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Posts posted by SoulWeaver

  1. Heh. I think I'm going to like this scholar.

    "If I may interject," Toki said, "I spotted someone up northeast, shortly before we were attacked. Appeared to be a woman, and she went into the thicket area that the Masked's leader came from. There may or may not be a connection there, but I'm feeling it would be quite a low risk to poke around for a minute before we get going wherever we decide to go and see what happened. Worst-case scenario, we discover evidence of someone perhaps turning themselves into a Masked - which would be valuable information - and best-case scenario, we possibly gain an ally, assuming the woman is still alive."

  2. 4 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Oh god, Sasuke? Don't bring him up to me, he's one of the characters I hated. Him and Sakura. I don't actually entirely remember all of why I don't like them, but I do recall the former being too dark and edgy for my liking and Sakura just being annoying.

    I liked Naruto himself, and Kakashi. That was it. I didn't watch much though, so maybe if I had, I would've disliked certain characters less, but the show just didn't give much of a first impression on me and I don't care to see anymore of it.

    I mean, if you watch Naruto and somehow don't like Kakashi, there's just something wrong with you, so you liking him was a given anyways. I haven't touched a single episode of the show and I think that dude's beast.

    Sakura gets a pass because she's voiced by Lissa. Who also voices best girl Fuuko. And surprisingly Serra, apparently.

  3. 39 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:



    Look, you get the idea.

    16 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    Let me know if I missed anything.

    I mean, you technically didn't link to the one I just posted, but yeah, pretty much. Depending on how crazy you want to make it, you could technically link in Bullcrap Lifehack and Crimeany due to the concept of all the Askrs being connected. I may have to add that to my sig actually.

    also you madlad I didn't see that note until just now, you have a DA?

    35 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Also, you're foolish to put value in other people having faith in you.

    you dare say this on a FIRE EMBLEM forum worm

    I mean, I get it, but at the same time, what do you even strive for if not human connection and love, if not in this life then the next?

  4. It is with great frustration that I click 'acknowledge' on my warning before the intended date, but this had to be shared. Special thanks to @Scoot for providing the base piece to work with, and to Owl City for writing Firebird as it assisted the writing process here.



    PLEASE someone get the reference in the Council's name.

    Corrin did not realize the power he discovered in his Anna Supports. Fates Anna was sweating in her Outlaw boots while passing it off as just a name discovery.

    The news on the computer is a trailer for BN7. I swear this is not an attack on Anon.

    Yes, I did use a non-participation entry, if that means this has to be non-participation then ok.

    (censored) you Integrity.

    That is all.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to writing my Narcian parody of Mi Mi Mi.

  5. 1 hour ago, Dayni said:

    See me using Katarina, Legion and 4* Clarisse on Lunatic. I could try and see if I could manage it with them and OG!Marth on Infernal, but I have a doubt or two.

    As a unit Emmeryn has IVs so can make herself better in Atk or Spd but Eremiya's got a good offensive spread, there are worse options (My grails are being saved for a good Blue option, Red Green and Colourless have projects right now). Considering I'm spamming Colourless for a bit I'm just hoping I get lucky.

    Ideally I want to see if I can clear it with an all-Healer no-Braves team for the lols, this map feels weak enough to do it. Just need to start goofing around with teams.

  6. 3 hours ago, Dayni said:

    There's easy.

    There's very easy.

    And then there's Eremiya.

    Pretty much this, my alt account's Fallen Ike walked in to Abyssal without even looking at the stats or anything and the map just fell to pieces. Need to switch over to my main for the free Feathers, but honestly, this map's kind of good for me, because it means I can goof around and try out jank teams without worrying about losing the chance for the Unit.

    In all honesty, I'm thinking I may go in and build her for the heck of it.

  7. 36 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:
      Reveal hidden contents

    Why are there no more monsters in Greece?

    Simple. Saxton Hale killed them all.

    Having hunted the most dangerous animals on Earth to endangerment, Hale had his engineers build a portal to a place with terrifying monsters he could fight. He landed in the Heroic Age, the time of gods and monsters described in Homer, hundreds of years before the Peloponnesian War, and entirely incapable of handling the greatest man Australia ever produced.

    As soon as he came through, he found himself in front of a giant dragon with many heads. Also a lake, which was less important.

    Hale turned to the great beast and grinned. "Maybe I can finally get a decent challenge. C'm'ere you scaly malformed dinosaur!"

    The Hydra reared back one of many heads, then spat a stream of its deadly poison at Saxton Hale. The Australian leapt out of its path, straight towards the beast. A second head shot forth at him, attempting to chomp down on the muscular man, only to be intercepted by his right fist. The unfortunate second head was violently ripped from its neck and shot into the sea like a mortar shell.

    Saxton landed on head that had spat poison at him and began gouging out its eyes. It was with some joy Saxton Hale watched two heads regrow near instantly from the biting head's stub. "Oh, now this is really going to be something!"

    Saxton jumped from scaly forehead to scaly forehead. The Hydra spat and snapped at its attacker, but was unable to match his nimble bulk, biting and burning itself as its long necks tangled up in each other, more and more until the beast suddenly found its remaining heads knotted up into a single bundle. "I've got you where I want you now," grinned Hale, who jumped off the belly of the dragon and grabbed all the heads at once.


    He reached a height so great that the Hydra had been plucked from the lake, dangling helpless as the Aussie reached the peak of his ascent.


    With a mighty shout, Saxton Hale initiated an even mightier pile drive. The Hydra heads slammed into the ground all at once and vaporized into bloody mist, leaving nothing but a nuclear crater and tiny little neck stubs.

    "Let's see if you can regrow heads from that!" shouted Saxton Hale, and was disappointed when it couldn't.

    Turning around, he saw a man almost as jacked as himself staring at him.
    "Oi mate, Saxton Hale's the name. What can I do for you?"
    "I was supposed to kill that Hydra."
    "Ah, sorry 'bout that. Killing that scaly abonination was quite the thrill!"
    "I brought this torch any everything- do you know how much more work you've caused me, you dick?"

    Saxton Hale slapped the man. "You watch how you speak to Saxton Hale! Who are you?"
    "I am Hercules," said Hercules haughtily.
    A glint shone in Saxton's eye. "The half god warrior with supernatural strength?"
    "The same."
    "And you've got beef with me?"
    "I'm a little ticked off with you right now, yeah."

    "Hah! Well then, let's try and settle it with a little competition, eh?" Saxton Hale picked up a boulder, placed it between them, and smashed it with his fist. The stone shattered into the form of a table, afraid to come out as any other shape. "Let's have a little go, then!" Saxton sat at the table and placed his elbow on the table. Herc looked at him strangely. "Come on mate, haven't you ever done a bit of arm wrestling?" Slowly, the demigod mimicked the Aussie's posture, locked hands, and they began their competition. Shockingly and by an act of merciful humor, it did not end right away.

    Veins started popping immediately. Sweat formed on taunt skin.

    "Looks like you've got some strength in your wrists after all," grinned Saxton Hale. "Not enough to match these Australian muscles, though!"

    Hercules felt his hand slam through the stone table and nearly felt that his arm was going to come off.

    "That ought to show you to pick a fight with Saxton Hale!" Saxton Hale was beaming. He was proud of himself. "No hippie Greek can match an Australian, yet alone one like Saxton Hale!"

    Defeating a demigod didn't quite satisfy Saxton, though. He was feeling a rush of power, and if anything, a sudden violent curiosity about fighting full-blooded gods. He climbed Mount Olympus in twenty minutes flat and kicked down Zeus's door without knocking.

    Zeus stared angrily at the man twice his size. "Excuse me, mortal, but I'm trying to cheat on my wife with this fourteen year old boy."
    "What is this 'free love' nonsense? I'll kill you, you hippie!"

    Saxton Hale grabbed one of Zeus's lightening bolts and shoved it through his chest, then broke his neck for good measure. "Hardly even a challenge!"

    He was about to leave when he heard the terrified chattering of teeth. "Oh, the little boy, right," he mumbled. "Sorry you had to see that, lad. Go home and get some rest."

    Saxton Hale thought for a moment. "Here, take this rocket launcher. Use it to protect yourself from creeps like that."
    "Actually I wanted to be here."
    Saxton Hale thought for a moment. "What a bloody awful thing for a child to think. I've got to save these kids from the disgusting hippies who doing this to them."

    Thus began the genocide of ancient Greek mythological figures. He beat Medusa at a staring contest and then strangled her with her own snakes. He strangled Apollo with his own harp strings. Just about everyone else he killed in his favorite way though, using his bare hands.

    Soon only one Greek god remained, Aphrodite. Saxton walked up to her and cracked his knuckles.

    "Why would you kill all those people?" asked Aphrodite.
    "Gods aren't people," said Saxton Hale. "I killed them because they were damned hippies poisoning the children."
    "You're a monster," said Aphrodite.
    "No," said Saxton. "I'm a proud Australian. Proud Australians are hunters, not predators!" Then he killed her.

    He then killed a bunch of discord moderators.


    What the everliving FRICK was this, I love it.

  8. 7 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Awakening just makes villains who are only "GRR I'M EVIL AND WILL DESTROY THE WORLD" and nothing more (except for Gangrel, actually), while Echoes's antagonists are actually interesting

    A) /load Jedah.EXE
    B) /load Slayde.EXE
    C) /load Desaix.EXE
    D) /load Grieth.EXE
    E) /load Nuibaba.EXE
    F) Walhart technically isn't evil - he actually intends to unite the world, not destroy it, he simply has a methodology of achieving that goal that most of us don't agree with in our day and age, but which make sense considering the time period Fire Emblem as a whole is trying to emulate. Put bluntly, Walhart exemplifies the lifestyle Gangrel grew up in - as he says in FEH, Lead or be led. The Conqueror is actually arguably a better character than the others when you consider he holds to his own rules to the end and beyond - he accepts Robin's orders without question as he sees Robin as a superior individual who has proved their superiority by besting him on the field of battle - and his ability to draw others to his side, like Pheros, who used to be a disciple of Mila but abandoned religion to follow Walhart. Also he's vegetarian, which is just hilarious.

    That said,

    7 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    What’s wrong with a good old fashion disney villain every now and again, huh?


    No Disney villain since has ever come close to this absolute madlad


    7 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    With the way Alm is written, he outright contradicts the story's core themes and messages.

    Did nobody tell you the game's actually about Celica?
    In all seriousness though, SoV isn't that bad when you consider the last time we had a remake. At least it's relatively accessible to newer players.

    7 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    What the fuck are you guys doing they're Fire Emblem plots why are you defending any of them. The best ones are the least offensive.

    So Genealogy then, at least it pulled no punches.

    7 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    I mean I have just not here. It’s all in this thread should you want to read it


    Hey yeah, when are you getting to Heirs of Fate boi?

  9. 39 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Good to know.

    With that, I'll just go ahead and give you critique now. I liked this entry! Reminded me of how I hated Fernand at first, but then liked him more when I learned why he hates commoners so much. Felt terrible for the poor guy. Short, but gets the point across. Not sure how I'd improve it at all. Now I'm not sure whether to vote for yours or Azure's.

    I also like that we have entries from a bunch of different FE games now. Tellius, then Heroes, then Three Houses, and now Echoes.

    Fernand was such a missed opportunity. The game tries to use him as a foil to Clive - with both knights initially beginning the game with the same nobility ideology, then having Clive open up to another solution while Fernand remains set in his ways - but utterly failed to build the background required to make Fernand up and leaving the Deliverance over Alm being pushed as a new figurehead sound believable. That kind of action would require multiple examples of Clive and Fernand clashing in increasingly escalating events(such as the one I tried to depict) ultimately culminating in Alm being the final straw to be done properly, but instead we get a couple instances of Fernand calling Alm dirt, Clair getting on his case for it, then bam, suddenly he has Clive up against a wall and is yelling in his face, like what the heck, this is believable? Honestly, SoV kind of struggles with the character foil concepts - Berkut and Alm, Fernand and Clive, heck Celica and Alm even, and it's a shame because if they'd just got those a little more detailed I think it could honestly be the best FE of them all.

    Anyways, I decided to paint the difficulty between these two as stemming from a fundamental difference in how each perceives what a nation really is, with Clive believing a nation is its people and Fernand believing a nation is its ideals, though I'm afraid I didn't do as good a job emphasizing the importance of this as I probably could. Seen this way, both are patriots in their own right, with(from an American perspective) Clive being similar to a modern-day liberal and Fernand a modern-day conservative, one focused on the injustices dealt to the people by the flaws in the system(like say, when a shift in leadership results in the rank and file feeling oppressed), the other focused on the solid principles behind that flawed system. If SoV had taken this route, I'd honestly see Fernand as a much better character, but as it is, he's just kind of...Slayde but less mustache-twirly - he exists more or less for there to be an obvious bad guy who doesn't actually contribute very much to the plot. I don't have the Deliverance DLC though, so perhaps if I'd played that I'd have a better opinion of the green cav.

  10. Just now, Anacybele said:

    What? I haven't found another entry besides the ones I critiqued.


    On 7/18/2020 at 11:36 PM, SoulWeaver said:

    Meanwhile, three Game Theories, a JonTron, and a game night with missionaries later, I present ->this.<-...whatever it is. Ends kind of abruptly and it's rather short, but it's freaking 25 minutes to midnight, my family's waiting on me for scriptures, you get the idea. Immediately thought of these two upon hearing the prompt and I'm glad nobody else has got to them.


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