences of leaving your family and friends behind and growing up in a body where you don't recognize as yours are explored.

    It’s fine if you go either way, comedy and/or drama.


    Ah, excellent. I'll refer you back to Round 30 to read while you wait for us.

    Speaking of the original post, @AnonymousSpeed I appear to have an extra E in my name in the list for Round 34. If you happen to feel like fixing that I'd appreciate it.

    On 4/3/2021 at 12:55 PM, AnonymousSpeed said:


    To be fair it had some pretty good potential and a killer Mega Ran rap at the end.

  5. 3 hours ago, sauce said:

    clippy from microsoft

    3 hours ago, kirbyrockykid3724 said:

    who is that?


    As for the actual Topic, honestly very few fighters would actually annoy me at this point(we already have Steve and Min Min for our 'wait, really?' and 'oh shoot it's braindead' characters, can't do that much worse) so I'd have to think about it.

    Except Waluigi. For goodness sake, just stop that already.

  6. I mean strictly speaking Counter only triggers if the other guy initiates, so you just let them initiate on you, which isn't too hard.

    On 3/19/2021 at 9:06 PM, AnonymousSpeed said:

    If you must ask why, then it is even more important you begin. Remember, it is a sin to not take care of your body.

    I mean, we do go to the gym, but I'm currently taking a small break from focusing on lifting to try and get started on the hated cardio.

    In the meantime, got my idea for this round. Let's hope I can prove Fight enough to actually do this.

  7. On 3/19/2021 at 3:32 PM, TheSilentChloey said:

    Exponential Growth is good for one on one support growths which is what our sneaky Robin is aiming for.

    Actually, Hot Spring Scramble is more efficient so long as you have the stuff to beat the map, and I say this as someone who's spent a very long time building Supports trying both ways.

    The problem with EXPonential Growth is that the Revenants are constantly trying to flee, meaning you have a very limited window to work with, and they're spread out far enough that it's very difficult to deal with more than two using any given Pair Up until after you get Galeforce, at which point you can still usually only get about three or four at best. This severely limits the amount of Support growth you can get per run of the map - it'll take multiple runs of EXPonential Growth to build one Support level, but since Hot Spring Scramble also drops you multiple Seeds of Trust you can sometimes build two or three different pairs' Support levels in one go if you can line things up properly, and once you get to soloing power you should be guaranteed a Support level each run(should being the key word, it's possible to just miss it).

    Basically, to go efficiently you start with Summer Scramble to build the parental generation's Supports as it's earlygame, since Summer Scramble's enemies come at lower levels and will start giving you less XP earlier, then you switch to Hot Spring Scramble once you can reliably clear the map.

  8. On 3/17/2021 at 7:28 PM, TheSilentChloey said:

    And done XD

    Title: Severa's Journal

    Words: 1k~



    Honestly I only have like one critique about this...


    Lol silly Robin, don't you know the Scramble maps are better EXP grinding plus more efficient because you also grind Support ranks?

    Overall pretty good, if a little impersonal.

  9. On 3/13/2021 at 9:57 PM, AnonymousSpeed said:

    Write a video game fanfiction where a glitch or exploit is now canon.

    TerminalMontage already did this for me so many times though.

    ...SO. MANY. TIMES.


    22 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    Do you even lift? Regardless of your answer, my response is the same. Lift more.

    I'm so confused, how does this relate to the doc(which incidentally was originally semi-satirically titled 'the screams of genius' because because).

  10. On 3/13/2021 at 9:57 PM, AnonymousSpeed said:

    Do you lift weights, Soul?

    ...This question frightens me. Requesting further clarification.

    On 3/13/2021 at 2:49 PM, Shrimperor said:

    That was...something xD

    It's not something i expected, at all haha


    Btw, i think you should space your lines out more. The document looks a bit ...busy. But that's just me, i think

    My original plan for your round was to do Alm getting trapped by Nuibaba, who enchants him to backstab Celica after the final battle with Duma, at which point Nuibaba disguises herself as Celica for the general public and lives the rest of her life as Empress of Valentia.

    However, that sounded way too fetishy when I actually sat down and pondered how to go about it. Thus, you ended up with the monstrosity I did post, which I'd rather you not point out is at least as fetishy.

    Basically the problem with my docs for most people is that I don't double-space or double-enter. Ever. It seems like using too much space to me.

  11. On 3/7/2021 at 10:32 PM, AnonymousSpeed said:

    She has 13 lines of dialogue in Xtreme 2 and doesn't appear in Xtreme 1 at all. How does she have such a spot on your list.

    This is possibly the greatest question my childhood self has ever refused to answer current me - I literally only remember seeing one shot of her saying something about them being careful, there definitely shouldn't have been enough time for her to waifu on me. Also that image isn't loading but I can gather what it was based on the URL. For the record I also haven't touched X Dive, sadly, I wish they'd release it internationally, so no, that doesn't factor in.

    Gotta go so I'm afraid I can't respond to the other parts just yet.

  12. 1 hour ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    So...you liked it then?

    Dude if you need I can send you some bread for a new iPod charger or a refurbished Lenovo or something because this broken iPod stuff has gotta stop.

    I hated it, Iris became my favorite MMX character literally off of the Xtreme games, she's still one of my top video game girls, that story is all I really know about X4 so you sucker-punch me like that...take my angry upvote you giant douche

    It's more that I don't trust newer models, plus they expensive and I already let myself drop more money than I usually do this past month, so I'm mostly limited to digging through KSL Classifieds trying to find a listing that's close, cheap, and like 6th gen. Give it a little longer and I may get desperate enough to just hang it all and go for a brand-spanking-new one, though. Also it's not the charger, my charger works fine, it's that the iPod no longer registers a charger being plugged into it, so it's the charging port itself that's screwed up, and I can't go into any repair stores right now because our stupid governor dropped another mask mandate, meaning I'm basically locked out of any place not my work until people pull the sticks back out of their butts.

    I'll post what I have at some point this week, we ended up watching a couple episodes of The Chosen as a family this evening so I'm afraid I wasn't able to finish mine. I guarantee you'll at least appreciate, if not enjoy, it.

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