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Posts posted by SoulWeaver

  1. I don't really know much about any of those franchises, so I'm gonna go with...

    2 hours ago, Perkilator said:

    C. A Plants vs. Zombies-themed Spirit Event

    To irritate the Smash normies, would you rather have:

    A: Every Fire Emblem fighter currently in Smash obtain a new Echo Fighter.

    B: A new Fighter's Pass composed entirely of Fire Emblem Fighters.

  2. 20 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    There a timestamp in this video you don't have to watch the whole thing:


    To be fair there are times when someone saying that has a point. Also is that person in the bottom corner at 1:03 wearing a fricking BIONICLE suit, because I'm pretty sure that's the Kanohi Hau on their face.

    also he says Legend of Dragoon is bad I can't take him seriously

  3. 10 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    Ehhhhhh I wouldn’t really listen to eyepatch wolf if I were you tbh. He’s not very good at being analytical. I respect the man a lot and he makes pretty good content but uhh anyone who unironically says Bleach gets bad after soul society deserves to be hanged

    Did he say that? I didn’t hear it in there, and I found this particular video very helpful - if nothing else I learned Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee are in a movie together, that alone makes the video a net positive on society.

  4. 2 minutes ago, indigoasis said:

    i have changed my profile picture accordingly for spooky month

    No, now you're just repping TerminalMontage. To be fair, that's not a bad thing.

    1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

    I've heard of them inhaling them.... is that close enough?

    Anyway... seeing as this thread's largely based off silliness...

      Reveal hidden contents



    I laughed harder than I should have at that.

    39 minutes ago, Hello72207 said:

    what's spooky is that we now know that Sakurai has the power to break twitter by announcing smash characters.

    I said "Hey, Steve is in Smash now I guess." and my brother yelled "YOU MEAN FROM BLUE'S CLUES?!"
    ...We're both over 20 in case that wasn't obvious.

  5. 3 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    Frick has it already been a year since last Halloween? Goodness.

    Yes, the return of The Great Pumpkin and the hidden town of Mystcroft and consequently best girl Trouble are upon us!

    Also THE PIE



  6. 2 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    It's an inferior butter substitute.

    I think you mean

    1 hour ago, Pengaius said:

    existential eldritch horror


    3 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    Soul, you are surrounded by something pigs and rats refuse to eat.

    That's right.


    You ever seen a pig chomping down on a big bucketful of air?

    I thought not.

    Bold of you to assume I'm not horrified by air
    I've seen a redditor gasping for breath, how close is that?

  7. "I'll work with whoever I need to, I'd be glad to accompany you and your wyvern, Lady Noelle." Married, probably. Forgetful about names, noted. Excuse to not practice, never. "Quite a lovely creature as well, if I may be so bold. You said her name was...Anthiese, yes? I seem to recall reading that name in my - friend's...a book she had, 'Shadows over Valentina' or something like that, quite a queenly name for a queenly wyvern."

  8. Heroes Analysis makes me a little sad, because it was such a great idea that ultimately suffered from the fact that the game receives ongoing updates, meaning that all threads are technically forever WIP because they can just keep releasing powercreep that will keep updating the optimal sets. This would be great if everyone who ever created an analysis was consistent about updating their threads, but as the creator of the OG Roy thread I can definitely attest to the problems of this.

    I do greatly appreciate the GHB/BHB clear threads, though - @Zeo alone has really inspired me to put effort into some of the weirdest Units for creative build ideas, and I have to admire @mampfoid's dedication to beauty. Definitely keep those and not just because I finally had a clear I could take a good video of and be relatively proud of my achievement SUCK IT PETRINE.

  9. ...Yeah, Shoblongoo’s kind of got everyone beat in the weirdness department this round, not like yours would have been weirder.

    We’re not gonna see mine though, we had to move a bunch of stuff on Saturday so I spent from noon-thirty to like three minutes before eleven doing that instead of working on literally anything else. I then promptly wasted the last hour post-shower playing LEGO Star Wars to unwind and get my stress back to the normal level soo...yeah. I also learned that day you can move the Droidekas without dropping the energy shield if you’re willing to move at a crawl the whole level so that’s cool.

    ...dang I miss buying LEGOs. Broke adulting problems.

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